Contains two different component folders per each implementation (serial_master and serial_slave) with concrete ports. Added common public api for master and slave and common interface for master and slave implementation. Add support of cmake system (added cmake files). Added sdkconfig.defaults files for slave and master modbus examples. Updated make file and KConfig for freemodbus component Update according to review and fix doxygen warnings Fix Doxyfile to pass documentation build Update headers and change interface file names as per review comments Merge branch feature/freemodbus_move_rs485_mode_control Update after review: The stack modbus folder updated to support master and slave ports together and moved into freemodbus/modbus Stack and port files updated to remove duplicated simbols Make file, KConfig and CMakeLists.txt updated to compile master and slave stacks, common interface and concrete implementations of ports Stack callback functions execute callbacks using interface pointer from concrete port implementation User can instantiate any of concrete port using common API (only one concrete port at a time) and it does not require to select port by KConfig Port pins and mode configuration moved into example files from port files to allow user select pins and port mode (customer request) Changes tested using pymodbus, ModbusPoll and communication between two boards Updated DoxyFile according to public include path Fix maximum instance size for slave (merge from master of customer issue) Fix critical section issue TW#28622 (change spin lock based critical section to semaphore) Move serial port files into component port folder for master and slave accordingly Fix example issue showed in the log when IO slave is not configured correctly Fix conflicts while merging from origin/master Fix errors handling in modbus controller interface + some final corrections according to review Update maximum allowed number of slaves in the network segment Fix bug with incorrect coils read mask Closes
Protocols Examples
Implementation of internet communication protocols and services.
See the file in the upper level examples directory for more information about examples.
Establishing Wi-Fi or Ethernet Connection
About the example_connect()
Protocols examples use a simple helper function, example_connect()
, to establish Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection. This function is implemented in examples/common_components/protocol_examples/common/connect.c, and has a very simple behavior: block until connection is established and IP address is obtained, then return. This function is used to reduce the amount of boilerplate and to keep the example code focused on the protocol or library being demonstrated.
The simple example_connect()
function does not handle timeouts, does not gracefully handle various error conditions, and is only suited for use in examples. When developing real applications, this helper function needs to be replaced with full Wi-Fi / Ethernet connection handling code. Such code can be found in examples/wifi/getting_started/ and examples/ethernet/ethernet/ examples.
Configuring the Example
To configure the example to use Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection, run make menuconfig
(or menuconfig
if using CMake build system) and navigate to "Example Connection Configuration" menu. Select either "Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet" in the "Connect using" choice.
When connecting using Wi-Fi, enter SSID and password of your Wi-Fi access point into the corresponding fields. If connecting to an open Wi-Fi network, keep the password field empty.
When connecting using Ethernet, set up PHY type and configuration in the provided fields. If using Ethernet for the first time, it is recommended to start with the Ethernet example readme, which contains instructions for connecting and configuring the PHY. Once Ethernet example obtains IP address successfully, proceed to the protocols example and set the same configuration options.
Disabling IPv6
By default, example_connect()
function waits until Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is established, and IPv4 address and IPv6 link-local address are obtained. In network environments where IPv6 link-local address cannot be obtained, disable "Obtain IPv6 link-local address" option found in "Example Connection Configuration" menu.