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synced 2025-03-23 07:59:11 -04:00
linux/lwip: Wrap some IO posix functions * to workaourd the FreeRTOS EINTR issue (when building without lwip) * to correctly choose the sub-system based on fd (when building with lwip) -- passing control to either linux/system or to lwip This commit also addapts tapio-if to provide DHCP client by default and configurable settings for static IP
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_netif.h" // esp-netif
#include "tapio.h" // esp-netif's driver side
#include "lwip/tapif.h" // esp-netif's network stack side
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
static const char *TAG = "linux_connect";
static EventGroupHandle_t s_events;
static void event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data)
xEventGroupSetBits(s_events, 1);
#define TAP0_GOT_IP (0x1234)
esp_err_t example_connect(void)
// configure linux tapio
esp_netif_driver_ifconfig_t driver_cfg = {
.handle = tapio_create(),
.transmit = tapio_output,
// configure lwip netif for the tapif
struct esp_netif_netstack_config stack_cfg = {
.lwip = {
.init_fn = lwip_tapif_init,
.input_fn = lwip_tapif_input,
// configure inherent esp-netif parameters
esp_netif_ip_info_t ip_info = {};
esp_netif_flags_t netif_flags = (ESP_NETIF_FLAG_EVENT_IP_MODIFIED | ESP_NETIF_FLAG_AUTOUP);
ip_info.ip.addr = ipaddr_addr(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_TAPIF_IP_ADDR);
ip_info.netmask.addr = ipaddr_addr(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_TAPIF_NETMASK);
ip_info.gw.addr = ipaddr_addr(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_TAPIF_GW);
netif_flags |= ESP_NETIF_DHCP_CLIENT;
esp_netif_inherent_config_t base_cfg = {
.if_key = "TAP",
.ip_info = &ip_info,
.flags = netif_flags,
.get_ip_event = TAP0_GOT_IP,
.route_prio = 100
// put all configs together
esp_netif_config_t cfg = {
.base = &base_cfg,
.driver = &driver_cfg,
.stack = &stack_cfg
// create the interface and attach it to the tapio-handle
esp_netif_t *tap_netif = esp_netif_new(&cfg);
esp_netif_attach(tap_netif, driver_cfg.handle);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Waiting for IP addresses...");
esp_netif_action_connected(tap_netif, 0, 0, 0);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(IP_EVENT, TAP0_GOT_IP, event_handler, NULL));
s_events = xEventGroupCreate();
xEventGroupWaitBits(s_events, 1, pdFALSE, pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY);
esp_netif_get_ip_info(tap_netif, &ip_info);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Assigned IP address:"IPSTR ",", IP2STR(&ip_info.ip));
return ESP_OK;