Fu Hanxi 142a3c8a7a ci: fix idf_relpath issue while searching the apps
Now `PytestCase`, collect_app_info file, are all using relpath to idf
2024-01-29 20:45:00 +08:00

313 lines
12 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import typing as t
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cached_property
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import pytest
from _pytest.config import ExitCode
from _pytest.main import Session
from _pytest.python import Function
from _pytest.runner import CallInfo
from idf_build_apps import App
from idf_build_apps.constants import BuildStatus
from idf_ci_utils import idf_relpath
from pytest_embedded import Dut
from pytest_embedded.plugin import parse_multi_dut_args
from pytest_embedded.utils import find_by_suffix
from pytest_embedded.utils import to_list
from pytest_ignore_test_results.ignore_results import ChildCase
from pytest_ignore_test_results.ignore_results import ChildCasesStashKey
from .constants import CollectMode
from .constants import DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG
from .constants import PREVIEW_TARGETS
from .constants import PytestApp
from .constants import PytestCase
from .constants import SUPPORTED_TARGETS
from .utils import comma_sep_str_to_list
from .utils import format_case_id
from .utils import merge_junit_files
IDF_PYTEST_EMBEDDED_KEY = pytest.StashKey['IdfPytestEmbedded']()
ITEM_FAILED_CASES_KEY = pytest.StashKey[list]()
ITEM_FAILED_KEY = pytest.StashKey[bool]()
ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY = pytest.StashKey[PytestCase]()
class IdfPytestEmbedded:
'PASS': 'passed',
'FAIL': 'failed',
'IGNORE': 'skipped',
def __init__(
target: t.Union[t.List[str], str],
single_target_duplicate_mode: bool = False,
apps: t.Optional[t.List[App]] = None,
if isinstance(target, str):
# sequence also matters
self.target = comma_sep_str_to_list(target)
self.target = target
if not self.target:
raise ValueError('`target` should not be empty')
# these are useful while gathering all the multi-dut test cases
# when this mode is activated,
# pytest.mark.esp32
# pytest.mark.parametrize('count', [2], indirect=True)
# def test_foo(dut):
# pass
# should be collected when running `pytest --target esp32`
# otherwise, it should be collected when running `pytest --target esp32,esp32`
self._single_target_duplicate_mode = single_target_duplicate_mode
self.apps_list = (
[os.path.join(idf_relpath(app.app_dir), app.build_dir) for app in apps if app.build_status == BuildStatus.SUCCESS]
if apps
else None
self.cases: t.List[PytestCase] = []
# record the additional info
# test case id: {key: value}
self.additional_info: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
def collect_mode(self) -> CollectMode:
if len(self.target) == 1:
if self.target[0] == CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM:
return CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM
return CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC
return CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC
def get_param(item: Function, key: str, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any:
# funcargs is not calculated while collection
# callspec is something defined in parametrize
if not hasattr(item, 'callspec'):
return default
return item.callspec.params.get(key, default) or default
def item_to_pytest_case(self, item: Function) -> PytestCase:
Turn pytest item to PytestCase
count = self.get_param(item, 'count', 1)
# default app_path is where the test script locates
app_paths = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'app_path', os.path.dirname(item.path))))
configs = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG)))
targets = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'target', self.target[0])))
return PytestCase(
[PytestApp(app_paths[i], targets[i], configs[i]) for i in range(count)], item
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None:
Background info:
We're using `pytest.mark.[TARGET]` as a syntactic sugar to indicate that they are actually supported by all
the listed targets. For example,
>>> @pytest.mark.esp32
>>> @pytest.mark.esp32s2
should be treated as
>>> @pytest.mark.parametrize('target', [
>>> 'esp32',
>>> 'esp32s2',
>>> ], indirect=True)
All single-dut test cases, and some of the multi-dut test cases with the same targets, are using this
way to indicate the supported targets.
To avoid ambiguity,
- when we're collecting single-dut test cases with esp32, we call
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32`
- when we're collecting multi-dut test cases, we list all the targets, even when they're the same
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32,esp32` for two esp32 connected
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32,esp32s2` for esp32 and esp32s2 connected
therefore, we have two different logic for searching test cases, explained in 2.1 and 2.2
# 1. Filter according to nighty_run related markers
if os.getenv('INCLUDE_NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
# nightly_run and non-nightly_run cases are both included
elif os.getenv('NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
# only nightly_run cases are included
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if _item.get_closest_marker('nightly_run') is not None]
# only non-nightly_run cases are included
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if _item.get_closest_marker('nightly_run') is None]
# 2. Add markers according to special markers
item_to_case_dict: t.Dict[Function, PytestCase] = {}
for item in items:
item.stash[ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY] = item_to_case_dict[item] = self.item_to_pytest_case(item)
if 'supported_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS:
if 'preview_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in PREVIEW_TARGETS:
if 'all_targets' in item.keywords:
# 3.1. CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC, like `pytest --target esp32`
if self.collect_mode == CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC:
filtered_items = []
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
# single-dut one
if case.is_single_dut_test_case and self.target[0] in case.target_markers:
# multi-dut ones and in single_target_duplicate_mode
elif self._single_target_duplicate_mode and not case.is_single_dut_test_case:
# ignore those test cases with `target` defined in parametrize, since these will be covered in 3.3
if self.get_param(item, 'target', None) is None and self.target[0] in case.target_markers:
items[:] = filtered_items
# 3.2. CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC, like `pytest --target esp32,esp32`
elif self.collect_mode == CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC:
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if item_to_case_dict[_item].targets == self.target]
# 3.3. CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM, intended to be used by `get_pytest_cases`
items[:] = [
for _item in items
if not item_to_case_dict[_item].is_single_dut_test_case
and self.get_param(_item, 'target', None) is not None
# 4. filter by `self.apps_list`, skip the test case if not listed
# should only be used in CI
_items = []
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
if msg := case.all_built_in_app_lists(self.apps_list):
self.additional_info[case.name]['skip_reason'] = msg
# OKAY!!! All left ones will be executed, sort it and add more markers
items[:] = sorted(
_items, key=lambda x: (os.path.dirname(x.path), self.get_param(x, 'config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG))
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
# set default timeout 10 minutes for each case
if 'timeout' not in item.keywords:
item.add_marker(pytest.mark.timeout(10 * 60))
# add 'xtal_40mhz' tag as a default tag for esp32c2 target
# only add this marker for esp32c2 cases
if 'esp32c2' in self.target and 'esp32c2' in case.targets and 'xtal_26mhz' not in case.all_markers:
def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None:
self.cases = [item.stash[ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY] for item in items]
def pytest_custom_test_case_name(self, item: Function) -> str:
return item.funcargs.get('test_case_name', item.nodeid) # type: ignore
def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]) -> None:
if call.when == 'call':
target = item.funcargs['target']
config = item.funcargs['config']
is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None
dut: t.Union[Dut, t.Tuple[Dut]] = item.funcargs['dut'] # type: ignore
if isinstance(dut, (list, tuple)):
res = []
for i, _dut in enumerate(dut):
format_case_id(target, config, case.name + f' {i}', is_qemu=is_qemu),
for case in _dut.testsuite.testcases
item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = {item.nodeid: res}
item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = {
item.nodeid: [
format_case_id(target, config, case.name, is_qemu=is_qemu),
for case in dut.testsuite.testcases
def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item: Function) -> None:
Modify the junit reports. Format the unity c test case names.
tempdir: t.Optional[str] = item.funcargs.get('test_case_tempdir') # type: ignore
if not tempdir:
junits = find_by_suffix('.xml', tempdir)
if not junits:
if len(junits) > 1:
merge_junit_files(junits, os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml'))
junits = [os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml')]
# unity cases
is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None
target = item.funcargs['target']
config = item.funcargs['config']
for junit in junits:
xml = ET.parse(junit)
testcases = xml.findall('.//testcase')
for case in testcases:
# modify the junit files
new_case_name = format_case_id(target, config, case.attrib['name'], is_qemu=is_qemu)
case.attrib['name'] = new_case_name
if 'file' in case.attrib:
case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace('/IDF/', '') # our unity test framework
if ci_job_url := os.getenv('CI_JOB_URL'):
case.attrib['ci_job_url'] = ci_job_url
def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session: Session, exitstatus: int) -> None:
if exitstatus != 0:
if exitstatus == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED:
session.exitstatus = 0