mirror of https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf synced 2025-03-26 01:10:12 -04:00
Ivan Grokhotkov 7a527896dc ulp: use timer to start ULP, fix I_ANDI bug, add tests
Starting the ULP using SENS_SAR_START_FORCE_REG doesn’t disable clock gating of RTC fast clock.
When SoC goes into deep sleep mode, RTC fast clock gets gated, so ULP can no longer run.
Instead, it has to be started using the timer (RTC_CNTL_ULP_CP_SLP_TIMER_EN bit).
When ULP is enabled by the timer, clock also gets enabled.
2016-12-16 20:25:38 +08:00

768 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @defgroup ulp_registers ULP coprocessor registers
* @{
#define R0 0 /*!< general purpose register 0 */
#define R1 1 /*!< general purpose register 1 */
#define R2 2 /*!< general purpose register 2 */
#define R3 3 /*!< general purpose register 3 */
/** @defgroup ulp_opcodes ULP coprocessor opcodes, sub opcodes, and various modifiers/flags
* These definitions are not intended to be used directly.
* They are used in definitions of instructions later on.
* @{
#define OPCODE_WR_REG 1 /*!< Instruction: write peripheral register (RTC_CNTL/RTC_IO/SARADC) (not implemented yet) */
#define OPCODE_RD_REG 2 /*!< Instruction: read peripheral register (RTC_CNTL/RTC_IO/SARADC) (not implemented yet) */
#define RD_REG_PERIPH_RTC_CNTL 0 /*!< Identifier of RTC_CNTL peripheral for RD_REG and WR_REG instructions */
#define RD_REG_PERIPH_RTC_IO 1 /*!< Identifier of RTC_IO peripheral for RD_REG and WR_REG instructions */
#define RD_REG_PERIPH_SARADC 2 /*!< Identifier of SARADC peripheral for RD_REG and WR_REG instructions */
#define OPCODE_I2C 3 /*!< Instruction: read/write I2C (not implemented yet) */
#define OPCODE_DELAY 4 /*!< Instruction: delay (nop) for a given number of cycles */
#define OPCODE_ADC 5 /*!< Instruction: SAR ADC measurement (not implemented yet) */
#define OPCODE_ST 6 /*!< Instruction: store indirect to RTC memory */
#define SUB_OPCODE_ST 4 /*!< Store 32 bits, 16 MSBs contain PC, 16 LSBs contain value from source register */
#define OPCODE_ALU 7 /*!< Arithmetic instructions */
#define SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG 0 /*!< Arithmetic instruction, both source values are in register */
#define SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM 1 /*!< Arithmetic instruction, one source value is an immediate */
#define SUB_OPCODE_ALU_CNT 2 /*!< Arithmetic instruction between counter register and an immediate (not implemented yet)*/
#define ALU_SEL_ADD 0 /*!< Addition */
#define ALU_SEL_SUB 1 /*!< Subtraction */
#define ALU_SEL_AND 2 /*!< Logical AND */
#define ALU_SEL_OR 3 /*!< Logical OR */
#define ALU_SEL_MOV 4 /*!< Copy value (immediate to destination register or source register to destination register */
#define ALU_SEL_LSH 5 /*!< Shift left by given number of bits */
#define ALU_SEL_RSH 6 /*!< Shift right by given number of bits */
#define OPCODE_BRANCH 8 /*!< Branch instructions */
#define SUB_OPCODE_BX 0 /*!< Branch to absolute PC (immediate or in register) */
#define BX_JUMP_TYPE_DIRECT 0 /*!< Unconditional jump */
#define BX_JUMP_TYPE_ZERO 1 /*!< Branch if last ALU result is zero */
#define BX_JUMP_TYPE_OVF 2 /*!< Branch if last ALU operation caused and overflow */
#define SUB_OPCODE_B 1 /*!< Branch to a relative offset */
#define B_CMP_L 0 /*!< Branch if R0 is less than an immediate */
#define B_CMP_GE 1 /*!< Branch if R0 is greater than or equal to an immediate */
#define OPCODE_END 9 /*!< Stop executing the program (not implemented yet) */
#define SUB_OPCODE_END 0 /*!< Stop executing the program and optionally wake up the chip */
#define SUB_OPCODE_SLEEP 1 /*!< Stop executing the program and run it again after selected interval */
#define OPCODE_TSENS 10 /*!< Instruction: temperature sensor measurement (not implemented yet) */
#define OPCODE_HALT 11 /*!< Halt the coprocessor */
#define OPCODE_LD 13 /*!< Indirect load lower 16 bits from RTC memory */
#define OPCODE_MACRO 15 /*!< Not a real opcode. Used to identify labels and branches in the program */
#define SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_LABEL 0 /*!< Label macro */
#define SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_BRANCH 1 /*!< Branch macro */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE 0x1200 /*!< Offset for ULP-related error codes */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_SIZE_TOO_BIG (ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE + 1) /*!< Program doesn't fit into RTC memory reserved for the ULP */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_INVALID_LOAD_ADDR (ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE + 2) /*!< Load address is outside of RTC memory reserved for the ULP */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_DUPLICATE_LABEL (ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE + 3) /*!< More than one label with the same number was defined */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_UNDEFINED_LABEL (ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE + 4) /*!< Branch instructions references an undefined label */
#define ESP_ERR_ULP_BRANCH_OUT_OF_RANGE (ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE + 5) /*!< Branch target is out of range of B instruction (try replacing with BX) */
* @brief Instruction format structure
* All ULP instructions are 32 bit long.
* This union contains field layouts used by all of the supported instructions.
* This union also includes a special "macro" instruction layout.
* This is not a real instruction which can be executed by the CPU. It acts
* as a token which is removed from the program by the
* ulp_process_macros_and_load function.
* These structures are not intended to be used directly.
* Preprocessor definitions provided below fill the fields of these structure with
* the right arguments.
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t cycles : 16; /*!< Number of cycles to sleep */
uint32_t unused : 12; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_DELAY) */
} delay; /*!< Format of DELAY instruction */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Register which contains data to store */
uint32_t sreg : 2; /*!< Register which contains address in RTC memory (expressed in words) */
uint32_t unused1 : 6; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t offset : 11; /*!< Offset to add to sreg */
uint32_t unused2 : 4; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_ST) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_ST) */
} st; /*!< Format of ST instruction */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Register where the data should be loaded to */
uint32_t sreg : 2; /*!< Register which contains address in RTC memory (expressed in words) */
uint32_t unused1 : 6; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t offset : 11; /*!< Offset to add to sreg */
uint32_t unused2 : 7; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_LD) */
} ld; /*!< Format of LD instruction */
struct {
uint32_t unused : 28; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_HALT) */
} halt; /*!< Format of HALT instruction */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Register which contains target PC, expressed in words (used if .reg == 1) */
uint32_t addr : 11; /*!< Target PC, expressed in words (used if .reg == 0) */
uint32_t unused : 8; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t reg : 1; /*!< Target PC in register (1) or immediate (0) */
uint32_t type : 3; /*!< Jump condition (BX_JUMP_TYPE_xxx) */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_BX) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_BRANCH) */
} bx; /*!< Format of BRANCH instruction (absolute address) */
struct {
uint32_t imm : 16; /*!< Immediate value to compare against */
uint32_t cmp : 1; /*!< Comparison to perform: B_CMP_L or B_CMP_GE */
uint32_t offset : 7; /*!< Absolute value of target PC offset w.r.t. current PC, expressed in words */
uint32_t sign : 1; /*!< Sign of target PC offset: 0: positive, 1: negative */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_B) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_BRANCH) */
} b; /*!< Format of BRANCH instruction (relative address) */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Destination register */
uint32_t sreg : 2; /*!< Register with operand A */
uint32_t treg : 2; /*!< Register with operand B */
uint32_t unused : 15; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sel : 4; /*!< Operation to perform, one of ALU_SEL_xxx */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_ALU) */
} alu_reg; /*!< Format of ALU instruction (both sources are registers) */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Destination register */
uint32_t sreg : 2; /*!< Register with operand A */
uint32_t imm : 16; /*!< Immediate value of operand B */
uint32_t unused : 1; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sel : 4; /*!< Operation to perform, one of ALU_SEL_xxx */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_ALU) */
} alu_imm; /*!< Format of ALU instruction (one source is an immediate) */
struct {
uint32_t addr : 8; /*!< Address within either RTC_CNTL, RTC_IO, or SARADC */
uint32_t periph_sel : 2; /*!< Select peripheral: RTC_CNTL (0), RTC_IO(1), SARADC(2) */
uint32_t data : 8; /*!< 8 bits of data to write */
uint32_t low : 5; /*!< Low bit */
uint32_t high : 5; /*!< High bit */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_WR_REG) */
} wr_reg; /*!< Format of WR_REG instruction */
struct {
uint32_t addr : 8; /*!< Address within either RTC_CNTL, RTC_IO, or SARADC */
uint32_t periph_sel : 2; /*!< Select peripheral: RTC_CNTL (0), RTC_IO(1), SARADC(2) */
uint32_t unused : 8; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t low : 5; /*!< Low bit */
uint32_t high : 5; /*!< High bit */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_WR_REG) */
} rd_reg; /*!< Format of RD_REG instruction */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Register where to store ADC result */
uint32_t mux : 4; /*!< Select SARADC pad (mux + 1) */
uint32_t sar_sel : 1; /*!< Select SARADC0 (0) or SARADC1 (1) */
uint32_t unused1 : 1; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t cycles : 16; /*!< TBD, cycles used for measurement */
uint32_t unused2 : 4; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t opcode: 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_ADC) */
} adc; /*!< Format of ADC instruction */
struct {
uint32_t dreg : 2; /*!< Register where to store temperature measurement result */
uint32_t wait_delay: 14; /*!< Cycles to wait after measurement is done */
uint32_t cycles: 12; /*!< Cycles used to perform measurement */
uint32_t opcode: 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_TSENS) */
} tsens; /*!< Format of TSENS instruction */
struct {
uint32_t i2c_addr : 8; /*!< I2C slave address */
uint32_t data : 8; /*!< Data to read or write */
uint32_t low_bits : 3; /*!< TBD */
uint32_t high_bits : 3; /*!< TBD */
uint32_t i2c_sel : 4; /*!< TBD, select reg_i2c_slave_address[7:0] */
uint32_t unused : 1; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t rw : 1; /*!< Write (1) or read (0) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_I2C) */
} i2c; /*!< Format of I2C instruction */
struct {
uint32_t wakeup : 1; /*!< Set to 1 to wake up chip */
uint32_t unused : 24; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_WAKEUP) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_END) */
} end; /*!< Format of END instruction with wakeup */
struct {
uint32_t cycle_sel : 4; /*!< Select which one of SARADC_ULP_CP_SLEEP_CYCx_REG to get the sleep duration from */
uint32_t unused : 21; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 3; /*!< Sub opcode (SUB_OPCODE_SLEEP) */
uint32_t opcode : 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_END) */
} sleep; /*!< Format of END instruction with sleep */
struct {
uint32_t label : 16; /*!< Label number */
uint32_t unused : 8; /*!< Unused */
uint32_t sub_opcode : 4; /*!< SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_LABEL or SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_BRANCH */
uint32_t opcode: 4; /*!< Opcode (OPCODE_MACRO) */
} macro; /*!< Format of tokens used by LABEL and BRANCH macros */
} ulp_insn_t;
_Static_assert(sizeof(ulp_insn_t) == 4, "ULP coprocessor instruction size should be 4 bytes");
* Delay (nop) for a given number of cycles
#define I_DELAY(cycles_) { .delay = {\
.opcode = OPCODE_DELAY, \
.unused = 0, \
.cycles = cycles_ } }
* Halt the coprocessor
#define I_HALT() { .halt = {\
.unused = 0, \
.opcode = OPCODE_HALT } }
static inline uint32_t SOC_REG_TO_ULP_PERIPH_SEL(uint32_t reg) {
uint32_t ret = 3;
if (reg < DR_REG_RTCCNTL_BASE) {
assert(0 && "invalid register base");
} else if (reg < DR_REG_RTCIO_BASE) {
ret = 0;
} else if (reg < DR_REG_SENS_BASE) {
ret = 1;
} else if (reg < DR_REG_RTCMEM0_BASE){
ret = 2;
} else {
assert(0 && "invalid register base");
return ret;
* Write literal value to a peripheral register
* reg[high_bit : low_bit] = val
#define I_WR_REG(reg, low_bit, high_bit, val) {.wr_reg = {\
.addr = reg & 0xff, \
.periph_sel = SOC_REG_TO_ULP_PERIPH_SEL(reg), \
.data = val, \
.low = low_bit, \
.high = high_bit, \
.opcode = OPCODE_WR_REG } }
* Read from peripheral register into R0
* R0 = reg[high_bit : low_bit]
#define I_RD_REG(reg, low_bit, high_bit, val) {.wr_reg = {\
.addr = reg & 0xff, \
.periph_sel = SOC_REG_TO_ULP_PERIPH_SEL(reg), \
.unused = 0, \
.low = low_bit, \
.high = high_bit, \
.opcode = OPCODE_RD_REG } }
* End program.
* If wake == 1, wake up main CPU.
#define I_END(wake) { .end = { \
.wakeup = wake, \
.unused = 0, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_END, \
.opcode = OPCODE_END } }
* Store value from register reg_val into RTC memory.
* The value is written to an offset calculated by adding value of
* reg_addr register and offset_ field (this offset is expressed in 32-bit words).
* 32 bits written to RTC memory are built as follows:
* - 5 MSBs are zero
* - next 11 bits hold the PC of current instruction, expressed in 32-bit words
* - next 16 bits hold the actual value to be written
* RTC_SLOW_MEM[addr + offset_] = { 5'b0, insn_PC[10:0], val[15:0] }
#define I_ST(reg_val, reg_addr, offset_) { .st = { \
.dreg = reg_val, \
.sreg = reg_addr, \
.unused1 = 0, \
.offset = offset_, \
.unused2 = 0, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ST, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ST } }
* Load value from RTC memory into reg_dest register.
* Loads 16 LSBs from RTC memory word given by the sum of value in reg_addr and
* value of offset_.
#define I_LD(reg_dest, reg_addr, offset_) { .ld = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_addr, \
.unused1 = 0, \
.offset = offset_, \
.unused2 = 0, \
.opcode = OPCODE_LD } }
* Branch relative if R0 less than immediate value.
* pc_offset is expressed in words, and can be from -127 to 127
* imm_value is a 16-bit value to compare R0 against
#define I_BL(pc_offset, imm_value) { .b = { \
.imm = imm_value, \
.cmp = B_CMP_L, \
.offset = abs(pc_offset), \
.sign = (pc_offset >= 0) ? 0 : 1, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_B, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Branch relative if R0 greater or equal than immediate value.
* pc_offset is expressed in words, and can be from -127 to 127
* imm_value is a 16-bit value to compare R0 against
#define I_BGE(pc_offset, imm_value) { .b = { \
.imm = imm_value, \
.cmp = B_CMP_GE, \
.offset = abs(pc_offset), \
.sign = (pc_offset >= 0) ? 0 : 1, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_B, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Unconditional branch to absolute PC, address in register.
* reg_pc is the register which contains address to jump to.
* Address is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXR(reg_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = reg_pc, \
.addr = 0, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 1, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Unconditional branch to absolute PC, immediate address.
* Address imm_pc is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXI(imm_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = 0, \
.addr = imm_pc, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 0, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Branch to absolute PC if ALU result is zero, address in register.
* reg_pc is the register which contains address to jump to.
* Address is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXZR(reg_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = reg_pc, \
.addr = 0, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 1, \
.type = BX_JUMP_TYPE_ZERO, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Branch to absolute PC if ALU result is zero, immediate address.
* Address imm_pc is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXZI(imm_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = 0, \
.addr = imm_pc, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 0, \
.type = BX_JUMP_TYPE_ZERO, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Branch to absolute PC if ALU overflow, address in register
* reg_pc is the register which contains address to jump to.
* Address is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXFR(reg_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = reg_pc, \
.addr = 0, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 1, \
.type = BX_JUMP_TYPE_OVF, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Branch to absolute PC if ALU overflow, immediate address
* Address imm_pc is expressed in 32-bit words.
#define I_BXFI(imm_pc) { .bx = { \
.dreg = 0, \
.addr = imm_pc, \
.unused = 0, \
.reg = 0, \
.type = BX_JUMP_TYPE_OVF, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_BX, \
.opcode = OPCODE_BRANCH } }
* Addition: dest = src1 + src2
#define I_ADDR(reg_dest, reg_src1, reg_src2) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src1, \
.treg = reg_src2, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_ADD, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Subtraction: dest = src1 - src2
#define I_SUBR(reg_dest, reg_src1, reg_src2) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src1, \
.treg = reg_src2, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_SUB, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical AND: dest = src1 & src2
#define I_ANDR(reg_dest, reg_src1, reg_src2) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src1, \
.treg = reg_src2, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_AND, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical OR: dest = src1 | src2
#define I_ORR(reg_dest, reg_src1, reg_src2) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src1, \
.treg = reg_src2, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_OR, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Copy: dest = src
#define I_MOVR(reg_dest, reg_src) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.treg = 0, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_MOV, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical shift left: dest = src << shift
#define I_LSHR(reg_dest, reg_src, reg_shift) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.treg = reg_shift, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_LSH, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical shift right: dest = src >> shift
#define I_RSHR(reg_dest, reg_src, reg_shift) { .alu_reg = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.treg = reg_shift, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_RSH, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_REG, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Add register and an immediate value: dest = src1 + imm
#define I_ADDI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_ADD, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Subtract register and an immediate value: dest = src - imm
#define I_SUBI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_SUB, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical AND register and an immediate value: dest = src & imm
#define I_ANDI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_AND, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical OR register and an immediate value: dest = src | imm
#define I_ORI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_OR, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Copy an immediate value into register: dest = imm
#define I_MOVI(reg_dest, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = 0, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_MOV, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical shift left register value by an immediate: dest = src << imm
#define I_LSHI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_LSH, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Logical shift right register value by an immediate: dest = val >> imm
#define I_RSHI(reg_dest, reg_src, imm_) { .alu_imm = { \
.dreg = reg_dest, \
.sreg = reg_src, \
.imm = imm_, \
.unused = 0, \
.sel = ALU_SEL_RSH, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_ALU_IMM, \
.opcode = OPCODE_ALU } }
* Define a label with number label_num.
* This is a macro which doesn't generate a real instruction.
* The token generated by this macro is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function. Label defined using this macro can be used in branch macros defined
* below.
#define M_LABEL(label_num) { .macro = { \
.label = label_num, \
.unused = 0, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_LABEL, \
.opcode = OPCODE_MACRO } }
* Token macro used by M_B and M_BX macros. Not to be used directly.
#define M_BRANCH(label_num) { .macro = { \
.label = label_num, \
.unused = 0, \
.sub_opcode = SUB_OPCODE_MACRO_BRANCH, \
.opcode = OPCODE_MACRO } }
* Macro: branch to label label_num if R0 is less than immediate value.
* This macro generates two ulp_insn_t values separated by a comma, and should
* be used when defining contents of ulp_insn_t arrays. First value is not a
* real instruction; it is a token which is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function.
#define M_BL(label_num, imm_value) \
M_BRANCH(label_num), \
I_BL(0, imm_value)
* Macro: branch to label label_num if R0 is greater or equal than immediate value
* This macro generates two ulp_insn_t values separated by a comma, and should
* be used when defining contents of ulp_insn_t arrays. First value is not a
* real instruction; it is a token which is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function.
#define M_BGE(label_num, imm_value) \
M_BRANCH(label_num), \
I_BGE(0, imm_value)
* Macro: unconditional branch to label
* This macro generates two ulp_insn_t values separated by a comma, and should
* be used when defining contents of ulp_insn_t arrays. First value is not a
* real instruction; it is a token which is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function.
#define M_BX(label_num) \
M_BRANCH(label_num), \
* Macro: branch to label if ALU result is zero
* This macro generates two ulp_insn_t values separated by a comma, and should
* be used when defining contents of ulp_insn_t arrays. First value is not a
* real instruction; it is a token which is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function.
#define M_BXZ(label_num) \
M_BRANCH(label_num), \
* Macro: branch to label if ALU overflow
* This macro generates two ulp_insn_t values separated by a comma, and should
* be used when defining contents of ulp_insn_t arrays. First value is not a
* real instruction; it is a token which is removed by ulp_process_macros_and_load
* function.
#define M_BXF(label_num) \
M_BRANCH(label_num), \
#define RTC_SLOW_MEM ((uint32_t*) 0x50000000) /*!< RTC slow memory, 8k size */
* @brief Resolve all macro references in a program and load it into RTC memory
* @param load_addr address where the program should be loaded, expressed in 32-bit words
* @param program ulp_insn_t array with the program
* @param psize size of the program, expressed in 32-bit words
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if auxiliary temporary structure can not be allocated
* - one of ESP_ERR_ULP_xxx if program is not valid or can not be loaded
esp_err_t ulp_process_macros_and_load(uint32_t load_addr, const ulp_insn_t* program, size_t* psize);
* @brief Run the program loaded into RTC memory
* @param entry_point entry point, expressed in 32-bit words
* @return ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t ulp_run(uint32_t entry_point);
#ifdef __cplusplus