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562 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Group: T0 Control and configuration registers */
/** Type of txconfig register
* Timer x configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0: 9;
/** tx_use_xtal : R/W; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* 1: Use XTAL_CLK as the source clock of timer group. 0: Use APB_CLK as the source
* clock of timer group.
uint32_t tx_use_xtal: 1;
/** tx_alarm_en : R/W/SC; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* When set, the alarm is enabled. This bit is automatically cleared once an
* alarm occurs.
uint32_t tx_alarm_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved_11: 1;
/** tx_divcnt_rst : WT; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* When set, Timer x 's clock divider counter will be reset.
uint32_t tx_divcnt_rst: 1;
/** tx_divider : R/W; bitpos: [28:13]; default: 1;
* Timer x clock (Tx_clk) prescaler value.
uint32_t tx_divider: 16;
/** tx_autoreload : R/W; bitpos: [29]; default: 1;
* When set, timer x auto-reload at alarm is enabled.
uint32_t tx_autoreload: 1;
/** tx_increase : R/W; bitpos: [30]; default: 1;
* When set, the timer x time-base counter will increment every clock tick. When
* cleared, the timer x time-base counter will decrement.
uint32_t tx_increase: 1;
/** tx_en : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* When set, the timer x time-base counter is enabled.
uint32_t tx_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txconfig_reg_t;
/** Type of txlo register
* Timer x current value, low 32 bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_lo : RO; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* After writing to TIMG_TxUPDATE_REG, the low 32 bits of the time-base counter
* of timer x can be read here.
uint32_t tx_lo: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txlo_reg_t;
/** Type of txhi register
* Timer $x current value, high 22 bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_hi : RO; bitpos: [21:0]; default: 0;
* After writing to TIMG_T$xUPDATE_REG, the high 22 bits of the time-base counter
* of timer $x can be read here.
uint32_t tx_hi: 22;
uint32_t reserved_22: 10;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txhi_reg_t;
/** Type of txupdate register
* Write to copy current timer value to TIMGn_T$x_(LO/HI)_REG
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0: 31;
/** tx_update : R/W/SC; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* After writing 0 or 1 to TIMG_T$xUPDATE_REG, the counter value is latched.
uint32_t tx_update: 1;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txupdate_reg_t;
/** Type of txalarmlo register
* Timer $x alarm value, low 32 bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_alarm_lo : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* Timer $x alarm trigger time-base counter value, low 32 bits.
uint32_t tx_alarm_lo: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txalarmlo_reg_t;
/** Type of txalarmhi register
* Timer $x alarm value, high bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_alarm_hi : R/W; bitpos: [21:0]; default: 0;
* Timer $x alarm trigger time-base counter value, high 22 bits.
uint32_t tx_alarm_hi: 22;
uint32_t reserved_22: 10;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txalarmhi_reg_t;
/** Type of txloadlo register
* Timer $x reload value, low 32 bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_load_lo : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* Low 32 bits of the value that a reload will load onto timer $x time-base
* Counter.
uint32_t tx_load_lo: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txloadlo_reg_t;
/** Type of txloadhi register
* Timer $x reload value, high 22 bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_load_hi : R/W; bitpos: [21:0]; default: 0;
* High 22 bits of the value that a reload will load onto timer $x time-base
* counter.
uint32_t tx_load_hi: 22;
uint32_t reserved_22: 10;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txloadhi_reg_t;
/** Type of txload register
* Write to reload timer from TIMG_T$x_(LOADLOLOADHI)_REG
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_load : WT; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* Write any value to trigger a timer $x time-base counter reload.
uint32_t tx_load: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_txload_reg_t;
/** Group: WDT Control and configuration registers */
/** Type of wdtconfig0 register
* Watchdog timer configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0: 12;
/** wdt_appcpu_reset_en : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* WDT reset CPU enable.
uint32_t wdt_appcpu_reset_en: 1;
/** wdt_procpu_reset_en : R/W; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* WDT reset CPU enable.
uint32_t wdt_procpu_reset_en: 1;
/** wdt_flashboot_mod_en : R/W; bitpos: [14]; default: 1;
* When set, Flash boot protection is enabled.
uint32_t wdt_flashboot_mod_en: 1;
/** wdt_sys_reset_length : R/W; bitpos: [17:15]; default: 1;
* System reset signal length selection. 0: 100 ns, 1: 200 ns,
* 2: 300 ns, 3: 400 ns, 4: 500 ns, 5: 800 ns, 6: 1.6 us, 7: 3.2 us.
uint32_t wdt_sys_reset_length: 3;
/** wdt_cpu_reset_length : R/W; bitpos: [20:18]; default: 1;
* CPU reset signal length selection. 0: 100 ns, 1: 200 ns,
* 2: 300 ns, 3: 400 ns, 4: 500 ns, 5: 800 ns, 6: 1.6 us, 7: 3.2 us.
uint32_t wdt_cpu_reset_length: 3;
/** wdt_use_xtal : R/W; bitpos: [21]; default: 0;
* choose WDT clock:0-apb_clk; 1-xtal_clk.
uint32_t wdt_use_xtal: 1;
/** wdt_conf_update_en : WT; bitpos: [22]; default: 0;
* update the WDT configuration registers
uint32_t wdt_conf_update_en: 1;
/** wdt_stg3 : R/W; bitpos: [24:23]; default: 0;
* Stage 3 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system.
uint32_t wdt_stg3: 2;
/** wdt_stg2 : R/W; bitpos: [26:25]; default: 0;
* Stage 2 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system.
uint32_t wdt_stg2: 2;
/** wdt_stg1 : R/W; bitpos: [28:27]; default: 0;
* Stage 1 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system.
uint32_t wdt_stg1: 2;
/** wdt_stg0 : R/W; bitpos: [30:29]; default: 0;
* Stage 0 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system.
uint32_t wdt_stg0: 2;
/** wdt_en : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* When set, MWDT is enabled.
uint32_t wdt_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig0_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtconfig1 register
* Watchdog timer prescaler register
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_divcnt_rst : WT; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* When set, WDT 's clock divider counter will be reset.
uint32_t wdt_divcnt_rst: 1;
uint32_t reserved_1: 15;
/** wdt_clk_prescale : R/W; bitpos: [31:16]; default: 1;
* MWDT clock prescaler value. MWDT clock period = 12.5 ns *
uint32_t wdt_clk_prescale: 16;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig1_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtconfig2 register
* Watchdog timer stage 0 timeout value
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_stg0_hold : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 26000000;
* Stage 0 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles.
uint32_t wdt_stg0_hold: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig2_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtconfig3 register
* Watchdog timer stage 1 timeout value
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_stg1_hold : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 134217727;
* Stage 1 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles.
uint32_t wdt_stg1_hold: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig3_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtconfig4 register
* Watchdog timer stage 2 timeout value
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_stg2_hold : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 1048575;
* Stage 2 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles.
uint32_t wdt_stg2_hold: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig4_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtconfig5 register
* Watchdog timer stage 3 timeout value
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_stg3_hold : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 1048575;
* Stage 3 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles.
uint32_t wdt_stg3_hold: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtconfig5_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtfeed register
* Write to feed the watchdog timer
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_feed : WT; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* Write any value to feed the MWDT. (WO)
uint32_t wdt_feed: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtfeed_reg_t;
/** Type of wdtwprotect register
* Watchdog write protect register
typedef union {
struct {
/** wdt_wkey : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 1356348065;
* If the register contains a different value than its reset value, write
* protection is enabled.
uint32_t wdt_wkey: 32;
uint32_t val;
} timg_wdtwprotect_reg_t;
/** Group: RTC CALI Control and configuration registers */
/** Type of rtccalicfg register
* RTC calibration configure register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0: 12;
/** rtc_cali_start_cycling : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 1;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_start_cycling: 1;
/** rtc_cali_clk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [14:13]; default: 1;
* 0:rtc slow clock. 1:clk_8m, 2:xtal_32k.
uint32_t rtc_cali_clk_sel: 2;
/** rtc_cali_rdy : RO; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_rdy: 1;
/** rtc_cali_max : R/W; bitpos: [30:16]; default: 1;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_max: 15;
/** rtc_cali_start : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_start: 1;
uint32_t val;
} timg_rtccalicfg_reg_t;
/** Type of rtccalicfg1 register
* RTC calibration configure1 register
typedef union {
struct {
/** rtc_cali_cycling_data_vld : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_cycling_data_vld: 1;
uint32_t reserved_1: 6;
/** rtc_cali_value : RO; bitpos: [31:7]; default: 0;
* Reserved
uint32_t rtc_cali_value: 25;
uint32_t val;
} timg_rtccalicfg1_reg_t;
/** Type of rtccalicfg2 register
* Timer group calibration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** rtc_cali_timeout : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* RTC calibration timeout indicator
uint32_t rtc_cali_timeout: 1;
uint32_t reserved_1: 2;
/** rtc_cali_timeout_rst_cnt : R/W; bitpos: [6:3]; default: 3;
* Cycles that release calibration timeout reset
uint32_t rtc_cali_timeout_rst_cnt: 4;
/** rtc_cali_timeout_thres : R/W; bitpos: [31:7]; default: 33554431;
* Threshold value for the RTC calibration timer. If the calibration timer's value
* exceeds this threshold, a timeout is triggered.
uint32_t rtc_cali_timeout_thres: 25;
uint32_t val;
} timg_rtccalicfg2_reg_t;
/** Group: Interrupt registers */
/** Type of int_ena_timers register
* Interrupt enable bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** t0_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the TIMG_T$x_INT interrupt.
uint32_t t0_int_ena: 1;
/** wdt_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t wdt_int_ena: 1;
uint32_t reserved_2: 30;
uint32_t val;
} timg_int_ena_timers_reg_t;
/** Type of int_raw_timers register
* Raw interrupt status
typedef union {
struct {
/** t0_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T$x_INT interrupt.
uint32_t t0_int_raw: 1;
/** wdt_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt status bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t wdt_int_raw: 1;
uint32_t reserved_2: 30;
uint32_t val;
} timg_int_raw_timers_reg_t;
/** Type of int_st_timers register
* Masked interrupt status
typedef union {
struct {
/** t0_int_st : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T$x_INT interrupt.
uint32_t t0_int_st: 1;
/** wdt_int_st : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t wdt_int_st: 1;
uint32_t reserved_2: 30;
uint32_t val;
} timg_int_st_timers_reg_t;
/** Type of int_clr_timers register
* Interrupt clear bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** t0_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the TIMG_T$x_INT interrupt.
uint32_t t0_int_clr: 1;
/** wdt_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t wdt_int_clr: 1;
uint32_t reserved_2: 30;
uint32_t val;
} timg_int_clr_timers_reg_t;
/** Group: Version register */
/** Type of ntimers_date register
* Timer version control register
typedef union {
struct {
/** ntimgs_date : R/W; bitpos: [27:0]; default: 33579409;
* Timer version control register
uint32_t ntimgs_date: 28;
uint32_t reserved_28: 4;
uint32_t val;
} timg_ntimers_date_reg_t;
/** Group: Clock configuration registers */
/** Type of regclk register
* Timer group clock gate register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0: 29;
/** wdt_clk_is_active : R/W; bitpos: [29]; default: 1;
* enable WDT's clock
uint32_t wdt_clk_is_active: 1;
/** timer_clk_is_active : R/W; bitpos: [30]; default: 1;
* enable Timer $x's clock
uint32_t timer_clk_is_active: 1;
/** clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* Register clock gate signal. 1: Registers can be read and written to by software. 0:
* Registers can not be read or written to by software.
uint32_t clk_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} timg_regclk_reg_t;
typedef struct {
volatile timg_txconfig_reg_t config;
volatile timg_txlo_reg_t lo;
volatile timg_txhi_reg_t hi;
volatile timg_txupdate_reg_t update;
volatile timg_txalarmlo_reg_t alarmlo;
volatile timg_txalarmhi_reg_t alarmhi;
volatile timg_txloadlo_reg_t loadlo;
volatile timg_txloadhi_reg_t loadhi;
volatile timg_txload_reg_t load;
} timg_hwtimer_reg_t;
typedef struct timg_dev_t {
volatile timg_hwtimer_reg_t hw_timer[1];
uint32_t reserved_024[9];
volatile timg_wdtconfig0_reg_t wdtconfig0;
volatile timg_wdtconfig1_reg_t wdtconfig1;
volatile timg_wdtconfig2_reg_t wdtconfig2;
volatile timg_wdtconfig3_reg_t wdtconfig3;
volatile timg_wdtconfig4_reg_t wdtconfig4;
volatile timg_wdtconfig5_reg_t wdtconfig5;
volatile timg_wdtfeed_reg_t wdtfeed;
volatile timg_wdtwprotect_reg_t wdtwprotect;
volatile timg_rtccalicfg_reg_t rtccalicfg;
volatile timg_rtccalicfg1_reg_t rtccalicfg1;
volatile timg_int_ena_timers_reg_t int_ena_timers;
volatile timg_int_raw_timers_reg_t int_raw_timers;
volatile timg_int_st_timers_reg_t int_st_timers;
volatile timg_int_clr_timers_reg_t int_clr_timers;
volatile timg_rtccalicfg2_reg_t rtccalicfg2;
uint32_t reserved_084[29];
volatile timg_ntimers_date_reg_t ntimers_date;
volatile timg_regclk_reg_t regclk;
} timg_dev_t;
extern timg_dev_t TIMERG0;
extern timg_dev_t TIMERG1;
#ifndef __cplusplus
_Static_assert(sizeof(timg_dev_t) == 0x100, "Invalid size of timg_dev_t structure");
#ifdef __cplusplus