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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Group: Configuration Registers */
/** Type of mode register
* TWAI mode register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** reset_mode : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 1;
* 1: reset, detection of a set reset mode bit results in aborting the current
* transmission/reception of a message and entering the reset mode. 0: normal, on the
* '1-to-0' transition of the reset mode bit, the TWAI controller returns to the
* operating mode.
uint32_t reset_mode:1;
/** listen_only_mode : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: listen only, in this mode the TWAI controller would give no acknowledge to the
* TWAI-bus, even if a message is received successfully. The error counters are
* stopped at the current value. 0: normal.
uint32_t listen_only_mode:1;
/** self_test_mode : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* 1: self test, in this mode a full node test is possible without any other active
* node on the bus using the self reception request command. The TWAI controller will
* perform a successful transmission, even if there is no acknowledge received. 0:
* normal, an acknowledge is required for successful transmission.
uint32_t self_test_mode:1;
/** acceptance_filter_mode : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* 1:single, the single acceptance filter option is enabled (one filter with the
* length of 32 bit is active). 0:dual, the dual acceptance filter option is enabled
* (two filters, each with the length of 16 bit are active).
uint32_t acceptance_filter_mode:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:28;
uint32_t val;
} twai_mode_reg_t;
/** Type of cmd register
* TWAI command register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_request : WO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* 1: present, a message shall be transmitted. 0: absent
uint32_t tx_request:1;
/** abort_tx : WO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: present, if not already in progress, a pending transmission request is
* cancelled. 0: absent
uint32_t abort_tx:1;
/** release_buffer : WO; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* 1: released, the receive buffer, representing the message memory space in the
* RXFIFO is released. 0: no action
uint32_t release_buffer:1;
/** clear_data_overrun : WO; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* 1: clear, the data overrun status bit is cleared. 0: no action.
uint32_t clear_data_overrun:1;
/** self_rx_request : WO; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* 1: present, a message shall be transmitted and received simultaneously. 0: absent.
uint32_t self_rx_request:1;
uint32_t reserved_5:27;
uint32_t val;
} twai_cmd_reg_t;
/** Type of bus_timing_0 register
* Bit timing configuration register 0.
typedef union {
struct {
/** baud_presc : R/W; bitpos: [13:0]; default: 0;
* The period of the TWAI system clock is programmable and determines the individual
* bit timing. Software has R/W permission in reset mode and RO permission in
* operation mode.
uint32_t baud_presc:14;
/** sync_jump_width : R/W; bitpos: [15:14]; default: 0;
* The synchronization jump width defines the maximum number of clock cycles a bit
* period may be shortened or lengthened. Software has R/W permission in reset mode
* and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t sync_jump_width:2;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} twai_bus_timing_0_reg_t;
/** Type of bus_timing_1 register
* Bit timing configuration register 1.
typedef union {
struct {
/** time_segment1 : R/W; bitpos: [3:0]; default: 0;
* The number of clock cycles in TSEG1 per bit timing. Software has R/W permission in
* reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t time_segment1:4;
/** time_segment2 : R/W; bitpos: [6:4]; default: 0;
* The number of clock cycles in TSEG2 per bit timing. Software has R/W permission in
* reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t time_segment2:3;
/** time_sampling : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* 1: triple, the bus is sampled three times. 0: single, the bus is sampled once.
* Software has R/W permission in reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t time_sampling:1;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_bus_timing_1_reg_t;
/** Type of err_warning_limit register
* TWAI error threshold configuration register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** err_warning_limit : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 96;
* The threshold that trigger error warning interrupt when this interrupt is enabled.
* Software has R/W permission in reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t err_warning_limit:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_err_warning_limit_reg_t;
/** Type of clock_divider register
* Clock divider register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** cd : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* These bits are used to define the frequency at the external CLKOUT pin.
uint32_t cd:8;
/** clock_off : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* 1: Disable the external CLKOUT pin. 0: Enable the external CLKOUT pin. Software has
* R/W permission in reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t clock_off:1;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} twai_clock_divider_reg_t;
/** Type of sw_standby_cfg register
* Software configure standby pin directly.
typedef union {
struct {
/** sw_standby_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Enable standby pin.
uint32_t sw_standby_en:1;
/** sw_standby_clr : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 1;
* Clear standby pin.
uint32_t sw_standby_clr:1;
uint32_t reserved_2:30;
uint32_t val;
} twai_sw_standby_cfg_reg_t;
/** Type of hw_cfg register
* Hardware configure standby pin.
typedef union {
struct {
/** hw_standby_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Enable function that hardware control standby pin.
uint32_t hw_standby_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_1:31;
uint32_t val;
} twai_hw_cfg_reg_t;
/** Type of hw_standby_cnt register
* Configure standby counter.
typedef union {
struct {
/** standby_wait_cnt : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 1;
* Configure the number of cycles before standby becomes high when TWAI_HW_STANDBY_EN
* is enabled.
uint32_t standby_wait_cnt:32;
uint32_t val;
} twai_hw_standby_cnt_reg_t;
/** Type of idle_intr_cnt register
* Configure idle interrupt counter.
typedef union {
struct {
/** idle_intr_cnt : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 1;
* Configure the number of cycles before triggering idle interrupt.
uint32_t idle_intr_cnt:32;
uint32_t val;
} twai_idle_intr_cnt_reg_t;
/** Type of eco_cfg register
* ECO configuration register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** rdn_ena : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Enable eco module.
uint32_t rdn_ena:1;
/** rdn_result : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 1;
* Output of eco module.
uint32_t rdn_result:1;
uint32_t reserved_2:30;
uint32_t val;
} twai_eco_cfg_reg_t;
/** Group: Status Registers */
/** Type of status register
* TWAI status register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** status_receive_buffer : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* 1: full, one or more complete messages are available in the RXFIFO. 0: empty, no
* message is available
uint32_t status_receive_buffer:1;
/** status_overrun : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: overrun, a message was lost because there was not enough space for that message
* in the RXFIFO. 0: absent, no data overrun has occurred since the last clear data
* overrun command was given
uint32_t status_overrun:1;
/** status_transmit_buffer : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* 1: released, the CPU may write a message into the transmit buffer. 0: locked, the
* CPU cannot access the transmit buffer, a message is either waiting for transmission
* or is in the process of being transmitted
uint32_t status_transmit_buffer:1;
/** status_transmission_complete : RO; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* 1: complete, last requested transmission has been successfully completed. 0:
* incomplete, previously requested transmission is not yet completed
uint32_t status_transmission_complete:1;
/** status_receive : RO; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* 1: receive, the TWAI controller is receiving a message. 0: idle
uint32_t status_receive:1;
/** status_transmit : RO; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* 1: transmit, the TWAI controller is transmitting a message. 0: idle
uint32_t status_transmit:1;
/** status_err : RO; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* 1: error, at least one of the error counters has reached or exceeded the CPU
* warning limit defined by the Error Warning Limit Register (EWLR). 0: ok, both error
* counters are below the warning limit
uint32_t status_err:1;
/** status_node_bus_off : RO; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* 1: bus-off, the TWAI controller is not involved in bus activities. 0: bus-on, the
* TWAI controller is involved in bus activities
uint32_t status_node_bus_off:1;
/** status_miss : RO; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* 1: current message is destroyed because of FIFO overflow.
uint32_t status_miss:1;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} twai_status_reg_t;
/** Type of arb_lost_cap register
* TWAI arbiter lost capture register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** arbitration_lost_capture : RO; bitpos: [4:0]; default: 0;
* This register contains information about the bit position of losing arbitration.
uint32_t arbitration_lost_capture:5;
uint32_t reserved_5:27;
uint32_t val;
} twai_arb_lost_cap_reg_t;
/** Type of err_code_cap register
* TWAI error info capture register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** err_capture_code_segment : RO; bitpos: [4:0]; default: 0;
* This register contains information about the location of errors on the bus.
uint32_t err_capture_code_segment:5;
/** err_capture_code_direction : RO; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* 1: RX, error occurred during reception. 0: TX, error occurred during transmission.
uint32_t err_capture_code_direction:1;
/** err_capture_code_type : RO; bitpos: [7:6]; default: 0;
* 00: bit error. 01: form error. 10:stuff error. 11:other type of error.
uint32_t err_capture_code_type:2;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_err_code_cap_reg_t;
/** Type of rx_err_cnt register
* Rx error counter register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** rx_err_cnt : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* The RX error counter register reflects the current value of the transmit error
* counter. Software has R/W permission in reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t rx_err_cnt:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_rx_err_cnt_reg_t;
/** Type of tx_err_cnt register
* Tx error counter register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** tx_err_cnt : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* The TX error counter register reflects the current value of the transmit error
* counter. Software has R/W permission in reset mode and RO in operation mode.
uint32_t tx_err_cnt:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_tx_err_cnt_reg_t;
/** Type of rx_message_counter register
* Received message counter register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** rx_message_counter : RO; bitpos: [6:0]; default: 0;
* Reflects the number of messages available within the RXFIFO. The value is
* incremented with each receive event and decremented by the release receive buffer
* command.
uint32_t rx_message_counter:7;
uint32_t reserved_7:25;
uint32_t val;
} twai_rx_message_counter_reg_t;
/** Group: Interrupt Registers */
/** Type of interrupt register
* Interrupt signals' register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** receive_int_st : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set while the receive FIFO is not empty and the RIE bit is set
* within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t receive_int_st:1;
/** transmit_int_st : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set whenever the transmit buffer status changes from '0-to-1'
* (released) and the TIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t transmit_int_st:1;
/** err_warning_int_st : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set on every change (set and clear) of either the error status or
* bus status bits and the EIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0:
* reset
uint32_t err_warning_int_st:1;
/** data_overrun_int_st : RO; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set on a '0-to-1' transition of the data overrun status bit and the
* DOIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t data_overrun_int_st:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:1;
/** err_passive_int_st : RO; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set whenever the TWAI controller has reached the error passive
* status (at least one error counter exceeds the protocol-defined level of 127) or if
* the TWAI controller is in the error passive status and enters the error active
* status again and the EPIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t err_passive_int_st:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_st : RO; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set when the TWAI controller lost the arbitration and becomes a
* receiver and the ALIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_st:1;
/** bus_err_int_st : RO; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set when the TWAI controller detects an error on the TWAI-bus and
* the BEIE bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t bus_err_int_st:1;
/** idle_int_st : RO; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* 1: this bit is set when the TWAI controller detects state of TWAI become IDLE and
* this interrupt enable bit is set within the interrupt enable register. 0: reset
uint32_t idle_int_st:1;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} twai_interrupt_reg_t;
/** Type of interrupt_enable register
* Interrupt enable register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** ext_receive_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, when the receive buffer status is 'full' the TWAI controller requests
* the respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t ext_receive_int_ena:1;
/** ext_transmit_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, when a message has been successfully transmitted or the transmit buffer
* is accessible again (e.g. after an abort transmission command), the TWAI controller
* requests the respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t ext_transmit_int_ena:1;
/** ext_err_warning_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if the error or bus status change (see status register. Table 14), the
* TWAI controllerrequests the respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t ext_err_warning_int_ena:1;
/** ext_data_overrun_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if the data overrun status bit is set (see status register. Table 14),
* the TWAI controllerrequests the respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t ext_data_overrun_int_ena:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:1;
/** err_passive_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if the error status of the TWAI controller changes from error active to
* error passive or vice versa, the respective interrupt is requested. 0: disable
uint32_t err_passive_int_ena:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if the TWAI controller has lost arbitration, the respective interrupt
* is requested. 0: disable
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_ena:1;
/** bus_err_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if an bus error has been detected, the TWAI controller requests the
* respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t bus_err_int_ena:1;
/** idle_int_ena : RO; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* 1: enabled, if state of TWAI become IDLE, the TWAI controller requests the
* respective interrupt. 0: disable
uint32_t idle_int_ena:1;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} twai_interrupt_enable_reg_t;
/** Group: Data Registers */
/** Type of buffer register
* TX RX Buffer.
typedef union {
struct {
/** byte : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* In reset mode, it is acceptance code register 0 with R/W Permission. In operation
* mode, when software initiate write operation, it is tx data register 0 and when
* software initiate read operation, it is rx data register 0.
uint32_t byte:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} twai_tx_rx_buffer_reg_t;
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
uint32_t byte: 8; /* ACRx[7:0] Acceptance Code */
uint32_t reserved8: 24; /* Internal Reserved */
uint32_t val;
} acr[4];
union {
struct {
uint32_t byte: 8; /* AMRx[7:0] Acceptance Mask */
uint32_t reserved8: 24; /* Internal Reserved */
uint32_t val;
} amr[4];
uint32_t reserved_60;
uint32_t reserved_64;
uint32_t reserved_68;
uint32_t reserved_6c;
uint32_t reserved_70;
} acceptance_filter_reg_t;
typedef struct twai_dev_s {
volatile twai_mode_reg_t mode;
volatile twai_cmd_reg_t cmd;
volatile twai_status_reg_t status;
volatile twai_interrupt_reg_t interrupt;
volatile twai_interrupt_enable_reg_t interrupt_enable;
uint32_t reserved_014;
volatile twai_bus_timing_0_reg_t bus_timing_0;
volatile twai_bus_timing_1_reg_t bus_timing_1;
uint32_t reserved_020[3];
volatile twai_arb_lost_cap_reg_t arb_lost_cap;
volatile twai_err_code_cap_reg_t err_code_cap;
volatile twai_err_warning_limit_reg_t err_warning_limit;
volatile twai_rx_err_cnt_reg_t rx_err_cnt;
volatile twai_tx_err_cnt_reg_t tx_err_cnt;
volatile union {
acceptance_filter_reg_t acceptance_filter;
twai_tx_rx_buffer_reg_t tx_rx_buffer[13];
volatile twai_rx_message_counter_reg_t rx_message_counter;
uint32_t reserved_078;
volatile twai_clock_divider_reg_t clock_divider;
volatile twai_sw_standby_cfg_reg_t sw_standby_cfg;
volatile twai_hw_cfg_reg_t hw_cfg;
volatile twai_hw_standby_cnt_reg_t hw_standby_cnt;
volatile twai_idle_intr_cnt_reg_t idle_intr_cnt;
volatile twai_eco_cfg_reg_t eco_cfg;
} twai_dev_t;
extern twai_dev_t TWAI0;
#ifndef __cplusplus
_Static_assert(sizeof(twai_dev_t) == 0x94, "Invalid size of twai_dev_t structure");
#ifdef __cplusplus