Darian Leung 471fe41828
refactor(soc): Remove soc/usb_types.h
This header has been removed for the following reasons:

- Header is misplaced. 'xxx_types.h' headers should be placed in the 'hal'
- The 'usb_xxx_endpoint_t' should be placed in the 'xxx_struct.h' header.
2024-02-19 15:45:04 +08:00

122 lines
6.2 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* USB IN EP Register block type */
typedef struct usb_in_ep_reg {
volatile uint32_t diepctl;
uint32_t reserved;
volatile uint32_t diepint;
uint32_t reserved1;
volatile uint32_t dieptsiz;
volatile uint32_t diepdma;
volatile uint32_t dtxfsts;
uint32_t reserved2;
} usb_in_endpoint_t;
/* USB OUT EP Register block type */
typedef struct usb_out_ep_reg {
volatile uint32_t doepctl;
uint32_t reserved;
volatile uint32_t doepint;
uint32_t reserved1;
volatile uint32_t doeptsiz;
volatile uint32_t doepdma;
uint32_t reserved2;
uint32_t reserved3;
} usb_out_endpoint_t;
typedef struct usb_reg {
volatile uint32_t gotgctl; // 0x0000 OTG Control and Status Register
volatile uint32_t gotgint; // 0x0004 OTG Interrupt Register
volatile uint32_t gahbcfg; // 0x0008 AHB Configuration Register
volatile uint32_t gusbcfg; // 0x000c USB Configuration Register
volatile uint32_t grstctl; // 0x0010 Reset Register
volatile uint32_t gintsts; // 0x0014 Interrupt Register
volatile uint32_t gintmsk; // 0x0018 Interrupt Mask Register
volatile uint32_t grxstsr; // 0x001c Receive Status Debug Read Register
volatile uint32_t grxstsp; // 0x0020 Receive Status Read/Pop Register
volatile uint32_t grxfsiz; // 0x0024 Receive FIFO Size Register
volatile uint32_t gnptxfsiz; // 0x0028 Non-periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register
volatile uint32_t gnptxsts; // 0x002c Non-periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0030_0x0040[4]; // 0x0030 to 0x0040
volatile uint32_t gsnpsid; // 0x0040 Synopsys ID Register
volatile uint32_t ghwcfg1; // 0x0044 User Hardware Configuration 1 Register
volatile uint32_t ghwcfg2; // 0x0048 User Hardware Configuration 2 Register
volatile uint32_t ghwcfg3; // 0x004c User Hardware Configuration 3 Register
volatile uint32_t ghwcfg4; // 0x0050 User Hardware Configuration 4 Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0054_0x005c[2]; // 0x0054 to 0x005c
volatile uint32_t gdfifocfg; // 0x005c Global DFIFO Configuration Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0060_0x0100[40]; // 0x0060 to 0x0100
volatile uint32_t hptxfsiz; // 0x0100 Host Periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register
volatile uint32_t dieptxf[4]; // 0x0104 to 0x0114 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register i
uint32_t reserved_0x0114_0x0140[11]; // 0x0114 to 0x0140
uint32_t reserved_0x0140_0x0400[176]; // 0x0140 to 0x0400
* Host mode registers offsets from 0x0400 to 0x07FF
volatile uint32_t hcfg; // 0x0400 Host Configuration Register
volatile uint32_t hfir; // 0x0404 Host Frame Interval Register
volatile uint32_t hfnum; // 0x0408 Host Frame Number/Frame Remaining Register
uint32_t reserved0x40C; // 0x040c Reserved
volatile uint32_t hptxsts; // 0x0410 Host Periodic Transmit FIFO/ Queue Status Register
volatile uint32_t haint; // 0x0414 Host All Channels Interrupt Register
volatile uint32_t haintmsk; // 0x0418 Host All Channels Interrupt Mask Register
volatile uint32_t hflbaddr; // 0x041c Host Frame List Base Address Register
uint32_t reserved0x0420_0x0440[8]; // 0x0420 to 0x0440
volatile uint32_t hprt; // 0x0440 Host Port Control and Status Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0444_0x0500[47]; // 0x0444 to 0x0500
//Skip over the host channel registers
volatile uint32_t host_chan_regs[128]; // 0x0500 to 0x0700
uint32_t reserved_0x0700_0x0800[64]; // 0x0700 to 0x0800
* Device mode registers offsets from
volatile uint32_t dcfg; // 0x0800 Device Configuration Register
volatile uint32_t dctl; // 0x0804 Device Control Register
volatile uint32_t dsts; // 0x0808 Device Status Register (Read Only)
uint32_t reserved0x80c; // 0x080c
volatile uint32_t diepmsk; // 0x0810 Device IN Endpoint Common Interrupt Mask Register
volatile uint32_t doepmsk; // 0x0814 Device OUT Endpoint Common Interrupt Mask Register
volatile uint32_t daint; // 0x0818 Device All Endpoints Interrupt Register
volatile uint32_t daintmsk; // 0x081c Device All Endpoints Interrupt Mask Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0820_0x0828[2]; // 0x0820 to 0x0828
volatile uint32_t dvbusdis; // 0x0828 Device VBUS discharge Register
volatile uint32_t dvbuspulse; // 0x082c Device VBUS Pulse Register
volatile uint32_t dthrctl; // 0x0830 Device Thresholding control register (Read/Write)
volatile uint32_t dtknqr4_fifoemptymsk; // 0x0834 Device IN Endpoint FIFO Empty Interrupt Mask register
uint32_t reserved_0x0838_0x0900[50]; // 0x0838 to 0x0900
// Input Endpoints
usb_in_endpoint_t in_ep_reg[7]; // 0x0900 to 0x09e0 IN EP registers
uint32_t reserved_0x09e0_0x0b00[72]; // 0x09e0 to 0x0b00
// Output Endpoints
usb_out_endpoint_t out_ep_reg[7]; // 0x0b00 to 0x0be0 OUT EP registers
uint32_t reserved_0x0be0_0x0d00[72]; // 0x0be0 to 0x0d00
uint32_t reserved_0x0d00_0x0e00[64]; // 0x0d00 to 0x0e00
* Power Control and direct FIFO access
uint32_t pcgctrl; // 0x0e00 Power and Clock Gating Control Register
uint32_t reserved_0x0e04; // 0x0e04
uint8_t reserved8[0x1000 - 0xe08]; // 0x0d00 to 0x1000
uint32_t fifo[16][0x400]; // 0x1000 to 0x2000 Device EP i/Host Channel i FIFO
uint8_t reserved0x11000[0x20000 - 0x11000];
uint32_t dbg_fifo[0x20000]; // 0x2000 to 0x22000 Direct Access to Data FIFO RAM for Debugging
} usb_dev_t;
extern usb_dev_t USB0;
#ifdef __cplusplus