luomanruo f75b4b1636 ble: support for selecting CSA#2 by menuconfig
ble(fix): fixed event receiving on host side without returning event buffer to pool
2023-12-22 14:34:30 +08:00

443 lines
23 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef __ESP_BT_H__
#define __ESP_BT_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp_task.h"
#include "nimble/nimble_npl.h"
#include "../../../../controller/esp32c2/esp_bt_cfg.h"
#include "hal/efuse_hal.h"
#include "driver/uart.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Bluetooth mode for controller enable/disable.
typedef enum {
ESP_BT_MODE_IDLE = 0x00, /*!< Bluetooth is not running */
ESP_BT_MODE_BLE = 0x01, /*!< Run BLE mode */
ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT = 0x02, /*!< Run Classic BT mode */
ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM = 0x03, /*!< Run dual mode */
} esp_bt_mode_t;
* @brief Bluetooth controller enable/disable/initialised/de-initialised status.
typedef enum {
ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE = 0, /*!< Controller is in idle state */
ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED, /*!< Controller is in initialising state */
ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED, /*!< Controller is in enabled state */
ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_NUM, /*!< Controller is in disabled state */
} esp_bt_controller_status_t;
* @brief BLE tx power type
* ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL0-8: for each connection, and only be set after connection completed.
* when disconnect, the correspond TX power is not effected.
* ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_ADV : for advertising/scan response.
* ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_SCAN : for scan.
* ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_DEFAULT : if each connection's TX power is not set, it will use this default value.
* if neither in scan mode nor in adv mode, it will use this default value.
* If none of power type is set, system will use ESP_PWR_LVL_P3 as default for ADV/SCAN/CONN0-9.
typedef enum {
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL0 = 0, /*!< For connection handle 0 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL1 = 1, /*!< For connection handle 1 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL2 = 2, /*!< For connection handle 2 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL3 = 3, /*!< For connection handle 3 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL4 = 4, /*!< For connection handle 4 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL5 = 5, /*!< For connection handle 5 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL6 = 6, /*!< For connection handle 6 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL7 = 7, /*!< For connection handle 7 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL8 = 8, /*!< For connection handle 8 */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_ADV = 9, /*!< For advertising */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_SCAN = 10, /*!< For scan */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_DEFAULT = 11, /*!< For default, if not set other, it will use default value */
ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_NUM = 12, /*!< TYPE numbers */
} esp_ble_power_type_t;
* @brief Bluetooth TX power level(index), it's just a index corresponding to power(dbm).
typedef enum {
ESP_PWR_LVL_N24 = 0, /*!< Corresponding to -24dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N21 = 1, /*!< Corresponding to -21dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N18 = 2, /*!< Corresponding to -18dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N15 = 3, /*!< Corresponding to -15dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N12 = 4, /*!< Corresponding to -12dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N9 = 5, /*!< Corresponding to -9dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N6 = 6, /*!< Corresponding to -6dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N3 = 7, /*!< Corresponding to -3dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_N0 = 8, /*!< Corresponding to 0dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P3 = 9, /*!< Corresponding to +3dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P6 = 10, /*!< Corresponding to +6dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P9 = 11, /*!< Corresponding to +9dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P12 = 12, /*!< Corresponding to +12dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P15 = 13, /*!< Corresponding to +15dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P18 = 14, /*!< Corresponding to +18dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P20 = 15, /*!< Corresponding to +20dbm */
ESP_PWR_LVL_P21 = 15, /*!< Corresponding to +20dbm, this enum variable has been deprecated */
ESP_PWR_LVL_INVALID = 0xFF, /*!< Indicates an invalid value */
} esp_power_level_t;
* @brief The enhanced type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc.
typedef enum {
} esp_ble_enhanced_power_type_t;
* @brief Select buffers
typedef enum {
} esp_ble_log_buf_t;
* @brief Address type and address value.
typedef struct {
uint8_t type; /*!< Type of the Bluetooth address (public, random, etc.) */
uint8_t val[6]; /*!< Array containing the 6-byte Bluetooth address value */
} esp_ble_addr_t;
* @brief Set BLE TX power
* Connection Tx power should only be set after connection created.
* @param power_type : The type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc
* @param power_level: Power level(index) corresponding to absolute value(dbm)
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_ble_tx_power_set(esp_ble_power_type_t power_type, esp_power_level_t power_level);
* @brief Get BLE TX power
* Connection Tx power should only be get after connection created.
* @param power_type : The type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc
* @return >= 0 - Power level, < 0 - Invalid
esp_power_level_t esp_ble_tx_power_get(esp_ble_power_type_t power_type);
* @brief ENHANCED API for Setting BLE TX power
* Connection Tx power should only be set after connection created.
* @param power_type : The enhanced type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc
* @param handle : The handle of Advertising or Connection and the value 0 for other enhanced power types.
* @param power_level: Power level(index) corresponding to absolute value(dbm)
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_ble_tx_power_set_enhanced(esp_ble_enhanced_power_type_t power_type, uint16_t handle, esp_power_level_t power_level);
* @brief ENHANCED API of Getting BLE TX power
* Connection Tx power should only be get after connection created.
* @param power_type : The enhanced type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc
* @param handle : The handle of Advertising or Connection and the value 0 for other enhanced power types.
* @return >= 0 - Power level, < 0 - Invalid
esp_power_level_t esp_ble_tx_power_get_enhanced(esp_ble_enhanced_power_type_t power_type, uint16_t handle);
* @brief Get version number from chip revision number
* @return uint8_t version_number
uint8_t esp_ble_get_chip_rev_version(void);
#define CONFIG_VERSION 0x20231124
#define CONFIG_MAGIC 0x5A5AA5A5
* @brief Controller config options, depend on config mask.
* Config mask indicate which functions enabled, this means
* some options or parameters of some functions enabled by config mask.
typedef struct {
uint32_t config_version; /*!< Version number of the defined structure */
uint16_t ble_ll_resolv_list_size; /*!< Size of the resolvable private address list */
uint16_t ble_hci_evt_hi_buf_count; /*!< Count of high buffers for HCI events */
uint16_t ble_hci_evt_lo_buf_count; /*!< Count of low buffers for HCI events */
uint8_t ble_ll_sync_list_cnt; /*!< Number of synchronization lists */
uint8_t ble_ll_sync_cnt; /*!< Number of synchronizations */
uint16_t ble_ll_rsp_dup_list_count; /*!< Count of duplicated lists for scan response packets */
uint16_t ble_ll_adv_dup_list_count; /*!< Count of duplicated lists for advertising packets */
uint8_t ble_ll_tx_pwr_dbm; /*!< Tx power (transmit power) in dBm */
uint64_t rtc_freq; /*!< Frequency of RTC (Real-Time Clock) */
uint16_t ble_ll_sca; /*!< Sleep Clock Accuracy (SCA) parameter */
uint8_t ble_ll_scan_phy_number; /*!< Number of PHYs supported for scanning */
uint16_t ble_ll_conn_def_auth_pyld_tmo; /*!< Connection default authentication payload timeout */
uint8_t ble_ll_jitter_usecs; /*!< Jitter time in microseconds */
uint16_t ble_ll_sched_max_adv_pdu_usecs; /*!< Maximum time in microseconds for advertising PDU scheduling */
uint16_t ble_ll_sched_direct_adv_max_usecs; /*!< Maximum time in microseconds for directed advertising scheduling */
uint16_t ble_ll_sched_adv_max_usecs; /*!< Maximum time in microseconds for advertising scheduling */
uint16_t ble_scan_rsp_data_max_len; /*!< Maximum length of scan response data */
uint8_t ble_ll_cfg_num_hci_cmd_pkts; /*!< Number of HCI command packets that can be queued */
uint32_t ble_ll_ctrl_proc_timeout_ms; /*!< Control processing timeout in milliseconds */
uint16_t nimble_max_connections; /*!< Maximum number of connections supported */
uint8_t ble_whitelist_size; /*!< Size of the white list */
uint16_t ble_acl_buf_size; /*!< Buffer size of ACL (Asynchronous Connection-Less) data */
uint16_t ble_acl_buf_count; /*!< Buffer count of ACL data */
uint16_t ble_hci_evt_buf_size; /*!< Buffer size for HCI event data */
uint16_t ble_multi_adv_instances; /*!< Number of advertising instances */
uint16_t ble_ext_adv_max_size; /*!< Maximum size of extended advertising data */
uint16_t controller_task_stack_size; /*!< Size of Bluetooth controller task stack */
uint8_t controller_task_prio; /*!< Priority of the Bluetooth task */
uint8_t controller_run_cpu; /*!< CPU number on which the Bluetooth controller task runs */
uint8_t enable_qa_test; /*!< Enable for QA test */
uint8_t enable_bqb_test; /*!< Enable for BQB test */
uint8_t enable_uart_hci; /*!< Enable UART for HCI (Host Controller Interface) */
uint8_t ble_hci_uart_port; /*!< Port of UART for HCI */
uint32_t ble_hci_uart_baud; /*!< Baudrate of UART for HCI */
uint8_t ble_hci_uart_data_bits; /*!< Data bits of UART for HCI */
uint8_t ble_hci_uart_stop_bits; /*!< Stop bits of UART for HCI */
uint8_t ble_hci_uart_flow_ctrl; /*!< Flow control of UART for HCI */
uint8_t ble_hci_uart_uart_parity; /*!< UART parity */
uint8_t enable_tx_cca; /*!< Enable Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) when transmitting */
uint8_t cca_rssi_thresh; /*!< RSSI threshold for CCA */
uint8_t sleep_en; /*!< Enable sleep functionality */
uint8_t coex_phy_coded_tx_rx_time_limit; /*!< Coexistence PHY coded TX and RX time limit */
uint8_t dis_scan_backoff; /*!< Disable scan backoff */
uint8_t ble_scan_classify_filter_enable; /*!< Enable classification filter for BLE scan */
uint8_t cca_drop_mode; /*!< CCA drop mode */
int8_t cca_low_tx_pwr; /*!< Low TX power setting for CCA */
uint8_t main_xtal_freq; /*!< Main crystal frequency */
uint8_t version_num; /*!< Version number */
uint8_t ignore_wl_for_direct_adv; /*!< Ignore the white list for directed advertising */
uint8_t csa2_select; /*!< Select CSA#2 */
uint32_t config_magic; /*!< Configuration magic value */
} esp_bt_controller_config_t;
.config_version = CONFIG_VERSION, \
.ble_ll_resolv_list_size = CONFIG_BT_LE_LL_RESOLV_LIST_SIZE, \
.ble_hci_evt_hi_buf_count = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_EVT_HI_BUF_COUNT, \
.ble_hci_evt_lo_buf_count = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_EVT_LO_BUF_COUNT, \
.ble_ll_sync_cnt = DEFAULT_BT_LE_MAX_PERIODIC_SYNCS, \
.ble_ll_rsp_dup_list_count = CONFIG_BT_LE_LL_DUP_SCAN_LIST_COUNT, \
.ble_ll_adv_dup_list_count = CONFIG_BT_LE_LL_DUP_SCAN_LIST_COUNT, \
.ble_ll_tx_pwr_dbm = BLE_LL_TX_PWR_DBM_N, \
.rtc_freq = RTC_FREQ_N, \
.ble_ll_sca = CONFIG_BT_LE_LL_SCA, \
.ble_ll_scan_phy_number = BLE_LL_SCAN_PHY_NUMBER_N, \
.ble_ll_conn_def_auth_pyld_tmo = BLE_LL_CONN_DEF_AUTH_PYLD_TMO_N, \
.ble_ll_jitter_usecs = BLE_LL_JITTER_USECS_N, \
.ble_ll_sched_max_adv_pdu_usecs = BLE_LL_SCHED_MAX_ADV_PDU_USECS_N, \
.ble_ll_sched_direct_adv_max_usecs = BLE_LL_SCHED_DIRECT_ADV_MAX_USECS_N, \
.ble_ll_sched_adv_max_usecs = BLE_LL_SCHED_ADV_MAX_USECS_N, \
.ble_scan_rsp_data_max_len = DEFAULT_BT_LE_SCAN_RSP_DATA_MAX_LEN_N, \
.ble_ll_cfg_num_hci_cmd_pkts = BLE_LL_CFG_NUM_HCI_CMD_PKTS_N, \
.ble_ll_ctrl_proc_timeout_ms = BLE_LL_CTRL_PROC_TIMEOUT_MS_N, \
.nimble_max_connections = DEFAULT_BT_LE_MAX_CONNECTIONS, \
.ble_whitelist_size = DEFAULT_BT_NIMBLE_WHITELIST_SIZE, \
.ble_acl_buf_size = DEFAULT_BT_LE_ACL_BUF_SIZE, \
.ble_acl_buf_count = DEFAULT_BT_LE_ACL_BUF_COUNT, \
.ble_hci_evt_buf_size = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_EVT_BUF_SIZE, \
.ble_multi_adv_instances = DEFAULT_BT_LE_MAX_EXT_ADV_INSTANCES, \
.ble_ext_adv_max_size = DEFAULT_BT_LE_EXT_ADV_MAX_SIZE, \
.controller_task_stack_size = NIMBLE_LL_STACK_SIZE, \
.controller_task_prio = ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_PRIO, \
.controller_run_cpu = 0, \
.enable_qa_test = RUN_QA_TEST, \
.enable_bqb_test = RUN_BQB_TEST, \
.enable_uart_hci = HCI_UART_EN, \
.ble_hci_uart_port = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_PORT, \
.ble_hci_uart_baud = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_BAUD, \
.ble_hci_uart_data_bits = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_DATA_BITS, \
.ble_hci_uart_stop_bits = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_STOP_BITS, \
.ble_hci_uart_flow_ctrl = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_FLOW_CTRL, \
.ble_hci_uart_uart_parity = DEFAULT_BT_LE_HCI_UART_PARITY, \
.enable_tx_cca = DEFAULT_BT_LE_TX_CCA_ENABLED, \
.cca_rssi_thresh = 256 - DEFAULT_BT_LE_CCA_RSSI_THRESH, \
.sleep_en = NIMBLE_SLEEP_ENABLE, \
.coex_phy_coded_tx_rx_time_limit = DEFAULT_BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_EFF, \
.dis_scan_backoff = NIMBLE_DISABLE_SCAN_BACKOFF, \
.ble_scan_classify_filter_enable = 0, \
.main_xtal_freq = CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ, \
.version_num = esp_ble_get_chip_rev_version(), \
.ignore_wl_for_direct_adv = 0, \
.csa2_select = DEFAULT_BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT, \
.config_magic = CONFIG_MAGIC, \
* @brief Initialize BT controller to allocate task and other resource.
* This function should be called only once, before any other BT functions are called.
* @param cfg: Initial configuration of BT controller.
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_init(esp_bt_controller_config_t *cfg);
* @brief Get BT controller is initialised/de-initialised/enabled/disabled
* @return status value
esp_bt_controller_status_t esp_bt_controller_get_status(void);
* @brief Get BLE TX power
* Connection Tx power should only be get after connection created.
* @param power_type : The type of which tx power, could set Advertising/Connection/Default and etc
* @return >= 0 - Power level, < 0 - Invalid
esp_power_level_t esp_ble_tx_power_get(esp_ble_power_type_t power_type);
* @brief De-initialize BT controller to free resource and delete task.
* You should stop advertising and scanning, as well as
* disconnect all existing connections before de-initializing BT controller.
* This function should be called only once, after any other BT functions are called.
* This function is not whole completed, esp_bt_controller_init cannot called after this function.
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_deinit(void);
* @brief Enable BT controller.
* Due to a known issue, you cannot call esp_bt_controller_enable() a second time
* to change the controller mode dynamically. To change controller mode, call
* esp_bt_controller_disable() and then call esp_bt_controller_enable() with the new mode.
* @param mode : the mode(BLE/BT/BTDM) to enable. For compatible of API, retain this argument.
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_enable(esp_bt_mode_t mode);
* @brief Disable BT controller
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_disable(void);
/** @brief esp_vhci_host_callback
* used for vhci call host function to notify what host need to do
typedef struct esp_vhci_host_callback {
void (*notify_host_send_available)(void); /*!< callback used to notify that the host can send packet to controller */
int (*notify_host_recv)(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); /*!< callback used to notify that the controller has a packet to send to the host*/
} esp_vhci_host_callback_t;
/** @brief esp_vhci_host_check_send_available
* used for check actively if the host can send packet to controller or not.
* @return true for ready to send, false means cannot send packet
bool esp_vhci_host_check_send_available(void);
/** @brief esp_vhci_host_send_packet
* host send packet to controller
* Should not call this function from within a critical section
* or when the scheduler is suspended.
* @param data the packet point
* @param len the packet length
void esp_vhci_host_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
/** @brief esp_vhci_host_register_callback
* register the vhci reference callback
* struct defined by vhci_host_callback structure.
* @param callback esp_vhci_host_callback type variable
* @return ESP_OK - success, ESP_FAIL - failed
esp_err_t esp_vhci_host_register_callback(const esp_vhci_host_callback_t *callback);
/** @brief esp_bt_controller_mem_release
* release the controller memory as per the mode
* This function releases the BSS, data and other sections of the controller to heap. The total size is about 70k bytes.
* esp_bt_controller_mem_release(mode) should be called only before esp_bt_controller_init()
* or after esp_bt_controller_deinit().
* Note that once BT controller memory is released, the process cannot be reversed. It means you cannot use the bluetooth
* mode which you have released by this function.
* If your firmware will later upgrade the Bluetooth controller mode (BLE -> BT Classic or disabled -> enabled)
* then do not call this function.
* If the app calls esp_bt_controller_enable(ESP_BT_MODE_BLE) to use BLE only then it is safe to call
* esp_bt_controller_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT) at initialization time to free unused BT Classic memory.
* If the mode is ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM, then it may be useful to call API esp_bt_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM) instead,
* which internally calls esp_bt_controller_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM) and additionally releases the BSS and data
* consumed by the BT/BLE host stack to heap. For more details about usage please refer to the documentation of
* esp_bt_mem_release() function
* @param mode : the mode want to release memory
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_mem_release(esp_bt_mode_t mode);
/** @brief esp_bt_mem_release
* release controller memory and BSS and data section of the BT/BLE host stack as per the mode
* This function first releases controller memory by internally calling esp_bt_controller_mem_release().
* Additionally, if the mode is set to ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM, it also releases the BSS and data consumed by the BT/BLE host stack to heap
* Note that once BT memory is released, the process cannot be reversed. It means you cannot use the bluetooth
* mode which you have released by this function.
* If your firmware will later upgrade the Bluetooth controller mode (BLE -> BT Classic or disabled -> enabled)
* then do not call this function.
* If you never intend to use bluetooth in a current boot-up cycle, you can call esp_bt_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM)
* before esp_bt_controller_init or after esp_bt_controller_deinit.
* For example, if a user only uses bluetooth for setting the WiFi configuration, and does not use bluetooth in the rest of the product operation".
* In such cases, after receiving the WiFi configuration, you can disable/deinit bluetooth and release its memory.
* Below is the sequence of APIs to be called for such scenarios:
* esp_bluedroid_disable();
* esp_bluedroid_deinit();
* esp_bt_controller_disable();
* esp_bt_controller_deinit();
* esp_bt_mem_release(ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM);
* @param mode : the mode whose memory is to be released
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_bt_mem_release(esp_bt_mode_t mode);
* @brief Returns random static address or -1 if not present.
* @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed
extern int esp_ble_hw_get_static_addr(esp_ble_addr_t *addr);
* @brief dump all controller log information cached in buffer
* @param output : true for log dump, false will take no effect
void esp_ble_controller_log_dump_all(bool output);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ESP_BT_H__ */