mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:39:10 -04:00
check_kconfigs.py would only correctly handle "source", but not "rsource", "osource" or "orsource". Fixed any warnings detected after updating the test.
468 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
468 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
from io import open
from idf_ci_utils import IDF_PATH, get_submodule_dirs
# regular expression for matching Kconfig files
RE_KCONFIG = r'^Kconfig(\.projbuild)?(\.in)?$'
# ouput file with suggestions will get this suffix
# ignored directories (makes sense only when run on IDF_PATH)
# Note: IGNORE_DIRS is a tuple in order to be able to use it directly with the startswith() built-in function which
# accepts tuples but no lists.
# Kconfigs from submodules need to be ignored:
os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'components', 'mqtt', 'esp-mqtt'),
# Test Kconfigs are also ignored
os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'ldgen', 'test', 'data'),
os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'kconfig_new', 'test'),
# The checker will not fail if it encounters this string (it can be used for temporarily resolve conflicts)
RE_NOERROR = re.compile(r'\s+#\s+NOERROR\s+$')
# list or rules for lines
# (regular expression for finding, error message, correction)
(re.compile(r'\t'), 'tabulators should be replaced by spaces', r' ' * SPACES_PER_INDENT),
(re.compile(r'\s+\n'), 'trailing whitespaces should be removed', r'\n'),
(re.compile(r'.{120}'), 'line should be shorter than 120 characters', None),
class InputError(RuntimeError):
Represents and error on the input
def __init__(self, path, line_number, error_msg, suggested_line):
super(InputError, self).__init__('{}:{}: {}'.format(path, line_number, error_msg))
self.suggested_line = suggested_line
class BaseChecker(object):
Base class for all checker objects
def __init__(self, path_in_idf):
self.path_in_idf = path_in_idf
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
class SourceChecker(BaseChecker):
# allow to source only files which will be also checked by the script
# Note: The rules are complex and the LineRuleChecker cannot be used
def process_line(self, line, line_number):
m = re.search(r'^\s*[ro]{0,2}source(\s*)"([^"]+)"', line)
if m:
if len(m.group(1)) == 0:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number, '"source" has to been followed by space',
line.replace('source', 'source '))
path = m.group(2)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
elif not filename.startswith('Kconfig.'):
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number, 'only filenames starting with Kconfig.* can be sourced',
line.replace(path, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'Kconfig.' + filename)))
class LineRuleChecker(BaseChecker):
checks LINE_ERROR_RULES for each line
def process_line(self, line, line_number):
suppress_errors = RE_NOERROR.search(line) is not None
errors = []
for rule in LINE_ERROR_RULES:
m = rule[0].search(line)
if m:
if suppress_errors:
# just print but no failure
e = InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number, rule[1], line)
if rule[2]:
line = rule[0].sub(rule[2], line)
if len(errors) > 0:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number, '; '.join(errors), line)
class IndentAndNameChecker(BaseChecker):
checks the indentation of each line and configuration names
def __init__(self, path_in_idf, debug=False):
super(IndentAndNameChecker, self).__init__(path_in_idf)
self.debug = debug
self.min_prefix_length = CONFIG_NAME_MIN_PREFIX_LENGTH
# stack of the nested menuconfig items, e.g. ['mainmenu', 'menu', 'config']
self.level_stack = []
# stack common prefixes of configs
self.prefix_stack = []
# if the line ends with '\' then we force the indent of the next line
self.force_next_indent = 0
# menu items which increase the indentation of the next line
self.re_increase_level = re.compile(r'''^\s*
''', re.X)
# closing menu items which decrease the indentation
self.re_decrease_level = re.compile(r'''^\s*
''', re.X)
# matching beginning of the closing menuitems
self.pair_dic = {'endmenu': 'menu',
'endchoice': 'choice',
'endif': 'if',
# regex for config names
self.re_name = re.compile(r'''^
''', re.X)
# regex for new prefix stack
self.re_new_stack = re.compile(r'''^
''', re.X)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
super(IndentAndNameChecker, self).__exit__(type, value, traceback)
if len(self.prefix_stack) > 0:
self.check_common_prefix('', 'EOF')
if len(self.prefix_stack) != 0:
if self.debug:
raise RuntimeError("Prefix stack should be empty. Perhaps a menu/choice hasn't been closed")
def del_from_level_stack(self, count):
""" delete count items from the end of the level_stack """
if count > 0:
# del self.level_stack[-0:] would delete everything and we expect not to delete anything for count=0
del self.level_stack[-count:]
def update_level_for_inc_pattern(self, new_item):
if self.debug:
print('level+', new_item, ': ', self.level_stack, end=' -> ')
# "config" and "menuconfig" don't have a closing pair. So if new_item is an item which need to be indented
# outside the last "config" or "menuconfig" then we need to find to a parent where it belongs
if new_item in ['config', 'menuconfig', 'menu', 'choice', 'if', 'source', 'rsource', 'osource', 'orsource']:
# item is not belonging to a previous "config" or "menuconfig" so need to indent to parent
for i, item in enumerate(reversed(self.level_stack)):
if item in ['menu', 'mainmenu', 'choice', 'if']:
# delete items ("config", "menuconfig", "help") until the appropriate parent
# delete everything when configs are at top level without a parent menu, mainmenu...
if self.debug:
# The new indent is for the next line. Use the old one for the current line:
return len(self.level_stack) - 1
def update_level_for_dec_pattern(self, new_item):
if self.debug:
print('level-', new_item, ': ', self.level_stack, end=' -> ')
target = self.pair_dic[new_item]
for i, item in enumerate(reversed(self.level_stack)):
# find the matching beginning for the closing item in reverse-order search
# Note: "menuconfig", "config" and "help" don't have closing pairs and they are also on the stack. Now they
# will be deleted together with the "menu" or "choice" we are closing.
if item == target:
i += 1 # delete also the matching beginning
if self.debug:
print('delete ', i, end=' -> ')
if self.debug:
return len(self.level_stack)
def check_name_and_update_prefix(self, line, line_number):
m = self.re_name.search(line)
if m:
name = m.group(2)
name_length = len(name)
if name_length > CONFIG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'{} is {} characters long and it should be {} at most'
''.format(name, name_length, CONFIG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH),
line + '\n') # no suggested correction for this
if len(self.prefix_stack) == 0:
elif self.prefix_stack[-1] is None:
self.prefix_stack[-1] = name
# this has nothing common with paths but the algorithm can be used for this also
self.prefix_stack[-1] = os.path.commonprefix([self.prefix_stack[-1], name])
if self.debug:
print('prefix+', self.prefix_stack)
m = self.re_new_stack.search(line)
if m:
if self.debug:
print('prefix+', self.prefix_stack)
def check_common_prefix(self, line, line_number):
common_prefix = self.prefix_stack.pop()
if self.debug:
print('prefix-', self.prefix_stack)
if common_prefix is None:
common_prefix_len = len(common_prefix)
if common_prefix_len < self.min_prefix_length:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'The common prefix for the config names of the menu ending at this line is "{}".\n'
'\tAll config names in this menu should start with the same prefix of {} characters '
'or more.'.format(common_prefix, self.min_prefix_length),
line) # no suggested correction for this
if len(self.prefix_stack) > 0:
parent_prefix = self.prefix_stack[-1]
if parent_prefix is None:
# propagate to parent level where it will influence the prefix checking with the rest which might
# follow later on that level
self.prefix_stack[-1] = common_prefix
if len(self.level_stack) > 0 and self.level_stack[-1] in ['mainmenu', 'menu']:
# the prefix from menu is not required to propagate to the children
if not common_prefix.startswith(parent_prefix):
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'Common prefix "{}" should start with {}'
''.format(common_prefix, parent_prefix),
line) # no suggested correction for this
def process_line(self, line, line_number):
stripped_line = line.strip()
if len(stripped_line) == 0:
self.force_next_indent = 0
current_level = len(self.level_stack)
m = re.search(r'\S', line) # indent found as the first non-space character
if m:
current_indent = m.start()
current_indent = 0
if current_level > 0 and self.level_stack[-1] == 'help':
if current_indent >= current_level * SPACES_PER_INDENT:
# this line belongs to 'help'
self.force_next_indent = 0
if self.force_next_indent > 0:
if current_indent != self.force_next_indent:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'Indentation consists of {} spaces instead of {}'.format(current_indent,
(' ' * self.force_next_indent) + line.lstrip())
if not stripped_line.endswith('\\'):
self.force_next_indent = 0
elif stripped_line.endswith('\\') and stripped_line.startswith(('config', 'menuconfig', 'choice')):
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'Line-wrap with backslash is not supported here',
line) # no suggestion for this
self.check_name_and_update_prefix(stripped_line, line_number)
m = self.re_increase_level.search(line)
if m:
current_level = self.update_level_for_inc_pattern(m.group(1))
m = self.re_decrease_level.search(line)
if m:
new_item = m.group(1)
current_level = self.update_level_for_dec_pattern(new_item)
if new_item not in ['endif']:
# endif doesn't require to check the prefix because the items inside if/endif belong to the
# same prefix level
self.check_common_prefix(line, line_number)
expected_indent = current_level * SPACES_PER_INDENT
if stripped_line.endswith('\\'):
self.force_next_indent = expected_indent + SPACES_PER_INDENT
self.force_next_indent = 0
if current_indent != expected_indent:
raise InputError(self.path_in_idf, line_number,
'Indentation consists of {} spaces instead of {}'.format(current_indent, expected_indent),
(' ' * expected_indent) + line.lstrip())
def valid_directory(path):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('{} is not a valid directory!'.format(path))
return path
def validate_kconfig_file(kconfig_full_path, verbose=False): # type: (str, bool) -> bool
suggestions_full_path = kconfig_full_path + OUTPUT_SUFFIX
fail = False
with open(kconfig_full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f, \
open(suggestions_full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f_o, \
LineRuleChecker(kconfig_full_path) as line_checker, \
SourceChecker(kconfig_full_path) as source_checker, \
IndentAndNameChecker(kconfig_full_path, debug=verbose) as indent_and_name_checker:
for line_number, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
for checker in [line_checker, indent_and_name_checker, source_checker]:
checker.process_line(line, line_number)
# The line is correct therefore we echo it to the output file
except InputError as e:
fail = True
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise ValueError('The encoding of {} is not Unicode.'.format(kconfig_full_path))
if fail:
print('\t{} has been saved with suggestions for resolving the issues.\n'
'\tPlease note that the suggestions can be wrong and '
'you might need to re-run the checker several times '
'for solving all issues'.format(suggestions_full_path))
print('\tPlease fix the errors and run {} for checking the correctness of '
'Kconfig files.'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
return False
print('{}: OK'.format(kconfig_full_path))
except Exception:
# not a serious error is when the file cannot be deleted
print('{} cannot be deleted!'.format(suggestions_full_path))
return True
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Kconfig style checker')
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*',
help='Kconfig files')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true',
help='Print more information (useful for debugging)')
parser.add_argument('--includes', '-d', nargs='*',
help='Extra paths for recursively searching Kconfig files. (for example $IDF_PATH)',
parser.add_argument('--exclude-submodules', action='store_true',
help='Exclude submodules')
args = parser.parse_args()
success_counter = 0
failure_counter = 0
ignore_counter = 0
ignore_dirs = IGNORE_DIRS
if args.exclude_submodules:
ignore_dirs = ignore_dirs + tuple(get_submodule_dirs(full_path=True))
files = [os.path.abspath(file_path) for file_path in args.files]
if args.includes:
for directory in args.includes:
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
if re.search(RE_KCONFIG, filename):
elif re.search(RE_KCONFIG, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
# On Windows Kconfig files are working with different cases!
print('{}: Incorrect filename. The case should be "Kconfig"!'.format(full_path))
failure_counter += 1
for full_path in files:
if full_path.startswith(ignore_dirs):
print('{}: Ignored'.format(full_path))
ignore_counter += 1
is_valid = validate_kconfig_file(full_path, args.verbose)
if is_valid:
success_counter += 1
failure_counter += 1
if ignore_counter > 0:
print('{} files have been ignored.'.format(ignore_counter))
if success_counter > 0:
print('{} files have been successfully checked.'.format(success_counter))
if failure_counter > 0:
print('{} files have errors. Please take a look at the log.'.format(failure_counter))
return 1
if not files:
print('WARNING: no files specified. Please specify files or use '
'"--includes" to search Kconfig files recursively')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':