Probably GCC-13.x and on-wards uses "-fmerge-constants" to merge the const section (string/floating-point) across compilation units. This makes it difficult to properly analyze the size output of rodata section across libraries, the merged section (big in size) is showed across a single library. The config option added here can help to disable this compiler behavior and help to provide better size analysis. It can be used during development phase only as it increases rodata section size.
Documentation Source Folder
This folder contains source files of ESP-IDF documentation available in English and 中文.
The sources do not render well in GitHub and some information is not visible at all.
Use actual documentation generated within about 20 minutes on each commit:
Hosted Documentation
- English:
- 中文:
After you click any link to ESP-IDF Programming Guide, go to the top of the sidebar, then make sure you have the correct Espressif chip (target) and ESP-IDF version selected in the dropdown menus. You can also find a link on the bottom right to download the PDF version.
Building Documentation
The documentation is built using the python package esp-docs
, which can be installed by running:
pip install esp-docs
For a summary of available options, run:
build-docs --help
For more information see the esp-docs
documentation at