Problem Description
set some of routers as the same ssid in the same channel, when 32 in the fast scan connect mode, there may no disconnect event report in that two sceanrio:
1. set the correct password and connect, if target router didn't report 32's auth req before timeout, the state machine change to init but no disconnect event report
2. set a wrong password, if router send disassoc or deauth after run, rather than wait 4 way handshake timeout, the state machine change to init but no disconnect event report
Root Cause
Because the routers are in the same channel, all of them are matched the ssid, so all of them can be instore in the rc list wait for connect, when the first one want to connect fail at auth or receive
disassoc or deauth when password wrong, the rc list is not empty, it can not send disconnect event because rc is not empty
1. put the fail the router in the blacklist
2. Judge whether there is another router can be connect, if it has, try to connect with the next one
VNC MR 561