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synced 2025-03-10 09:39:10 -04:00
This follows a similar approach as UART core dump handling in idf_monitor. Panic handler message is detected in the output, collected into a file, and the file is passed to the decoding script. In this case, the decoding script acts as a tiny GDB server, so we can ask GDB to perform the backtrace.
296 lines
11 KiB
296 lines
11 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# A script which parses ESP-IDF panic handler output (registers & stack dump),
# and then acts as a GDB server over stdin/stdout, presenting the information
# from the panic handler to GDB.
# This allows for generating backtraces out of raw stack dumps on architectures
# where backtracing on the target side is not possible.
# Note that the "act as a GDB server" approach is somewhat a hack.
# A much nicer solution would have been to convert the panic handler output
# into a core file, and point GDB to the core file.
# However, RISC-V baremetal GDB currently lacks core dump support.
# The approach is inspired by Cesanta's ESP8266 GDB server:
# https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose-os/blob/27777c8977/platforms/esp8266/tools/serve_core.py
# Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from builtins import bytes
import argparse
import struct
import sys
import logging
import binascii
from collections import namedtuple
from pyparsing import Literal, Word, nums, OneOrMore, srange, Group, Combine
# Used for type annotations only. Silence linter warnings.
from pyparsing import ParseResults, ParserElement # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
import typing # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:
# pyparsing helper
hexnumber = srange("[0-9a-f]")
# List of registers to be passed to GDB, in the order GDB expects.
# The names should match those used in IDF panic handler.
# Registers not present in IDF panic handler output (like X0) will be assumed to be 0.
"X0", "RA", "SP", "GP",
"TP", "T0", "T1", "T2",
"S0/FP", "S1", "A0", "A1",
"A2", "A3", "A4", "A5",
"A6", "A7", "S2", "S3",
"S4", "S5", "S6", "S7",
"S8", "S9", "S10", "S11",
"T3", "T4", "T5", "T6",
PanicInfo = namedtuple("PanicInfo", "core_id regs stack_base_addr stack_data")
def build_riscv_panic_output_parser(): # type: () -> typing.Type[ParserElement]
"""Builds a parser for the panic handler output using pyparsing"""
# We don't match the first line, since "Guru Meditation" will not be printed in case of an abort:
# Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Store access fault). Exception was unhandled.
# Core 0 register dump:
reg_dump_header = Group(Literal("Core") +
Word(nums)("core_id") +
Literal("register dump:"))("reg_dump_header")
# MEPC : 0x4200232c RA : 0x42009694 SP : 0x3fc93a80 GP : 0x3fc8b320
reg_name = Word(srange("[A-Z_0-9/-]"))("name")
hexnumber_with_0x = Combine(Literal("0x") + Word(hexnumber))
reg_value = hexnumber_with_0x("value")
reg_dump_one_reg = Group(reg_name + Literal(":") + reg_value) # not named because there will be OneOrMore
reg_dump_all_regs = Group(OneOrMore(reg_dump_one_reg))("regs")
reg_dump = Group(reg_dump_header + reg_dump_all_regs) # not named because there will be OneOrMore
reg_dumps = Group(OneOrMore(reg_dump))("reg_dumps")
# Stack memory:
# 3fc93a80: 0x00000030 0x00000021 0x3fc8aedc 0x4200232a 0xa5a5a5a5 0xa5a5a5a5 0x3fc8aedc 0x420099b0
stack_line = Group(Word(hexnumber)("base") + Literal(":") +
stack_dump = Group(Literal("Stack memory:") +
# Parser for the complete panic output:
panic_output = reg_dumps + stack_dump
return panic_output
def get_stack_addr_and_data(res): # type: (ParseResults) -> typing.Tuple[int, bytes]
""" Extract base address and bytes from the parsed stack dump """
stack_base_addr = 0 # First reported address in the dump
base_addr = 0 # keeps track of the address for the given line of the dump
bytes_in_line = 0 # bytes of stack parsed on the previous line; used to validate the next base address
stack_data = b"" # accumulates all the dumped stack data
for line in res.stack_dump.lines:
# update and validate the base address
prev_base_addr = base_addr
base_addr = int(line.base, 16)
if stack_base_addr == 0:
stack_base_addr = base_addr
assert base_addr == prev_base_addr + bytes_in_line
# convert little-endian hex words to byte representation
words = [int(w, 16) for w in line.data]
line_data = b"".join([struct.pack("<I", w) for w in words])
bytes_in_line = len(line_data)
# accumulate in the whole stack data
stack_data += line_data
return stack_base_addr, stack_data
def parse_idf_riscv_panic_output(panic_text): # type: (str) -> PanicInfo
""" Decode panic handler output from a file """
panic_output = build_riscv_panic_output_parser()
results = panic_output.searchString(panic_text)
if len(results) != 1:
raise ValueError("Couldn't parse panic handler output")
res = results[0]
if len(res.reg_dumps) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Handling of multi-core register dumps not implemented")
# Build a dict of register names/values
rd = res.reg_dumps[0]
core_id = int(rd.reg_dump_header.core_id)
regs = dict()
for reg in rd.regs:
reg_value = int(reg.value, 16)
regs[reg.name] = reg_value
stack_base_addr, stack_data = get_stack_addr_and_data(res)
return PanicInfo(core_id=core_id,
"esp32c3": parse_idf_riscv_panic_output
class GdbServer(object):
def __init__(self, panic_info, target, log_file=None): # type: (PanicInfo, str, str) -> None
self.panic_info = panic_info
self.in_stream = sys.stdin
self.out_stream = sys.stdout
self.reg_list = GDB_REGS_INFO[target]
self.logger = logging.getLogger("GdbServer")
if log_file:
handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, "w+")
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
def run(self): # type: () -> None
""" Process GDB commands from stdin until GDB tells us to quit """
buffer = ""
while True:
buffer += self.in_stream.read(1)
if len(buffer) > 3 and buffer[-3] == '#':
buffer = ""
def _handle_command(self, buffer): # type: (str) -> None
command = buffer[1:-3] # ignore checksums
# Acknowledge the command
self.logger.debug("Got command: %s", command)
if command == "?":
# report sigtrap as the stop reason; the exact reason doesn't matter for backtracing
elif command.startswith("Hg") or command.startswith("Hc"):
# Select thread command
elif command == "qfThreadInfo":
# Get list of threads.
# Only one thread for now, can be extended to show one thread for each core,
# if we dump both cores (e.g. on an interrupt watchdog)
elif command == "qC":
# That single thread is selected.
elif command == "g":
# Registers read
elif command.startswith("m"):
# Memory read
addr, size = [int(v, 16) for v in command[1:].split(",")]
self._respond_mem(addr, size)
elif command.startswith("vKill") or command == "k":
# Quit
raise SystemExit(0)
# Empty response required for any unknown command
def _respond(self, data): # type: (str) -> None
# calculate checksum
data_bytes = bytes(data.encode("ascii")) # bytes() for Py2 compatibility
checksum = sum(data_bytes) & 0xff
# format and write the response
res = "${}#{:02x}".format(data, checksum)
self.logger.debug("Wrote: %s", res)
# get the result ('+' or '-')
ret = self.in_stream.read(1)
self.logger.debug("Response: %s", ret)
if ret != '+':
sys.stderr.write("GDB responded with '-' to {}".format(res))
raise SystemExit(1)
def _respond_regs(self): # type: () -> None
response = ""
for reg_name in self.reg_list:
# register values are reported as hexadecimal strings
# in target byte order (i.e. LSB first for RISC-V)
reg_val = self.panic_info.regs.get(reg_name, 0)
reg_bytes = struct.pack("<L", reg_val)
response += binascii.hexlify(reg_bytes).decode("ascii")
def _respond_mem(self, start_addr, size): # type: (int, int) -> None
stack_addr_min = self.panic_info.stack_base_addr
stack_data = self.panic_info.stack_data
stack_len = len(self.panic_info.stack_data)
stack_addr_max = stack_addr_min + stack_len
# For any memory address that is not on the stack, pretend the value is 0x00.
# GDB should never ask us for program memory, it will be obtained from the ELF file.
def in_stack(addr):
return stack_addr_min <= addr < stack_addr_max
result = ""
for addr in range(start_addr, start_addr + size):
if not in_stack(addr):
result += "00"
result += "{:02x}".format(stack_data[addr - stack_addr_min])
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("input_file", type=argparse.FileType("r"),
help="File containing the panic handler output")
parser.add_argument("--target", choices=GDB_REGS_INFO.keys(),
help="Chip to use (determines the architecture)")
parser.add_argument("--gdb-log", default=None,
help="If specified, the file for logging GDB server debug information")
args = parser.parse_args()
panic_info = PANIC_OUTPUT_PARSERS[args.target](args.input_file.read())
server = GdbServer(panic_info, target=args.target, log_file=args.gdb_log)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == "__main__":