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synced 2025-03-25 08:59:10 -04:00
add support of modbus master ascii rename base dir name of master and slave example to be mb_slave, mb_master to avoid conflict with sdio/slave example test add Kconfig option to enable ASCII and RTU mode separately update ASCII options + remove cast for errors added baudrate for examples into Kconfig updated magic numbers for timer timeout put ascii private definitions into one file
298 lines
13 KiB
298 lines
13 KiB
# Need Python 3 string formatting functions
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import re
import logging
from threading import Thread
import IDF
except ImportError:
# The test cause is dependent on the Tiny Test Framework. Ensure the
# `TEST_FW_PATH` environment variable is set to `$IDF_PATH/tools/tiny-test-fw`
test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
import IDF
LOGGER_NAME = "modbus_test"
# Allowed parameter reads
TEST_READ_MIN_COUNT = 10 # Minimum number of correct readings
TEST_READ_MAX_ERR_COUNT = 2 # Maximum allowed read errors during initialization
TEST_THREAD_EXPECT_TIMEOUT = 120 # Test theread expect timeout in seconds
TEST_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT = 180 # Test theread join timeout in seconds
# Test definitions
TEST_MASTER_RTU = 'master_rtu'
TEST_SLAVE_RTU = 'slave_rtu'
TEST_MASTER_ASCII = 'master_ascii'
TEST_SLAVE_ASCII = 'slave_ascii'
# Define tuple of strings to expect for each DUT.
master_expect = ("MASTER_TEST: Modbus master stack initialized...", "MASTER_TEST: Start modbus test...", "MASTER_TEST: Destroy master...")
slave_expect = ("SLAVE_TEST: Modbus slave stack initialized.", "SLAVE_TEST: Start modbus test...", "SLAVE_TEST: Modbus controller destroyed.")
# The dictionary for expected values in listing
expect_dict_master_ok = {"START": (),
"READ_PAR_OK": (),
"ALARM_MSG": (u'7',)}
expect_dict_master_err = {"READ_PAR_ERR": (u'263', u'ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT'),
# The dictionary for regular expression patterns to check in listing
pattern_dict_master_ok = {"START": (r'.*I \([0-9]+\) MASTER_TEST: Start modbus test...'),
"READ_PAR_OK": (r'.*I\s\([0-9]+\) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+'
r'\s\([a-zA-Z\%\/]+\) value = [a-zA-Z0-9\.]+ \(0x[a-zA-Z0-9]+\) read successful.'),
"ALARM_MSG": (r'.*I \([0-9]*\) MASTER_TEST: Alarm triggered by cid #([0-9]+).')}
pattern_dict_master_err = {"READ_PAR_ERR_TOUT": (r'.*E \([0-9]+\) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #[0-9]+'
r'\s\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\) read fail, err = [0-9]+ \([_A-Z]+\).'),
"READ_STK_ERR_TOUT": (r'.*E \([0-9]+\) MB_CONTROLLER_MASTER: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\([0-9]+\):\s'
r'SERIAL master get parameter failure error=\(0x([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\) \(([_A-Z]+)\).')}
# The dictionary for expected values in listing
expect_dict_slave_ok = {"START": (),
"READ_PAR_OK": (),
"DESTROY": ()}
# The dictionary for regular expression patterns to check in listing
pattern_dict_slave_ok = {"START": (r'.*I \([0-9]+\) SLAVE_TEST: Start modbus test...'),
"READ_PAR_OK": (r'.*I\s\([0-9]+\) SLAVE_TEST: [A-Z]+ READ \([a-zA-Z0-9_]+ us\),\s'
r'ADDR:[0-9]+, TYPE:[0-9]+, INST_ADDR:0x[a-zA-Z0-9]+, SIZE:[0-9]+'),
"DESTROY": (r'.*I\s\([0-9]+\) SLAVE_TEST: Modbus controller destroyed.')}
logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
class DutTestThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, dut=None, name=None, expect=None):
""" Initialize the thread parameters
self.tname = name
self.dut = dut
self.expected = expect
self.result = False
self.data = None
super(DutTestThread, self).__init__()
def run(self):
""" The function implements thread functionality
# Must reset again as flashing during start_app will reset multiple times, causing unexpected results
# Capture output from the DUT
# Check expected strings in the listing
for string in self.expected:
self.dut.expect(string, TEST_THREAD_EXPECT_TIMEOUT)
# Check DUT exceptions
dut_exceptions = self.dut.get_exceptions()
if "Guru Meditation Error:" in dut_exceptions:
raise Exception("%s generated an exception: %s\n" % (str(self.dut), dut_exceptions))
# Mark thread has run to completion without any exceptions
self.data = self.dut.stop_capture_raw_data()
self.result = True
def test_filter_output(data=None, start_pattern=None, end_pattern=None):
"""Use patters to filter output
start_index = str(data).find(start_pattern)
end_index = str(data).find(end_pattern)
logger.debug("Listing start index= %d, end=%d" % (start_index, end_index))
if start_index == -1 or end_index == -1:
return data
return data[start_index:end_index + len(end_pattern)]
def test_expect_re(data, pattern):
Check if re pattern is matched in data cache
:param data: data to process
:param pattern: compiled RegEx pattern
:return: match groups if match succeed otherwise None
ret = None
if isinstance(pattern, type(u'')):
pattern = pattern.encode('utf-8')
regex = re.compile(pattern)
if isinstance(data, type(u'')):
data = data.encode('utf-8')
match = regex.search(data)
if match:
ret = tuple(None if x is None else x.decode() for x in match.groups())
index = match.end()
index = None
return ret, index
def test_check_output(data=None, check_dict=None, expect_dict=None):
""" Check output for the test
Check log using regular expressions:
global logger
match_count = 0
index = 0
data_lines = data.splitlines()
for key, pattern in check_dict.items():
if key not in expect_dict:
# Check pattern in the each line
for line in data_lines:
group, index = test_expect_re(line, pattern)
if index is not None:
logger.debug("Found key{%s}=%s, line: \n%s" % (key, group, line))
if expect_dict[key] == group:
logger.debug("The result is correct for the key:%s, expected:%s == returned:%s" % (key, str(expect_dict[key]), str(group)))
match_count += 1
return match_count
def test_check_mode(dut=None, mode_str=None, value=None):
""" Check communication mode for dut
global logger
opt = dut.app.get_sdkconfig()[mode_str]
logger.info("%s {%s} = %s.\n" % (str(dut), mode_str, opt))
return value == opt
except Exception:
logger.info('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: %s: Cannot find option %s in sdkconfig.' % (str(dut), mode_str))
return False
def test_modbus_communication(env, comm_mode):
global logger
# Get device under test. "dut1 - master", "dut2 - slave" must be properly connected through RS485 interface driver
dut_master = env.get_dut("modbus_master", "examples/protocols/modbus/serial/mb_master")
dut_slave = env.get_dut("modbus_slave", "examples/protocols/modbus/serial/mb_slave")
logger.debug("Environment vars: %s\r\n" % os.environ)
logger.debug("DUT slave sdkconfig: %s\r\n" % dut_slave.app.get_sdkconfig())
logger.debug("DUT master sdkconfig: %s\r\n" % dut_master.app.get_sdkconfig())
# Check Kconfig configuration options for each built example
if test_check_mode(dut_master, "CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_ASCII", "y") and test_check_mode(dut_slave, "CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_ASCII", "y"):
logger.info("ENV_TEST_INFO: Modbus ASCII test mode selected in the configuration. \n")
slave_name = TEST_SLAVE_ASCII
master_name = TEST_MASTER_ASCII
elif test_check_mode(dut_master, "CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_RTU", "y") and test_check_mode(dut_slave, "CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_RTU", "y"):
logger.info("ENV_TEST_INFO: Modbus RTU test mode selected in the configuration. \n")
slave_name = TEST_SLAVE_RTU
master_name = TEST_MASTER_RTU
logger.error("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Communication mode in master and slave configuration don't match.\n")
raise Exception("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Communication mode in master and slave configuration don't match.\n")
# Check if slave address for example application is default one to be able to communicate
if not test_check_mode(dut_slave, "CONFIG_MB_SLAVE_ADDR", "1"):
logger.error("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Slave address option is incorrect.\n")
raise Exception("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Slave address option is incorrect.\n")
# Flash app onto each DUT
# Create thread for each dut
dut_master_thread = DutTestThread(dut=dut_master, name=master_name, expect=master_expect)
dut_slave_thread = DutTestThread(dut=dut_slave, name=slave_name, expect=slave_expect)
# Start each thread
# Wait for threads to complete
if dut_slave_thread.isAlive():
logger.error("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: The thread %s is not completed successfully after %d seconds.\n" %
(dut_slave_thread.tname, TEST_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT))
raise Exception("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: The thread %s is not completed successfully after %d seconds.\n" %
(dut_slave_thread.tname, TEST_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT))
if dut_master_thread.isAlive():
logger.error("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: The thread %s is not completed successfully after %d seconds.\n" %
(dut_master_thread.tname, TEST_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT))
raise Exception("ENV_TEST_FAILURE: The thread %s is not completed successfully after %d seconds.\n" %
(dut_master_thread.tname, TEST_THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT))
# Check if test threads completed successfully and captured data
if not dut_slave_thread.result or dut_slave_thread.data is None:
logger.error("The thread %s was not run successfully." % dut_slave_thread.tname)
raise Exception("The thread %s was not run successfully." % dut_slave_thread.tname)
if not dut_master_thread.result or dut_master_thread.data is None:
logger.error("The thread %s was not run successfully." % dut_slave_thread.tname)
raise Exception("The thread %s was not run successfully." % dut_master_thread.tname)
# Filter output to get test messages
master_output = test_filter_output(dut_master_thread.data, master_expect[0], master_expect[len(master_expect) - 1])
if master_output is not None:
logger.info("The data for master thread is captured.")
slave_output = test_filter_output(dut_slave_thread.data, slave_expect[0], slave_expect[len(slave_expect) - 1])
if slave_output is not None:
logger.info("The data for slave thread is captured.")
# Check if parameters are read correctly by master
match_count = test_check_output(master_output, pattern_dict_master_ok, expect_dict_master_ok)
if match_count < TEST_READ_MIN_COUNT:
logger.error("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
raise Exception("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
logger.info("OK pattern test for %s, match_count=%d." % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
# If the test completed successfully (alarm triggered) but there are some errors during reading of parameters
match_count = test_check_output(master_output, pattern_dict_master_err, expect_dict_master_err)
if match_count > TEST_READ_MAX_ERR_COUNT:
logger.error("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
raise Exception("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
logger.info("ERROR pattern test for %s, match_count=%d." % (dut_master_thread.tname, match_count))
match_count = test_check_output(slave_output, pattern_dict_slave_ok, expect_dict_slave_ok)
if match_count < TEST_READ_MIN_COUNT:
logger.error("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_slave_thread.tname, match_count))
raise Exception("There are errors reading parameters from %s, %d" % (dut_slave_thread.tname, match_count))
logger.info("OK pattern test for %s, match_count=%d." % (dut_slave_thread.tname, match_count))
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
# create file handler which logs even debug messages
fh = logging.FileHandler('modbus_test.log')
# create console handler
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# set format of output for both handlers
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
logger.info("Start script %s." % os.path.basename(__file__))
print("Logging file name: %s" % logger.handlers[0].baseFilename)