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synced 2025-03-11 18:19:07 -04:00
During HAL layer refactoring and new chip bringup, we have several caps.h for each part, to reduce the conflicts to minimum. But this is The capabilities headers will be relataive stable once completely written (maybe after the featues are supported by drivers). Now ESP32 and ESP32-S2 drivers are relative stable, making it a good time to combine all these caps.h into one soc_caps.h This cleanup also move HAL config and pin config into separated files, to make the responsibilities of these headers more clear. This is helpful for the stabilities of soc_caps.h because we want to make it public some day.
842 lines
34 KiB
842 lines
34 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "spi_common_internal.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "stdatomic.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include <strings.h>
* This lock is designed to solve the conflicts between SPI devices (used in tasks) and
* the background operations (ISR or cache access).
* There are N (device/task) + 1 (BG) acquiring processer candidates that may touch the bus.
* The core of the lock is a `status` atomic variable, which is always available. No intermediate
* status is allowed. The atomic operations (mainly `atomic_fetch_and`, `atomic_fetch_or`)
* atomically read the status, and bitwisely write status value ORed / ANDed with given masks.
* Definitions of the status:
* - [30] WEAK_BG_FLAG, active when the BG is the cache
* - [29:20] LOCK bits, active when corresponding device is asking for acquiring
* - [19:10] PENDING bits, active when the BG acknowledges the REQ bits, but hasn't fully handled them.
* - [ 9: 0] REQ bits, active when corresponding device is requesting for BG operations.
* The REQ bits together PENDING bits are called BG bits, which represent the actual BG request
* state of devices. Either one of REQ or PENDING being active indicates the device has pending BG
* requests. Reason of having two bits instead of one is in the appendix below.
* Acquiring processer means the current processor (task or ISR) allowed to touch the critical
* resources, or the SPI bus.
* States of the lock:
* - STATE_IDLE: There's no acquiring processor. No device is acquiring the bus, and no BG
* operation is in progress.
* - STATE_ACQ: The acquiring processor is a device task. This means one of the devices is
* acquiring the bus.
* - STATE_BG: The acquiring processor is the ISR, and there is no acquiring device.
* - STATE_BG_ACQ: The acquiring processor is the ISR, and there is an acquiring device.
* Whenever a bit is written to the status, it means the a device on a task is trying to acquire
* the lock (either for the task, or the ISR). When there is no LOCK bits or BG bits active, the
* caller immediately become the acquiring processor. Otherwise, the task has to block, and the ISR
* will not be invoked until scheduled by the current acquiring processor.
* The acquiring processor is responsible to assign the next acquiring processor by calling the
* scheduler, usually after it finishes some requests, and cleared the corresponding status bit.
* But there is one exception, when the last bit is cleared from the status, after which there is
* no other LOCK bits or BG bits active, the acquiring processor lost its role immediately, and
* don't need to call the scheduler to assign the next acquiring processor.
* The acquiring processor may also choose to assign a new acquiring device when there is no, by
* calling `spi_bus_lock_bg_rotate_acq_dev` in the ISR. But the acquiring processor, in this case,
* is still the ISR, until it calls the scheduler.
* Transition of the FSM:
* - STATE_IDLE: no acquiring device, nor acquiring processor, no LOCK or BG bits active
* -> STATE_BG: by `req_core`
* -> STATE_ACQ: by `acquire_core`
* * No acquiring device, the ISR is the acquiring processor, there is BG bits active, but no LOCK
* bits
* * The BG operation should be enabled while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_IDLE: by `bg_exit_core` after `clear_pend_core` for all BG bits
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ: by `schedule_core`, when there is new LOCK bit set (by `acquire_core`)
* * There is acquiring device, the ISR is the acquiring processor, there may be BG bits active for
* the acquiring device.
* * The BG operation should be enabled while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_ACQ: by `bg_exit_core` after `clear_pend_core` for all BG bits for the acquiring
* device.
* Should not go to the STATE_ACQ (unblock the acquiring task) until all requests of the
* acquiring device are finished. This is to preserve the sequence of foreground (polling) and
* background operations of the device. The background operations queued before the acquiring
* should be completed first.
* * There is acquiring device, the task is the acquiring processor, there is no BG bits active for
* the acquiring device.
* * The acquiring task (if blocked at `spi_bus_lock_acquire_start` or `spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done`)
* should be resumed while turning into this state.
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ: by `req_core`
* -> STATE_BG_ACQ (other device): by `acquire_end_core`, when there is LOCK bit for another
* device, and the new acquiring device has active BG bits.
* -> STATE_ACQ (other device): by `acquire_end_core`, when there is LOCK bit for another devices,
* but the new acquiring device has no active BG bits.
* -> STATE_BG: by `acquire_end_core` when there is no LOCK bit active, but there are active BG
* bits.
* -> STATE_IDLE: by `acquire_end_core` when there is no LOCK bit, nor BG bit active.
* The `req_core` used in the task is a little special. It asks for acquiring processor for the
* ISR. When it succeed for the first time, it will invoke the ISR (hence passing the acquiring
* role to the BG). Otherwise it will not block, the ISR will be automatically be invoked by other
* acquiring processor. The caller of `req_core` will never become acquiring processor by this
* function.
* Appendix: The design, that having both request bit and pending bit, is to solve the
* concurrency issue between tasks and the bg, when the task can queue several requests,
* however the request bit cannot represent the number of requests queued.
* Here's the workflow of task and ISR work concurrently:
* - Task: (a) Write to Queue -> (b) Write request bit
* The Task have to write request bit (b) after the data is prepared in the queue (a),
* otherwise the BG may fail to read from the queue when it sees the request bit set.
* - BG: (c) Read queue -> (d) Clear request bit
* Since the BG cannot know the number of requests queued, it have to repeatedly check the
* queue (c), until it find the data is empty, and then clear the request bit (d).
* The events are possible to happen in the order: (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d). This may cause a false
* clear of the request bit. And there will be data prepared in the queue, but the request bit is
* inactive.
* (e) move REQ bits to PEND bits, happen before (c) is introduced to solve this problem. In this
* case (d) is changed to clear the PEND bit. Even if (e) -> (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d), only PEND
* bit is cleared, while the REQ bit is still active.
struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t;
typedef struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t spi_bus_lock_dev_t;
typedef struct spi_bus_lock_t spi_bus_lock_t;
#define MAX_DEV_NUM 10
// Bit 29-20: lock bits, Bit 19-10: pending bits
// Bit 9-0: request bits, Bit 30:
#define LOCK_SHIFT 20
#define PENDING_SHIFT 10
#define REQ_SHIFT 0
#define WEAK_BG_FLAG BIT(30) /**< The bus is permanently requested by background operations.
* This flag is weak, will not prevent acquiring of devices. But will help the BG to be re-enabled again after the bus is release.
// get the bit mask wher bit [high-1, low] are all 1'b1 s.
#define BIT1_MASK(high, low) ((UINT32_MAX << (high)) ^ (UINT32_MAX << (low)))
#define LOCK_BIT(mask) ((mask) << LOCK_SHIFT)
#define REQUEST_BIT(mask) ((mask) << REQ_SHIFT)
#define PENDING_BIT(mask) ((mask) << PENDING_SHIFT)
#define DEV_MASK(id) (LOCK_BIT(1<<id) | PENDING_BIT(1<<id) | REQUEST_BIT(1<<id))
#define ID_DEV_MASK(mask) (ffs(mask) - 1)
#define DEV_REQ_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & REQ_MASK)
#define DEV_PEND_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & PEND_MASK)
#define DEV_BG_MASK(dev) ((dev)->mask & BG_MASK)
struct spi_bus_lock_t {
* The core of the lock. These bits are status of the lock, which should be always available.
* No intermediate status is allowed. This is realized by atomic operations, mainly
* `atomic_fetch_and`, `atomic_fetch_or`, which atomically read the status, and bitwise write
* status value ORed / ANDed with given masks.
* The request bits together pending bits represent the actual bg request state of one device.
* Either one of them being active indicates the device has pending bg requests.
* Whenever a bit is written to the status, it means the a device on a task is trying to
* acquire the lock. But this will succeed only when no LOCK or BG bits active.
* The acquiring processor is responsible to call the scheduler to pass its role to other tasks
* or the BG, unless it clear the last bit in the status register.
//// Critical resources, they are only writable by acquiring processor, and stable only when read by the acquiring processor.
atomic_uint_fast32_t status;
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* volatile acquiring_dev; ///< The acquiring device
bool volatile acq_dev_bg_active; ///< BG is the acquiring processor serving the acquiring device, used for the wait_bg to skip waiting quickly.
bool volatile in_isr; ///< ISR is touching HW
//// End of critical resources
atomic_intptr_t dev[DEV_NUM_MAX]; ///< Child locks.
bg_ctrl_func_t bg_enable; ///< Function to enable background operations.
bg_ctrl_func_t bg_disable; ///< Function to disable background operations
void* bg_arg; ///< Argument for `bg_enable` and `bg_disable` functions.
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* last_dev; ///< Last used device, to decide whether to refresh all registers.
int periph_cs_num; ///< Number of the CS pins the HW has.
//debug information
int host_id; ///< Host ID, for debug information printing
uint32_t new_req; ///< Last int_req when `spi_bus_lock_bg_start` is called. Debug use.
struct spi_bus_lock_dev_t {
SemaphoreHandle_t semphr; ///< Binray semaphore to notify the device it claimed the bus
spi_bus_lock_t* parent; ///< Pointer to parent spi_bus_lock_t
uint32_t mask; ///< Bitwise OR-ed mask of the REQ, PEND, LOCK bits of this device
DRAM_ATTR static const char TAG[] = "bus_lock";
#define LOCK_CHECK(a, str, ret_val, ...) \
if (!(a)) { \
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"%s(%d): "str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return (ret_val); \
static inline uint32_t mask_get_id(uint32_t mask);
static inline uint32_t dev_lock_get_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock);
* atomic operations to the status
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch_set(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t set)
return atomic_fetch_or(&lock->status, set);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch_clear(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t clear)
return atomic_fetch_and(&lock->status, ~clear);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_fetch(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
return atomic_load(&lock->status);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void lock_status_init(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
atomic_store(&lock->status, 0);
// return the remaining status bits
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t lock_status_clear(spi_bus_lock_t* lock, uint32_t clear)
//the fetch and clear should be atomic, avoid missing the all '0' status when all bits are clear.
uint32_t state = lock_status_fetch_clear(lock, clear);
return state & (~clear);
* Schedule service
* The modification to the status bits may cause rotating of the acquiring processor. It also have
* effects to `acquired_dev` (the acquiring device), `in_isr` (HW used in BG), and
* `acq_dev_bg_active` (wait_bg_end can be skipped) members of the lock structure.
* Most of them should be atomic, and special attention should be paid to the operation
* sequence.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void resume_dev_in_isr(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock, BaseType_t *do_yield)
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(dev_lock->semphr, do_yield);
IRAM_ATTR static inline void resume_dev(const spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void bg_disable(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
IRAM_ATTR static inline void bg_enable(spi_bus_lock_t* lock)
// Set the REQ bit. If we become the acquiring processor, invoke the ISR and pass that to it.
// The caller will never become the acquiring processor after this function returns.
SPI_MASTER_ATTR static inline void req_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
// Though `acquired_dev` is critical resource, `dev_handle == lock->acquired_dev`
// is a stable statement unless `acquire_start` or `acquire_end` is called by current
// device.
if (dev_handle == lock->acquiring_dev){
// Set the REQ bit and check BG bits if we are the acquiring processor.
// If the BG bits were not active before, invoke the BG again.
// Avoid competitive risk against the `clear_pend_core`, `acq_dev_bg_active` should be set before
// setting REQ bit.
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = true;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle));
if ((status & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0) {
bg_enable(lock); //acquiring processor passed to BG
} else {
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle));
if (status == 0) {
bg_enable(lock); //acquiring processor passed to BG
//Set the LOCK bit. Handle related stuff and return true if we become the acquiring processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool acquire_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch_set(lock, dev_handle->mask & LOCK_MASK);
// Check all bits except WEAK_BG
if ((status & (BG_MASK | LOCK_MASK)) == 0) {
//succeed at once
lock->acquiring_dev = dev_handle;
if (status & WEAK_BG_FLAG) {
//Mainly to disable the cache (Weak_BG), that is not able to disable itself
return true;
return false;
* Find the next acquiring processor according to the status. Will directly change
* the acquiring device if new one found.
* Cases:
* - BG should still be the acquiring processor (Return false):
* 1. Acquiring device has active BG bits: out_desired_dev = new acquiring device
* 2. No acquiring device, but BG active: out_desired_dev = randomly pick one device with active BG bits
* - BG should yield to the task (Return true):
* 3. Acquiring device has no active BG bits: out_desired_dev = new acquiring device
* 4. No acquiring device while no active BG bits: out_desired_dev=NULL
* Acquiring device task need to be resumed only when case 3.
* This scheduling can happen in either task or ISR, so `in_isr` or `bg_active` not touched.
* @param lock
* @param status Current status
* @param out_desired_dev Desired device to work next, see above.
* @return False if BG should still be the acquiring processor, otherwise True (yield to task).
IRAM_ATTR static inline bool
schedule_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t status, spi_bus_lock_dev_t **out_desired_dev)
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* desired_dev = NULL;
uint32_t lock_bits = (status & LOCK_MASK) >> LOCK_SHIFT;
uint32_t bg_bits = status & BG_MASK;
bg_bits = ((bg_bits >> REQ_SHIFT) | (bg_bits >> PENDING_SHIFT)) & REQ_MASK;
bool bg_yield;
if (lock_bits) {
int dev_id = mask_get_id(lock_bits);
desired_dev = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t *)atomic_load(&lock->dev[dev_id]);
lock->acquiring_dev = desired_dev;
bg_yield = ((bg_bits & desired_dev->mask) == 0);
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = !bg_yield;
} else {
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = false;
if (bg_bits) {
int dev_id = mask_get_id(bg_bits);
desired_dev = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t *)atomic_load(&lock->dev[dev_id]);
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
bg_yield = false;
} else {
desired_dev = NULL;
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
bg_yield = true;
*out_desired_dev = desired_dev;
return bg_yield;
//Clear the LOCK bit and trigger a rescheduling.
IRAM_ATTR static inline void acquire_end_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_clear(lock, dev_handle->mask & LOCK_MASK);
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* desired_dev = NULL;
bool invoke_bg = !schedule_core(lock, status, &desired_dev);
if (invoke_bg) {
} else if (desired_dev) {
} else if (status & WEAK_BG_FLAG) {
// Move the REQ bits to corresponding PEND bits. Must be called by acquiring processor.
// Have no side effects on the acquiring device/processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline void update_pend_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, uint32_t status)
uint32_t active_req_bits = status & REQ_MASK;
uint32_t pending_mask = active_req_bits << (PENDING_SHIFT - REQ_SHIFT);
uint32_t pending_mask = active_req_bits >> (REQ_SHIFT - PENDING_SHIFT);
// We have to set the PEND bits and then clear the REQ bits, since BG bits are using bitwise OR logic,
// this will not influence the effectiveness of the BG bits of every device.
lock_status_fetch_set(lock, pending_mask);
lock_status_fetch_clear(lock, active_req_bits);
// Clear the PEND bit (not REQ bit!) of a device, return the suggestion whether we can try to quit the ISR.
// Lost the acquiring processor immediately when the BG bits for active device are inactive, indiciating by the return value.
// Can be called only when ISR is acting as the acquiring processor.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool clear_pend_core(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
bool finished;
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
uint32_t pend_mask = DEV_PEND_MASK(dev_handle);
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(lock_status_fetch(lock) & pend_mask);
uint32_t status = lock_status_clear(lock, pend_mask);
if (lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle) {
finished = ((status & DEV_REQ_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
if (finished) {
lock->acq_dev_bg_active = false;
} else {
finished = (status == 0);
return finished;
// Return true if the ISR has already touched the HW, which means previous operations should
// be terminated first, before we use the HW again. Otherwise return false.
// In either case `in_isr` will be marked as true, until call to `bg_exit_core` with `wip=false` successfully.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool bg_entry_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(!lock->acquiring_dev || lock->acq_dev_bg_active);
* The interrupt is disabled at the entry of ISR to avoid competitive risk as below:
* The `esp_intr_enable` will be called (b) after new BG request is queued (a) in the task;
* while `esp_intr_disable` should be called (c) if we check and found the sending queue is empty (d).
* If (c) happens after (d), if things happens in this sequence:
* (d) -> (a) -> (b) -> (c), the interrupt will be disabled while there's pending BG request in the queue.
* To avoid this, interrupt is disabled here, and re-enabled later if required. (c) -> (d) -> (a) -> (b) -> revert (c) if !d
if (lock->in_isr) {
return false;
} else {
lock->in_isr = true;
return true;
// Handle the conditions of status and interrupt, avoiding the ISR being disabled when there is any new coming BG requests.
// When called with `wip=true`, means the ISR is performing some operations. Will enable the interrupt again and exit unconditionally.
// When called with `wip=false`, will only return `true` when there is no coming BG request. If return value is `false`, the ISR should try again.
// Will not change acquiring device.
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline bool bg_exit_core(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, bool wip, BaseType_t *do_yield)
//See comments in `bg_entry_core`, re-enable interrupt disabled in entry if we do need the interrupt
if (wip) {
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(!lock->acquiring_dev || lock->acq_dev_bg_active);
return true;
bool ret;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
if (lock->acquiring_dev) {
if (status & DEV_BG_MASK(lock->acquiring_dev)) {
ret = false;
} else {
// The request may happen any time, even after we fetched the status.
// The value of `acq_dev_bg_active` is random.
resume_dev_in_isr(lock->acquiring_dev, do_yield);
ret = true;
} else {
ret = !(status & BG_MASK);
if (ret) {
//when successfully exit, but no transaction done, mark BG as inactive
lock->in_isr = false;
return ret;
IRAM_ATTR static inline void dev_wait_prepare(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
xSemaphoreTake(dev_handle->semphr, 0);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR static inline esp_err_t dev_wait(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
BaseType_t ret = xSemaphoreTake(dev_handle->semphr, wait);
if (ret == pdFALSE) return ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT;
return ESP_OK;
* Initialization & Deinitialization
esp_err_t spi_bus_init_lock(spi_bus_lock_handle_t *out_lock, const spi_bus_lock_config_t *config)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = (spi_bus_lock_t*)calloc(sizeof(spi_bus_lock_t), 1);
if (lock == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
lock->acquiring_dev = NULL;
lock->last_dev = NULL;
lock->periph_cs_num = config->cs_num;
lock->host_id = config->host_id;
*out_lock = lock;
return ESP_OK;
void spi_bus_deinit_lock(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock)
for (int i = 0; i < DEV_NUM_MAX; i++) {
assert(atomic_load(&lock->dev[i]) == (intptr_t)NULL);
static int try_acquire_free_dev(spi_bus_lock_t *lock, bool cs_required)
if (cs_required) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < lock->periph_cs_num; i++) {
intptr_t null = (intptr_t) NULL;
//use 1 to occupy the slot, actual setup comes later
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&lock->dev[i], &null, (intptr_t) 1)) {
return ((i == lock->periph_cs_num)? -1: i);
} else {
int i;
for (i = DEV_NUM_MAX - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
intptr_t null = (intptr_t) NULL;
//use 1 to occupy the slot, actual setup comes later
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&lock->dev[i], &null, (intptr_t) 1)) {
return i;
esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_register_dev(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock, spi_bus_lock_dev_config_t *config,
spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t *out_dev_handle)
if (lock == NULL) return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
int id = try_acquire_free_dev(lock, config->flags & SPI_BUS_LOCK_DEV_FLAG_CS_REQUIRED);
if (id == -1) return ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* dev_lock = (spi_bus_lock_dev_t*)heap_caps_calloc(sizeof(spi_bus_lock_dev_t), 1, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
if (dev_lock == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
dev_lock->semphr = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if (dev_lock->semphr == NULL) {
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)NULL);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
dev_lock->parent = lock;
dev_lock->mask = DEV_MASK(id);
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "device registered on bus %d slot %d.", lock->host_id, id);
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)dev_lock);
*out_dev_handle = dev_lock;
return ESP_OK;
void spi_bus_lock_unregister_dev(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
int id = dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle);
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(atomic_load(&lock->dev[id]) == (intptr_t)dev_handle);
if (lock->last_dev == dev_handle) lock->last_dev = NULL;
atomic_store(&lock->dev[id], (intptr_t)NULL);
if (dev_handle->semphr) {
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t mask_get_id(uint32_t mask)
return ID_DEV_MASK(mask);
IRAM_ATTR static inline uint32_t dev_lock_get_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
return mask_get_id(dev_lock->mask);
void spi_bus_lock_set_bg_control(spi_bus_lock_handle_t lock, bg_ctrl_func_t bg_enable, bg_ctrl_func_t bg_disable, void *arg)
lock->bg_enable = bg_enable;
lock->bg_disable = bg_disable;
lock->bg_arg = arg;
IRAM_ATTR int spi_bus_lock_get_dev_id(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
return (dev_handle? dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle): -1);
//will be called when cache disabled
IRAM_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_touch(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle)
spi_bus_lock_dev_t* last_dev = dev_handle->parent->last_dev;
dev_handle->parent->last_dev = dev_handle;
if (last_dev != dev_handle) {
int last_dev_id = (last_dev? dev_lock_get_id(last_dev): -1);
ESP_DRAM_LOGV(TAG, "SPI dev changed from %d to %d",
last_dev_id, dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return (dev_handle != last_dev);
* Acquiring service
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_acquire_start(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
LOCK_CHECK(wait == portMAX_DELAY, "timeout other than portMAX_DELAY not supported", ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
// Clear the semaphore before checking
if (!acquire_core(dev_handle)) {
//block until becoming the acquiring processor (help by previous acquiring processor)
esp_err_t err = dev_wait(dev_handle, wait);
//TODO: add timeout handling here.
if (err != ESP_OK) return err;
ESP_DRAM_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d acquired.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle);
//When arrives at here, requests of this device should already be handled
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
(void) status;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK((status & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
return ESP_OK;
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_acquire_end(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
//release the bus
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_handle->parent;
LOCK_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle, "Cannot release a lock that hasn't been acquired.", ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE);
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d released.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return ESP_OK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t spi_bus_lock_get_acquiring_dev(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
return lock->acquiring_dev;
* BG (background operation) service
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_entry(spi_bus_lock_t* lock)
return bg_entry_core(lock);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_exit(spi_bus_lock_t* lock, bool wip, BaseType_t* do_yield)
return bg_exit_core(lock, wip, do_yield);
SPI_MASTER_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_bg_request(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
return ESP_OK;
IRAM_ATTR esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done(spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t dev_handle, TickType_t wait)
spi_bus_lock_t *lock = dev_handle->parent;
LOCK_CHECK(lock->acquiring_dev == dev_handle, "Cannot wait for a device that is not acquired", ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE);
LOCK_CHECK(wait == portMAX_DELAY, "timeout other than portMAX_DELAY not supported", ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
// If no BG bits active, skip quickly. This is ensured by `spi_bus_lock_wait_bg_done`
// cannot be executed with `bg_request` on the same device concurrently.
if (lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) {
// Clear the semaphore before checking
if (lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) {
//block until becoming the acquiring processor (help by previous acquiring processor)
esp_err_t err = dev_wait(dev_handle, wait);
//TODO: add timeout handling here.
if (err != ESP_OK) return err;
BUS_LOCK_DEBUG_EXECUTE_CHECK((lock_status_fetch(lock) & DEV_BG_MASK(dev_handle)) == 0);
return ESP_OK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_clear_req(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_handle)
bool finished = clear_pend_core(dev_handle);
ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "dev %d served from bg.", dev_lock_get_id(dev_handle));
return finished;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_check_dev_acq(spi_bus_lock_t *lock,
spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t *out_dev_lock)
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
return schedule_core(lock, status, out_dev_lock);
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_check_dev_req(spi_bus_lock_dev_t *dev_lock)
spi_bus_lock_t* lock = dev_lock->parent;
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
uint32_t dev_status = status & dev_lock->mask;
// move REQ bits of all device to corresponding PEND bits.
// To reduce executing time, only done when the REQ bit of the calling device is set.
if (dev_status & REQ_MASK) {
update_pend_core(lock, status);
return true;
} else {
return dev_status & PEND_MASK;
SPI_MASTER_ISR_ATTR bool spi_bus_lock_bg_req_exist(spi_bus_lock_t *lock)
uint32_t status = lock_status_fetch(lock);
return status & BG_MASK;
* Static variables of the locks of the main flash
static spi_bus_lock_dev_t lock_main_flash_dev;
static spi_bus_lock_t main_spi_bus_lock = {
* the main bus cache is permanently required, this flag is set here and never clear so that the
* cache will always be enabled if acquiring devices yield.
.acquiring_dev = NULL,
.dev = {ATOMIC_VAR_INIT((intptr_t)&lock_main_flash_dev)},
.new_req = 0,
.periph_cs_num = SOC_SPI_PERIPH_CS_NUM(0),
const spi_bus_lock_handle_t g_main_spi_bus_lock = &main_spi_bus_lock;
esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_init_main_bus(void)
return ESP_OK;
static StaticSemaphore_t main_flash_semphr;
static spi_bus_lock_dev_t lock_main_flash_dev = {
.semphr = NULL,
.parent = &main_spi_bus_lock,
.mask = DEV_MASK(0),
const spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev = &lock_main_flash_dev;
esp_err_t spi_bus_lock_init_main_dev(void)
g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev->semphr = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(&main_flash_semphr);
if (g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev->semphr == NULL) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
return ESP_OK;
//when the dev lock is not initialized, point to NULL
const spi_bus_lock_dev_handle_t g_spi_lock_main_flash_dev = NULL;