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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @brief This header file is private for the internal use of the touch driver
* DO NOT use any APIs or types in this file outside of the touch driver
#pragma once
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "hal/touch_sensor_hal.h"
#include "driver/touch_sens_types.h"
#include "esp_memory_utils.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Helper macros */
#define TOUCH_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(p) ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE((p), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "input parameter '"#p"' is NULL")
#define FOR_EACH_TOUCH_CHANNEL(i) for (int i = 0; i < SOC_TOUCH_SENSOR_NUM; i++)
#define TOUCH_IRAM_CHECK(cb) (!(cb) || esp_ptr_in_iram(cb))
/* IRAM safe caps */
/* DMA caps */
/* RTC peripheral spin lock */
extern portMUX_TYPE rtc_spinlock;
#define TOUCH_RTC_LOCK (&rtc_spinlock)
#define TOUCH_PERIPH_LOCK (&rtc_spinlock)
extern portMUX_TYPE g_touch_spinlock;
#define TOUCH_PERIPH_LOCK (&g_touch_spinlock)
#define TOUCH_ENTER_CRITICAL(spinlock) portENTER_CRITICAL(spinlock)
#define TOUCH_EXIT_CRITICAL(spinlock) portEXIT_CRITICAL(spinlock)
#define TOUCH_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(spinlock) portEXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(spinlock)
* @brief The touch sensor controller instance structure
* @note A touch sensor controller includes multiple channels and sample configurations
struct touch_sensor_s {
touch_channel_handle_t ch[SOC_TOUCH_SENSOR_NUM]; /*!< Touch sensor channel handles, will be NULL if the channel is not registered */
uint32_t chan_mask; /*!< Enabled channel mask, corresponding bit will be set if the channel is registered */
uint32_t src_freq_hz; /*!< Source clock frequency */
intr_handle_t intr_handle; /*!< Interrupt handle */
touch_event_callbacks_t cbs; /*!< Event callbacks */
touch_channel_handle_t deep_slp_chan; /*!< The configured channel for depp sleep, will be NULL if not enable the deep sleep */
touch_channel_handle_t guard_chan; /*!< The configured channel for the guard ring, will be NULL if not set */
touch_channel_handle_t shield_chan; /*!< The configured channel for the shield pad, will be NULL if not set */
SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; /*!< Mutex lock to ensure thread safety */
uint8_t sample_cfg_num; /*!< The number of sample configurations that in used */
void *user_ctx; /*!< User context that will pass to the callback function */
bool is_enabled; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the scanning is enabled */
bool is_started; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the scanning has started */
bool is_meas_timeout; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the measurement timeout, will force to stop the current measurement if the timeout is triggered */
bool sleep_en; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the sleep wake-up feature is enabled */
bool waterproof_en; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the water proof feature is enabled */
bool immersion_proof; /*!< Flag to indicate whether to disable scanning when the guard ring is triggered */
bool proximity_en; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the proximity sensing feature is enabled */
bool timeout_en; /*!< Flag to indicate whether the measurement timeout feature (hardware timeout) is enabled */
* @brief The touch sensor channel instance structure
struct touch_channel_s {
touch_sensor_handle_t base; /*!< The touch sensor controller handle */
int id; /*!< Touch channel id, the range is target-specific */
bool is_prox_chan; /*!< Flag to indicate whether this is a proximity channel */
uint32_t prox_cnt; /*!< Cache the proximity measurement count, only takes effect when the channel is a proximity channel.
* When this count reaches `touch_proximity_config_t::scan_times`,
* this field will be cleared and call the `on_proximity_meas_done` callback.
uint32_t prox_val[TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM]; /*!< The accumulated proximity value of each sample config.
* The value will accumulate for each scanning until it reaches `touch_proximity_config_t::scan_times`.
* This accumulated proximity value can be read via `touch_channel_read_data` when all scanning finished.
extern touch_sensor_handle_t g_touch; /*!< Global touch sensor controller handle for `esp_driver_touch_sens` use only */
* @brief Touch sensor module enable interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] enable Set true to enable touch sensor module clock
void touch_priv_enable_module(bool enable);
* @brief Touch sensor default interrupt handler
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] arg The input argument
void touch_priv_default_intr_handler(void *arg);
* @brief Touch sensor controller configuration interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] sens_handle The touch sensor controller handle
* @param[in] sens_cfg The touch sensor controller configuration pointer
* @return
* - ESP_OK On success
* - Others Version-specific failure code
esp_err_t touch_priv_config_controller(touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle, const touch_sensor_config_t *sens_cfg);
* @brief Touch sensor channel configuration interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] chan_handle The touch sensor channel handle
* @param[in] chan_cfg The touch sensor channel configuration pointer
* @return
* - ESP_OK On success
* - Others Version-specific failure code
esp_err_t touch_priv_config_channel(touch_channel_handle_t chan_handle, const touch_channel_config_t *chan_cfg);
* @brief Touch sensor controller de-initialize interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] sens_handle The touch sensor handle
* @return
* - ESP_OK On success
* - Others Version-specific failure code
esp_err_t touch_priv_deinit_controller(touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle);
* @brief Touch sensor channel data read interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] chan_handle The touch sensor channel handle
* @param[in] type The read data type
* @param[out] data The output data pointer
* @return
* - ESP_OK On success
* - Others Version-specific failure code
esp_err_t touch_priv_channel_read_data(touch_channel_handle_t chan_handle, touch_chan_data_type_t type, uint32_t *data);
* @brief Touch sensor channel benchmark set interface
* @note This is a private interface of `esp_driver_touch_sens`
* It should be implemented by each hardware version
* @param[in] chan_handle The channel handle
* @param[in] benchmark_cfg The benchmark operation
void touch_priv_config_benchmark(touch_channel_handle_t chan_handle, const touch_chan_benchmark_config_t *benchmark_cfg);
#ifdef __cplusplus