mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 09:50:10 -04:00
This commit add following crypto changes 1. Update current crypto code with upstream supplicant code 2. Add a proper porting layer to use mbedtls APIs for all the crypto operations used by supplicant. Internal crypto will be used when USE_MBEDLTS flag is disabled in supplicant's menuconfig. This commit also removes the clutter in crypto files due to partial porting of some APIs to mbedtls, all the code from those files have been removed and rewritten in a generic way, this is inspired from current upstream code. This also reduces the lib size significantly, supplicant's lib size reduces around ~567kb after this change(NB: lib size doesn't indicate reduction in final bin size).
180 lines
6.2 KiB
180 lines
6.2 KiB
/* Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "unity.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "utils/common.h"
#include "utils/includes.h"
#include "crypto/crypto.h"
#include "../src/common/defs.h"
#include "../src/common/dpp.h"
struct dpp_global {
void *msg_ctx;
struct dl_list bootstrap; /* struct dpp_bootstrap_info */
struct dl_list configurator; /* struct dpp_configurator */
extern u8 dpp_protocol_key_override[600];
extern size_t dpp_protocol_key_override_len;
extern u8 dpp_nonce_override[DPP_MAX_NONCE_LEN];
extern size_t dpp_nonce_override_len;
#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 1200
TEST_CASE("Test vectors DPP responder p256", "[wpa_dpp]")
/* Global variables */
char command[1200] = {0};
const u8 *frame;
int len = 0;
struct dpp_authentication *auth_instance = NULL;
u8 auth[MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = {0};
char prefix[] = "30310201010420";
char postfix[] = "a00a06082a8648ce3d030107";
size_t hex_len;
int ret = 0;
int id;
/* DPP global config initialization */
struct dpp_global_config dpp_conf;
memset(&dpp_conf, 0, sizeof(dpp_conf));
struct dpp_global *dpp = dpp_global_init(&dpp_conf);
/* bootstrap generation test */
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "bootstrap generation test");
char key[1000] = {0};
const char *uri;
char private_bootstrap_key[] = "54ce181a98525f217216f59b245f60e9df30ac7f6b26c939418cfc3c42d1afa0";
char bootstrap_info[] = "DPP:K:MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgACCcWFqRtN+f0loEUgGIXDnMXPrjl92u2pV97Ff6DjUD8=;;";
sprintf(key, "%s%s%s", prefix, private_bootstrap_key, postfix);
sprintf(command, "type=qrcode key=%s", key);
id = dpp_bootstrap_gen(dpp, command);
uri = dpp_bootstrap_get_uri(dpp, id);
printf("uri is =%s\n", uri);
printf("is be =%s\n", bootstrap_info);
TEST_ASSERT((strcmp(uri, bootstrap_info) == 0));
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "bootstap generation passed");
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Overwrite Protocol key, responder nounce");
char protocol_key[] = "f798ed2e19286f6a6efe210b1863badb99af2a14b497634dbfd2a97394fb5aa5";
char nounce[] = "3d0cfb011ca916d796f7029ff0b43393";
/* Overwrite protocol key */
memset(command, 0, 1200);
sprintf(command, "%s%s%s", prefix, protocol_key, postfix);
hex_len = os_strlen(command);
ret = 0;
if (hex_len > 2 * sizeof(dpp_protocol_key_override))
ret = -1;
else if (hexstr2bin(command, dpp_protocol_key_override,
hex_len / 2))
ret = -1;
dpp_protocol_key_override_len = hex_len / 2;
TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0);
/* Overwrite nounce */
hex_len = os_strlen(nounce);
if (hex_len > 2 * sizeof(dpp_nonce_override))
ret = -1;
else if (hexstr2bin(nounce, dpp_nonce_override, hex_len / 2))
ret = -1;
dpp_nonce_override_len = hex_len / 2;
TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0);
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Overwritten Protocol key, responder nounce.. ");
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Enqueue Auth request");
char auth_req[] = "d00012001ac459c40d649f8664c1b8771ac459c40d6400120409506f9a1a010002102000922ddd7a3ed69f46125d772bbe6017cd4e03870dc014509e38b54628e157a87d011020005d467a09760292fc15d31792b0a5b050db8bf6ad807d71b2d93f4d1c2e65d8810310400050a532ae2a07207276418d2fa630295d45569be425aa634f02014d00a7d1f61ae14f35a5a858bccad90d126c46594c49ef82655e78888e15a32d916ac217249118100200510104102900868f478fc599ac3fa8152b975eff8be4e71b189dbefbc3185b1d7f3864e896f913cba3d9601326f278";
char auth_resp[] = "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";
u8 *tmp;
hex_len = os_strlen(auth_req);
if (hex_len > 2 * MAX_FRAME_SIZE)
ret = -1;
else if (hexstr2bin(auth_req, auth, hex_len / 2))
ret = -1;
len = hex_len / 2;
frame = auth;
frame += 26;
len -= 26;
auth_instance = dpp_auth_req_rx(NULL, 1, 0 , NULL,
dpp_bootstrap_get_id(dpp, id), 2412, frame, frame+6, len-6);
/* auth response u8 */
hex_len = os_strlen(auth_resp);
if (hex_len > 2 * MAX_FRAME_SIZE)
ret = -1;
else if (hexstr2bin(auth_resp, auth, hex_len / 2))
ret = -1;
len = hex_len / 2;
tmp = auth;
tmp += 26;
len -= 26;
frame = wpabuf_head_u8(auth_instance->resp_msg);
len = wpabuf_len(auth_instance->resp_msg);
TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(frame + 28, tmp + 26, len - 26) == 0);
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Auth request parsing passed");
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Enqueue Auth confirm parsing passed");
char auth_confirm[] = "d00012341ac459c40d649f8664c1b8771ac459c40d6412340409506f9a1a0102001001000002102000922ddd7a3ed69f46125d772bbe6017cd4e03870dc014509e38b54628e157a87d0410340054e07e62c74526dfd97e029dc781e0771e573ebc73c94227b5de8350fc6a1974b40f54c9fe1a1c9288a91fce4ee6c1f2ff069741";
hex_len = os_strlen(auth_confirm);
os_memset(auth, 0, 1200);
if (hex_len > 2 * MAX_FRAME_SIZE)
ret = -1;
else if (hexstr2bin(auth_confirm, auth, hex_len / 2))
ret = -1;
len = hex_len / 2;
frame = auth;
frame = auth + 26;
len = len - 26;
dpp_auth_conf_rx(auth_instance, frame, frame+6, len-6);
TEST_ASSERT(auth_instance->auth_success == 1);
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Auth confirm parsing passed");
/* deinit for memory passing */
ESP_LOGI("DPP Test", "Test case passed");