545 lines
21 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "hal/adc_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/**** `adc1_channel_t` will be deprecated functions, combine into `adc_channel_t` ********/
typedef enum {
ADC1_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< ADC1 channel 0 is GPIO36 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_1, /*!< ADC1 channel 1 is GPIO37 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_2, /*!< ADC1 channel 2 is GPIO38 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_3, /*!< ADC1 channel 3 is GPIO39 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_4, /*!< ADC1 channel 4 is GPIO32 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_5, /*!< ADC1 channel 5 is GPIO33 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_6, /*!< ADC1 channel 6 is GPIO34 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_7, /*!< ADC1 channel 7 is GPIO35 */
} adc1_channel_t;
#elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 // TODO ESP32-S3 channels are wrong IDF-1776
/**** `adc1_channel_t` will be deprecated functions, combine into `adc_channel_t` ********/
typedef enum {
ADC1_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< ADC1 channel 0 is GPIO1 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_1, /*!< ADC1 channel 1 is GPIO2 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_2, /*!< ADC1 channel 2 is GPIO3 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_3, /*!< ADC1 channel 3 is GPIO4 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_4, /*!< ADC1 channel 4 is GPIO5 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_5, /*!< ADC1 channel 5 is GPIO6 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_6, /*!< ADC1 channel 6 is GPIO7 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_7, /*!< ADC1 channel 7 is GPIO8 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_8, /*!< ADC1 channel 8 is GPIO9 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_9, /*!< ADC1 channel 9 is GPIO10 */
} adc1_channel_t;
/**** `adc1_channel_t` will be deprecated functions, combine into `adc_channel_t` ********/
typedef enum {
ADC1_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< ADC1 channel 0 is GPIO0 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_1, /*!< ADC1 channel 1 is GPIO1 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_2, /*!< ADC1 channel 2 is GPIO2 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_3, /*!< ADC1 channel 3 is GPIO3 */
ADC1_CHANNEL_4, /*!< ADC1 channel 4 is GPIO4 */
} adc1_channel_t;
/**** `adc2_channel_t` will be deprecated functions, combine into `adc_channel_t` ********/
typedef enum {
ADC2_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< ADC2 channel 0 is GPIO4 (ESP32), GPIO11 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_1, /*!< ADC2 channel 1 is GPIO0 (ESP32), GPIO12 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_2, /*!< ADC2 channel 2 is GPIO2 (ESP32), GPIO13 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_3, /*!< ADC2 channel 3 is GPIO15 (ESP32), GPIO14 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_4, /*!< ADC2 channel 4 is GPIO13 (ESP32), GPIO15 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_5, /*!< ADC2 channel 5 is GPIO12 (ESP32), GPIO16 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_6, /*!< ADC2 channel 6 is GPIO14 (ESP32), GPIO17 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_7, /*!< ADC2 channel 7 is GPIO27 (ESP32), GPIO18 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_8, /*!< ADC2 channel 8 is GPIO25 (ESP32), GPIO19 (ESP32-S2) */
ADC2_CHANNEL_9, /*!< ADC2 channel 9 is GPIO26 (ESP32), GPIO20 (ESP32-S2) */
} adc2_channel_t;
/**** `adc2_channel_t` will be deprecated functions, combine into `adc_channel_t` ********/
typedef enum {
ADC2_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< ADC2 channel 0 is GPIO5 */
} adc2_channel_t;
* @brief ADC rtc controller attenuation option.
* @note This definitions are only for being back-compatible
#define ADC_ATTEN_0db ADC_ATTEN_DB_0
#define ADC_ATTEN_2_5db ADC_ATTEN_DB_2_5
#define ADC_ATTEN_6db ADC_ATTEN_DB_6
#define ADC_ATTEN_11db ADC_ATTEN_DB_11
* The default (max) bit width of the ADC of current version. You can also get the maximum bitwidth
* by `SOC_ADC_MAX_BITWIDTH` defined in soc_caps.h.
//this definitions are only for being back-compatible
#define ADC_WIDTH_10Bit ADC_WIDTH_BIT_10
#define ADC_WIDTH_11Bit ADC_WIDTH_BIT_11
#define ADC_WIDTH_12Bit ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12
* @brief Digital ADC DMA read max timeout value, it may make the ``adc_digi_read_bytes`` block forever if the OS supports
* @brief ADC digital controller encode option.
* @deprecated The ESP32-S2 doesn't use I2S DMA. Call ``adc_digi_output_format_t`` instead.
typedef enum {
ADC_ENCODE_12BIT, /*!< ADC to DMA data format, , [15:12]-channel [11:0]-12 bits ADC data */
ADC_ENCODE_11BIT, /*!< ADC to DMA data format, [15]-unit, [14:11]-channel [10:0]-11 bits ADC data */
} adc_i2s_encode_t;
//This feature is currently supported on ESP32C3, will be supported on other chips soon
* @brief Digital ADC DMA configuration
typedef struct adc_digi_init_config_s {
uint32_t max_store_buf_size; ///< Max length of the converted data that driver can store before they are processed.
uint32_t conv_num_each_intr; ///< Bytes of data that can be converted in 1 interrupt.
uint32_t adc1_chan_mask; ///< Channel list of ADC1 to be initialized.
uint32_t adc2_chan_mask; ///< Channel list of ADC2 to be initialized.
} adc_digi_init_config_t;
Common setting
* @brief Enable ADC power
* @deprecated Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead.
void adc_power_on(void) __attribute__((deprecated));
* @brief Power off SAR ADC
* @deprecated Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead.
* This function will force power down for ADC.
* This function is deprecated because forcing power ADC power off may
* disrupt operation of other components which may be using the ADC.
void adc_power_off(void) __attribute__((deprecated));
* @brief Increment the usage counter for ADC module.
* ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0.
* Call adc_power_release when done using the ADC.
void adc_power_acquire(void);
* @brief Decrement the usage counter for ADC module.
* ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0.
* Call this function when done using the ADC.
void adc_power_release(void);
* @brief Initialize ADC pad
* @param adc_unit ADC unit index
* @param channel ADC channel index
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc_gpio_init(adc_unit_t adc_unit, adc_channel_t channel);
ADC Single Read Setting
* @brief Get the GPIO number of a specific ADC1 channel.
* @param channel Channel to get the GPIO number
* @param gpio_num output buffer to hold the GPIO number
* @return
* - ESP_OK if success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if channel not valid
esp_err_t adc1_pad_get_io_num(adc1_channel_t channel, gpio_num_t *gpio_num);
* @brief Set the attenuation of a particular channel on ADC1, and configure its associated GPIO pin mux.
* The default ADC voltage is for attenuation 0 dB and listed in the table below.
* By setting higher attenuation it is possible to read higher voltages.
* Due to ADC characteristics, most accurate results are obtained within the "suggested range"
* shown in the following table.
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* | | attenuation | suggested range |
* | SoC | (dB) | (mV) |
* +==========+=============+=================+
* | | 0 | 100 ~ 950 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 2.5 | 100 ~ 1250 |
* | ESP32 +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 6 | 150 ~ 1750 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 11 | 150 ~ 2450 |
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* | | 0 | 0 ~ 750 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 2.5 | 0 ~ 1050 |
* | ESP32-S2 +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 6 | 0 ~ 1300 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 11 | 0 ~ 2500 |
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* For maximum accuracy, use the ADC calibration APIs and measure voltages within these recommended ranges.
* @note For any given channel, this function must be called before the first time ``adc1_get_raw()`` is called for that channel.
* @note This function can be called multiple times to configure multiple
* ADC channels simultaneously. You may call ``adc1_get_raw()`` only after configuring a channel.
* @param channel ADC1 channel to configure
* @param atten Attenuation level
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc1_config_channel_atten(adc1_channel_t channel, adc_atten_t atten);
* @brief Configure ADC1 capture width, meanwhile enable output invert for ADC1.
* The configuration is for all channels of ADC1
* @param width_bit Bit capture width for ADC1
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc1_config_width(adc_bits_width_t width_bit);
* @brief Take an ADC1 reading from a single channel.
* @note ESP32:
* When the power switch of SARADC1, SARADC2, HALL sensor and AMP sensor is turned on,
* the input of GPIO36 and GPIO39 will be pulled down for about 80ns.
* When enabling power for any of these peripherals, ignore input from GPIO36 and GPIO39.
* Please refer to section 3.11 of 'ECO_and_Workarounds_for_Bugs_in_ESP32' for the description of this issue.
* As a workaround, call adc_power_acquire() in the app. This will result in higher power consumption (by ~1mA),
* but will remove the glitches on GPIO36 and GPIO39.
* @note Call ``adc1_config_width()`` before the first time this
* function is called.
* @note For any given channel, adc1_config_channel_atten(channel)
* must be called before the first time this function is called. Configuring
* a new channel does not prevent a previously configured channel from being read.
* @param channel ADC1 channel to read
* @return
* - -1: Parameter error
* - Other: ADC1 channel reading.
int adc1_get_raw(adc1_channel_t channel);
* @brief Set ADC data invert
* @param adc_unit ADC unit index
* @param inv_en whether enable data invert
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc_set_data_inv(adc_unit_t adc_unit, bool inv_en);
* @brief Set ADC source clock
* @param clk_div ADC clock divider, ADC clock is divided from APB clock
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
esp_err_t adc_set_clk_div(uint8_t clk_div);
* @brief Configure ADC capture width.
* @param adc_unit ADC unit index
* @param width_bit Bit capture width for ADC unit.
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc_set_data_width(adc_unit_t adc_unit, adc_bits_width_t width_bit);
* @brief Configure ADC1 to be usable by the ULP
* This function reconfigures ADC1 to be controlled by the ULP.
* Effect of this function can be reverted using ``adc1_get_raw()`` function.
* Note that adc1_config_channel_atten, ``adc1_config_width()`` functions need
* to be called to configure ADC1 channels, before ADC1 is used by the ULP.
void adc1_ulp_enable(void);
* @brief Get the GPIO number of a specific ADC2 channel.
* @param channel Channel to get the GPIO number
* @param gpio_num output buffer to hold the GPIO number
* @return
* - ESP_OK if success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if channel not valid
esp_err_t adc2_pad_get_io_num(adc2_channel_t channel, gpio_num_t *gpio_num);
* @brief Configure the ADC2 channel, including setting attenuation.
* The default ADC voltage is for attenuation 0 dB and listed in the table below.
* By setting higher attenuation it is possible to read higher voltages.
* Due to ADC characteristics, most accurate results are obtained within the "suggested range"
* shown in the following table.
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* | | attenuation | suggested range |
* | SoC | (dB) | (mV) |
* +==========+=============+=================+
* | | 0 | 100 ~ 950 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 2.5 | 100 ~ 1250 |
* | ESP32 +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 6 | 150 ~ 1750 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 11 | 150 ~ 2450 |
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* | | 0 | 0 ~ 750 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 2.5 | 0 ~ 1050 |
* | ESP32-S2 +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 6 | 0 ~ 1300 |
* | +-------------+-----------------+
* | | 11 | 0 ~ 2500 |
* +----------+-------------+-----------------+
* For maximum accuracy, use the ADC calibration APIs and measure voltages within these recommended ranges.
* @note This function also configures the input GPIO pin mux to
* connect it to the ADC2 channel. It must be called before calling
* ``adc2_get_raw()`` for this channel.
* @note For any given channel, this function must be called before the first time ``adc2_get_raw()`` is called for that channel.
* @param channel ADC2 channel to configure
* @param atten Attenuation level
* @return
* - ESP_OK success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t adc2_config_channel_atten(adc2_channel_t channel, adc_atten_t atten);
* @brief Take an ADC2 reading on a single channel
* @note ESP32:
* When the power switch of SARADC1, SARADC2, HALL sensor and AMP sensor is turned on,
* the input of GPIO36 and GPIO39 will be pulled down for about 80ns.
* When enabling power for any of these peripherals, ignore input from GPIO36 and GPIO39.
* Please refer to section 3.11 of 'ECO_and_Workarounds_for_Bugs_in_ESP32' for the description of this issue.
* As a workaround, call adc_power_acquire() in the app. This will result in higher power consumption (by ~1mA),
* but will remove the glitches on GPIO36 and GPIO39.
* @note ESP32:
* For a given channel, ``adc2_config_channel_atten()``
* must be called before the first time this function is called. If Wi-Fi is started via ``esp_wifi_start()``, this
* function will always fail with ``ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT``.
* @note ESP32-S2:
* ADC2 support hardware arbiter. The arbiter is to improve the use efficiency of ADC2. After the control right is robbed by the high priority,
* the low priority controller will read the invalid ADC2 data. Default priority: Wi-Fi > RTC > Digital;
* @param channel ADC2 channel to read
* @param width_bit Bit capture width for ADC2
* @param raw_out the variable to hold the output data.
* @return
* - ESP_OK if success
* - ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT ADC2 is being used by other controller and the request timed out.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE The controller status is invalid. Please try again.
esp_err_t adc2_get_raw(adc2_channel_t channel, adc_bits_width_t width_bit, int *raw_out);
* @brief Output ADC1 or ADC2's reference voltage to ``adc2_channe_t``'s IO.
* This function routes the internal reference voltage of ADCn to one of
* ADC2's channels. This reference voltage can then be manually measured
* for calibration purposes.
* @note ESP32 only supports output of ADC2's internal reference voltage.
* @param[in] adc_unit ADC unit index
* @param[in] gpio GPIO number (Only ADC2's channels IO are supported)
* @return
* - ESP_OK: v_ref successfully routed to selected GPIO
esp_err_t adc_vref_to_gpio(adc_unit_t adc_unit, gpio_num_t gpio);
* @brief Output ADC2 reference voltage to ``adc2_channe_t``'s IO.
* This function routes the internal reference voltage of ADCn to one of
* ADC2's channels. This reference voltage can then be manually measured
* for calibration purposes.
* @deprecated Use ``adc_vref_to_gpio`` instead.
* @param[in] gpio GPIO number (ADC2's channels are supported)
* @return
* - ESP_OK: v_ref successfully routed to selected GPIO
esp_err_t adc2_vref_to_gpio(gpio_num_t gpio) __attribute__((deprecated));
Digital controller setting
//These APIs are only supported on ESP32 and ESP32-S2. On ESP32-C3 and later chips, please use ``adc_digi_initialize`` and ``adc_digi_deinitialize``
* @brief ADC digital controller initialization.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t adc_digi_init(void);
* @brief ADC digital controller deinitialization.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t adc_digi_deinit(void);
* @brief Setting the digital controller.
* @param config Pointer to digital controller paramter. Refer to ``adc_digi_config_t``.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG If the combination of arguments is invalid.
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_controller_config(const adc_digi_config_t *config);
//This feature is currently supported on ESP32C3, will be supported on other chips soon
DMA setting
* @brief Initialize the Digital ADC.
* @param init_config Pointer to Digital ADC initilization config. Refer to ``adc_digi_init_config_t``.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG If the combination of arguments is invalid.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND No free interrupt found with the specified flags
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM If out of memory
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_initialize(const adc_digi_init_config_t *init_config);
* @brief Start the Digital ADC and DMA peripherals. After this, the hardware starts working.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_start(void);
* @brief Stop the Digital ADC and DMA peripherals. After this, the hardware stops working.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_stop(void);
* @brief Read bytes from Digital ADC through DMA.
* @param[out] buf Buffer to read from ADC.
* @param[in] length_max Expected length of data read from the ADC.
* @param[out] out_length Real length of data read from the ADC via this API.
* @param[in] timeout_ms Time to wait for data via this API, in millisecond.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid. Usually it means the ADC sampling rate is faster than the task processing rate.
* - ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_read_bytes(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t length_max, uint32_t *out_length, uint32_t timeout_ms);
* @brief Deinitialize the Digital ADC.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.
* - ESP_OK On success
esp_err_t adc_digi_deinitialize(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus