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synced 2025-03-10 09:39:10 -04:00
The initial implementation of a diagnostic tool that collects valuable information about esp-idf and failed build to assist in investigating reported issues. The gathered information includes environmental variables, details about the python virtual environment, installed tools, platform information, project_description.json, sdkconfig, build logs, map file, linker scripts, and others. usage: 1) create the default report # allow diag to create the report directory name $ idf.py diag # explicitly specify the report directory $ idf.py diag --output <report directory> 2) examine the contents of the generated <report directory> for sensitive information and add additional content to the <report directory> 3) create report archive zip file that can be shared or attached to the reported issue $ idf.py diag --zip <report directory> The tool collects information as described in what are known as recipe files. A recipe file is a YAML file, similar to an Ansible playbook or a GitHub action, but much more simplified. Each recipe outlines how to gather a set of related information. For instance, the manager.yml recipe gathers data related to the component manager. Each recipe includes metadata such as its description, tags, and steps. Tags are used to determine which recipes to use; by default, all built-in recipes located in tools/idf_py_actions/diag/recipes are used. Steps consist of a list of commands to be executed. Currently, there are four commands: file, exec, env, and glob. For more detailed information about recipes, their format, and commands, please refer to tools/idf_py_actions/diag/recipes/README.md. Recipe example for component manager: description: IDF Component Manager information tags: [manager, base, project] output: manager steps: - name: 'IDF Component Manager' cmds: - exec: cmd: 'python -m idf_component_manager version' output: manager.ver - file: path: '${PROJECT_DIR}/dependencies.lock' - glob: # Gather all idf_component.yml files from the project directory and # save them in directories relative to the project directory within # the idf_component directory. pattern: 'idf_component.yml' recursive: true relative: true path: '${PROJECT_DIR}' output: 'idf_component/' Create report for manager 1) all recipes with manager tag $ idf.py diag --tag manager 2) use only the manager recipe explicitly; built-in recipes can be referenced simply by their name, but all recipes can be referenced by their path $ idf.py diag --recipe manager or $ idf.py diag --recipe <full path> To display available recipes, use $ idf.py diag --list and to verify recipes, use $ idf.py diag --check Both --list and --check honers the --tag and --recipe options. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <frantisek.hrbata@espressif.com>
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1148 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import atexit
import difflib
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import uuid
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from subprocess import run
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
import click
import yaml
from idf_py_actions.tools import PropertyDict
from idf_py_actions.tools import red_print
from idf_py_actions.tools import yellow_print
# Logging levels and configurations.
# A temporary directory is used to store the report. Once it is completely
# generated, it is moved to its final location.
TMP_DIR = TemporaryDirectory()
# The full debug log is stored in the report directory alongside other
# collected files.
# Fixed path for the built-in recipes
BUILTIN_RECIPES_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'diag' / 'recipes'
def cleanup() -> None:
"""Perform cleanup operations in case of unexpected termination."""
except Exception:
def exception_tb() -> Optional[str]:
"""Return a string containing the message from the most recent exception,
along with its traceback, if available.
ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()
in_exception = ex_type is not None
if not in_exception:
return None
ex_msg = f'exception {ex_type}:'
if str(ex_value):
ex_msg += f' {ex_value}'
tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(ex_traceback))
ex_msg += '\n' + tb.rstrip()
ex_msg = textwrap.indent(ex_msg, prefix='> ')
return ex_msg
def exception_msg() -> Optional[str]:
"""Return a string containing the message from the most recent exception,
if available.
ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()
in_exception = ex_type is not None
if not in_exception or not str(ex_value):
return None
return str(ex_value)
def log(level: int, msg: str, prefix: str) -> None:
"""Logs a message with a specified severity level and prefix.
This function outputs log messages to standard error (stderr) based on the
provided severity level. All messages are also saved to a log file, which
is part of the diagnostic report. The log file entries include a severity
prefix but do not contain any color formatting.
level (int): The severity level of the log message.
msg (str): The message to be logged.
prefix (str): A character prefix to indicate the log severity.
global LOG_FILE
log_prefix = f'{prefix} '
log_prefix = ''
msg = textwrap.indent(msg, prefix=log_prefix)
log_msg = textwrap.indent(msg, prefix=f'{prefix} ')
LOG_FILE.write(log_msg + '\n')
except Exception:
err(f'Cannot write to log file "{LOG_FILE}". Logging to file is turned off.')
if level > LOG_LEVEL:
if not LOG_COLORS or level not in (LOG_FATAL, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING):
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
if level == LOG_ERROR or level == LOG_FATAL:
elif level == LOG_WARNING:
def die(msg: str) -> None:
"""Irrecoverable fatal error."""
die_msg = 'ESP-IDF diagnostic command failed.'
# If the log level for stderr is not set to debug, suggest it.
die_msg += f' Using the "-d/--debug" option may provide more information.'
# Avoid calling fatal, as it may print the exception again if present.
log(LOG_FATAL, die_msg, 'F')
def fatal(msg: str) -> None:
"""A fatal message, along with the exception traceback logged for
debugging if available. Used by the die function."""
ex_msg = exception_msg()
if ex_msg:
msg += f': {ex_msg}'
log(LOG_FATAL, 'fatal: ' + msg, 'F')
ex_tb = exception_tb()
if ex_tb:
def err(msg: str) -> None:
"""A error message, along with the exception traceback logged for
debugging if available."""
ex_msg = exception_msg()
if ex_msg:
msg += f': {ex_msg}'
log(LOG_ERROR, 'error: ' + msg, 'E')
ex_tb = exception_tb()
if ex_tb:
def warn(msg: str) -> None:
"""A warning message, along with the exception traceback logged for
debugging if available."""
ex_msg = exception_msg()
if ex_msg:
msg += f': {ex_msg}'
log(LOG_WARNING, 'warning: ' + msg, 'W')
ex_tb = exception_tb()
if ex_tb:
def info(msg: str) -> None:
log(LOG_INFO, msg, 'I')
def dbg(msg: str) -> None:
log(LOG_DEBUG, msg, 'D')
def set_logger(debug: bool,
prefix: bool,
file: bool,
colors: bool) -> None:
"""Configure the logging settings for the application.
debug (bool): If True, enables debug logging to standard error.
prefix (bool): If True, adds a one-character prefix to each log message to identify the log level.
file (bool): If True, specifies that all log messages should be stored in a file, regardless of the log level setting.
colors (bool): If True, enables the use of ANSI color codes in log messages.
global LOG_LEVEL
global LOG_FILE
if not colors:
if debug:
if prefix:
if file:
LOG_FILE_PATH.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
except Exception:
err(f'Cannot open log file "{LOG_FILE}". Log file will not be generated.')
def diff_dirs(dir1: Path, dir2: Path) -> None:
"""Show differences in files between two directories."""
dir1_root_path = Path(dir1).resolve()
dir2_root_path = Path(dir2).resolve()
dbg(f'diff "{dir1_root_path}" to "{dir2_root_path}"')
for dir1_file_path in dir1_root_path.rglob('*'):
if not dir1_file_path.is_file():
dir2_file_path = dir2_root_path / dir1_file_path.relative_to(dir1_root_path)
with open(dir1_file_path, 'r') as f1, open(dir2_file_path, 'r') as f2:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
for line in diff:
def redact_files(dir1: Path, dir2: Path) -> None:
"""Show differences in files between two directories."""
purge_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'diag' / 'purge.yml'
with open(purge_path, 'r') as f:
purge = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
regexes: List = []
for entry in purge:
regex = re.compile(entry['regex'])
repl = entry['repl']
regexes.append((regex, repl))
dir1_root_path = Path(dir1).resolve()
dir2_root_path = Path(dir2).resolve()
dbg(f'redacting files in "{dir1_root_path}" into "{dir2_root_path}"')
for dir1_file_path in dir1_root_path.rglob('*'):
if not dir1_file_path.is_file():
dir2_file_path = dir2_root_path / dir1_file_path.relative_to(dir1_root_path)
dir2_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(dir1_file_path, 'r') as f1, open(dir2_file_path, 'w') as f2:
data = f1.read()
for regex, repl in regexes:
data = regex.sub(repl, data)
diff_dirs(dir1, dir2)
def validate_recipe(recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""Validate the loaded recipe file. This is done manually to avoid any
dependencies and to provide more informative error messages.
recipe_keys = ['description', 'tags', 'output', 'steps']
step_keys = ['name', 'cmds', 'output']
recipe_description = recipe.get('description')
recipe_tags = recipe.get('tags')
recipe_output = recipe.get('output')
recipe_steps = recipe.get('steps')
for key in recipe:
if key not in recipe_keys:
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown recipe key "{key}", expecting "{recipe_keys}"')
if not recipe_description:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe is missing "description" key')
if type(recipe_description) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe "description" key is not of type "str"')
if recipe_tags:
if type(recipe_tags) is not list:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe "tags" key is not of type "list"')
for tag in recipe_tags:
if type(tag) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe tag value "{tag}" is not of type "str"')
if recipe_output:
if type(recipe_output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe "output" key is not of type "str"')
if not recipe_steps:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe is missing "steps" key')
if type(recipe_steps) is not list:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe "steps" key is not of type "list"')
for step in recipe_steps:
for key in step:
if key not in step_keys:
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown recipe step key "{key}", expecting "{step_keys}"')
step_name = step.get('name')
step_output = step.get('output')
step_cmds = step.get('cmds')
if not step_name:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe step is missing "name" key')
if type(step_name) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe step "name" key is not of type "str"')
if not step_cmds:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe step is missing "cmds" key')
if type(step_cmds) is not list:
raise RuntimeError(f'Recipe step "cmds" key is not of type "list"')
if step_output:
if type(step_output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Step "output" key is not of type "str"')
for cmd in step_cmds:
if 'exec' in cmd:
cmd_exec_keys = ['exec', 'cmd', 'output', 'stderr', 'timeout', 'append']
exec_cmd = cmd.get('cmd')
output = cmd.get('output')
stderr = cmd.get('stderr')
timeout = cmd.get('timeout')
append = cmd.get('append')
for key in cmd:
if key not in cmd_exec_keys:
raise RuntimeError((f'Unknown "exec" command argument "{key}" in step "{step_name}", '
f'expecting "{cmd_exec_keys}"'))
# Required arguments
if not exec_cmd:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is missing "cmd" argument')
if type(exec_cmd) is list:
for arg in exec_cmd:
if type(arg) is not str:
raise RuntimeError((f'List entry "{arg}" in "cmd" argument for command "exec" '
f'in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"'))
elif type(exec_cmd) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "list" or "str"')
# Optional arguments
if output and type(output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "output" for command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
if stderr and type(stderr) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "stderr" for command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
if timeout and type(timeout) is not int:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "timeout" for command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "int"')
if append and type(append) is not bool:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "append" for command "exec" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "bool"')
elif 'file' in cmd:
cmd_file_keys = ['file', 'path', 'output']
path = cmd.get('path')
output = cmd.get('output')
for key in cmd:
if key not in cmd_file_keys:
raise RuntimeError((f'Unknown "file" command argument "{key}" in step "{step_name}", '
f'expecting "{cmd_file_keys}"'))
# Required arguments
if not path:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "file" in step "{step_name}" is missing "path" argument')
if type(path) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "path" for command "file" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
# Optional arguments
if output and type(output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "output" for command "file" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
elif 'env' in cmd:
cmd_env_keys = ['env', 'vars', 'regex', 'output', 'append']
variables = cmd.get('vars')
regex = cmd.get('regex')
output = cmd.get('output')
append = cmd.get('append')
for key in cmd:
if key not in cmd_env_keys:
raise RuntimeError((f'Unknown "env" command argument "{key}" in step "{step_name}", '
f'expecting "{cmd_env_keys}"'))
# Required arguments
if not variables and not regex:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "env" in step "{step_name}" is missing both "vars" and "regex" arguments')
if variables:
if type(variables) is not list:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "vars" for command "env" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "list"')
for var in variables:
if type(var) is not str:
raise RuntimeError((f'List entry "{var}" in "vars" argument for command "env" '
f'in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"'))
if regex:
if type(regex) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "regex" for command "env" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
except re.error as e:
raise RuntimeError((f'Argument "regex" for command "env" in step "{step_name}" is not '
f'a valid regular expression: {e}'))
# Optional arguments
if output and type(output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "output" for command "env" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
if append and type(append) is not bool:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "append" for command "env" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "bool"')
elif 'glob' in cmd:
cmd_glob_keys = ['glob', 'pattern', 'path', 'regex', 'mtime', 'recursive', 'relative', 'output']
pattern = cmd.get('pattern')
path = cmd.get('path')
regex = cmd.get('regex')
mtime = cmd.get('mtime')
recursive = cmd.get('recursive')
relative = cmd.get('relative')
output = cmd.get('output')
for key in cmd:
if key not in cmd_glob_keys:
raise RuntimeError((f'Unknown "glob" command argument "{key}" in step "{step_name}", '
f'expecting "{cmd_glob_keys}"'))
# Required arguments
if not pattern:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is missing "pattern" argument')
if type(pattern) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "pattern" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
if not path:
raise RuntimeError(f'Command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is missing "path" argument')
if type(path) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "path" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
# Optional arguments
if regex:
if type(regex) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "regex" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
except re.error as e:
raise RuntimeError((f'Argument "regex" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not '
f'a valid regular expression: {e}'))
if mtime and type(mtime) is not bool:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "mtime" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "bool"')
if recursive and type(recursive) is not bool:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "recursive" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "bool"')
if relative and type(relative) is not bool:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "relative" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "bool"')
if output and type(output) is not str:
raise RuntimeError(f'Argument "output" for command "glob" in step "{step_name}" is not of type "str"')
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown command "{cmd}" in step "{step_name}"')
def get_output_path(src: Optional[str],
dst: Optional[str],
step: Dict,
recipe: Dict,
src_root: Optional[str] = None) -> Path:
"""Construct the output file path based on source, destination, and recipe output.
src (Optional[str]): The source file path. This can be None, for example,
when used in an exec command.
dst (Optional[str]): The destination file path or directory. If it ends with
a '/' character, it is considered a directory, and the
src file name is appended to it. Otherwise it is the
file where the output should be saved. This can also be
None, in which case the src file name is used as the
output file name.
step (Dict): The step this file belongs to, used to obtain the step'
global output directory.
recipe (Dict): The recipe this file belongs to, used to obtain the recipe's
global output directory.
src_root (Optional[str]): The src file directory, used to determine the
relative source file path for constructing the
relative destination path. For example, if src
is "/dir/dir2/dir3/file.txt" and src_root is
"/dir/" and dst is "/output/", the destination
file path will be "/output/dir2/dir3/file.txt".
Path: The constructed output file path.
# recipe global output directory
recipe_root = recipe.get('output')
# step global output directory
step_root = step.get('output')
if recipe_root:
dst_path = dst_path / recipe_root
if step_root:
dst_path = dst_path / step_root
if dst:
dst_path = dst_path / dst
if dst.endswith('/') and src:
if src_root:
src_rel_path = Path(src).relative_to(src_root)
dst_path = dst_path / src_rel_path
dst_path = dst_path / Path(src).name
elif src:
dst_path = dst_path / Path(src).name
return dst_path
def cmd_file(args: Dict, step: Dict, recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""file command"""
src = args['path']
dst = args.get('output')
dst_path = get_output_path(src, dst, step, recipe)
dst_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(src, dst_path)
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot copy file "{src}"')
def cmd_exec(args: Dict, step: Dict, recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""exec command"""
cmd = args['cmd']
stdout = args.get('output')
stderr = args.get('stderr')
timeout = args.get('timeout')
append = args.get('append', False)
stdout_path = get_output_path(None, stdout, step, recipe)
stderr_path = get_output_path(None, stderr, step, recipe)
# If cmd is a string, execute it using the shell.
if isinstance(cmd, list):
shell = False
shell = True
p = run(cmd, shell=shell, text=True, capture_output=True, timeout=timeout)
except Exception:
warn(f'Exec command "{cmd}" failed')
if p.returncode:
warn(f'Exec command "{cmd}" failed with exit code {p.returncode}')
if stdout:
stdout_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(stdout_path, 'a' if append else 'w') as f:
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot write exec command "{cmd}" stdout to "{stdout}"')
if stderr:
stderr_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(stderr_path, 'a' if append else 'w') as f:
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot write exec command "{cmd}" stderr to "{stderr}"')
def cmd_env(args: Dict, step: Dict, recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""env command"""
variables = args.get('vars', [])
regex_str = args.get('regex')
output = args.get('output')
append = args.get('append', False)
regex = re.compile(regex_str) if regex_str else None
output_path = get_output_path(None, output, step, recipe)
found_list: List = []
out_list: List = []
for var, val in os.environ.items():
if var in variables:
if not regex:
match = regex.match(var)
if match:
for var in found_list:
val = os.environ[var]
if output:
output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(output_path, 'a' if append else 'w') as f:
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot write env command output to "{output}"')
def get_latest_modified_file(file_paths: List[Path]) -> Optional[Path]:
"""Return the most recently modified file from the file_paths list"""
file_path = None
file_mtime = 0.0
for file in file_paths:
mtime = file.stat().st_mtime
if mtime < file_mtime:
file_mtime = mtime
file_path = file
return file_path
def cmd_glob(args: Dict, step: Dict, recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""glob command"""
pattern = args['pattern']
dir_path = Path(args['path'])
output = args.get('output')
mtime = args.get('mtime', False)
recursive = args.get('recursive', False)
relative = args.get('relative', False)
regex_str = args.get('regex')
if recursive:
file_paths = list(dir_path.rglob(pattern))
file_paths = list(dir_path.glob(pattern))
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot glob "{pattern}" in "{dir_path}"')
file_paths = [file_path for file_path in file_paths if file_path.is_file()]
if not file_paths:
warn(f'No files matching glob "{pattern}" found in "{dir_path}"')
if regex_str:
file_paths_match = []
regex = re.compile(regex_str, flags=re.MULTILINE)
for file_path in file_paths:
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
match = regex.search(data)
if match:
except Exception:
err(f'Failed to search for the regex "{regex_str}" in "{file_path}"')
if not file_paths_match:
warn(f'No files with content matching regex "{regex_str}" found in "{dir_path}"')
file_paths = file_paths_match
if mtime:
last_modified_file = get_latest_modified_file(file_paths)
if not last_modified_file:
err(f'No last modified file found for "{pattern}" found in "{dir_path}"')
file_paths = [last_modified_file]
for file_path in file_paths:
# If the relative flag is enabled, save the file in the output directory while
# maintaining the same relative path as in the source directory.
dst_path = get_output_path(str(file_path), output, step, recipe, str(dir_path) if relative else None)
dst_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if dst_path.is_file():
# A file already exists in the report directory. Attempt to
# create a new name by appending numerical suffixes.
cnt = 1
while True:
new_dst_path = dst_path.with_name(dst_path.name + f'.{cnt}')
if not new_dst_path.exists():
warn(f'File "{dst_path.name}" for "{file_path}" already exists. Using "{new_dst_path.name}"')
dst_path = new_dst_path
cnt += 1
dbg(f'copy "{file_path}" to "{dst_path}"')
shutil.copy(file_path, dst_path)
except Exception:
warn(f'Cannot copy glob file "{file_path}"')
def process_recipe(recipe: Dict) -> None:
"""execute commands for every stage in a recipe"""
for step in recipe['steps']:
step_name = step['name']
dbg(f'Processing step "{step_name}"')
print(f'* {step_name}')
for cmd in step['cmds']:
dbg(f'cmd: "{cmd}"')
if 'file' in cmd:
cmd_file(cmd, step, recipe)
elif 'exec' in cmd:
cmd_exec(cmd, step, recipe)
elif 'env' in cmd:
cmd_env(cmd, step, recipe)
elif 'glob' in cmd:
cmd_glob(cmd, step, recipe)
err(f'Unknow command "{cmd}" in step "{step_name}"')
def get_recipes(cmdl_recipes: Optional[Tuple],
cmdl_tags: Optional[Tuple],
append: bool,
variables: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Load and return a dictionary of recipes.
This function retrieves recipes based on the provided command line inputs
and filters them using specified tags. It can also append additional
recipes to a set of built-in recipes.
cmdl_recipes (Optional[Tuple]): A tuple containing recipe names for
built-in recipes or paths to
user-provided recipes.
cmdl_tags (Optional[Tuple]): A tuple of tags used to filter the loaded
append (bool): A flag indicating whether to append the `cmdl_recipes`
to the built-in recipes. If False, only the recipes
specified in `cmdl_recipes` and filtered by `cmdl_tags`
are used. Used to allow run additional recipes along
with the built-in ones.
variables (Dict): A dictionary of variables to be replaced within the
Dict: A dictionary where each key is a recipe filename and each value
is a dictionary representing the recipe.
builtin_recipe_files: Dict = {}
recipe_files: List = []
recipes: Dict = {}
for recipe_path in BUILTIN_RECIPES_PATH.glob('*.yml'):
builtin_recipe_files[recipe_path.stem] = str(recipe_path.resolve())
dbg(f'Builtin recipes "{builtin_recipe_files}"')
if cmdl_recipes:
for recipe_file in cmdl_recipes:
recipe_path = Path(recipe_file).resolve()
if recipe_path.is_file():
if recipe_file in builtin_recipe_files:
die(f'Cannot find recipe "{recipe_file}"')
if append:
recipe_files += list(builtin_recipe_files.values())
recipe_files += list(builtin_recipe_files.values())
recipe_files = list(set(recipe_files))
dbg(f'Recipe files to use "{recipe_files}"')
# Load recipes
for recipe_file in recipe_files:
dbg(f'Loading recipe file "{recipe_file}"')
with open(recipe_file, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
formatted = Template(data).safe_substitute(**variables)
recipe = yaml.safe_load(formatted)
recipes[recipe_file] = recipe
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot load diagnostic recipe "{recipe_file}"')
if cmdl_tags:
dbg('Filtering recipe file with tags "{}"'.format(', '.join(cmdl_tags)))
recipes_tagged: Dict = {}
for recipe_file, recipe in recipes.items():
recipe_tags = recipe.get('tags')
if not recipe_tags:
for cmdl_tag in cmdl_tags:
if cmdl_tag in recipe_tags:
recipes_tagged[recipe_file] = recipe
recipes = recipes_tagged
if not recipes:
die(f'No recipes available')
return recipes
def act_list_recipes(cmdl_recipes: Optional[Tuple],
cmdl_tags: Optional[Tuple],
append: bool,
variables: Dict) -> None:
"""Display a list of available recipes along with their details"""
recipes = get_recipes(cmdl_recipes, cmdl_tags, append, variables)
except Exception:
die(f'Unable to create list of recipe files')
for recipe_file, recipe in recipes.items():
builtin = BUILTIN_RECIPES_PATH == Path(recipe_file).parent
valid = True
except Exception:
valid = False
print(' description: {}'.format(recipe.get('description', '')))
print(' short name: {}'.format(Path(recipe_file).stem if builtin else ''))
print(' valid: {}'.format(valid))
print(' builtin: {}'.format(builtin))
print(' tags: {}'.format(', '.join(recipe.get('tags', ''))))
def act_check_recipes(cmdl_recipes: Optional[Tuple],
cmdl_tags: Optional[Tuple],
append: bool,
variables: Dict) -> None:
"""Verify recipes"""
recipes = get_recipes(cmdl_recipes, cmdl_tags, append, variables)
except Exception:
die(f'Unable to create list of recipe files')
error = False
for recipe_file, recipe in recipes.items():
print(f'Checking recipe "{recipe_file}"')
print('Recipe is valid')
except Exception:
err('validation failed')
print('Recipe is invalid.')
error = True
if error:
die('Recipes validation failed')
def act_zip(directory: str, output: Optional[str], force: bool) -> None:
"""Compress the report directory into a zip file"""
archive_dir_path = Path(directory).expanduser()
archive_path = Path(output or directory).with_suffix('.zip').expanduser()
info(f'Creating archive "{archive_path}"')
if not archive_dir_path.exists() or not archive_dir_path.is_dir():
die(f'The path "{archive_dir_path}" either does not exist or is not a directory.')
if archive_path.exists():
if not archive_path.is_file():
die((f'Directory entry "{archive_path}" already exists and is not a regular file. '
f'Please use the --output option or remove "{archive_path}" manually.'))
if not force:
die((f'Archive file "{archive_path}" already exists. '
f'Please use the --output option or --force option to overwrite the existing '
f'"{archive_path}" archive.'))
with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as f:
for file in archive_dir_path.rglob('*'):
print(f'adding: {file}')
f.write(file, file.relative_to(archive_dir_path.parent))
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot create zip archive for "{directory}" directory.')
info(f'The archive "{archive_path}" is prepared and can be included with your issue report.')
def create(action: str,
ctx: click.core.Context,
args: PropertyDict,
debug: bool,
log_prefix: bool,
force: bool,
no_color: bool,
zip_directory: Optional[str],
list_recipes: bool,
check_recipes: bool,
cmdl_recipes: Tuple,
cmdl_tags: Tuple,
append: bool,
output: Optional[str]) -> None:
if list_recipes or check_recipes or zip_directory:
# Generate a log file only when the report is produced.
log_to_file = False
log_to_file = True
colors=not no_color)
if zip_directory:
# Archive recipes command
act_zip(zip_directory, output, force)
project_dir = args.project_dir
# Set up variables that can be utilized in the recipe.
recipe_variables: Dict = {}
if project_dir:
recipe_variables['PROJECT_DIR'] = project_dir
warn(f'Project directory is not set')
build_dir = args.build_dir
if build_dir:
recipe_variables['BUILD_DIR'] = build_dir
warn(f'Build directory is not set')
recipe_variables['IDF_PATH'] = os.environ['IDF_PATH']
recipe_variables['REPORT_DIR'] = str(TMP_DIR_REPORT_PATH)
dbg(f'Recipe variables: {recipe_variables}')
dbg(f'Project directory: {project_dir}')
dbg(f'Build directory: {build_dir}')
if list_recipes:
# List recipes command
act_list_recipes(cmdl_recipes, cmdl_tags, append, recipe_variables)
if check_recipes:
# Validate recipes command
act_check_recipes(cmdl_recipes, cmdl_tags, append, recipe_variables)
recipes: Dict = {}
if not output:
output_dir_path = Path('idf-diag-{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())).expanduser()
output_dir_path = Path(output).expanduser()
info(f'Creating report in "{output_dir_path}" directory.')
# Check output directory
dbg(f'Using "{output_dir_path}" as report directory')
output_dir_path_exists = output_dir_path.exists()
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot get report directory "{output_dir_path}" status')
if output_dir_path_exists:
if not output_dir_path.is_dir():
die((f'Directory entry "{output_dir_path}" already exists and is not a directory. '
f'Please select a directory that does not exist or remove "{output_dir_path}" '
if not force:
die((f'Report directory "{output_dir_path}" already exists. '
f'Please select a directory that does not exist or use the "-f/--force" '
f'option to delete the existing "{output_dir_path}" directory.'))
dbg(f'Removing existing report "{output_dir_path}" directory')
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot remove existing "{output_dir_path}" directory')
# Get recipe files
recipes = get_recipes(cmdl_recipes, cmdl_tags, append, recipe_variables)
except Exception:
die(f'Unable to create list of recipe files')
# Validate recipes
for recipe_file, recipe in recipes.items():
dbg(f'Validating recipe file "{recipe_file}"')
except Exception:
die(f'File "{recipe_file}" is not a valid diagnostic file')
# Cook recipes
for recipe_file, recipe in recipes.items():
desc = recipe.get('description')
dbg(f'Processing recipe "{desc} "file "{recipe_file}"')
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot process diagnostic file "{recipe_file}"')
dbg(f'Report is done.')
global LOG_FILE
except Exception:
err(f'The redaction was unsuccessful.')
shutil.move(TMP_DIR_REPORT_REDACTED_PATH, output_dir_path)
except Exception:
die(f'Cannot move diagnostic report directory from "{TMP_DIR_REPORT_REDACTED_PATH}" to "{output_dir_path}"')
info((f'The report has been created in the "{output_dir_path}" directory. '
f'Please make sure to thoroughly check it for any sensitive information '
f'before sharing and remove files you do not want to share. Kindly include '
f'any additional files you find relevant that were not automatically added. '
f'Please archive the contents of the final report directory using the command:\n'
f'"idf.py diag --zip {output_dir_path}".'))
def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Any:
return {
'actions': {
'diag': {
'callback': create,
'help': 'Create diagnostic report.',
'options': [
'names': ['-d', '--debug'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Print debug information, including exception tracebacks.',
'names': ['--no-color'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Do not emit ANSI color codes.',
'names': ['--log-prefix'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Add a severity character at the beginning of log messages.',
'names': ['-z', '--zip', 'zip_directory'],
'metavar': 'PATH',
'help': 'Create zip archive for diagnostic report in PATH.',
'names': ['-l', '--list', 'list_recipes'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Show information about available recipes.',
'names': ['-c', '--check', 'check_recipes'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Validate recipes.',
'names': ['-r', '--recipe', 'cmdl_recipes'],
'multiple': True,
'metavar': 'RECIPE',
'type': str,
'help': ('Recipe to use. This option can be specified multiple times. '
'By default, all built-in recipes are used. RECIPE refers to '
'the recipe file path or the file name stem for built-in recipes.'),
'names': ['-t', '--tag', 'cmdl_tags'],
'multiple': True,
'metavar': 'TAG',
'type': str,
'help': ('Consider only recipes containing TAG. This option can be specified '
'multiple times. By default, all recipes are used. Use -l/--list-recipes '
'option to see recipe TAG information.'),
'names': ['-a', '--append'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': ('Use recipes specified with the -r/--recipe option in '
'combination with the built-in recipes.'),
'names': ['-f', '--force'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Delete the target file or directory if it already exists before creating it.',
'names': ['-o', '--output'],
'metavar': 'PATH',
'type': str,
'help': ('Diagnostic report directory PATH or zip file archive PATH. '
'If not specified, the report-UUID is used as the report directory, '
'and the report directory specified with the --zip option with a zip '
'extension is used for the zip file archive.')