Rahul Tank 4da5d3e7a5 Nimble: Updated ble_l2cap_coc example
1. Corrected format
     2. Fixed double free of memory issue in case of disconnection
     3. Updated sdkconfig.default file to have correct value for
COC_MAX_NUM configuration setting
2023-01-17 10:19:18 +05:30
2022-12-06 14:56:20 +05:30
2022-06-20 17:00:12 +08:00

Bluetooth Examples for NimBLE host

Note: To use examples in this directory, you need to have Bluetooth enabled in configuration and NimBLE selected as the host stack.

Example Layout

This directory includes examples to demonstrate BLE functionality using Apache MyNewt NimBLE host stack.

  • blecent Shows how ESP32 acts as a BLE central.
  • blehr Demonstrates standard Heart Rate measurement BLE peripheral.
  • blemesh Demonstrates BLE mesh functionality of NimBLE.
  • bleprph Shows how ESP32 acts as a BLE Peripheral.
  • bleprph_wifi_coex ESP32 acts as a BLE Peripheral and simultaneously performs Wi-Fi ping to configured IP address.

See the README.md file in the upper level examples directory for more information about examples.


See the README.md file in the upper level examples directory for more information about examples.