nilesh.kale 5c5df89950
feat(esp_https_ota): added ota resumption feature
This commit enabled configurable OTA resumption feature in advanced ota example.
This resumes downloading OTA image from where it left off in case of
an error or reboot.

2025-01-23 17:13:15 +05:30

301 lines
14 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <esp_http_client.h>
#include <bootloader_common.h>
#include "esp_app_desc.h"
#include "esp_bootloader_desc.h"
#include <sdkconfig.h>
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_partition.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Events generated by OTA process
typedef enum {
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_START, /*!< OTA started */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_CONNECTED, /*!< Connected to server */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_GET_IMG_DESC, /*!< Read app/bootloader description from image header */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_VERIFY_CHIP_ID, /*!< Verify chip id of new image */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_DECRYPT_CB, /*!< Callback to decrypt function */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_WRITE_FLASH, /*!< Flash write operation */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_UPDATE_BOOT_PARTITION, /*!< Boot partition update after successful ota update */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_FINISH, /*!< OTA finished */
ESP_HTTPS_OTA_ABORT, /*!< OTA aborted */
} esp_https_ota_event_t;
typedef void *esp_https_ota_handle_t;
typedef esp_err_t(*http_client_init_cb_t)(esp_http_client_handle_t);
* @brief ESP HTTPS OTA decrypt callback args
typedef struct {
const char *data_in; /*!< Pointer to data to be decrypted */
size_t data_in_len; /*!< Input data length */
char *data_out; /*!< Pointer to data decrypted using callback, this will be freed after data is written to flash */
size_t data_out_len; /*!< Output data length */
} decrypt_cb_arg_t;
typedef esp_err_t(*decrypt_cb_t)(decrypt_cb_arg_t *args, void *user_ctx);
* @brief ESP HTTPS OTA configuration
typedef struct {
const esp_http_client_config_t *http_config; /*!< ESP HTTP client configuration */
http_client_init_cb_t http_client_init_cb; /*!< Callback after ESP HTTP client is initialised */
bool bulk_flash_erase; /*!< Erase entire flash partition during initialization. By default flash partition is erased during write operation and in chunk of 4K sector size */
bool partial_http_download; /*!< Enable Firmware image to be downloaded over multiple HTTP requests */
int max_http_request_size; /*!< Maximum request size for partial HTTP download */
uint32_t buffer_caps; /*!< The memory capability to use when allocating the buffer for OTA update. Default capability is MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT */
bool ota_resumption; /*!< Enable resumption in downloading of OTA image between reboots */
size_t ota_image_bytes_written; /*!< Number of OTA image bytes written to flash so far, updated by the application when OTA data is written successfully in the target OTA partition. */
decrypt_cb_t decrypt_cb; /*!< Callback for external decryption layer */
void *decrypt_user_ctx; /*!< User context for external decryption layer */
uint16_t enc_img_header_size; /*!< Header size of pre-encrypted ota image header */
struct { /*!< Details of staging and final partitions for OTA update */
const esp_partition_t *staging; /*!< New image will be downloaded in this staging partition. If NULL then a free app partition (passive app partition) is selected as the staging partition. */
const esp_partition_t *final; /*!< Final destination partition. Its type/subtype will be used for verification. If set to NULL, staging partition shall be set as the final partition. */
bool finalize_with_copy; /*!< Flag to copy the staging image to the final partition at the end of OTA update */
} partition; /*!< Struct containing details about the staging and final partitions for OTA update. */
} esp_https_ota_config_t;
#define ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_BASE (0x9000)
#define ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_IN_PROGRESS (ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_BASE + 1) /* OTA operation in progress */
* @brief HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade.
* This function allocates HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade context, establishes HTTPS connection,
* reads image data from HTTP stream and writes it to OTA partition and
* finishes HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade operation.
* This API supports URL redirection, but if CA cert of URLs differ then it
* should be appended to `cert_pem` member of `ota_config->http_config`.
* @param[in] ota_config pointer to esp_https_ota_config_t structure.
* @note This API handles the entire OTA operation, so if this API is being used
* then no other APIs from `esp_https_ota` component should be called.
* If more information and control is needed during the HTTPS OTA process,
* then one can use `esp_https_ota_begin` and subsequent APIs. If this API returns
* successfully, esp_restart() must be called to boot from the new firmware image.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: OTA data updated, next reboot will use specified partition.
* - ESP_FAIL: For generic failure.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument
* - ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED: Invalid app image
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Cannot allocate memory for OTA operation.
* - ESP_ERR_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED: OTA image is not modified on server side
* - For other return codes, refer OTA documentation in esp-idf's app_update component.
esp_err_t esp_https_ota(const esp_https_ota_config_t *ota_config);
* @brief Start HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade
* This function initializes ESP HTTPS OTA context and establishes HTTPS connection.
* This function must be invoked first. If this function returns successfully, then `esp_https_ota_perform` should be
* called to continue with the OTA process and there should be a call to `esp_https_ota_finish` on
* completion of OTA operation or on failure in subsequent operations.
* This API supports URL redirection, but if CA cert of URLs differ then it
* should be appended to `cert_pem` member of `http_config`, which is a part of `ota_config`.
* In case of error, this API explicitly sets `handle` to NULL.
* @param[in] ota_config pointer to esp_https_ota_config_t structure
* @param[out] handle pointer to an allocated data of type `esp_https_ota_handle_t`
* which will be initialised in this function
* @note This API is blocking, so setting `is_async` member of `http_config` structure will
* result in an error.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade context initialised and HTTPS connection established
* - ESP_FAIL: For generic failure.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument (missing/incorrect config, certificate, etc.)
* - ESP_ERR_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED: OTA image is not modified on server side
* - For other return codes, refer documentation in app_update component and esp_http_client
* component in esp-idf.
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_begin(const esp_https_ota_config_t *ota_config, esp_https_ota_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Read image data from HTTP stream and write it to OTA partition
* This function reads image data from HTTP stream and writes it to OTA partition. This function
* must be called only if esp_https_ota_begin() returns successfully.
* This function must be called in a loop since it returns after every HTTP read operation thus
* giving you the flexibility to stop OTA operation midway.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_IN_PROGRESS: OTA update is in progress, call this API again to continue.
* - ESP_OK: OTA update was successful
* - ESP_FAIL: OTA update failed
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_VERSION: Invalid chip revision in image header
* - ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED: Invalid app image
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Cannot allocate memory for OTA operation.
* - For other return codes, refer OTA documentation in esp-idf's app_update component.
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_perform(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief Checks if complete data was received or not
* @note This API can be called just before esp_https_ota_finish() to validate if the complete image was indeed received.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - false
* - true
bool esp_https_ota_is_complete_data_received(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief Clean-up HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade and close HTTPS connection
* This function closes the HTTP connection and frees the ESP HTTPS OTA context.
* This function switches the boot partition to the OTA partition containing the
* new firmware image.
* @note If this API returns successfully, esp_restart() must be called to
* boot from the new firmware image
* esp_https_ota_finish should not be called after calling esp_https_ota_abort
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Clean-up successful
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument
* - ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED: Invalid app image
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_finish(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief Clean-up HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade and close HTTPS connection
* This function closes the HTTP connection and frees the ESP HTTPS OTA context.
* @note esp_https_ota_abort should not be called after calling esp_https_ota_finish
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Clean-up successful
* - ESP_FAIL: OTA not started
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: OTA handle not found
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_abort(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief Reads app description from image header. The app description provides information
* like the "Firmware version" of the image.
* @note This API can be called only after esp_https_ota_begin() and before esp_https_ota_perform().
* Calling this API is not mandatory.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @param[out] new_app_info pointer to an allocated esp_app_desc_t structure
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid arguments
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Invalid state to call this API. esp_https_ota_begin() not called yet.
* - ESP_FAIL: Failed to read image descriptor
* - ESP_OK: Successfully read image descriptor
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_get_img_desc(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle, esp_app_desc_t *new_app_info);
* @brief Reads bootloader description from image header. The bootloader description provides information
* like the "Bootloader version" of the image.
* @note This API can be called only after esp_https_ota_begin() and before esp_https_ota_perform().
* Calling this API is not mandatory.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @param[out] new_img_info pointer to an allocated esp_bootloader_desc_t structure
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid arguments
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Invalid state to call this API. esp_https_ota_begin() not called yet.
* - ESP_FAIL: Failed to read image descriptor
* - ESP_OK: Successfully read image descriptor
esp_err_t esp_https_ota_get_bootloader_img_desc(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle, esp_bootloader_desc_t *new_img_info);
* @brief This function returns OTA image data read so far.
* @note This API should be called only if `esp_https_ota_perform()` has been called at least once or
* if `esp_https_ota_get_img_desc` has been called before.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - -1 On failure
* - total bytes read so far
int esp_https_ota_get_image_len_read(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief This function returns the HTTP status code of the last HTTP response.
* @note This API should be called only after esp_https_ota_begin() has been called.
* This can be used to check the HTTP status code of the OTA download process.
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - -1 On failure
* - HTTP status code
int esp_https_ota_get_status_code(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
* @brief This function returns OTA image total size.
* @note This API should be called after esp_https_ota_begin() has been already called.
* This can be used to create some sort of progress indication
* (in combination with esp_https_ota_get_image_len_read())
* @param[in] https_ota_handle pointer to esp_https_ota_handle_t structure
* @return
* - -1 On failure or chunked encoding
* - total bytes of image
int esp_https_ota_get_image_size(esp_https_ota_handle_t https_ota_handle);
#ifdef __cplusplus