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synced 2025-03-23 07:59:11 -04:00
1. mem_burst_length register field correction 2. remove dma buffer addr range restriction 3. M2M periph sel ID no need to be identical for TX and RX channels 4. correct rx descriptor owner field auto clear 5. remove fsm idle assertion for ERR_EOF
95 lines
4.5 KiB
95 lines
4.5 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "hal/dma2d_hal.h"
#include "hal/dma2d_ll.h"
#include "esp_private/dma2d.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct dma2d_channel_t dma2d_channel_t;
typedef struct dma2d_tx_channel_t dma2d_tx_channel_t;
typedef struct dma2d_rx_channel_t dma2d_rx_channel_t;
typedef struct dma2d_group_t dma2d_group_t;
struct dma2d_trans_s {
TAILQ_ENTRY(dma2d_trans_s) entry; // Link entry
const dma2d_trans_config_t *desc; // Pointer to the structure containing all configuration items of a transaction
dma2d_channel_handle_t rx_chan; // Pointer to the RX channel handle that will be used to do the transaction
struct dma2d_group_t {
int group_id; // Group ID, index from 0
dma2d_hal_context_t hal; // HAL instance is at group level
portMUX_TYPE spinlock; // Group level spinlock
TAILQ_HEAD(pending_trans, dma2d_trans_s) pending_trans_tailq; // Link head of pending 2D-DMA transactions
uint8_t tx_channel_free_mask; // Bit mask indicating the free TX channels at the moment
uint8_t rx_channel_free_mask; // Bit mask indicating the free RX channels at the moment
uint8_t tx_channel_reserved_mask; // Bit mask indicating the being reserved TX channels
uint8_t rx_channel_reserved_mask; // Bit mask indicating the being reserved RX channels
uint32_t tx_periph_m2m_free_id_mask; // Bit mask indicating the available TX M2M peripheral selelction IDs at the moment
uint32_t rx_periph_m2m_free_id_mask; // Bit mask indicating the available RX M2M peripheral selelction IDs at the moment
dma2d_tx_channel_t *tx_chans[SOC_DMA2D_TX_CHANNELS_PER_GROUP]; // Handles of 2D-DMA TX channels
dma2d_rx_channel_t *rx_chans[SOC_DMA2D_RX_CHANNELS_PER_GROUP]; // Handles of 2D-DMA RX channels
int intr_priority; // All channels in the same group should share the same interrupt priority
struct dma2d_channel_t {
dma2d_group_t *group; // Which group the channel belongs to
int channel_id; // Channel ID
dma2d_channel_direction_t direction; // Channel direction, TX or RX
intr_handle_t intr; // Per-channel interrupt handle
portMUX_TYPE spinlock; // Channel level spinlock
struct {
dma2d_trans_t *transaction; // Pointer to the 2D-DMA transaction context that is currently being processed on the channel
uint32_t reorder_en : 1; // This flag indicates the channel will enable reorder functionality
int periph_sel_id : (DMA2D_LL_CHANNEL_PERIPH_SEL_BIT_WIDTH + 1); // This is used to record the periph_sel_id of each channel
} status;
struct dma2d_tx_channel_t {
dma2d_channel_t base; // 2D-DMA channel base class
void *user_data; // User registered DMA event data
dma2d_event_callback_t on_desc_done; // TX DONE event callback
struct dma2d_rx_channel_t {
dma2d_channel_t base; // 2D-DMA channel base class
void *user_data; // User registered DMA event data
dma2d_event_callback_t on_recv_eof; // RX EOF event callback
dma2d_event_callback_t on_desc_done; // RX DONE event callback
uint32_t bundled_tx_channel_mask; // Bit mask indicating the TX channels together with the RX channel to do the transaction
#ifdef __cplusplus