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synced 2025-03-19 05:59:14 -04:00
This adds a warning in cases where the smallest partition is nearly full. A test with a specially crafted partition table is created for the smallest partition warning. If the threshold or the template itself change, change the factory app partition size as well.
143 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
143 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# check_sizes.py is a tool run by the ESP-IDF build system
# to check a particular binary fits in the available partitions of
# a particular type/subtype. Can be used to check if the app binary fits in
# all available app partitions, for example.
# (Can also check if the bootloader binary fits before the partition table.)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import io # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
import os
import sys
from typing import IO # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:
pass # used for type hinting only
import gen_esp32part
from gen_esp32part import PartitionTable, get_ptype_as_int, get_subtype_as_int
allow_failures = False
def _file_size(f): # type: (IO) -> int
before = f.tell()
f.seek(0, 2) # seek to end
result = f.tell()
return result
def _fail(msg): # type: (str) -> None
if allow_failures:
print('Warning: {}'.format(msg))
raise SystemExit('Error: {}'.format(msg))
def check_bootloader(partition_table_offset, bootloader_offset, binary_file): # type: (int, int, IO) -> None
max_size = partition_table_offset - bootloader_offset
bootloader_size = _file_size(binary_file)
if bootloader_size > max_size:
msg = ('Bootloader binary size {:#x} bytes is too large for partition table offset {:#02x}. ' +
'Bootloader binary can be maximum {:#x} ({}) bytes unless the partition table offset ' +
'is increased in the Partition Table section of the project configuration menu.').format(
bootloader_size, partition_table_offset, max_size, max_size)
free_size = max_size - bootloader_size
print('Bootloader binary size {:#x} bytes. {:#x} bytes ({}%) free.'.format(
bootloader_size, free_size, round(free_size * 100 / max_size)))
def check_partition(ptype, subtype, partition_table_file, bin_file): # type: (str, str, io.IOBase, IO) -> None
table, _ = PartitionTable.from_file(partition_table_file)
ptype_str = str(ptype)
ptype = get_ptype_as_int(ptype)
partitions = [p for p in table if p.type == ptype]
if subtype is not None:
ptype_str += ' ({})'.format(subtype)
subtype = get_subtype_as_int(ptype, subtype)
partitions = [p for p in partitions if p.subtype == subtype]
if len(partitions) == 0:
print('WARNING: Partition table does not contain any partitions matching {}'.format(ptype_str))
bin_name = os.path.basename(bin_file.name)
bin_size = _file_size(bin_file)
smallest_size = min(p.size for p in partitions)
if smallest_size >= bin_size:
free_size = smallest_size - bin_size
free_size_relative = free_size / smallest_size
print('{} binary size {:#x} bytes. Smallest {} partition is {:#x} bytes. {:#x} bytes ({:.0%}) free.'.format(
bin_name, bin_size, ptype_str, smallest_size, free_size, free_size_relative))
free_size_relative_critical = 0.05
if free_size_relative < free_size_relative_critical:
print('Warning: The smallest {} partition is nearly full ({:.0%} free space left)!'.format(ptype_str, free_size_relative))
too_small_partitions = [p for p in partitions if p.size < bin_size]
if len(partitions) == 1:
msg = '{} partition is'.format(ptype_str)
elif len(partitions) == len(too_small_partitions):
msg = 'All {} partitions are'.format(ptype_str)
msg = '{}/{} {} partitions are'.format(len(too_small_partitions), len(partitions), ptype_str)
msg += ' too small for binary {} size {:#x}:'.format(bin_name, bin_size)
for p in too_small_partitions:
msg += '\n - {} (overflow {:#x})'.format(p, bin_size - p.size)
if not allow_failures and len(partitions) == len(too_small_partitions):
# if some partitions can fit the binary then just print a warning
raise SystemExit('Error: ' + msg)
print('Warning: ' + msg)
def main(): # type: () -> None
global allow_failures # pylint: disable=global-statement
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check binary sizes against partition table entries')
parser.add_argument('--target', choices=['esp32', 'esp32s2'])
parser.add_argument('--allow_failures', action='store_true', help='If true, failures will print warnings but not exit with an error')
parser.add_argument('--offset', '-o', help='Set partition table offset', default='0x8000')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='check_target',
help='Type of binary to check against partition table layout')
sp_bootloader = subparsers.add_parser('bootloader')
sp_bootloader.add_argument('bootloader_offset', help='Hex offset of bootloader in flash')
sp_bootloader.add_argument('bootloader_binary', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='Bootloader binary (.bin) file from build output')
sp_part = subparsers.add_parser('partition')
sp_part.add_argument('--type', type=str, help='Check the file size against all partitions of this type.', required=True)
sp_part.add_argument('--subtype', type=str, help='Optional, only check the file size against all partitions of this subtype.')
sp_part.add_argument('partition_table', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='Partition table file')
sp_part.add_argument('binary', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='Binary file which will have the size checked')
args = parser.parse_args()
gen_esp32part.quiet = True
args.offset = int(args.offset, 0)
gen_esp32part.offset_part_table = args.offset
if args.check_target is None: # add_subparsers only has a 'required' argument since Python 3
if args.check_target == 'bootloader':
check_bootloader(args.offset, int(args.bootloader_offset, 0), args.bootloader_binary)
check_partition(args.type, args.subtype, args.partition_table, args.binary)
if __name__ == '__main__':