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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2025 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import typing as t
from datetime import datetime
from subprocess import run
from subprocess import STDOUT
from time import sleep
import pytest
from pytest_embedded import Dut
idf_path = os.environ['IDF_PATH'] # get value of IDF_PATH from environment
parttool_dir = os.path.join(idf_path, 'components', 'partition_table')
from parttool import PartitionName, ParttoolTarget # noqa E402 # pylint: disable=C0413
FileStructure = t.Dict[str, t.Union[t.Optional[str], 'FileStructure']]
class DirectoryStructureError(Exception):
'''Base exception for directory structure errors.'''
class MissingStructureError(DirectoryStructureError):
'''Raised when a directory or file is missing.'''
class ContentMismatchError(DirectoryStructureError):
'''Raised when a file's content does not match the expected content.'''
class IOErrorInStructure(DirectoryStructureError):
'''Raised when an I/O error occurs during structure validation.'''
def validate_directory_structure(base_path: str,
expected_structure: FileStructure) -> None:
Checks if the directory structure
and file contents match the expected structure.
:param base_path: The root directory to check.
:param expected_structure: A nested dictionary representing
the expected structure.
Keys are folder names or file names.
For files, values are either:
- None (skip content check) or
- string (expected content).
For folders values are dictionaries defining
their structure.
:raises DirectoryStructureError: If the structure or contents do not match.
def normalize_case(items: t.List[str]) -> t.Dict[str, str]:
return {item.lower(): item for item in items}
def escape_output(text: str) -> str:
return (text.replace('"', '\"')
.replace('\n', '\\n')
.replace('\t', '\\t')
.replace('\r', '\\r'))
def validate_structure(current_path: str,
structure: FileStructure) -> None:
current_items = os.listdir(current_path)
normalized_items = normalize_case(current_items)
for name, substructure in structure.items():
expected_name = normalized_items.get(name.lower())
if not expected_name:
raise MissingStructureError(
f'Missing item: {os.path.join(current_path, name)}')
full_path = os.path.join(current_path, expected_name)
# File
if isinstance(substructure, str) or substructure is None:
if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
raise MissingStructureError(f'Missing file: {full_path}')
if isinstance(substructure, str): # Check file content
with open(full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
content = file.read()
if content != substructure:
raise ContentMismatchError(
f'Content mismatch in file: {full_path}\n'
f'Expected: "{escape_output(substructure)}"\n'
f'Found: "{escape_output(content)}"'
except OSError as e:
raise IOErrorInStructure(
f'Error reading file {full_path}: {e}')
# Folder
elif isinstance(substructure, dict):
if not os.path.isdir(full_path):
raise MissingStructureError(
f'Missing directory: {full_path}')
# Recursively check the subdirectory
validate_structure(full_path, substructure)
raise DirectoryStructureError(
f'Invalid structure definition for {name}.')
validate_structure(base_path, expected_structure)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('config', ['test_read_only_partition_gen',
], indirect=True)
def test_examples_fatfsgen(config: str, dut: Dut) -> None:
# Default timeout - a bit overkill, but better than failing tests
timeout = 60
def expect(msg: str, timeout: int = timeout) -> None:
dut.expect(msg, timeout=timeout)
# Expects list of strings sequentially
def expect_all(msg_list: t.List[str], timeout: int = timeout) -> None:
for msg in msg_list:
expect(msg, timeout)
# Expects prefix string followed by date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
def expect_date(prefix: str, timeout: int = timeout) -> datetime:
expect_str = prefix + '(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)'
match_ = dut.expect(re.compile(str.encode(expect_str)),
year_ = int(match_[1].decode())
month_ = int(match_[2].decode())
day_ = int(match_[3].decode())
return datetime(year_, month_, day_)
# Calculates absolute difference in days
# between date_reference and date_actual.
# Raises exception if difference exceeds date_tolerance
# 30 days by default,
def check_dates(date_reference: datetime,
date_actual: datetime,
days_date_tolerance: int = 30) -> None:
td = date_actual - date_reference
if abs(td.days) > days_date_tolerance:
raise Exception(f'Too big date difference. \
Actual: {date_actual}, \
reference: {date_reference}, \
date_tolerance: {days_date_tolerance} day(s)')
fatfs_parser_path = os.path.join(idf_path, 'components',
'fatfs', 'fatfsparse.py')
config_read_only = '_read_only' in config
config_long_names = '_ln' in config
config_default_date = '_default_dt' in config
expect('example: Mounting FAT filesystem')
if not config_read_only:
expect_all(['example: Opening file',
'example: File written',
'example: Reading file',
'example: Read from file: '
+ '\'This is written by the device\''], 30)
expect('example: Reading file')
stat_filename = 'sublongnames/testlongfilenames.txt' \
if config_long_names \
else 'sub/test.txt'
modification_date = expect_date(
f'The file \'/spiflash/{stat_filename}\' was modified at date: ')
date_ref = datetime(1980, 1, 1) \
if config_default_date \
else datetime.today()
check_dates(date_ref, modification_date)
expect_all(['example: Unmounting FAT filesystem',
'example: Done'])
target = ParttoolTarget(dut.serial.port, 1843200)
target.read_partition(PartitionName('storage'), 'temp.img')
if config_long_names:
run(['python', fatfs_parser_path, '--long-name-support', 'temp.img'],
run(['python', fatfs_parser_path, 'temp.img'],
long_names_read_only: FileStructure = {
'sublongnames': {
'testlongfilenames.txt': 'this is test; long name it has\n',
'hellolongname.txt': 'This is generated on the host; long name it has\n',
short_names_read_only: FileStructure = {
'sub': {
'test.txt': 'this is test\n',
'hello.txt': 'This is generated on the host\n',
file_structure: FileStructure = long_names_read_only \
if config_long_names \
else short_names_read_only
if not config_read_only and not config_long_names:
file_structure['inner.txt'] = 'This is written by the device'
validate_directory_structure('Espressif', file_structure)
shutil.rmtree('Espressif', ignore_errors=True)