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USB Device Driver
The driver allows you to use {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chips to develop USB devices on a top of TinyUSB stack. TinyUSB is integrated with ESP-IDF to provide USB features of the framework. Using this driver the chip works as simple or composite device supporting several USB devices simultaneously.
Our USB-OTG implementation is limited to {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM} number of USB endpoints ({IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_INOUT} IN/OUT endpoints and {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_IN} IN endpoint) - find more information in `technical reference manual <{IDF_TARGET_TRM_EN_URL}>`_.
- Configuration of device and string USB descriptors
- USB Serial Device (CDC-ACM)
- Input and output streams through USB Serial Device
- Other USB classes (MIDI, MSC, HID...) support directly via TinyUSB
Hardware USB Connection
- Any board with the {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip with USB connectors or with exposed USB's D+ and D- (DATA+/DATA-) pins.
If the board has no USB connector but has the pins, connect pins directly to the host (e.g. with do-it-yourself cable from any USB connection cable).
.. figure:: ../../../_static/usb-board-connection.png
:align: center
:alt: Connection of a board to a host ESP chip
:figclass: align-center
Driver Structure
As the basis is used the TinyUSB stack.
On top of it the driver implements:
- Customization of USB descriptors
- Serial device support
- Redirecting of standard streams through the Serial device
- Encapsulated driver's task servicing the TinyUSB
Via Menuconfig options you can specify:
- Several of descriptor's parameters (see: Descriptors Configuration bellow)
- USB Serial low-level Configuration
- The verbosity of the TinyUSB's log
- Disable the TinyUSB main task (for the custom implementation)
Descriptors Configuration
The driver's descriptors are provided by :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure's :cpp:member:`device_descriptor`, :cpp:member:`configuration_descriptor` and :cpp:member:`string_descriptor` members. Therefore, you should initialize :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` with your desired descriptors before calling :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install` to install the driver.
However, the driver also provides default descriptors. You can install the driver with default device and string descriptors by setting the :cpp:member:`device_descriptor` and :cpp:member:`string_descriptor` members of :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` to `NULL` before calling :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install`. To lower your development effort we also provide default configuration descriptor for CDC and MSC class, as these classes rarely require custom configuration. The driver's default device descriptor is specified using Menuconfig, where the following fields should be configured:
- bcdDevice
- Manufacturer
- Product name
- Name of CDC device if it is On
- Serial number
If you want to use your own descriptors with extended modification, you can define them during the driver installation process.
Install Driver
To initialize the driver, users should call :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install`. The driver's configuration is specified in a :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure that is passed as an argument to :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install`.
Note that the :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure can be zero initialized (e.g. ``const tinyusb_config_t tusb_cfg = { 0 };``) or partially (as shown below). For any member that is initialized to `0` or `NULL`, the driver will use its default configuration values for that member (see example below)
.. code-block:: c
const tinyusb_config_t partial_init = {
.device_descriptor = NULL, // Use default device descriptor specified in Menuconfig
.string_descriptor = NULL, // Use default string descriptors specified in Menuconfig
.external_phy = false, // Use internal USB PHY
.configuration_descriptor = NULL, // Use default configuration descriptor according to settings in Menuconfig
USB Serial Device (CDC-ACM)
If the CDC option is enabled in Menuconfig, the USB Serial Device can be initialized with :cpp:func:`tusb_cdc_acm_init` according to the settings from :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_cdcacm_t` (see example below).
.. code-block:: c
const tinyusb_config_cdcacm_t acm_cfg = {
.usb_dev = TINYUSB_USBDEV_0,
.cdc_port = TINYUSB_CDC_ACM_0,
.rx_unread_buf_sz = 64,
.callback_rx = NULL,
.callback_rx_wanted_char = NULL,
.callback_line_state_changed = NULL,
.callback_line_coding_changed = NULL
To specify callbacks you can either set the pointer to your :cpp:type:`tusb_cdcacm_callback_t` function in the configuration structure or call :cpp:func:`tinyusb_cdcacm_register_callback` after initialization.
USB Serial Console
The driver allows to redirect all standard application streams (stdinm stdout, stderr) to the USB Serial Device and return them to UART using :cpp:func:`esp_tusb_init_console`/:cpp:func:`esp_tusb_deinit_console` functions.
Application Examples
The table below describes the code examples available in the directory :example:`peripherals/usb/`.
.. list-table::
:widths: 35 65
:header-rows: 1
* - Code Example
- Description
* - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_console`
- How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to get log output via Serial Device connection
* - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_serial_device`
- How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB Serial Device
* - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_midi`
- How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB MIDI Device
* - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_hid`
- How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB Human Interface Device
API Reference
.. include-build-file:: inc/tinyusb.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/tinyusb_types.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/tusb_cdc_acm.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/tusb_console.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/tusb_tasks.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/vfs_tinyusb.inc