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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script converts space-separated EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS and COMPONENT_DIRS
# CMake variables into semicolon-separated lists.
# IDF versions <=v4.4 didn't support spaces in paths to ESP-IDF or projects.
# Therefore it was okay to use spaces as separators in EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS,
# same as it was done in the legacy GNU Make based build system.
# CMake build system used 'spaces2list' function to convert space-separated
# variables into semicolon-separated lists, replacing every space with a
# semicolon.
# In IDF 5.0 and later, spaces in project path and ESP-IDF path are supported.
# This means that EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS and COMPONENT_DIRS variables now should
# be semicolon-separated CMake lists.
# To provide compatibility with the projects written for older ESP-IDF versions,
# this script attempts to convert these space-separated variables into semicolon-
# separated ones. Note that in general this cannot be done unambiguously, so this
# script will still report an error if there are multiple ways to interpret the
# variable, and ask the user to fix the project CMakeLists.txt file.
import argparse
import os
import pprint
import sys
import textwrap
import typing
import unittest
class PathSplitError(RuntimeError):
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--var-name', required=True, help='Name of CMake variable, for printing errors and warnings')
parser.add_argument('in_variable', help='Input variable, may contain a mix of spaces and semicolons as separators')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Initially split the paths by semicolons
semicolon_separated_parts = args.in_variable.split(';')
# Every resulting part may contain space separators. Handle each part:
paths = []
ctx = dict(warnings=False)
errors = False
for part in semicolon_separated_parts:
def warning_cb(warning_str: str) -> None:
print('\n '.join(
textwrap.wrap('Warning: in CMake variable {}: {}'.format(args.var_name, warning_str), width=120,
break_on_hyphens=False)), file=sys.stderr)
ctx['warnings'] = True
paths += split_paths_by_spaces(part, warning_cb=warning_cb)
except PathSplitError as e:
print('\n '.join(textwrap.wrap('Error: in CMake variable {}: {}'.format(args.var_name, str(e)), width=120,
break_on_hyphens=False)), file=sys.stderr)
errors = True
if errors or ctx['warnings']:
Note: In ESP-IDF v5.0 and later, COMPONENT_DIRS and EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS should be defined
as CMake lists, not as space separated strings.
* set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS path/to/components path/to/more/components)
# Correct, EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS is defined as a CMake list, with two paths added
* list(APPEND EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS path/to/component)
list(APPEND EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS path/to/more/components)
# Correct, use when building EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS incrementally
* set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS path/to/components "another/path with space/components")
# Literal path with spaces has to be quoted
* set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS $ENV{MY_PATH}/components dir/more_components)
# Correct, even if MY_PATH contains spaces
* set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS ${ROOT}/component1 ${ROOT}/component2 ${ROOT}/component3)
# Correct, even if ROOT contains spaces
Avoid string concatenation!
# Incorrect. String "component1 component2" may indicate a single directory
# name with a space, or two directory names separated by space.
Instead use:
list(APPEND component1)
list(APPEND component2)
Defining COMPONENT_DIRS and EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS as CMake lists is backwards compatible
with ESP-IDF 4.4 and below.
(If you think these variables are defined correctly in your project and this message
is not relevant, please report this as an issue.)
"""), file=sys.stderr)
print('Diagnostic info: {} was invoked in {} with arguments: {}'.format(
sys.argv[0], os.getcwd(), sys.argv[1:]
), file=sys.stderr)
if errors:
raise SystemExit(1)
def split_paths_by_spaces(src: str, path_exists_cb: typing.Callable[[str], bool] = os.path.exists,
warning_cb: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> typing.List[str]:
if ' ' not in src:
# no spaces, complete string should be the path
return [src]
def path_exists_or_empty(path: str) -> bool:
return path == '' or path_exists_cb(path)
# remove leading and trailing spaces
delayed_warnings = []
trimmed = src.lstrip(' ')
if trimmed != src:
delayed_warnings.append("Path component '{}' contains leading spaces".format(src))
src = trimmed
trimmed = src.rstrip(' ')
if trimmed != src:
delayed_warnings.append("Path component '{}' contains trailing spaces".format(src))
src = trimmed
# Enumerate all possible ways to split the string src into paths by spaces.
# The number of these ways is equal to sum(C(n, k), 0<=k<n) == 2^n
# (where n is the number of spaces, k is the number of splits, C(n, k) are binomial coefficients)
# We do this by associating every space with a bit of an integer in the range [0, 2^n - 1],
# such that when the bit is 0 there is no split in the given space, and bit is 1 when there is a split.
parts = src.split(' ')
num_spaces = len(parts) - 1
valid_ways_to_split = []
all_ways_to_split = [selective_join(parts, i) for i in range(2 ** num_spaces)]
for paths_list in all_ways_to_split:
nonempty_paths = list(filter(bool, paths_list))
if all(map(path_exists_or_empty, nonempty_paths)):
num_candidates = len(valid_ways_to_split)
if num_candidates == 1:
# Success, found only one correct way to split.
result = valid_ways_to_split[0]
# Report warnings
if warning_cb:
if len(result) > 1:
warning_cb("Path component '{}' contains a space separator. It was automatically split into {}".format(
src, pprint.pformat(result)
for w in delayed_warnings:
return result
if num_candidates == 0:
raise PathSplitError(("Didn't find a valid way to split path '{}'. "
'This error may be reported if one or more paths '
"are separated with spaces, and at least one path doesn't exist.").format(src))
# if num_candidates > 1
raise PathSplitError("Found more than one valid way to split path '{}':{}".format(
src, ''.join('\n\t- ' + pprint.pformat(p) for p in valid_ways_to_split)
def selective_join(parts: typing.List[str], n: int) -> typing.List[str]:
Given the list of N+1 strings, and an integer n in [0, 2**N - 1] range,
concatenate i-th and (i+1)-th string with space inbetween if bit i is not set in n.
selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b00) == ['a b c']
selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b01) == ['a', 'b c']
selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b10) == ['a b', 'c']
selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b11) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
This function is used as part of finding all the ways to split a string by spaces.
:param parts: Strings to join
:param n: Integer (bit map) to set the positions to join
:return: resulting list of strings
result = []
concatenated = [parts[0]]
for part in parts[1:]:
if n & 1:
result.append(' '.join(concatenated))
concatenated = [part]
n >>= 1
if concatenated:
result.append(' '.join(concatenated))
return result
class HelperTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_selective_join(self) -> None:
self.assertListEqual(['a b c'], selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b00))
self.assertListEqual(['a', 'b c'], selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b01))
self.assertListEqual(['a b', 'c'], selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b10))
self.assertListEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'], selective_join(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0b11))
class SplitTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_split_paths_absolute(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path/one', '/absolute/path/two')
def test_split_paths_absolute_spaces(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path with spaces')
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path with more spaces')
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path with spaces/one', '/absolute/path with spaces/two')
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path with spaces/one',
'/absolute/path with spaces/two',
'/absolute/path with spaces/three')
def test_split_paths_absolute_relative(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path/one', 'two')
def test_split_paths_relative(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated('one', 'two')
def test_split_paths_absolute_spaces_relative(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated('/absolute/path with spaces/one', 'two')
def test_split_paths_ambiguous(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated_ambiguous('/absolute/path one', 'two',
additional_paths_exist=['/absolute/path', 'one'])
self.check_paths_concatenated_ambiguous('/path ', '/path',
additional_paths_exist=['/path /path'])
def test_split_paths_nonexistent(self) -> None:
self.check_paths_concatenated_nonexistent('one', 'two')
def test_split_paths_extra_whitespace(self) -> None:
paths = ['/path']
path_exists = self.path_exists_by_list(paths)
self.assertListEqual(paths, split_paths_by_spaces(' /path', path_exists_cb=path_exists))
self.assertListEqual(paths, split_paths_by_spaces('/path ', path_exists_cb=path_exists))
self.assertListEqual(paths + paths, split_paths_by_spaces('/path /path', path_exists_cb=path_exists))
def test_split_paths_warnings(self) -> None:
paths = ['/path']
ctx = {'warnings': []} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]]
def add_warning(warning: str) -> None:
path_exists = self.path_exists_by_list(paths)
split_paths_by_spaces(' /path', path_exists_cb=path_exists, warning_cb=add_warning))
self.assertEqual(1, len(ctx['warnings']))
self.assertIn('leading', ctx['warnings'][0])
ctx['warnings'] = []
split_paths_by_spaces('/path ', path_exists_cb=path_exists, warning_cb=add_warning))
self.assertEqual(1, len(ctx['warnings']))
self.assertIn('trailing', ctx['warnings'][0])
ctx['warnings'] = []
self.assertListEqual(paths + paths,
split_paths_by_spaces('/path /path', path_exists_cb=path_exists, warning_cb=add_warning))
self.assertEqual(1, len(ctx['warnings']))
self.assertIn('contains a space separator', ctx['warnings'][0])
def path_exists_by_list(paths_which_exist: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Callable[[str], bool]:
Returns a function to check whether a path exists, similar to os.path.exists, but instead of checking
for files on the real filesystem it considers only the paths provided in 'paths_which_exist' argument.
:param paths_which_exist: list of paths which should be considered as existing
:return: function to check if path exists
all_paths = set()
for path in paths_which_exist or []:
# for path /a/b/c, add it and also add components of the path: /a, /a/b
end = len(path)
while end > 0:
end = path.rfind('/', 0, end)
def path_exists(path: str) -> bool:
return path in all_paths
return path_exists
def split_paths_concatenated_base(self, paths_to_concatentate: typing.List[str],
paths_existing: typing.List[str]) -> typing.List[str]:
concatenated = ' '.join(paths_to_concatentate)
path_exists = self.path_exists_by_list(paths_existing)
return split_paths_by_spaces(concatenated, path_exists_cb=path_exists)
def check_paths_concatenated(self, *args: str) -> None:
paths = [*args]
paths_split = self.split_paths_concatenated_base(paths_to_concatentate=paths, paths_existing=paths)
self.assertListEqual(paths, paths_split)
def check_paths_concatenated_ambiguous(self, *args: str,
additional_paths_exist: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None) -> None:
paths = [*args]
self.assertRaises(PathSplitError, self.split_paths_concatenated_base, paths_to_concatentate=paths,
paths_existing=paths + (additional_paths_exist or []))
def check_paths_concatenated_nonexistent(self, *args: str,
additional_paths_exist: typing.List[str] = None) -> None:
paths = [*args]
self.assertRaises(PathSplitError, self.split_paths_concatenated_base, paths_to_concatentate=paths,
if __name__ == '__main__':