mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 17:00:13 -04:00
peripheral enable/disable usually should be managed by driver itself, so make it as espressif private APIs, not recommended for user to use it in application code. However, if user want to re-write the driver or ports to other platform, this is still possible by including the header in this way: "esp_private/peripheral_ctrl.h"
644 lines
31 KiB
644 lines
31 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "esp_pm.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io_interface.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "hal/dma_types.h"
#include "hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "esp_private/gdma.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_lcd_common.h"
#include "soc/lcd_periph.h"
#include "hal/lcd_ll.h"
#include "hal/lcd_hal.h"
static const char *TAG = "lcd_panel.io.i80";
typedef struct esp_lcd_i80_bus_t esp_lcd_i80_bus_t;
typedef struct lcd_panel_io_i80_t lcd_panel_io_i80_t;
typedef struct lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *param, size_t param_size);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_color(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *color, size_t color_size);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_del(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_init_dma_link(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus);
static void lcd_periph_trigger_quick_trans_done_event(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus, lcd_clock_source_t clk_src);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_i80_bus_config_t *bus_config);
static void lcd_i80_switch_devices(lcd_panel_io_i80_t *cur_device, lcd_panel_io_i80_t *next_device);
static void lcd_start_transaction(esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus, lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc);
static IRAM_ATTR void lcd_default_isr_handler(void *args);
struct esp_lcd_i80_bus_t {
int bus_id; // Bus ID, index from 0
portMUX_TYPE spinlock; // spinlock used to protect i80 bus members(hal, device_list, cur_trans)
lcd_hal_context_t hal; // Hal object
size_t bus_width; // Number of data lines
intr_handle_t intr; // LCD peripheral interrupt handle
esp_pm_lock_handle_t pm_lock; // Power management lock
size_t num_dma_nodes; // Number of DMA descriptors
uint8_t *format_buffer; // The driver allocates an internal buffer for DMA to do data format transformer
size_t resolution_hz; // LCD_CLK resolution, determined by selected clock source
gdma_channel_handle_t dma_chan; // DMA channel handle
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *cur_trans; // Current transaction
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *cur_device; // Current working device
LIST_HEAD(i80_device_list, lcd_panel_io_i80_t) device_list; // Head of i80 device list
struct {
unsigned int exclusive: 1; // Indicate whether the I80 bus is owned by one device (whose CS GPIO is not assigned) exclusively
} flags;
dma_descriptor_t dma_nodes[]; // DMA descriptor pool, the descriptors are shared by all i80 devices
struct lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t {
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device; // i80 device issuing this transaction
int cmd_value; // Command value
uint32_t cmd_cycles; // Command cycles
const void *data; // Data buffer
uint32_t data_length; // Data buffer size
void *user_ctx; // private data used by trans_done_cb
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t trans_done_cb; // transaction done callback
struct lcd_panel_io_i80_t {
esp_lcd_panel_io_t base; // Base class of generic lcd panel io
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus; // Which bus the device is attached to
int cs_gpio_num; // GPIO used for CS line
unsigned int pclk_hz; // PCLK clock frequency
size_t clock_prescale; // Prescaler coefficient, determined by user's configured PCLK frequency
QueueHandle_t trans_queue; // Transaction queue, transactions in this queue are pending for scheduler to dispatch
QueueHandle_t done_queue; // Transaction done queue, transactions in this queue are finished but not recycled by the caller
size_t queue_size; // Size of transaction queue
size_t num_trans_inflight; // Number of transactions that are undergoing (the descriptor not recycled yet)
int lcd_cmd_bits; // Bit width of LCD command
int lcd_param_bits; // Bit width of LCD parameter
void *user_ctx; // private data used when transfer color data
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t on_color_trans_done; // color data trans done callback
LIST_ENTRY(lcd_panel_io_i80_t) device_list_entry; // Entry of i80 device list
struct {
unsigned int dc_idle_level: 1; // Level of DC line in IDLE phase
unsigned int dc_cmd_level: 1; // Level of DC line in CMD phase
unsigned int dc_dummy_level: 1; // Level of DC line in DUMMY phase
unsigned int dc_data_level: 1; // Level of DC line in DATA phase
} dc_levels;
struct {
unsigned int cs_active_high: 1; // Whether the CS line is active on high level
unsigned int reverse_color_bits: 1; // Reverse the data bits, D[N:0] -> D[0:N]
unsigned int swap_color_bytes: 1; // Swap adjacent two data bytes before sending out
unsigned int pclk_active_neg: 1; // The display will write data lines when there's a falling edge on WR line
unsigned int pclk_idle_low: 1; // The WR line keeps at low level in IDLE phase
} flags;
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t trans_pool[]; // Transaction pool
esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_i80_bus(const esp_lcd_i80_bus_config_t *bus_config, esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t *ret_bus)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = NULL;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus_config && ret_bus, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
size_t num_dma_nodes = bus_config->max_transfer_bytes / DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + 1;
// DMA descriptors must be placed in internal SRAM
bus = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(esp_lcd_i80_bus_t) + num_dma_nodes * sizeof(dma_descriptor_t), MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for i80 bus");
bus->num_dma_nodes = num_dma_nodes;
bus->bus_id = -1;
bus->format_buffer = heap_caps_calloc(1, CONFIG_LCD_PANEL_IO_FORMAT_BUF_SIZE, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus->format_buffer, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for format buffer");
// register to platform
int bus_id = lcd_com_register_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus_id >= 0, ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, err, TAG, "no free i80 bus slot");
bus->bus_id = bus_id;
// enable APB to access LCD registers
// initialize HAL layer, so we can call LL APIs later
lcd_hal_init(&bus->hal, bus_id);
// reset peripheral and FIFO
lcd_ll_enable_clock(bus->hal.dev, true);
// set peripheral clock resolution
ret = lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(bus, bus_config->clk_src);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "select periph clock %d failed", bus_config->clk_src);
// install interrupt service, (LCD peripheral shares the same interrupt source with Camera peripheral with different mask)
// interrupt is disabled by default
ret = esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus(lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].irq_id, isr_flags,
LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, lcd_default_isr_handler, bus, &bus->intr);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "install interrupt failed");
lcd_ll_enable_interrupt(bus->hal.dev, LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, false); // disable all interrupts
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, UINT32_MAX); // clear pending interrupt
// install DMA service
ret = lcd_i80_init_dma_link(bus);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "install DMA failed");
// enable 8080 mode and set bus width
lcd_ll_enable_rgb_mode(bus->hal.dev, false);
lcd_ll_set_data_width(bus->hal.dev, bus_config->bus_width);
bus->bus_width = lcd_ll_get_data_width(bus->hal.dev);
// number of data cycles is controlled by DMA buffer size
lcd_ll_enable_output_always_on(bus->hal.dev, true);
// enable trans done interrupt
lcd_ll_enable_interrupt(bus->hal.dev, LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, true);
// trigger a quick "trans done" event, and wait for the interrupt line goes active
// this could ensure we go into ISR handler next time we call `esp_intr_enable`
// configure GPIO
ret = lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(bus, bus_config);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "configure GPIO failed");
// fill other i80 bus runtime parameters
LIST_INIT(&bus->device_list); // initialize device list head
bus->spinlock = (portMUX_TYPE)portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED;
*ret_bus = bus;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new i80 bus(%d) @%p, %zu dma nodes", bus_id, bus, bus->num_dma_nodes);
return ESP_OK;
if (bus) {
if (bus->intr) {
if (bus->dma_chan) {
if (bus->bus_id >= 0) {
lcd_com_remove_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus->bus_id);
if (bus->format_buffer) {
if (bus->pm_lock) {
return ret;
esp_err_t esp_lcd_del_i80_bus(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(LIST_EMPTY(&bus->device_list), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "device list not empty");
int bus_id = bus->bus_id;
lcd_com_remove_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus_id);
if (bus->pm_lock) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del i80 bus(%d)", bus_id);
return ret;
esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_panel_io_i80(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_panel_io_i80_config_t *io_config, esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t *ret_io)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device = NULL;
bool bus_exclusive = false;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus && io_config && ret_io, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
// check if the bus has been configured as exclusive
if (!bus->flags.exclusive) {
bus->flags.exclusive = io_config->cs_gpio_num < 0;
} else {
bus_exclusive = true;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(!bus_exclusive, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "bus has been exclusively owned by device");
// check if pixel clock setting is valid
uint32_t pclk_prescale = bus->resolution_hz / io_config->pclk_hz;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(pclk_prescale > 0 && pclk_prescale <= LCD_LL_CLOCK_PRESCALE_MAX, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG,
"prescaler can't satisfy PCLK clock %u", io_config->pclk_hz);
i80_device = calloc(1, sizeof(lcd_panel_io_i80_t) + io_config->trans_queue_depth * sizeof(lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for i80 panel io");
// create two queues for i80 device
i80_device->trans_queue = xQueueCreate(io_config->trans_queue_depth, sizeof(lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device->trans_queue, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "create trans queue failed");
i80_device->done_queue = xQueueCreate(io_config->trans_queue_depth, sizeof(lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device->done_queue, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "create done queue failed");
// adding device to list
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&bus->device_list, i80_device, device_list_entry);
// we don't initialize the i80 bus at the memont, but initialize the bus when start a transaction for a new device
// so save these as i80 device runtime parameters
i80_device->bus = bus;
i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits = io_config->lcd_cmd_bits;
i80_device->lcd_param_bits = io_config->lcd_param_bits;
i80_device->queue_size = io_config->trans_queue_depth;
i80_device->clock_prescale = pclk_prescale;
i80_device->pclk_hz = bus->resolution_hz / pclk_prescale;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_data_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_data_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_idle_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_idle_level;
i80_device->cs_gpio_num = io_config->cs_gpio_num;
i80_device->flags.reverse_color_bits = io_config->flags.reverse_color_bits;
i80_device->flags.swap_color_bytes = io_config->flags.swap_color_bytes;
i80_device->flags.cs_active_high = io_config->flags.cs_active_high;
i80_device->flags.pclk_idle_low = io_config->flags.pclk_idle_low;
i80_device->flags.pclk_active_neg = io_config->flags.pclk_active_neg;
i80_device->on_color_trans_done = io_config->on_color_trans_done;
i80_device->user_ctx = io_config->user_ctx;
// fill panel io function table
i80_device->base.del = panel_io_i80_del;
i80_device->base.tx_param = panel_io_i80_tx_param;
i80_device->base.tx_color = panel_io_i80_tx_color;
// we only configure the CS GPIO as output, don't connect to the peripheral signal at the moment
// we will connect the CS GPIO to peripheral signal when switching devices in lcd_i80_switch_devices()
if (io_config->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
gpio_set_level(io_config->cs_gpio_num, !io_config->flags.cs_active_high);
gpio_set_direction(io_config->cs_gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[io_config->cs_gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
*ret_io = &(i80_device->base);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new i80 lcd panel io @%p on bus(%d)", i80_device, bus->bus_id);
return ESP_OK;
if (i80_device) {
if (i80_device->trans_queue) {
if (i80_device->done_queue) {
return ret;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_del(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io)
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = i80_device->bus;
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
// wait all pending transaction to finish
for (size_t i = 0; i < i80_device->num_trans_inflight; i++) {
xQueueReceive(i80_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY);
// remove from device list
LIST_REMOVE(i80_device, device_list_entry);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del i80 lcd panel io @%p", i80_device);
return ESP_OK;
static void i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus, lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device, void *lcd_cmd)
uint8_t *from = (uint8_t *)lcd_cmd;
if (bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
// LCD is big-endian, e.g. to send command 0x1234, byte 0x12 should appear on the bus first
// However, the i80 peripheral will send 0x34 first, so we reversed the order below
int start = 0;
int end = i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits / 8 - 1;
lcd_com_reverse_buffer_bytes(from, start, end);
static uint32_t i80_lcd_prepare_param_buffer(esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus, lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device, const void *lcd_param, size_t param_size)
int param_per_size = i80_device->lcd_param_bits / 8;
int param_num = param_size / param_per_size;
const uint8_t *from = (const uint8_t *)lcd_param;
uint8_t *to = bus->format_buffer;
uint8_t step = bus->bus_width / 8;
int param_cycle = i80_device->lcd_param_bits / bus->bus_width;
// in case bus_width=16 and param_bits=8, we still need 1 param_cycle
if (param_cycle * bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_param_bits) {
int ele_cycles = param_cycle * param_num;
int bytes_to_copy = MIN(bus->bus_width, i80_device->lcd_param_bits) / 8;
int cnt_from = 0;
// expand the width of parameters when necessary
for (int i = 0; i < ele_cycles; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < bytes_to_copy; j++) {
to[j] = from[cnt_from++];
to += step;
return to - bus->format_buffer;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *param, size_t param_size)
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *next_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = next_device->bus;
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *cur_device = bus->cur_device;
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
assert(param_size <= (bus->num_dma_nodes * DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) && "parameter bytes too long, enlarge max_transfer_bytes");
assert(param_size <= CONFIG_LCD_PANEL_IO_FORMAT_BUF_SIZE && "format buffer too small, increase CONFIG_LCD_PANEL_IO_FORMAT_BUF_SIZE");
uint32_t cmd_cycles = next_device->lcd_cmd_bits / bus->bus_width;
// in case bus_width=16 and cmd_bits=8, we still need 1 cmd_cycle
if (cmd_cycles * bus->bus_width < next_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(bus, next_device, &lcd_cmd);
uint32_t param_len = i80_lcd_prepare_param_buffer(bus, next_device, param, param_size);
// wait all pending transaction in the queue to finish
for (size_t i = 0; i < next_device->num_trans_inflight; i++) {
xQueueReceive(next_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY);
next_device->num_trans_inflight = 0;
uint32_t intr_status = lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev);
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, intr_status);
// switch devices if necessary
lcd_i80_switch_devices(cur_device, next_device);
// set data format
lcd_ll_reverse_data_byte_order(bus->hal.dev, false);
lcd_ll_reverse_data_bit_order(bus->hal.dev, false);
lcd_ll_reverse_data_8bits_order(bus->hal.dev, next_device->lcd_param_bits > bus->bus_width);
bus->cur_trans = NULL;
bus->cur_device = next_device;
// package a transaction
trans_desc = &next_device->trans_pool[0];
trans_desc->i80_device = next_device;
trans_desc->cmd_cycles = cmd_cycles;
trans_desc->cmd_value = lcd_cmd;
trans_desc->data = param ? bus->format_buffer : NULL;
trans_desc->data_length = param ? param_len : 0;
trans_desc->trans_done_cb = NULL; // no callback for parameter transaction
// mount data to DMA links
lcd_com_mount_dma_data(bus->dma_nodes, trans_desc->data, trans_desc->data_length);
// increase the pm lock reference count before starting a new transaction
if (bus->pm_lock) {
lcd_start_transaction(bus, trans_desc);
// polling the trans done event, but don't clear the event status
while (!(lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev) & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE)) {}
// decrease pm lock reference count
if (bus->pm_lock) {
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_color(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *color, size_t color_size)
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = i80_device->bus;
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
assert(color_size <= (bus->num_dma_nodes * DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) && "color bytes too long, enlarge max_transfer_bytes");
// in case bus_width=16 and cmd_bits=8, we still need 1 cmd_cycle
uint32_t cmd_cycles = i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits / bus->bus_width;
if (cmd_cycles * bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(bus, i80_device, &lcd_cmd);
if (i80_device->num_trans_inflight < i80_device->queue_size) {
trans_desc = &i80_device->trans_pool[i80_device->num_trans_inflight];
} else {
// transaction pool has used up, recycle one from done_queue
xQueueReceive(i80_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY);
trans_desc->i80_device = i80_device;
trans_desc->cmd_cycles = cmd_cycles;
trans_desc->cmd_value = lcd_cmd;
trans_desc->data = color;
trans_desc->data_length = color_size;
trans_desc->trans_done_cb = i80_device->on_color_trans_done;
trans_desc->user_ctx = i80_device->user_ctx;
// send transaction to trans_queue
xQueueSend(i80_device->trans_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY);
// enable interrupt and go into isr handler, where we fetch the transactions from trans_queue and start it
// we will go into `lcd_default_isr_handler` almost at once, because the "trans done" event is active at the moment
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus, lcd_clock_source_t clk_src)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
lcd_ll_set_group_clock_src(bus->hal.dev, clk_src, LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE, 1, 0);
switch (clk_src) {
bus->resolution_hz = 160000000 / LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE;
ret = esp_pm_lock_create(ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX, 0, "i80_bus_lcd", &bus->pm_lock);
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(ret, TAG, "create ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX lock failed");
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "installed ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX lock");
bus->resolution_hz = rtc_clk_xtal_freq_get() * 1000000 / LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "unsupported clock source: %d", clk_src);
return ret;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_init_dma_link(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
// chain DMA descriptors
for (int i = 0; i < bus->num_dma_nodes; i++) {
bus->dma_nodes[i].dw0.owner = DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU;
bus->dma_nodes[i].next = &bus->dma_nodes[i + 1];
bus->dma_nodes[bus->num_dma_nodes - 1].next = NULL; // one-off DMA chain
// alloc DMA channel and connect to LCD peripheral
gdma_channel_alloc_config_t dma_chan_config = {
ret = gdma_new_channel(&dma_chan_config, &bus->dma_chan);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "alloc DMA channel failed");
gdma_connect(bus->dma_chan, GDMA_MAKE_TRIGGER(GDMA_TRIG_PERIPH_LCD, 0));
gdma_strategy_config_t strategy_config = {
.auto_update_desc = true,
.owner_check = true
gdma_apply_strategy(bus->dma_chan, &strategy_config);
return ESP_OK;
if (bus->dma_chan) {
return ret;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_i80_bus_config_t *bus_config)
int bus_id = bus->bus_id;
// check validation of GPIO number
bool valid_gpio = (bus_config->wr_gpio_num >= 0) && (bus_config->dc_gpio_num >= 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bus_config->bus_width; i++) {
valid_gpio = valid_gpio && (bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i] >= 0);
if (!valid_gpio) {
// connect peripheral signals via GPIO matrix
for (size_t i = 0; i < bus_config->bus_width; i++) {
gpio_set_direction(bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i], GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i], lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].data_sigs[i], false, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i]], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
gpio_set_direction(bus_config->dc_gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(bus_config->dc_gpio_num, lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].dc_sig, false, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[bus_config->dc_gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
gpio_set_direction(bus_config->wr_gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(bus_config->wr_gpio_num, lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].wr_sig, false, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[bus_config->wr_gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
return ESP_OK;
static void lcd_periph_trigger_quick_trans_done_event(esp_lcd_i80_bus_handle_t bus)
// trigger a quick interrupt event by a dummy transaction, wait the LCD interrupt line goes active
// next time when esp_intr_enable is invoked, we can go into interrupt handler immediately
// where we dispatch transactions for i80 devices
lcd_ll_set_phase_cycles(bus->hal.dev, 0, 1, 0);
while (!(lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev) & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE)) {}
static void lcd_start_transaction(esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus, lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc)
// by default, the dummy phase is disabled because it's not common for most LCDs
// Number of data phase cycles are controlled by DMA buffer length, we only need to enable/disable the phase here
lcd_ll_set_phase_cycles(bus->hal.dev, trans_desc->cmd_cycles, 0, trans_desc->data ? 1 : 0);
lcd_ll_set_command(bus->hal.dev, bus->bus_width, trans_desc->cmd_value);
if (trans_desc->data) { // some specific LCD commands can have no parameters
gdma_start(bus->dma_chan, (intptr_t)(bus->dma_nodes));
static void lcd_i80_switch_devices(lcd_panel_io_i80_t *cur_device, lcd_panel_io_i80_t *next_device)
// we assume the next_device and cur_device are attached to the same bus
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = next_device->bus;
if (next_device != cur_device) {
// reconfigure PCLK for the new device
lcd_ll_set_pixel_clock_prescale(bus->hal.dev, next_device->clock_prescale);
lcd_ll_set_clock_idle_level(bus->hal.dev, !next_device->flags.pclk_idle_low);
lcd_ll_set_pixel_clock_edge(bus->hal.dev, next_device->flags.pclk_active_neg);
// configure DC line level for the new device
lcd_ll_set_dc_level(bus->hal.dev, next_device->dc_levels.dc_idle_level, next_device->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level,
next_device->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level, next_device->dc_levels.dc_data_level);
if (cur_device && cur_device->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
// disconnect current CS GPIO from peripheral signal
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(cur_device->cs_gpio_num, SIG_GPIO_OUT_IDX, false, false);
if (next_device->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
// connect CS signal to the new device
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(next_device->cs_gpio_num, lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus->bus_id].cs_sig,
next_device->flags.cs_active_high, false);
IRAM_ATTR static void lcd_default_isr_handler(void *args)
esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *bus = (esp_lcd_i80_bus_t *)args;
lcd_i80_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *cur_device = NULL;
lcd_panel_io_i80_t *next_device = NULL;
BaseType_t high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
bool need_yield = false;
uint32_t intr_status = lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev);
if (intr_status & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE) {
// disable interrupt temporarily, only re-enable when there be remained transaction in the queue
trans_desc = bus->cur_trans; // the finished transaction
cur_device = bus->cur_device;// the working device
// process finished transaction
if (trans_desc) {
assert(trans_desc->i80_device == cur_device && "transaction device mismatch");
// decrease pm lock reference count
if (bus->pm_lock) {
// device callback
if (trans_desc->trans_done_cb) {
if (trans_desc->trans_done_cb(&cur_device->base, NULL, trans_desc->user_ctx)) {
need_yield = true;
// move transaction to done_queue
// there won't be case that will overflow the queue, so skip checking the return value
high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
xQueueSendFromISR(cur_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, &high_task_woken);
if (high_task_woken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
bus->cur_trans = NULL;
// fetch transactions from devices' trans_queue
// Note: the first registered device will have the highest priority to be scheduled
LIST_FOREACH(next_device, &bus->device_list, device_list_entry) {
high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(next_device->trans_queue, &trans_desc, &high_task_woken) == pdTRUE) {
if (high_task_woken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
// only clear the interrupt status when we're sure there still remains transaction to handle
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, intr_status);
// switch devices if necessary
lcd_i80_switch_devices(cur_device, next_device);
// only reverse data bit/bytes for color data
lcd_ll_reverse_data_bit_order(bus->hal.dev, next_device->flags.reverse_color_bits);
lcd_ll_reverse_data_byte_order(bus->hal.dev, next_device->flags.swap_color_bytes);
lcd_ll_reverse_data_8bits_order(bus->hal.dev, false);
bus->cur_trans = trans_desc;
bus->cur_device = next_device;
// mount data to DMA links
lcd_com_mount_dma_data(bus->dma_nodes, trans_desc->data, trans_desc->data_length);
// enable interrupt again, because the new transaction can trigger new trans done event
// increase the pm lock reference count before starting a new transaction
if (bus->pm_lock) {
lcd_start_transaction(bus, trans_desc);
break; // exit for-each loop
if (need_yield) {