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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# pylint: disable=W0621 # redefined-outer-name
# This file is a pytest root configuration file and provide the following functionalities:
# 1. Defines a few fixtures that could be used under the whole project.
# 2. Defines a few hook functions.
# IDF is using [pytest](https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest) and
# [pytest-embedded plugin](https://github.com/espressif/pytest-embedded) as its example test framework.
# This is an experimental feature, and if you found any bug or have any question, please report to
# https://github.com/espressif/pytest-embedded/issues
import logging
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
import pytest
from _pytest.config import Config, ExitCode
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest
from _pytest.main import Session
from _pytest.nodes import Item
from _pytest.python import Function
from _pytest.reports import TestReport
from _pytest.runner import CallInfo
from _pytest.terminal import TerminalReporter
from pytest_embedded.plugin import multi_dut_argument, multi_dut_fixture
from pytest_embedded.utils import find_by_suffix
from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut
from idf_unity_tester import CaseTester
except ImportError:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tools', 'ci'))
from idf_unity_tester import CaseTester
import common_test_methods # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tools', 'ci', 'python_packages'))
import common_test_methods # noqa: F401
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2']
PREVIEW_TARGETS = ['esp32h4', 'esp32c6'] # this PREVIEW_TARGETS excludes 'linux' target
# Help Functions #
def is_target_marker(marker: str) -> bool:
if marker.startswith('esp32') or marker.startswith('esp8') or marker == 'linux':
return True
return False
def format_case_id(target: Optional[str], config: Optional[str], case: str) -> str:
return f'{target}.{config}.{case}'
def item_marker_names(item: Item) -> List[str]:
return [marker.name for marker in item.iter_markers()]
def get_target_marker(markexpr: str) -> str:
candidates = set()
# we use `-m "esp32 and generic"` in our CI to filter the test cases
for marker in markexpr.split('and'):
marker = marker.strip()
if is_target_marker(marker):
if len(candidates) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f'Specified more than one target markers: {candidates}. Please specify no more than one.'
elif len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates.pop()
raise ValueError(
'Please specify one target marker via "--target [TARGET]" or via "-m [TARGET]"'
# Fixtures #
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def session_tempdir() -> str:
_tmpdir = os.path.join(
os.makedirs(_tmpdir, exist_ok=True)
return _tmpdir
def log_minimum_free_heap_size(dut: IdfDut, config: str) -> Callable[..., None]:
def real_func() -> None:
res = dut.expect(r'Minimum free heap size: (\d+) bytes')
'\n------ heap size info ------\n'
'[app_name] {}\n'
'[config_name] {}\n'
'[target] {}\n'
'[minimum_free_heap_size] {} Bytes\n'
'------ heap size end ------'.format(
return real_func
def case_tester(dut: IdfDut, **kwargs): # type: ignore
yield CaseTester(dut, **kwargs)
def config(request: FixtureRequest) -> str:
return getattr(request, 'param', None) or DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG
def test_func_name(request: FixtureRequest) -> str:
return request.node.function.__name__ # type: ignore
def test_case_name(request: FixtureRequest, target: str, config: str) -> str:
return format_case_id(target, config, request.node.originalname)
def build_dir(app_path: str, target: Optional[str], config: Optional[str]) -> str:
Check local build dir with the following priority:
1. build_<target>_<config>
2. build_<target>
3. build_<config>
4. build
app_path: app path
target: target
config: config
valid build directory
check_dirs = []
if target is not None and config is not None:
if target is not None:
if config is not None:
for check_dir in check_dirs:
binary_path = os.path.join(app_path, check_dir)
if os.path.isdir(binary_path):
logging.info(f'find valid binary path: {binary_path}')
return check_dir
'checking binary path: %s... missing... try another place', binary_path
recommend_place = check_dirs[0]
raise ValueError(
f'no build dir valid. Please build the binary via "idf.py -B {recommend_place} build" and run pytest again'
def junit_properties(
test_case_name: str, record_xml_attribute: Callable[[str, object], None]
) -> None:
This fixture is autoused and will modify the junit report test case name to <target>.<config>.<case_name>
record_xml_attribute('name', test_case_name)
# Hook functions #
def pytest_addoption(parser: pytest.Parser) -> None:
base_group = parser.getgroup('idf')
help='sdkconfig postfix, like sdkconfig.ci.<config>. (Default: None, which would build all found apps)',
'--known-failure-cases-file', help='known failure cases file path'
_idf_pytest_embedded_key = pytest.StashKey['IdfPytestEmbedded']
def pytest_configure(config: Config) -> None:
# cli option "--target"
target = config.getoption('target') or ''
help_commands = ['--help', '--fixtures', '--markers', '--version']
for cmd in help_commands:
if cmd in config.invocation_params.args:
target = 'unneeded'
if not target: # also could specify through markexpr via "-m"
target = get_target_marker(config.getoption('markexpr') or '')
config.stash[_idf_pytest_embedded_key] = IdfPytestEmbedded(
def pytest_unconfigure(config: Config) -> None:
_pytest_embedded = config.stash.get(_idf_pytest_embedded_key, None)
if _pytest_embedded:
del config.stash[_idf_pytest_embedded_key]
class IdfPytestEmbedded:
def __init__(
target: Optional[str] = None,
sdkconfig: Optional[str] = None,
known_failure_cases_file: Optional[str] = None,
# CLI options to filter the test cases
self.target = target
self.sdkconfig = sdkconfig
self.known_failure_patterns = self._parse_known_failure_cases_file(
self._failed_cases: List[
Tuple[str, bool, bool]
] = [] # (test_case_name, is_known_failure_cases, is_xfail)
def failed_cases(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for case, is_known, is_xfail in self._failed_cases
if not is_known and not is_xfail
def known_failure_cases(self) -> List[str]:
return [case for case, is_known, _ in self._failed_cases if is_known]
def xfail_cases(self) -> List[str]:
return [case for case, _, is_xfail in self._failed_cases if is_xfail]
def _parse_known_failure_cases_file(
known_failure_cases_file: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[str]:
if not known_failure_cases_file or not os.path.isfile(known_failure_cases_file):
return []
patterns = []
with open(known_failure_cases_file) as fr:
for line in fr.readlines():
if not line:
if not line.strip():
without_comments = line.split('#')[0].strip()
if without_comments:
return patterns
def pytest_sessionstart(self, session: Session) -> None:
if self.target:
self.target = self.target.lower()
session.config.option.target = self.target
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items: List[Function]) -> None:
# sort by file path and callspec.config
# implement like this since this is a limitation of pytest, couldn't get fixture values while collecting
# https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/discussions/9689
def _get_param_config(_item: Function) -> str:
if hasattr(_item, 'callspec'):
return _item.callspec.params.get('config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG) # type: ignore
items.sort(key=lambda x: (os.path.dirname(x.path), _get_param_config(x)))
# set default timeout 10 minutes for each case
for item in items:
if 'timeout' not in item.keywords:
item.add_marker(pytest.mark.timeout(10 * 60))
# add markers for special markers
for item in items:
skip_ci_marker = item.get_closest_marker('temp_skip_ci')
skip_ci_targets: List[str] = []
if skip_ci_marker:
# `temp_skip_ci` should always use keyword arguments `targets` and `reason`
if not skip_ci_marker.kwargs.get('targets') or not skip_ci_marker.kwargs.get('reason'):
raise ValueError(
f'`temp_skip_ci` should always use keyword arguments `targets` and `reason`. '
f'For example: '
f'`@pytest.mark.temp_skip_ci(targets=["esp32"], reason="IDF-xxxx, will fix it ASAP")`'
skip_ci_targets = skip_ci_marker.kwargs['targets']
if 'supported_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS:
if _target not in skip_ci_targets:
if 'preview_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in PREVIEW_TARGETS:
if _target not in skip_ci_targets:
if 'all_targets' in item.keywords:
if _target not in skip_ci_targets:
# `temp_skip_ci(targets=...)` can't work with specified single target
for skip_ci_target in skip_ci_targets:
if skip_ci_target in item.keywords:
raise ValueError(
'`skip_ci_targets` can only work with '
'`supported_targets`, `preview_targets`, `all_targets` markers'
# add 'xtal_40mhz' tag as a default tag for esp32c2 target
for item in items:
if 'esp32c2' in item_marker_names(item) and 'xtal_26mhz' not in item_marker_names(item):
# filter all the test cases with "nightly_run" marker
if os.getenv('INCLUDE_NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
# Do not filter nightly_run cases
elif os.getenv('NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
items[:] = [
item for item in items if 'nightly_run' in item_marker_names(item)
items[:] = [
item for item in items if 'nightly_run' not in item_marker_names(item)
# filter all the test cases with "--target"
if self.target:
items[:] = [
item for item in items if self.target in item_marker_names(item)
# filter all the test cases with cli option "config"
if self.sdkconfig:
items[:] = [
item for item in items if _get_param_config(item) == self.sdkconfig
def pytest_runtest_makereport(
self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]
) -> Optional[TestReport]:
report = TestReport.from_item_and_call(item, call)
if report.outcome == 'failed':
test_case_name = item.funcargs.get('test_case_name', '')
is_known_failure = self._is_known_failure(test_case_name)
is_xfail = report.keywords.get('xfail', False)
self._failed_cases.append((test_case_name, is_known_failure, is_xfail))
return report
def _is_known_failure(self, case_id: str) -> bool:
for pattern in self.known_failure_patterns:
if case_id == pattern:
return True
if fnmatch(case_id, pattern):
return True
return False
def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item: Function) -> None:
Format the test case generated junit reports
tempdir = item.funcargs.get('test_case_tempdir')
if not tempdir:
junits = find_by_suffix('.xml', tempdir)
if not junits:
target = item.funcargs['target']
config = item.funcargs['config']
for junit in junits:
xml = ET.parse(junit)
testcases = xml.findall('.//testcase')
for case in testcases:
case.attrib['name'] = format_case_id(
target, config, case.attrib['name']
if 'file' in case.attrib:
case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace(
'/IDF/', ''
) # our unity test framework
def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session: Session, exitstatus: int) -> None:
if exitstatus != 0:
if exitstatus == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED:
session.exitstatus = 0
elif self.known_failure_cases and not self.failed_cases:
session.exitstatus = 0
def pytest_terminal_summary(self, terminalreporter: TerminalReporter) -> None:
if self.known_failure_cases:
terminalreporter.section('Known failure cases', bold=True, yellow=True)
if self.xfail_cases:
terminalreporter.section('xfail cases', bold=True, yellow=True)
if self.failed_cases:
terminalreporter.section('Failed cases', bold=True, red=True)