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synced 2025-03-10 09:39:10 -04:00
Currently, we are only suggesting that the header file is likely not part of the component's INCLUDE_DIRS. However, the header file may be missing also because of the configuration settings. For instance, the component might be disabled in sdkconfig, or the feature that supplies the header might not be enabled. Enhance the hint message to address this scenario as well. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <frantisek.hrbata@espressif.com>
232 lines
12 KiB
232 lines
12 KiB
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import re
from typing import Optional
from idf_py_actions.tools import get_build_context
orignal_component: component which compilation failed
source_component: component containing file which is including the missing header file
candidate_component: component which contain the missing header file
original_filename: abs path of file(compilation unit) in original_component
source_filename: abs path of file in source_component which is including the missing header file
missing_header: filename of the missing header included in source_filename
# Regex to find source_filename in preprocessor's error message
ENOENT_RE = re.compile(r'^(.+):\d+:\d+: fatal error: (.+): No such file or directory$',
# Regex to find full preprocessor's error message to identify the original_filename
# in case the missing_header is reported in indirect include.
ENOENT_FULL_RE = re.compile(r'^(In file included.*No such file or directory)$',
flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
# Regex to find original_filename in preprocessor's error message
ORIGINAL_FILE_RE = re.compile(r'.*from (.*):[\d]+:')
def _bug(msg: str) -> str:
return f'BUG: {os.path.basename(__file__)}: {msg}'
def _get_absolute_path(filename: str, base: str) -> str:
# If filename path is relative, return absolute path based
# on base directory. The filename is normalized in any case.
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = os.path.join(base, filename)
filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
return filename
def generate_hint(output: str) -> Optional[str]:
# get the project description
proj_desc = get_build_context().get('proj_desc')
if not proj_desc:
# hints cannot be generated because we are not in the build context,
# meaning ensure_build_directory() was not ran and project description
# is not available
return None
hint_match = ENOENT_RE.search(output)
if not hint_match:
return None
# this is the file where the error has occurred
source_filename = _get_absolute_path(hint_match.group(1), proj_desc['build_dir'])
# this is the header file we tried to include
missing_header = hint_match.group(2)
# find the source_component that contains the source file
found_source_component_name = None
found_source_component_info = None
for component_name, component_info in proj_desc['all_component_info'].items():
# look if the source_filename is within a component directory, not only
# at component_info['sources'], because the missing file may be included
# from header file, which is not present in component_info['sources']
component_dir = os.path.normpath(component_info['dir'])
if source_filename.startswith(component_dir):
if found_source_component_info and len(found_source_component_info['dir']) >= len(component_dir):
found_source_component_info = component_info
found_source_component_name = component_name
if not found_source_component_name:
# The source file is not in any component.
# It could be in a subproject added via ExternalProject_Add, in which case
# we can't help much.
return None
# find the original_component, which may be different from source_component
found_original_component_name = found_source_component_name
found_original_component_info = found_source_component_info
original_filename = source_filename
hint_match_full = ENOENT_FULL_RE.search(output)
if hint_match_full:
# As a precaution remove empty lines, but there should be none.
lines = [line for line in hint_match_full.group().splitlines() if line]
# second line from the end contains filename which is part of the
# original_component
original_file_match = ORIGINAL_FILE_RE.match(lines[-2])
if original_file_match:
original_filename = _get_absolute_path(original_file_match.group(1), proj_desc['build_dir'])
for component_name, component_info in proj_desc['all_component_info'].items():
component_dir = os.path.normpath(component_info['dir'])
if original_filename.startswith(component_dir):
found_original_component_name = component_name
found_original_component_info = component_info
# Original component not found. This should never happen, because the
# original_filename has to part of some component, which was added to
# the build.
return _bug((f'cannot find original component for source '
f'component {found_source_component_name}'))
# We should never reach this path. It would probably mean
# the preprocessor output was changed or we received malformed
# output.
return _bug((f'cannot match original component filename for '
f'source component {found_source_component_name}'))
# look for the header file in the public include directories of all components
found_dep_component_names = []
for candidate_component_name, candidate_component_info in proj_desc['all_component_info'].items():
if candidate_component_name == found_source_component_name:
# skip the component that contains the source file
candidate_component_include_dirs = candidate_component_info['include_dirs']
component_dir = os.path.normpath(candidate_component_info['dir'])
for candidate_component_include_dir in candidate_component_include_dirs:
candidate_header_path = os.path.join(component_dir, candidate_component_include_dir, missing_header)
if os.path.exists(candidate_header_path):
break # no need to look further in this component
if not found_dep_component_names:
# Header file not found in any component INCLUDE_DIRS. Try to scan whole component
# directories if we can find the missing header there and notify user about possible
# missing entry in INCLUDE_DIRS.
candidate_component_include_dirs = []
for component_name, component_info in proj_desc['all_component_info'].items():
component_dir = os.path.normpath(component_info['dir'])
for root, _, _ in os.walk(component_dir):
full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, missing_header))
# sanity check that the full_path is still within component's directory
if not full_path.startswith(component_dir):
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
if candidate_component_include_dirs:
candidates = ', '.join(candidate_component_include_dirs)
return (f'Missing "{missing_header}" file name found in the following component(s): {candidates}. '
f'Maybe one of the components needs to add the missing header directory to INCLUDE_DIRS '
f'of idf_component_register call in CMakeLists.txt. Another possibility may be that the '
f'component or its feature is not enabled in the configuration. Use "idf.py menuconfig" '
f'to check if the required options are enabled.')
# The missing header not found anywhere, nothing much we can do here.
return None
assert found_source_component_info is not None # to help mypy
assert found_original_component_info is not None # to help mypy
# Sanity check: verify we didn't somehow find a component which is already in the requirements list
all_reqs = (found_source_component_info['reqs']
+ found_source_component_info['managed_reqs'])
if found_original_component_name == found_source_component_name:
# Add also private reqs, but only if source_component is same original_component.
# The missing_header may be part of component which is already added as private
# req for source_component. Meaning it's not part of source_component public
# interface.
all_reqs += (found_source_component_info['priv_reqs']
+ found_source_component_info['managed_priv_reqs'])
for dep_component_name in found_dep_component_names:
if dep_component_name in all_reqs:
# Oops. This component is already in the requirements list.
# How did this happen?
return _bug((f'{missing_header} found in component {dep_component_name} '
f'which is already in the requirements list of {found_source_component_name}'))
# try to figure out the correct require type: REQUIRES or PRIV_REQUIRES
requires_type = None
source_component_has_priv_dep = False
if original_filename == source_filename:
# The error is reported directly in compilation unit, so
# missing_header should not be part of public interface.
requires_type = 'PRIV_REQUIRES'
elif found_original_component_name == found_source_component_name:
# The original_component and source_component are the same and original_filename
# is different from source_filename. Check if the source_file is part of the
# original_component's public interface. If so, the REQUIRES should be used.
for include_dir in found_original_component_info['include_dirs']:
include_dir = _get_absolute_path(found_original_component_info['dir'], include_dir)
if source_filename.startswith(include_dir):
# source_filename is part of public interface
requires_type = 'REQUIRES'
if not requires_type:
# source_file not part of public interface, suggest PRIV_REQUIRES
requires_type = 'PRIV_REQUIRES'
# The source_filename is part of different component than the original_component, so
# the source_component needs to use REQUIRES to make the missing_header available for
# original_component.
requires_type = 'REQUIRES'
if len(found_dep_component_names) == 1:
# If there is only one component found as missing dependency, look at
# source_component private requires to see if the missing dependency is
# already there. If so, we suggest to move it from PRIV_REQUIRES to REQUIRES.
# This is done only if there is one component in found_dep_component_names, because
# otherwise we cannot be sure which component should be moved.
priv_reqs = (found_source_component_info['priv_reqs']
+ found_source_component_info['managed_priv_reqs'])
if found_dep_component_names[0] in priv_reqs:
source_component_has_priv_dep = True
found_dep_component_names_list = ', '.join(found_dep_component_names)
source_filename_short = os.path.basename(source_filename)
cmakelists_file_to_fix = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(found_source_component_info['dir'], 'CMakeLists.txt'))
problem_description = (
f'Compilation failed because {source_filename_short} (in "{found_source_component_name}" component) '
f'includes {missing_header}, provided by {found_dep_component_names_list} component(s).\n')
if source_component_has_priv_dep:
problem_solution = (
f'However, {found_dep_component_names_list} component(s) is in the private requirements list '
f'of "{found_source_component_name}".\n'
f'To fix this, move {found_dep_component_names_list} from PRIV_REQUIRES into '
f'REQUIRES list of idf_component_register call in {cmakelists_file_to_fix}.')
problem_solution = (
f'However, {found_dep_component_names_list} component(s) is not in the requirements list '
f'of "{found_source_component_name}".\n'
f'To fix this, add {found_dep_component_names_list} to {requires_type} list '
f'of idf_component_register call in {cmakelists_file_to_fix}.')
return problem_description + problem_solution