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179 lines
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from builtins import str
import re
import sys
import ssl
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from threading import Thread, Event
import time
import string
import random
from tiny_test_fw import DUT
import ttfw_idf
event_client_connected = Event()
event_stop_client = Event()
event_client_received_correct = Event()
message_log = ""
broker_host = {}
broker_port = {}
expected_data = ""
subscribe_topic = ""
publish_topic = ""
expected_count = 0
# The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server.
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))
def mqtt_client_task(client):
while not event_stop_client.is_set():
def get_host_port_from_dut(dut1, config_option):
value = re.search(r'\:\/\/([^:]+)\:([0-9]+)', dut1.app.get_sdkconfig()[config_option])
if value is None:
return None, None
return value.group(1), int(value.group(2))
# The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server.
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
global message_log
global expected_count
payload = msg.payload.decode()
if payload == expected_data:
expected_count += 1
print("[{}] Received...".format(msg.mid))
message_log += "Received data:" + msg.topic + " " + payload + "\n"
def test_single_config(dut, transport, qos, repeat, published):
global expected_count
global expected_data
global message_log
sample_string = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16))
expected_count = 0
message_log = ""
expected_data = sample_string * repeat
print("PUBLISH TEST: transport:{}, qos:{}, sequence:{}, sample msg:'{}'".format(transport, qos, published, expected_data))
client = None
if transport in ["ws", "wss"]:
client = mqtt.Client(transport="websockets")
client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
if transport in ["ssl", "wss"]:
client.tls_set(None, None, None, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers=None)
client.connect(broker_host[transport], broker_port[transport], 60)
except Exception:
print("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Unexpected error while connecting to broker {}: {}:".format(broker_host[transport], sys.exc_info()[0]))
# Starting a py-client in a separate thread
thread1 = Thread(target=mqtt_client_task, args=(client,))
print("Connecting py-client to broker {}:{}...".format(broker_host[transport], broker_port[transport]))
if not event_client_connected.wait(timeout=30):
raise ValueError("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Test script cannot connect to broker: {}".format(broker_host[transport]))
client.subscribe(subscribe_topic, qos)
dut.write("{} {} {} {} {}".format(transport, sample_string, repeat, published, qos), eol="\n")
# waiting till subscribed to defined topic
dut.expect(re.compile(r"MQTT_EVENT_SUBSCRIBED"), timeout=30)
for i in range(published):
client.publish(publish_topic, sample_string * repeat, qos)
print("Checking esp-client received msg published from py-client...")
dut.expect(re.compile(r"Correct pattern received exactly x times"), timeout=60)
start = time.time()
while expected_count < published and time.time() - start <= 60:
# Note: tolerate that messages qos=1 to be received more than once
if expected_count == published or (expected_count > published and qos == 1):
print("All data received from ESP32...")
raise ValueError("Not all data received from ESP32: Expected:{}x{}, Received:{}x{}".format(expected_data, published, message_log, expected_count))
def test_weekend_mqtt_publish(env, extra_data):
# Using broker url dictionary for different transport
global broker_host
global broker_port
global publish_topic
global subscribe_topic
steps: |
1. join AP and connects to ssl broker
2. Test connects a client to the same broker
3. Test evaluates python client received correct qos0 message
4. Test ESP32 client received correct qos0 message
dut1 = env.get_dut("mqtt_publish_connect_test", "tools/test_apps/protocols/mqtt/publish_connect_test")
# Look for host:port in sdkconfig
# python client subscribes to the topic to which esp client publishes and vice versa
publish_topic = dut1.app.get_sdkconfig()["CONFIG_EXAMPLE_SUBSCIBE_TOPIC"].replace('"','')
subscribe_topic = dut1.app.get_sdkconfig()["CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PUBLISH_TOPIC"].replace('"','')
broker_host["ssl"], broker_port["ssl"] = get_host_port_from_dut(dut1, "CONFIG_EXAMPLE_BROKER_SSL_URI")
broker_host["tcp"], broker_port["tcp"] = get_host_port_from_dut(dut1, "CONFIG_EXAMPLE_BROKER_TCP_URI")
broker_host["ws"], broker_port["ws"] = get_host_port_from_dut(dut1, "CONFIG_EXAMPLE_BROKER_WS_URI")
broker_host["wss"], broker_port["wss"] = get_host_port_from_dut(dut1, "CONFIG_EXAMPLE_BROKER_WSS_URI")
except Exception:
print('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot find broker url in sdkconfig')
ip_address = dut1.expect(re.compile(r" IPv4 address: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)"), timeout=30)
print("Connected to AP with IP: {}".format(ip_address))
except DUT.ExpectTimeout:
print('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP')
for qos in [0, 1, 2]:
for transport in ["tcp", "ssl", "ws", "wss"]:
if broker_host[transport] is None:
print('Skipping transport: {}...'.format(transport))
# simple test with empty message
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 0, 5)
# decide on broker what level of test will pass (local broker works the best)
if broker_host[transport].startswith("192.168") and qos < 1:
# medium size, medium repeated
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 5, 50)
# long data
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 1000, 10)
# short data, many repeats
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 2, 200)
elif transport in ["ws", "wss"]:
# more relaxed criteria for websockets!
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 2, 5)
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 50, 1)
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 10, 20)
# common configuration should be good for most public mosquittos
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 5, 10)
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 500, 3)
test_single_config(dut1, transport, qos, 1, 50)
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_weekend_mqtt_publish(dut=ttfw_idf.ESP32QEMUDUT if sys.argv[1:] == ['qemu'] else ttfw_idf.ESP32DUT)