mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 14:39:14 -04:00
Bluedroid use a set of timer function pairs such as btu_start_timer/btu_stop_timer, btu_sys_start_timer/btu_sys_stop_timer for use, in a lack of timer release functions. Thus the timers may be exhausted after some event sequence such as repetition of connection/reconnection with different devices. The maximum timer number used in bluedroid is given by ALARM_CBS_NUM which is 30 for now. This bugfix borrowed some update from bluedroid in Andoroid 7.0, which add timer release functions which promote the recycle of timer resources.
2224 lines
88 KiB
2224 lines
88 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains the L2CAP 1.2 Flow Control and retransmissions
* functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bt_trace.h"
#include "bt_types.h"
#include "hcimsgs.h"
#include "l2c_api.h"
#include "l2c_int.h"
#include "l2cdefs.h"
#include "btm_api.h"
#include "btm_int.h"
#include "btu.h"
#include "allocator.h"
/* Flag passed to retransmit_i_frames() when all packets should be retransmitted */
static char *SAR_types[] = { "Unsegmented", "Start", "End", "Continuation" };
static char *SUP_types[] = { "RR", "REJ", "RNR", "SREJ" };
/* Look-up table for the CRC calculation */
static const unsigned short crctab[256] = {
0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241,
0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440,
0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40,
0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841,
0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40,
0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41,
0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641,
0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040,
0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240,
0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441,
0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41,
0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840,
0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41,
0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40,
0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640,
0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041,
0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240,
0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441,
0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41,
0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840,
0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41,
0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40,
0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640,
0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041,
0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40,
0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40,
0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41,
0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040,
** Static local functions
static BOOLEAN process_reqseq (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT16 ctrl_word);
static void process_s_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word);
static void process_i_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word, BOOLEAN delay_ack);
static BOOLEAN retransmit_i_frames (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT8 tx_seq);
static void prepare_I_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_retransmission);
static void process_stream_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf);
static BOOLEAN do_sar_reassembly (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word);
static void l2c_fcr_collect_ack_delay (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT8 num_bufs_acked);
** Function l2c_fcr_updcrc
** Description This function computes the CRC using the look-up table.
** Returns CRC
static unsigned short l2c_fcr_updcrc(unsigned short icrc, unsigned char *icp, int icnt)
register unsigned short crc = icrc;
register unsigned char *cp = icp;
register int cnt = icnt;
while (cnt--) {
crc = ((crc >> 8) & 0xff) ^ crctab[(crc & 0xff) ^ *cp++];
return (crc);
** Function l2c_fcr_tx_get_fcs
** Description This function computes the CRC for a frame to be TXed.
** Returns CRC
static UINT16 l2c_fcr_tx_get_fcs (BT_HDR *p_buf)
UINT8 *p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
return (l2c_fcr_updcrc (L2CAP_FCR_INIT_CRC, p, p_buf->len));
** Function l2c_fcr_rx_get_fcs
** Description This function computes the CRC for a received frame.
** Returns CRC
static UINT16 l2c_fcr_rx_get_fcs (BT_HDR *p_buf)
UINT8 *p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
/* offset points past the L2CAP header, but the CRC check includes it */
return (l2c_fcr_updcrc (L2CAP_FCR_INIT_CRC, p, p_buf->len + L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD));
** Function l2c_fcr_start_timer
** Description This function starts the (monitor or retransmission) timer.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_start_timer (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
UINT32 tout;
/* The timers which are in milliseconds */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack) {
tout = (UINT32)p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout;
} else {
tout = (UINT32)p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout;
/* Only start a timer that was not started */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer.in_use == 0) {
btu_start_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_CHNL, tout * QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
** Function l2c_fcr_stop_timer
** Description This function stops the (monitor or transmission) timer.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_stop_timer (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
if (p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer.in_use) {
btu_stop_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer);
** Function l2c_fcr_free_timer
** Description This function releases the (monitor or transmission) timer.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_free_timer (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
btu_free_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer);
** Function l2c_fcr_cleanup
** Description This function cleans up the variable used for flow-control/retrans.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_cleanup (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
l2c_fcr_stop_timer (p_ccb);
if (p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu) {
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu = NULL;
fixed_queue_free(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q, osi_free_func);
p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q = NULL;
fixed_queue_free(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q, osi_free_func);
p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q = NULL;
fixed_queue_free(p_fcrb->retrans_q, osi_free_func);
p_fcrb->retrans_q = NULL;
btu_free_quick_timer (&p_fcrb->ack_timer);
memset(&p_fcrb->ack_timer, 0, sizeof(TIMER_LIST_ENT));
btu_free_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer);
memset(&p_fcrb->mon_retrans_timer, 0, sizeof(TIMER_LIST_ENT));
if ( (p_ccb->local_cid >= L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID) && (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) ) {
UINT32 dur = osi_time_get_os_boottime_ms() - p_ccb->fcrb.connect_tick_count;
char *p_str = (char *)osi_malloc(120);
UINT16 i;
UINT32 throughput_avg, ack_delay_avg, ack_q_count_avg;
"--- L2CAP ERTM Stats for CID: 0x%04x Duration: %08ums", p_ccb->local_cid, dur);
"Retransmissions:%08u Times Flow Controlled:%08u Retrans Touts:%08u Ack Touts:%08u",
p_ccb->fcrb.pkts_retransmitted, p_ccb->fcrb.xmit_window_closed, p_ccb->fcrb.retrans_touts, p_ccb->fcrb.xmit_ack_touts);
"Times there is less than 2 packets in controller when flow controlled:%08u", p_ccb->fcrb.controller_idle);
"max_held_acks:%08u, in_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz:%08u", p_ccb->fcrb.max_held_acks, p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz );
if (p_str) {
sprintf(p_str, "Sent Pkts:%08u Bytes:%10u(%06u/sec) RR:%08u REJ:%08u RNR:%08u SREJ:%08u",
p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_pkt_counts[0], p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[0],
(dur >= 10 ? (p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[0] * 100) / (dur / 10) : 0),
p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_sent[0], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_sent[1], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_sent[2], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_sent[3]);
sprintf(p_str, "Rcvd Pkts:%08u Bytes:%10u(%06u/sec) RR:%08u REJ:%08u RNR:%08u SREJ:%08u",
p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_pkt_counts[1], p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[1],
(dur >= 10 ? (p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[1] * 100) / (dur / 10) : 0),
p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_rcvd[0], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_rcvd[1], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_rcvd[2], p_ccb->fcrb.s_frames_rcvd[3]);
throughput_avg = 0;
ack_delay_avg = 0;
ack_q_count_avg = 0;
for (i = 0; i < L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_NUM_AVG; i++ ) {
if (i == p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg_index ) {
"[%02u] collecting data ...", i );
sprintf(p_str, "[%02u] throughput: %5u, ack_delay avg:%3u, min:%3u, max:%3u, ack_q_count avg:%3u, min:%3u, max:%3u",
i, p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[i],
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[i], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_min[i], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_max[i],
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[i], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_min[i], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_max[i] );
throughput_avg += p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[i];
ack_delay_avg += p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[i];
ack_q_count_avg += p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[i];
throughput_avg /= (L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_NUM_AVG - 1);
ack_delay_avg /= (L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_NUM_AVG - 1);
ack_q_count_avg /= (L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_NUM_AVG - 1);
"throughput_avg: %8u (kbytes/sec), ack_delay_avg: %8u ms, ack_q_count_avg: %8u",
throughput_avg, ack_delay_avg, ack_q_count_avg );
memset (p_fcrb, 0, sizeof (tL2C_FCRB));
** Function l2c_fcr_clone_buf
** Description This function allocates and copies requested part of a buffer
** at a new-offset.
** Returns pointer to new buffer
BT_HDR *l2c_fcr_clone_buf (BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 new_offset, UINT16 no_of_bytes)
assert(p_buf != NULL);
* NOTE: We allocate extra L2CAP_FCS_LEN octets, in case we need to put
* the FCS (Frame Check Sequence) at the end of the buffer.
uint16_t buf_size = no_of_bytes + sizeof(BT_HDR) + new_offset + L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
* NOTE: If L2CAP_ERTM_STATS is enabled, we need 4 extra octets at the
* end for a timestamp at the end of an I-frame.
buf_size += sizeof(uint32_t);
BT_HDR *p_buf2 = (BT_HDR *)osi_malloc(buf_size);
p_buf2->offset = new_offset;
p_buf2->len = no_of_bytes;
memcpy(((UINT8 *)(p_buf2 + 1)) + p_buf2->offset,
((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset,
return (p_buf2);
** Function l2c_fcr_is_flow_controlled
** Description This function checks if the CCB is flow controlled by peer.
** Returns The control word
BOOLEAN l2c_fcr_is_flow_controlled (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) {
/* Check if remote side flowed us off or the transmit window is full */
if ( (p_ccb->fcrb.remote_busy == TRUE)
|| (fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q) >= p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz) ) {
if (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q)) {
if ((p_ccb->p_lcb->sent_not_acked < 2) && (l2cb.controller_xmit_window > 0)) {
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
** Function prepare_I_frame
** Description This function sets the FCR variables in an I-frame that is
** about to be sent to HCI for transmission. This may be the
** first time the I-frame is sent, or a retransmission
** Returns -
static void prepare_I_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, BOOLEAN is_retransmission)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
UINT8 *p;
UINT16 fcs;
UINT16 ctrl_word;
BOOLEAN set_f_bit = p_fcrb->send_f_rsp;
p_fcrb->send_f_rsp = FALSE;
if (is_retransmission) {
/* Get the old control word and clear out the old req_seq and F bits */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset + L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
ctrl_word &= ~(L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS + L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
} else {
ctrl_word = p_buf->layer_specific & L2CAP_FCR_SEG_BITS; /* SAR bits */
ctrl_word |= (p_fcrb->next_tx_seq << L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT); /* Tx Seq */
p_fcrb->next_tx_seq = (p_fcrb->next_tx_seq + 1) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
/* Set the F-bit and reqseq only if using re-transmission mode */
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) {
if (set_f_bit) {
ctrl_word |= L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT;
ctrl_word |= (p_fcrb->next_seq_expected) << L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT;
p_fcrb->last_ack_sent = p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected;
if (p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer.in_use) {
btu_stop_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer);
/* Set the control word */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset + L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD;
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, ctrl_word);
/* Compute the FCS and add to the end of the buffer if not bypassed */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
/* length field in l2cap header has to include FCS length */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
/* Calculate the FCS */
fcs = l2c_fcr_tx_get_fcs(p_buf);
/* Point to the end of the buffer and put the FCS there */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, fcs);
p_buf->len += L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
if (is_retransmission) {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM ReTx I-frame CID: 0x%04x Len: %u SAR: %s TxSeq: %u ReqSeq: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SAR_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM Tx I-frame CID: 0x%04x Len: %u SAR: %-12s TxSeq: %u ReqSeq: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SAR_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
/* Start the retransmission timer if not already running */
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) {
l2c_fcr_start_timer (p_ccb);
** Function l2c_fcr_send_S_frame
** Description This function formats and sends an S-frame for transmission.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT16 function_code, UINT16 pf_bit)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
BT_HDR *p_buf;
UINT8 *p;
UINT16 ctrl_word;
UINT16 fcs;
if ((!p_ccb->in_use) || (p_ccb->chnl_state != CST_OPEN)) {
if (pf_bit == L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) {
p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack = TRUE;
l2c_fcr_stop_timer (p_ccb); /* Restart the monitor timer */
l2c_fcr_start_timer (p_ccb);
/* Create the control word to use */
ctrl_word = (function_code << L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT) | L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT;
ctrl_word |= (p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected << L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT);
ctrl_word |= pf_bit;
if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *)osi_malloc(L2CAP_CMD_BUF_SIZE)) != NULL) {
p_buf->offset = HCI_DATA_PREAMBLE_SIZE;
/* Set the pointer to the beginning of the data */
p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
/* Put in the L2CAP header */
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, p_ccb->remote_cid);
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, ctrl_word);
/* Compute the FCS and add to the end of the buffer if not bypassed */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
fcs = l2c_fcr_tx_get_fcs (p_buf);
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, fcs);
p_buf->len += L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
} else { /* rewrite the length without FCS length */
p -= 6;
/* Now, the HCI transport header */
p_buf->layer_specific = L2CAP_NON_FLUSHABLE_PKT;
l2cu_set_acl_hci_header (p_buf, p_ccb);
if ((((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT) == 1)
|| (((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT) == 3)) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP eRTM Tx S-frame CID: 0x%04x ctrlword: 0x%04x Type: %s ReqSeq: %u P: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, ctrl_word,
SUP_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT_SHIFT,
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING (" Buf Len: %u", p_buf->len);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM Tx S-frame CID: 0x%04x ctrlword: 0x%04x Type: %s ReqSeq: %u P: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, ctrl_word,
SUP_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT_SHIFT,
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT (" Buf Len: %u", p_buf->len);
#endif /* BT_TRACE_VERBOSE */
l2c_link_check_send_pkts (p_ccb->p_lcb, NULL, p_buf);
p_ccb->fcrb.last_ack_sent = p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected;
if (p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer.in_use) {
btu_stop_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("l2c_fcr_send_S_frame(No Resources) cid 0x%04x, Type: 0x%4x",
p_ccb->local_cid, function_code);
** Function l2c_fcr_proc_pdu
** Description This function is the entry point for processing of a
** received PDU when in flow control and/or retransmission modes.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_proc_pdu (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
UINT8 *p;
UINT16 fcs;
UINT16 min_pdu_len;
UINT16 ctrl_word;
/* Check the length */
min_pdu_len = (p_ccb->bypass_fcs == L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) ?
if (p_buf->len < min_pdu_len) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Rx L2CAP PDU: CID: 0x%04x Len too short: %u", p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len);
osi_free (p_buf);
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_STREAM_MODE) {
process_stream_frame (p_ccb, p_buf);
/* Get the control word */
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT) {
if ((((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT) == 1)
|| (((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT) == 3)) {
/* REJ or SREJ */
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP eRTM Rx S-frame: cid: 0x%04x Len: %u Type: %s ReqSeq: %u P: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SUP_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT_SHIFT,
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM Rx S-frame: cid: 0x%04x Len: %u Type: %s ReqSeq: %u P: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SUP_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT_SHIFT,
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM Rx I-frame: cid: 0x%04x Len: %u SAR: %-12s TxSeq: %u ReqSeq: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SAR_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT (" eRTM Rx Nxt_tx_seq %u, Lst_rx_ack %u, Nxt_seq_exp %u, Lst_ack_snt %u, wt_q.cnt %u, tries %u",
p_ccb->fcrb.next_tx_seq, p_ccb->fcrb.last_rx_ack,
#endif /* BT_TRACE_VERBOSE */
/* Verify FCS if using */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len - L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
/* Extract and drop the FCS from the packet */
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (fcs, p);
p_buf->len -= L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
if (l2c_fcr_rx_get_fcs(p_buf) != fcs) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Rx L2CAP PDU: CID: 0x%04x BAD FCS", p_ccb->local_cid);
/* Get the control word */
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
p_buf->len -= L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
p_buf->offset += L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
/* If we had a poll bit outstanding, check if we got a final response */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack) {
/* If final bit not set, ignore the frame unless it is a polled S-frame */
if ( !(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) ) {
if ( (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) && (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT) ) {
if (p_ccb->fcrb.srej_sent) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SREJ, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
} else if (p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
} else {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
/* Got a poll while in wait_ack state, so re-start our timer with 1-second */
/* This is a small optimization... the monitor timer is 12 secs, but we saw */
/* that if the other side sends us a poll when we are waiting for a final, */
/* then it speeds up recovery significantly if we poll him back soon after his poll. */
btu_start_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.mon_retrans_timer, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_CHNL, QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC);
osi_free (p_buf);
p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack = FALSE;
/* P and F are mutually exclusive */
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT) {
ctrl_word &= ~L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT;
if (fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q)) {
p_ccb->fcrb.num_tries = 0;
l2c_fcr_stop_timer (p_ccb);
} else {
/* Otherwise, ensure the final bit is ignored */
ctrl_word &= ~L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT;
/* Process receive sequence number */
if (!process_reqseq (p_ccb, ctrl_word)) {
osi_free (p_buf);
/* Process based on whether it is an S-frame or an I-frame */
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT) {
process_s_frame (p_ccb, p_buf, ctrl_word);
} else {
process_i_frame (p_ccb, p_buf, ctrl_word, FALSE);
/* Return if the channel got disconnected by a bad packet or max retransmissions */
if ( (!p_ccb->in_use) || (p_ccb->chnl_state != CST_OPEN) ) {
/* If we have some buffers held while doing SREJ, and SREJ has cleared, process them now */
if ( (!p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy) && (!p_ccb->fcrb.srej_sent) &&
(!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.srej_rcv_hold_q))) {
fixed_queue_t *temp_q = p_ccb->fcrb.srej_rcv_hold_q;
p_ccb->fcrb.srej_rcv_hold_q = fixed_queue_new(SIZE_MAX);
while ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_dequeue(temp_q)) != NULL) {
if (p_ccb->in_use && (p_ccb->chnl_state == CST_OPEN)) {
/* Get the control word */
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset - L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_proc_pdu() CID: 0x%04x Process Buffer from SREJ_Hold_Q TxSeq: %u Expected_Seq: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT,
/* Process the SREJ held I-frame, but do not send an RR for each individual frame */
process_i_frame (p_ccb, p_buf, ctrl_word, TRUE);
} else {
osi_free (p_buf);
/* If more frames were lost during SREJ, send a REJ */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.rej_after_srej) {
p_ccb->fcrb.rej_after_srej = FALSE;
p_ccb->fcrb.rej_sent = TRUE;
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_REJ, 0);
fixed_queue_free(temp_q, NULL);
/* Now, if needed, send one RR for the whole held queue */
if ( (!p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy) && (!p_ccb->fcrb.rej_sent) && (!p_ccb->fcrb.srej_sent)
&& (p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected != p_ccb->fcrb.last_ack_sent) ) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, 0);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_proc_pdu() not sending RR CID: 0x%04x local_busy:%d rej_sent:%d srej_sent:%d Expected_Seq:%u Last_Ack:%u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy, p_ccb->fcrb.rej_sent, p_ccb->fcrb.srej_sent, p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected,
/* If a window has opened, check if we can send any more packets */
if ( (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.retrans_q) ||
&& (p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack == FALSE)
&& (l2c_fcr_is_flow_controlled (p_ccb) == FALSE) ) {
l2c_link_check_send_pkts (p_ccb->p_lcb, NULL, NULL);
** Function l2c_fcr_proc_tout
** Description Handle a timeout. We should be in error recovery state.
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_proc_tout (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_proc_tout: CID: 0x%04x num_tries: %u (max: %u) wait_ack: %u ack_q_count: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->fcrb.num_tries,
if ( (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit != 0) && (++p_ccb->fcrb.num_tries > p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit) ) {
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
} else {
if (!p_ccb->fcrb.srej_sent && !p_ccb->fcrb.rej_sent) {
if (p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT);
} else {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT);
** Function l2c_fcr_proc_ack_tout
** Description Send RR/RNR if we have not acked I frame
** Returns -
void l2c_fcr_proc_ack_tout (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_proc_ack_tout: CID: 0x%04x State: %u Wack:%u Rq:%d Acked:%d", p_ccb->local_cid,
p_ccb->chnl_state, p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack, p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected, p_ccb->fcrb.last_ack_sent);
if ( (p_ccb->chnl_state == CST_OPEN) && (!p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack)
&& (p_ccb->fcrb.last_ack_sent != p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected) ) {
if (p_ccb->fcrb.local_busy) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, 0);
} else {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, 0);
** Function process_reqseq
** Description Handle receive sequence number
** Returns -
static BOOLEAN process_reqseq (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT16 ctrl_word)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
UINT8 req_seq, num_bufs_acked, xx;
UINT16 ls;
UINT16 full_sdus_xmitted;
/* Receive sequence number does not ack anything for SREJ with P-bit set to zero */
if ( (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT)
&& ((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) == 0) ) {
/* If anything still waiting for ack, restart the timer if it was stopped */
if (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q)) {
return (TRUE);
/* Extract the receive sequence number from the control word */
req_seq = (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT;
num_bufs_acked = (req_seq - p_fcrb->last_rx_ack) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
/* Verify the request sequence is in range before proceeding */
if (num_bufs_acked > fixed_queue_length(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q)) {
/* The channel is closed if ReqSeq is not in range */
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP eRTM Frame BAD Req_Seq - ctrl_word: 0x%04x req_seq 0x%02x last_rx_ack: 0x%02x QCount: %u",
ctrl_word, req_seq, p_fcrb->last_rx_ack,
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
return (FALSE);
p_fcrb->last_rx_ack = req_seq;
/* Now we can release all acknowledged frames, and restart the retransmission timer if needed */
if (num_bufs_acked != 0) {
p_fcrb->num_tries = 0;
full_sdus_xmitted = 0;
l2c_fcr_collect_ack_delay (p_ccb, num_bufs_acked);
for (xx = 0; xx < num_bufs_acked; xx++) {
BT_HDR *p_tmp = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_dequeue(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q);
ls = p_tmp->layer_specific & L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS;
if ( (ls == L2CAP_FCR_UNSEG_SDU) || (ls == L2CAP_FCR_END_SDU) ) {
/* If we are still in a wait_ack state, do not mess with the timer */
if (!p_ccb->fcrb.wait_ack) {
l2c_fcr_stop_timer (p_ccb);
/* Check if we need to call the "packet_sent" callback */
if ( (p_ccb->p_rcb) && (p_ccb->p_rcb->api.pL2CA_TxComplete_Cb) && (full_sdus_xmitted) ) {
/* Special case for eRTM, if all packets sent, send 0xFFFF */
if (fixed_queue_is_empty(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q) &&
fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q)) {
full_sdus_xmitted = 0xFFFF;
(*p_ccb->p_rcb->api.pL2CA_TxComplete_Cb)(p_ccb->local_cid, full_sdus_xmitted);
/* If anything still waiting for ack, restart the timer if it was stopped */
if (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_fcrb->waiting_for_ack_q)) {
l2c_fcr_start_timer (p_ccb);
return (TRUE);
** Function process_s_frame
** Description Process an S frame
** Returns -
static void process_s_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
UINT16 s_frame_type = (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SUP_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SHIFT;
BOOLEAN remote_was_busy;
BOOLEAN all_ok = TRUE;
if (p_buf->len != 0) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Incorrect S-frame Length (%d)", p_buf->len);
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("process_s_frame ctrl_word 0x%04x fcrb_remote_busy:%d", ctrl_word, p_fcrb->remote_busy);
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_P_BIT) {
p_fcrb->rej_sent = FALSE; /* After checkpoint, we can send anoher REJ */
p_fcrb->send_f_rsp = TRUE; /* Set a flag in case an I-frame is pending */
switch (s_frame_type) {
remote_was_busy = p_fcrb->remote_busy;
p_fcrb->remote_busy = FALSE;
if ( (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) || (remote_was_busy) ) {
all_ok = retransmit_i_frames (p_ccb, L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS);
p_fcrb->remote_busy = FALSE;
all_ok = retransmit_i_frames (p_ccb, L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS);
p_fcrb->remote_busy = TRUE;
l2c_fcr_stop_timer (p_ccb);
p_fcrb->remote_busy = FALSE;
all_ok = retransmit_i_frames (p_ccb, (UINT8)((ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_REQ_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT));
if (all_ok) {
/* If polled, we need to respond with F-bit. Note, we may have sent a I-frame with the F-bit */
if (p_fcrb->send_f_rsp) {
if (p_fcrb->srej_sent) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SREJ, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
} else if (p_fcrb->local_busy) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
} else {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT);
p_fcrb->send_f_rsp = FALSE;
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("process_s_frame hit_max_retries");
osi_free (p_buf);
** Function process_i_frame
** Description Process an I frame
** Returns -
static void process_i_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word, BOOLEAN delay_ack)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
UINT8 tx_seq, num_lost, num_to_ack, next_srej;
/* If we were doing checkpoint recovery, first retransmit all unacked I-frames */
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) {
if (!retransmit_i_frames (p_ccb, L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS)) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[1] += p_buf->len;
/* Extract the sequence number */
tx_seq = (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT;
/* If we have flow controlled the peer, ignore any bad I-frames from him */
if ( (tx_seq != p_fcrb->next_seq_expected) && (p_fcrb->local_busy) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Dropping bad I-Frame since we flowed off, tx_seq:%u", tx_seq);
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, 0);
/* Check if tx-sequence is the expected one */
if (tx_seq != p_fcrb->next_seq_expected) {
num_lost = (tx_seq - p_fcrb->next_seq_expected) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
/* Is the frame a duplicate ? If so, just drop it */
if (num_lost >= p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz) {
/* Duplicate - simply drop it */
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("process_i_frame() Dropping Duplicate Frame tx_seq:%u ExpectedTxSeq %u", tx_seq, p_fcrb->next_seq_expected);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x Lost: %u tx_seq:%u ExpTxSeq %u Rej: %u SRej: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, num_lost, tx_seq, p_fcrb->next_seq_expected, p_fcrb->rej_sent, p_fcrb->srej_sent);
if (p_fcrb->srej_sent) {
/* If SREJ sent, save the frame for later processing as long as it is in sequence */
next_srej = (((BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_peek_last(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q))->layer_specific + 1) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
if ( (tx_seq == next_srej) && (fixed_queue_length(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q) < p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz) ) {
/* If user gave us a pool for held rx buffers, use that */
/* TODO: Could that happen? Get rid of this code. */
if (p_ccb->ertm_info.fcr_rx_buf_size != L2CAP_FCR_RX_BUF_SIZE) {
BT_HDR *p_buf2;
/* Adjust offset and len so that control word is copied */
p_buf->offset -= L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
p_buf->len += L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
p_buf2 = l2c_fcr_clone_buf (p_buf, p_buf->offset, p_buf->len);
if (p_buf2) {
osi_free (p_buf);
p_buf = p_buf2;
p_buf->offset += L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
p_buf->len -= L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("process_i_frame() Lost: %u tx_seq:%u ExpTxSeq %u Rej: %u SRej1",
num_lost, tx_seq, p_fcrb->next_seq_expected, p_fcrb->rej_sent);
p_buf->layer_specific = tx_seq;
fixed_queue_enqueue(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q, p_buf);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x frame dropped in Srej Sent next_srej:%u hold_q.count:%u win_sz:%u",
p_ccb->local_cid, next_srej, fixed_queue_length(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q), p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz);
p_fcrb->rej_after_srej = TRUE;
osi_free (p_buf);
} else if (p_fcrb->rej_sent) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x Lost: %u tx_seq:%u ExpTxSeq %u Rej: 1 SRej: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, num_lost, tx_seq, p_fcrb->next_seq_expected, p_fcrb->srej_sent);
/* If REJ sent, just drop the frame */
osi_free (p_buf);
} else {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x tx_seq:%u ExpTxSeq %u Rej: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, tx_seq, p_fcrb->next_seq_expected, p_fcrb->rej_sent);
/* If only one lost, we will send SREJ, otherwise we will send REJ */
if (num_lost > 1) {
osi_free (p_buf);
p_fcrb->rej_sent = TRUE;
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_REJ, 0);
} else {
if (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q)) {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x sending SREJ tx_seq:%d hold_q.count:%u",
p_ccb->local_cid, tx_seq, fixed_queue_length(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q));
p_buf->layer_specific = tx_seq;
fixed_queue_enqueue(p_fcrb->srej_rcv_hold_q, p_buf);
p_fcrb->srej_sent = TRUE;
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_SREJ, 0);
btu_stop_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer);
/* Seq number is the next expected. Clear possible reject exception in case it occured */
p_fcrb->rej_sent = p_fcrb->srej_sent = FALSE;
/* Adjust the next_seq, so that if the upper layer sends more data in the callback
context, the received frame is acked by an I-frame. */
p_fcrb->next_seq_expected = (tx_seq + 1) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
/* If any SAR problem in eRTM mode, spec says disconnect. */
if (!do_sar_reassembly (p_ccb, p_buf, ctrl_word)) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("process_i_frame() CID: 0x%04x reassembly failed", p_ccb->local_cid);
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
/* RR optimization - if peer can still send us more, then start an ACK timer */
num_to_ack = (p_fcrb->next_seq_expected - p_fcrb->last_ack_sent) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
if ( (num_to_ack < p_ccb->fcrb.max_held_acks) && (!p_fcrb->local_busy) ) {
delay_ack = TRUE;
/* We should neve never ack frame if we are not in OPEN state */
if ((num_to_ack != 0) && p_ccb->in_use && (p_ccb->chnl_state == CST_OPEN)) {
/* If no frames are awaiting transmission or are held, send an RR or RNR S-frame for ack */
if (delay_ack) {
/* If it is the first I frame we did not ack, start ack timer */
if (!p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer.in_use) {
btu_start_quick_timer (&p_ccb->fcrb.ack_timer, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_FCR_ACK,
} else if ((fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q) ||
&& fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.srej_rcv_hold_q)) {
if (p_fcrb->local_busy) {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RNR, 0);
} else {
l2c_fcr_send_S_frame (p_ccb, L2CAP_FCR_SUP_RR, 0);
** Function process_stream_frame
** Description This function processes frames in streaming mode
** Returns -
static void process_stream_frame (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
UINT16 ctrl_word;
UINT16 fcs;
UINT8 *p;
UINT8 tx_seq;
/* Verify FCS if using */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len - L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
/* Extract and drop the FCS from the packet */
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (fcs, p);
p_buf->len -= L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
if (l2c_fcr_rx_get_fcs(p_buf) != fcs) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Rx L2CAP PDU: CID: 0x%04x BAD FCS", p_ccb->local_cid);
/* Get the control word */
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
p_buf->len -= L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
p_buf->offset += L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD;
/* Make sure it is an I-frame */
if (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_S_FRAME_BIT) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Rx L2CAP PDU: CID: 0x%04x BAD S-frame in streaming mode ctrl_word: 0x%04x", p_ccb->local_cid, ctrl_word);
osi_free (p_buf);
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("L2CAP eRTM Rx I-frame: cid: 0x%04x Len: %u SAR: %-12s TxSeq: %u ReqSeq: %u F: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_buf->len,
SAR_types[(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_SAR_BITS_SHIFT],
(ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT) >> L2CAP_FCR_F_BIT_SHIFT);
/* Extract the sequence number */
tx_seq = (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT;
/* Check if tx-sequence is the expected one */
if (tx_seq != p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("Rx L2CAP PDU: CID: 0x%04x Lost frames Exp: %u Got: %u p_rx_sdu: %p",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected, tx_seq, p_ccb->fcrb.p_rx_sdu);
/* Lost one or more packets, so flush the SAR queue */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.p_rx_sdu != NULL) {
p_ccb->fcrb.p_rx_sdu = NULL;
p_ccb->fcrb.next_seq_expected = (tx_seq + 1) & L2CAP_FCR_SEQ_MODULO;
if (!do_sar_reassembly (p_ccb, p_buf, ctrl_word)) {
/* Some sort of SAR error, so flush the SAR queue */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.p_rx_sdu != NULL) {
p_ccb->fcrb.p_rx_sdu = NULL;
** Function do_sar_reassembly
** Description Process SAR bits and re-assemble frame
** Returns TRUE if all OK, else FALSE
static BOOLEAN do_sar_reassembly (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, BT_HDR *p_buf, UINT16 ctrl_word)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_buf != NULL);
tL2C_FCRB *p_fcrb = &p_ccb->fcrb;
UINT16 sar_type = ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_SEG_BITS;
BOOLEAN packet_ok = TRUE;
UINT8 *p;
/* Check if the SAR state is correct */
if ((sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_UNSEG_SDU) || (sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_START_SDU)) {
if (p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu != NULL) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("SAR - got unexpected unsegmented or start SDU Expected len: %u Got so far: %u",
p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len, p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len);
packet_ok = FALSE;
/* Check the length of the packet */
if ( (sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_START_SDU) && (p_buf->len < L2CAP_SDU_LEN_OVERHEAD) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("SAR start packet too short: %u", p_buf->len);
packet_ok = FALSE;
} else {
if (p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu == NULL) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("SAR - got unexpected cont or end SDU");
packet_ok = FALSE;
if ( (packet_ok) && (sar_type != L2CAP_FCR_UNSEG_SDU) ) {
p = ((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1)) + p_buf->offset;
/* For start SDU packet, extract the SDU length */
if (sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_START_SDU) {
/* Get the SDU length */
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len, p);
p_buf->offset += 2;
p_buf->len -= 2;
if (p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len > p_ccb->max_rx_mtu) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("SAR - SDU len: %u larger than MTU: %u", p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len, p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len);
packet_ok = FALSE;
} else if ((p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu = (BT_HDR *)osi_malloc(L2CAP_MAX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("SAR - no buffer for SDU start user_rx_buf_size:%d", p_ccb->ertm_info.user_rx_buf_size);
packet_ok = FALSE;
} else {
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->offset = 4; /* this is the minimal offset required by OBX to process incoming packets */
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len = 0;
if (packet_ok) {
if ((p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len + p_buf->len) > p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len) {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("SAR - SDU len exceeded Type: %u Lengths: %u %u %u",
sar_type, p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len, p_buf->len, p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len);
packet_ok = FALSE;
} else if ( (sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_END_SDU) && ((p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len + p_buf->len) != p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("SAR - SDU end rcvd but SDU incomplete: %u %u %u",
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len, p_buf->len, p_fcrb->rx_sdu_len);
packet_ok = FALSE;
} else {
memcpy (((UINT8 *) (p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu + 1)) + p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->offset + p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len, p, p_buf->len);
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu->len += p_buf->len;
osi_free (p_buf);
p_buf = NULL;
if (sar_type == L2CAP_FCR_END_SDU) {
p_buf = p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu;
p_fcrb->p_rx_sdu = NULL;
if (packet_ok == FALSE) {
osi_free (p_buf);
} else if (p_buf != NULL) {
if (p_ccb->local_cid < L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID &&
(p_ccb->local_cid >= L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL && p_ccb->local_cid <= L2CAP_LAST_FIXED_CHNL)) {
if (l2cb.fixed_reg[p_ccb->local_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].pL2CA_FixedData_Cb)
(*l2cb.fixed_reg[p_ccb->local_cid - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].pL2CA_FixedData_Cb)
(p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, p_buf);
} else
l2c_csm_execute (p_ccb, L2CEVT_L2CAP_DATA, p_buf);
return (packet_ok);
** Function retransmit_i_frames
** Description This function retransmits i-frames awaiting acks.
** Returns BOOLEAN - TRUE if retransmitted
static BOOLEAN retransmit_i_frames (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT8 tx_seq)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
BT_HDR *p_buf = NULL;
UINT8 *p;
UINT8 buf_seq;
UINT16 ctrl_word;
if ( (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q))
&& (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit != 0)
&& (p_ccb->fcrb.num_tries >= p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("Max Tries Exceeded: (last_acq: %d CID: 0x%04x num_tries: %u (max: %u) ack_q_count: %u",
p_ccb->fcrb.last_rx_ack, p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->fcrb.num_tries, p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit,
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
return (FALSE);
/* tx_seq indicates whether to retransmit a specific sequence or all (if == L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS) */
list_t *list_ack = NULL;
const list_node_t *node_ack = NULL;
if (! fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q)) {
list_ack = fixed_queue_get_list(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q);
node_ack = list_begin(list_ack);
if (tx_seq != L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS) {
/* If sending only one, the sequence number tells us which one. Look for it.
if (list_ack != NULL) {
for ( ; node_ack != list_end(list_ack); node_ack = list_next(node_ack)) {
p_buf = (BT_HDR *)list_node(node_ack);
/* Get the old control word */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf+1)) + p_buf->offset + L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD;
STREAM_TO_UINT16 (ctrl_word, p);
buf_seq = (ctrl_word & L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS) >> L2CAP_FCR_TX_SEQ_BITS_SHIFT;
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("retransmit_i_frames() cur seq: %u looking for: %u", buf_seq, tx_seq);
if (tx_seq == buf_seq) {
if (!p_buf) {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("retransmit_i_frames() UNKNOWN seq: %u q_count: %u",
return (TRUE);
} else {
// Iterate though list and flush the amount requested from
// the transmit data queue that satisfy the layer and event conditions.
for (const list_node_t *node = list_begin(p_ccb->p_lcb->link_xmit_data_q);
node != list_end(p_ccb->p_lcb->link_xmit_data_q);) {
BT_HDR *p_buf = (BT_HDR *)list_node(node);
node = list_next(node);
/* Do not flush other CIDs or partial segments */
if ((p_buf->layer_specific == 0) && (p_buf->event == p_ccb->local_cid)) {
list_remove(p_ccb->p_lcb->link_xmit_data_q, p_buf);
/* Also flush our retransmission queue */
while (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.retrans_q)) {
if (list_ack != NULL) {
node_ack = list_begin(list_ack);
if (list_ack != NULL) {
while (node_ack != list_end(list_ack))
p_buf = (BT_HDR *)list_node(node_ack);
node_ack = list_next(node_ack);
BT_HDR *p_buf2 = l2c_fcr_clone_buf(p_buf, p_buf->offset, p_buf->len);
if (p_buf2)
p_buf2->layer_specific = p_buf->layer_specific;
fixed_queue_enqueue(p_ccb->fcrb.retrans_q, p_buf2);
if ( (tx_seq != L2C_FCR_RETX_ALL_PKTS) || (p_buf2 == NULL) ) {
l2c_link_check_send_pkts (p_ccb->p_lcb, NULL, NULL);
if (fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q))
l2c_fcr_start_timer (p_ccb);
return (TRUE);
** Function l2c_fcr_get_next_xmit_sdu_seg
** Description Get the next SDU segment to transmit.
** Returns pointer to buffer with segment or NULL
BT_HDR *l2c_fcr_get_next_xmit_sdu_seg (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT16 max_packet_length)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
BOOLEAN first_seg = FALSE, /* The segment is the first part of data */
mid_seg = FALSE, /* The segment is the middle part of data */
last_seg = FALSE; /* The segment is the last part of data */
UINT16 sdu_len = 0;
BT_HDR *p_buf, *p_xmit;
UINT8 *p;
UINT16 max_pdu = p_ccb->tx_mps /* Needed? - L2CAP_MAX_HEADER_FCS*/;
/* If there is anything in the retransmit queue, that goes first
p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_dequeue(p_ccb->fcrb.retrans_q);
if (p_buf != NULL) {
/* Update Rx Seq and FCS if we acked some packets while this one was queued */
prepare_I_frame (p_ccb, p_buf, TRUE);
p_buf->event = p_ccb->local_cid;
p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[0] += (p_buf->len - 8);
return (p_buf);
/* For BD/EDR controller, max_packet_length is set to 0 */
/* For AMP controller, max_packet_length is set by available blocks */
if ( (max_packet_length > L2CAP_MAX_HEADER_FCS)
&& (max_pdu + L2CAP_MAX_HEADER_FCS > max_packet_length) ) {
max_pdu = max_packet_length - L2CAP_MAX_HEADER_FCS;
p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_peek_first(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q);
/* If there is more data than the MPS, it requires segmentation */
if (p_buf->len > max_pdu) {
/* We are using the "event" field to tell is if we already started segmentation */
if (p_buf->event == 0) {
first_seg = TRUE;
sdu_len = p_buf->len;
} else {
mid_seg = TRUE;
/* Get a new buffer and copy the data that can be sent in a PDU */
p_xmit = l2c_fcr_clone_buf (p_buf, L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET + L2CAP_SDU_LEN_OFFSET,
if (p_xmit != NULL) {
p_buf->event = p_ccb->local_cid;
p_xmit->event = p_ccb->local_cid;
p_buf->len -= max_pdu;
p_buf->offset += max_pdu;
/* copy PBF setting */
p_xmit->layer_specific = p_buf->layer_specific;
} else { /* Should never happen if the application has configured buffers correctly */
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("L2CAP - cannot get buffer for segmentation, max_pdu: %u", max_pdu);
return (NULL);
} else { /* Use the original buffer if no segmentation, or the last segment */
p_xmit = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_dequeue(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q);
if (p_xmit->event != 0) {
last_seg = TRUE;
p_xmit->event = p_ccb->local_cid;
/* Step back to add the L2CAP headers */
p_xmit->offset -= (L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD + L2CAP_FCR_OVERHEAD);
if (first_seg) {
p_xmit->offset -= L2CAP_SDU_LEN_OVERHEAD;
p_xmit->len += L2CAP_SDU_LEN_OVERHEAD;
/* Set the pointer to the beginning of the data */
p = (UINT8 *)(p_xmit + 1) + p_xmit->offset;
/* Now the L2CAP header */
/* Note: if FCS has to be included then the length is recalculated later */
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, p_xmit->len - L2CAP_PKT_OVERHEAD);
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, p_ccb->remote_cid);
if (first_seg) {
/* Skip control word and add SDU length */
p += 2;
UINT16_TO_STREAM (p, sdu_len);
/* We will store the SAR type in layer-specific */
/* layer_specific is shared with flushable flag(bits 0-1), don't clear it */
p_xmit->layer_specific |= L2CAP_FCR_START_SDU;
first_seg = FALSE;
} else if (mid_seg) {
p_xmit->layer_specific |= L2CAP_FCR_CONT_SDU;
} else if (last_seg) {
p_xmit->layer_specific |= L2CAP_FCR_END_SDU;
} else {
p_xmit->layer_specific |= L2CAP_FCR_UNSEG_SDU;
prepare_I_frame (p_ccb, p_xmit, FALSE);
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) {
BT_HDR *p_wack = l2c_fcr_clone_buf (p_xmit, HCI_DATA_PREAMBLE_SIZE, p_xmit->len);
if (!p_wack) {
L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR("L2CAP - no buffer for xmit cloning, CID: 0x%04x Length: %u",
p_ccb->local_cid, p_xmit->len);
/* We will not save the FCS in case we reconfigure and change options */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
p_xmit->len -= L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
/* Pretend we sent it and it got lost */
fixed_queue_enqueue(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q, p_xmit);
return (NULL);
} else {
/* set timestamp at the end of tx I-frame to get acking delay */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_wack + 1)) + p_wack->offset + p_wack->len;
UINT32_TO_STREAM (p, osi_time_get_os_boottime_ms());
/* We will not save the FCS in case we reconfigure and change options */
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
p_wack->len -= L2CAP_FCS_LEN;
p_wack->layer_specific = p_xmit->layer_specific;
fixed_queue_enqueue(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q, p_wack);
p_ccb->fcrb.ertm_byte_counts[0] += (p_xmit->len - 8);
return (p_xmit);
** Configuration negotiation functions
** The following functions are used in negotiating channel modes during
** configuration
** Function l2c_fcr_chk_chan_modes
** Description Validates and adjusts if necessary, the FCR options
** based on remote EXT features.
** Note: This assumes peer EXT Features have been received.
** Basic mode is used if FCR Options have not been received
** Returns UINT8 - nonzero if can continue, '0' if no compatible channels
UINT8 l2c_fcr_chk_chan_modes (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
/* Remove nonbasic options that the peer does not support */
if (!(p_ccb->p_lcb->peer_ext_fea & L2CAP_EXTFEA_ENH_RETRANS)) {
p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes &= ~L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_ERTM;
if (!(p_ccb->p_lcb->peer_ext_fea & L2CAP_EXTFEA_STREAM_MODE)) {
p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes &= ~L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_STREAM;
/* At least one type needs to be set (Basic, ERTM, STM) to continue */
if (!p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP - Peer does not support our desired channel types");
return (p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes);
** Function l2c_fcr_adj_our_req_options
** Description Validates and sets up the FCR options passed in from
** L2CA_ConfigReq based on remote device's features.
** Returns TRUE if no errors, Otherwise FALSE
BOOLEAN l2c_fcr_adj_our_req_options (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_cfg != NULL);
tL2CAP_FCR_OPTS *p_fcr = &p_cfg->fcr;
if (p_fcr->mode != p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("l2c_fcr_adj_our_req_options - preferred_mode (%d), does not match mode (%d)",
p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode, p_fcr->mode);
/* The preferred mode is passed in through tL2CAP_ERTM_INFO, so override this one */
p_fcr->mode = p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode;
/* If upper layer did not request eRTM mode, BASIC must be used */
if (p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes == L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_BASIC) {
if (p_cfg->fcr_present && p_fcr->mode != L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("l2c_fcr_adj_our_req_options (mode %d): ERROR: No FCR options set using BASIC mode", p_fcr->mode);
p_fcr->mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
/* Process the FCR options if initial channel bring-up (not a reconfig request)
** Determine initial channel mode to try based on our options and remote's features
if (p_cfg->fcr_present && !(p_ccb->config_done & RECONFIG_FLAG)) {
/* We need to have at least one mode type common with the peer */
if (!l2c_fcr_chk_chan_modes(p_ccb)) {
/* Two channels have incompatible supported types */
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
return (FALSE);
/* Basic is the only common channel mode between the two devices */
else if (p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes == L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_BASIC) {
/* We only want to try Basic, so bypass sending the FCR options entirely */
p_cfg->fcr_present = FALSE;
p_cfg->fcs_present = FALSE; /* Illegal to use FCS option in basic mode */
p_cfg->ext_flow_spec_present = FALSE; /* Illegal to use extended flow spec in basic mode */
/* We have at least one non-basic mode available
* Override mode from available mode options based on preference, if needed
else {
/* If peer does not support STREAMING, try ERTM */
if (p_fcr->mode == L2CAP_FCR_STREAM_MODE && !(p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_STREAM)) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("L2C CFG: mode is STREAM, but peer does not support; Try ERTM");
p_fcr->mode = L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE;
/* If peer does not support ERTM, try BASIC (will support this if made it here in the code) */
if (p_fcr->mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE && !(p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_ERTM)) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("L2C CFG: mode is ERTM, but peer does not support; Try BASIC");
p_fcr->mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
if (p_fcr->mode != L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
/* MTU must be smaller than buffer size */
if ( (p_cfg->mtu_present) && (p_cfg->mtu > p_ccb->max_rx_mtu) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP - MTU: %u larger than buf size: %u", p_cfg->mtu, p_ccb->max_rx_mtu);
return (FALSE);
/* application want to use the default MPS */
if (p_fcr->mps == L2CAP_DEFAULT_ERM_MPS) {
p_fcr->mps = L2CAP_MPS_OVER_BR_EDR;
/* MPS must be less than MTU */
else if (p_fcr->mps > p_ccb->max_rx_mtu) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP - MPS %u invalid MTU: %u", p_fcr->mps, p_ccb->max_rx_mtu);
return (FALSE);
/* We always initially read into the HCI buffer pool, so make sure it fits */
if (p_fcr->mps > (L2CAP_MTU_SIZE - L2CAP_MAX_HEADER_FCS)) {
} else {
p_cfg->fcs_present = FALSE; /* Illegal to use FCS option in basic mode */
p_cfg->ext_flow_spec_present = FALSE; /* Illegal to use extended flow spec in basic mode */
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr = *p_fcr;
} else { /* Not sure how to send a reconfiguration(??) should fcr be included? */
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr_present = FALSE;
return (TRUE);
** Function l2c_fcr_adj_monitor_retran_timeout
** Description Overrides monitor/retrans timer value based on controller
** Returns None
void l2c_fcr_adj_monitor_retran_timeout (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
/* adjust our monitor/retran timeout */
if (p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present) {
** if we requestd ERTM or accepted ERTM
** We may accept ERTM even if we didn't request ERTM, in case of requesting STREAM
if ((p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE)
|| (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE)) {
/* upper layer setting is ignored */
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout = L2CAP_MIN_MONITOR_TOUT;
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout = L2CAP_MIN_RETRANS_TOUT;
} else {
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout = 0;
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout = 0;
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_adj_monitor_retran_timeout: mon_tout:%d, rtrans_tout:%d",
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout, p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout);
** Function l2c_fcr_adj_our_rsp_options
** Description Overrides any neccesary FCR options passed in from
** L2CA_ConfigRsp based on our FCR options.
** Only makes adjustments if channel is in ERTM mode.
** Returns None
void l2c_fcr_adj_our_rsp_options (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_cfg != NULL);
/* adjust our monitor/retran timeout */
p_cfg->fcr_present = p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present;
if (p_cfg->fcr_present) {
// btla-specific ++
/* Temporary - until a better algorithm is implemented */
/* If peer's tx_wnd_sz requires too many buffers for us to support, then adjust it. For now, respond with our own tx_wnd_sz. */
/* Note: peer is not guaranteed to obey our adjustment */
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz > p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("%s: adjusting requested tx_win_sz from %i to %i", __FUNCTION__, p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz, p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz);
p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz;
// btla-specific --
p_cfg->fcr.mode = p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mode;
p_cfg->fcr.tx_win_sz = p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz;
p_cfg->fcr.max_transmit = p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.max_transmit;
p_cfg->fcr.mps = p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr.mps;
p_cfg->fcr.rtrans_tout = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout;
p_cfg->fcr.mon_tout = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout;
** Function l2c_fcr_renegotiate_chan
** Description Called upon unsuccessful peer response to config request.
** If the error is because of the channel mode, it will try
** to resend using another supported optional channel.
** Returns TRUE if resent configuration, False if channel matches or
** cannot match.
BOOLEAN l2c_fcr_renegotiate_chan(tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_cfg != NULL);
UINT8 peer_mode = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode;
BOOLEAN can_renegotiate;
/* Skip if this is a reconfiguration from OPEN STATE or if FCR is not returned */
if (!p_cfg->fcr_present || (p_ccb->config_done & RECONFIG_FLAG)) {
return (FALSE);
/* Only retry if there are more channel options to try */
if (p_cfg->result == L2CAP_CFG_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS) {
peer_mode = (p_cfg->fcr_present) ? p_cfg->fcr.mode : L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
if (p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode != peer_mode) {
if ((--p_ccb->fcr_cfg_tries) == 0) {
p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_FAILED_NO_REASON;
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("l2c_fcr_renegotiate_chan (Max retries exceeded)");
can_renegotiate = FALSE;
/* Try another supported mode if available based on our last attempted channel */
switch (p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode) {
/* Our Streaming mode request was unnacceptable; try ERTM or Basic */
/* Peer wants ERTM and we support it */
if ( (peer_mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) && (p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_ERTM) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_renegotiate_chan(Trying ERTM)");
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode = L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE;
can_renegotiate = TRUE;
} else /* Falls through */
/* We can try basic for any other peer mode if we support it */
if (p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_BASIC) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG ("l2c_fcr_renegotiate_chan(Trying Basic)");
can_renegotiate = TRUE;
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
/* All other scenarios cannot be renegotiated */
if (can_renegotiate) {
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr_present = TRUE;
if (p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcs_present = FALSE;
p_ccb->our_cfg.ext_flow_spec_present = FALSE;
/* Basic Mode uses ACL Data Pool, make sure the MTU fits */
if ( (p_cfg->mtu_present) && (p_cfg->mtu > L2CAP_MTU_SIZE) ) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2CAP - adjust MTU: %u too large", p_cfg->mtu);
p_cfg->mtu = L2CAP_MTU_SIZE;
l2cu_process_our_cfg_req (p_ccb, &p_ccb->our_cfg);
l2cu_send_peer_config_req (p_ccb, &p_ccb->our_cfg);
btu_start_timer (&p_ccb->timer_entry, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_CHNL, L2CAP_CHNL_CFG_TIMEOUT);
return (TRUE);
/* Disconnect if the channels do not match */
if (p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode != peer_mode) {
L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("L2C CFG: Channels incompatible (local %d, peer %d)",
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode, peer_mode);
l2cu_disconnect_chnl (p_ccb);
return (FALSE);
** Function l2c_fcr_process_peer_cfg_req
** Description This function is called to process the FCR options passed
** in the peer's configuration request.
UINT8 l2c_fcr_process_peer_cfg_req(tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
assert(p_ccb != NULL);
assert(p_cfg != NULL);
UINT16 max_retrans_size;
p_ccb->p_lcb->w4_info_rsp = FALSE; /* Handles T61x SonyEricsson Bug in Info Request */
L2CAP_TRACE_EVENT ("l2c_fcr_process_peer_cfg_req() CFG fcr_present:%d fcr.mode:%d CCB FCR mode:%d preferred: %u allowed:%u",
p_cfg->fcr_present, p_cfg->fcr.mode, p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode, p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode,
/* If Peer wants basic, we are done (accept it or disconnect) */
if (p_cfg->fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
/* If we do not allow basic, disconnect */
if ( !(p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_BASIC) ) {
/* Need to negotiate if our modes are not the same */
else if (p_cfg->fcr.mode != p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode) {
/* If peer wants a mode that we don't support then retry our mode (ex. rtx/flc), OR
** If we want ERTM and they wanted streaming retry our mode.
** Note: If we have already determined they support our mode previously
** from their EXF mask.
if ( (((1 << p_cfg->fcr.mode) & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_ALL_MASK) == 0)
|| (p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE) ) {
p_cfg->fcr.mode = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mode;
p_cfg->fcr.tx_win_sz = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz;
p_cfg->fcr.max_transmit = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.max_transmit;
/* If we wanted basic, then try to renegotiate it */
else if (p_ccb->ertm_info.preferred_mode == L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
p_cfg->fcr.mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
p_cfg->fcr.max_transmit = p_cfg->fcr.tx_win_sz = 0;
p_cfg->fcr.rtrans_tout = p_cfg->fcr.mon_tout = p_cfg->fcr.mps = 0;
p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.rtrans_tout = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mon_tout = p_ccb->our_cfg.fcr.mps = 0;
/* Only other valid case is if they want ERTM and we wanted STM which should be
accepted if we support it; otherwise the channel should be disconnected */
else if ( (p_cfg->fcr.mode != L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE)
|| !(p_ccb->ertm_info.allowed_modes & L2CAP_FCR_CHAN_OPT_ERTM) ) {
/* Configuration for FCR channels so make any adjustments and fwd to upper layer */
if (fcr_ok == L2CAP_PEER_CFG_OK) {
/* by default don't need to send params in the response */
p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present = FALSE;
/* Make any needed adjustments for the response to the peer */
if (p_cfg->fcr_present && p_cfg->fcr.mode != L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE) {
/* Peer desires to bypass FCS check, and streaming or ERTM mode */
if (p_cfg->fcs_present) {
p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcs = p_cfg->fcs;
p_ccb->peer_cfg_bits |= L2CAP_CH_CFG_MASK_FCS;
if ( p_cfg->fcs == L2CAP_CFG_FCS_BYPASS) {
p_ccb->bypass_fcs |= L2CAP_CFG_FCS_PEER;
max_retrans_size = p_ccb->ertm_info.fcr_tx_buf_size - sizeof(BT_HDR)
/* Ensure the MPS is not bigger than the MTU */
if ( (p_cfg->fcr.mps == 0) || (p_cfg->fcr.mps > p_ccb->peer_cfg.mtu) ) {
p_cfg->fcr.mps = p_ccb->peer_cfg.mtu;
p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present = TRUE;
/* Ensure the MPS is not bigger than our retransmission buffer */
if (p_cfg->fcr.mps > max_retrans_size) {
L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG("CFG: Overriding MPS to %d (orig %d)", max_retrans_size, p_cfg->fcr.mps);
p_cfg->fcr.mps = max_retrans_size;
p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present = TRUE;
if (p_cfg->fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_ERTM_MODE || p_cfg->fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_STREAM_MODE) {
/* Always respond with FCR ERTM parameters */
p_ccb->out_cfg_fcr_present = TRUE;
/* Everything ok, so save the peer's adjusted fcr options */
p_ccb->peer_cfg.fcr = p_cfg->fcr;
if (p_cfg->fcr_present) {
p_ccb->peer_cfg_bits |= L2CAP_CH_CFG_MASK_FCR;
} else if (fcr_ok == L2CAP_PEER_CFG_UNACCEPTABLE) {
/* Allow peer only one retry for mode */
if (p_ccb->peer_cfg_already_rejected) {
} else {
p_ccb->peer_cfg_already_rejected = TRUE;
return (fcr_ok);
** Function l2c_fcr_collect_ack_delay
** Description collect throughput, delay, queue size of waiting ack
** Parameters
** tL2C_CCB
** Returns void
static void l2c_fcr_collect_ack_delay (tL2C_CCB *p_ccb, UINT8 num_bufs_acked)
UINT32 index;
BT_HDR *p_buf;
UINT8 *p;
UINT32 timestamp, delay;
UINT8 xx;
UINT8 str[120];
index = p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg_index;
/* update sum, max and min of waiting for ack queue size */
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[index] +=
if (fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q) > p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_max[index]) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_max[index] = fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q);
if (fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q) < p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_min[index]) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_min[index] = fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q);
/* update sum, max and min of round trip delay of acking */
list_t *list = NULL;
if (! fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q))
list = fixed_queue_get_list(p_ccb->fcrb.waiting_for_ack_q);
if (list != NULL) {
for (const list_node_t *node = list_begin(list), xx = 0;
(node != list_end(list)) && (xx < num_bufs_acked);
node = list_next(node), xx++) {
p_buf = list_node(node);
/* adding up length of acked I-frames to get throughput */
p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[index] += p_buf->len - 8;
if ( xx == num_bufs_acked - 1 ) {
/* get timestamp from tx I-frame that receiver is acking */
p = ((UINT8 *) (p_buf+1)) + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len;
if (p_ccb->bypass_fcs != L2CAP_BYPASS_FCS) {
STREAM_TO_UINT32(timestamp, p);
delay = osi_time_get_os_boottime_ms() - timestamp;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[index] += delay;
if ( delay > p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_max[index] ) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_max[index] = delay;
if ( delay < p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_min[index] ) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_min[index] = delay;
/* calculate average and initialize next avg, min and max */
if (p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg_count > L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_AVG_NUM_SAMPLES) {
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg_count = 0;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[index] /= L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_AVG_NUM_SAMPLES;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[index] /= L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_AVG_NUM_SAMPLES;
/* calculate throughput */
timestamp = osi_time_get_os_boottime_ms();
if (timestamp - p_ccb->fcrb.throughput_start > 0 ) {
p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[index] /= (timestamp - p_ccb->fcrb.throughput_start);
p_ccb->fcrb.throughput_start = timestamp;
sprintf(str, "[%02u] throughput: %5u, ack_delay avg:%3u, min:%3u, max:%3u, ack_q_count avg:%3u, min:%3u, max:%3u",
index, p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[index],
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[index], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_min[index], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_max[index],
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[index], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_min[index], p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_max[index] );
index = (index + 1) % L2CAP_ERTM_STATS_NUM_AVG;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg_index = index;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_max[index] = 0;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_min[index] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_q_count_avg[index] = 0;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_max[index] = 0;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_min[index] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
p_ccb->fcrb.ack_delay_avg[index] = 0;
p_ccb->fcrb.throughput[index] = 0;