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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "hal/uart_types.h"
/* @brief When calling `uart_set_pin`, instead of GPIO number, `UART_PIN_NO_CHANGE`
* can be provided to keep the currently allocated pin.
#define UART_PIN_NO_CHANGE (-1)
#define UART_FIFO_LEN _Pragma ("GCC warning \"'UART_FIFO_LEN' macro is deprecated, please use 'UART_HW_FIFO_LEN' instead\"") SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN ///< Length of the HP UART HW FIFO
#if (SOC_UART_LP_NUM >= 1)
#define UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num) ((uart_num < SOC_UART_HP_NUM) ? SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN : SOC_LP_UART_FIFO_LEN) ///< Length of the UART HW FIFO
#define UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num) SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN ///< Length of the UART HW FIFO
#define UART_BITRATE_MAX SOC_UART_BITRATE_MAX ///< Maximum configurable bitrate
* @brief UART configuration parameters for uart_param_config function
typedef struct {
int baud_rate; /*!< UART baud rate*/
uart_word_length_t data_bits; /*!< UART byte size*/
uart_parity_t parity; /*!< UART parity mode*/
uart_stop_bits_t stop_bits; /*!< UART stop bits*/
uart_hw_flowcontrol_t flow_ctrl; /*!< UART HW flow control mode (cts/rts)*/
uint8_t rx_flow_ctrl_thresh; /*!< UART HW RTS threshold*/
union {
uart_sclk_t source_clk; /*!< UART source clock selection */
#if (SOC_UART_LP_NUM >= 1)
lp_uart_sclk_t lp_source_clk; /*!< LP_UART source clock selection */
} uart_config_t;
* @brief UART interrupt configuration parameters for uart_intr_config function
typedef struct {
uint32_t intr_enable_mask; /*!< UART interrupt enable mask, choose from UART_XXXX_INT_ENA_M under UART_INT_ENA_REG(i), connect with bit-or operator*/
uint8_t rx_timeout_thresh; /*!< UART timeout interrupt threshold (unit: time of sending one byte)*/
uint8_t txfifo_empty_intr_thresh; /*!< UART TX empty interrupt threshold.*/
uint8_t rxfifo_full_thresh; /*!< UART RX full interrupt threshold.*/
} uart_intr_config_t;
* @brief UART event types used in the ring buffer
typedef enum {
UART_DATA, /*!< UART data event*/
UART_BREAK, /*!< UART break event*/
UART_BUFFER_FULL, /*!< UART RX buffer full event*/
UART_FIFO_OVF, /*!< UART FIFO overflow event*/
UART_FRAME_ERR, /*!< UART RX frame error event*/
UART_PARITY_ERR, /*!< UART RX parity event*/
UART_DATA_BREAK, /*!< UART TX data and break event*/
UART_PATTERN_DET, /*!< UART pattern detected */
UART_WAKEUP, /*!< UART wakeup event */
UART_EVENT_MAX, /*!< UART event max index*/
} uart_event_type_t;
* @brief Event structure used in UART event queue
typedef struct {
uart_event_type_t type; /*!< UART event type */
size_t size; /*!< UART data size for UART_DATA event*/
bool timeout_flag; /*!< UART data read timeout flag for UART_DATA event (no new data received during configured RX TOUT)*/
/*!< If the event is caused by FIFO-full interrupt, then there will be no event with the timeout flag before the next byte coming.*/
} uart_event_t;
typedef intr_handle_t uart_isr_handle_t;
* @brief Install UART driver and set the UART to the default configuration.
* UART ISR handler will be attached to the same CPU core that this function is running on.
* @note Rx_buffer_size should be greater than UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num). Tx_buffer_size should be either zero or greater than UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num).
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param rx_buffer_size UART RX ring buffer size.
* @param tx_buffer_size UART TX ring buffer size.
* If set to zero, driver will not use TX buffer, TX function will block task until all data have been sent out.
* @param queue_size UART event queue size/depth.
* @param uart_queue UART event queue handle (out param). On success, a new queue handle is written here to provide
* access to UART events. If set to NULL, driver will not use an event queue.
* @param intr_alloc_flags Flags used to allocate the interrupt. One or multiple (ORred)
* ESP_INTR_FLAG_* values. See esp_intr_alloc.h for more info. Do not set ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM here
* (the driver's ISR handler is not located in IRAM)
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_driver_install(uart_port_t uart_num, int rx_buffer_size, int tx_buffer_size, int queue_size, QueueHandle_t* uart_queue, int intr_alloc_flags);
* @brief Uninstall UART driver.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_driver_delete(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Checks whether the driver is installed or not
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - true driver is installed
* - false driver is not installed
bool uart_is_driver_installed(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Set UART data bits.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param data_bit UART data bits
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_word_length(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_word_length_t data_bit);
* @brief Get the UART data bit configuration.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param data_bit Pointer to accept value of UART data bits.
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success, result will be put in (*data_bit)
esp_err_t uart_get_word_length(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_word_length_t* data_bit);
* @brief Set UART stop bits.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param stop_bits UART stop bits
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Fail
esp_err_t uart_set_stop_bits(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_stop_bits_t stop_bits);
* @brief Get the UART stop bit configuration.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param stop_bits Pointer to accept value of UART stop bits.
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success, result will be put in (*stop_bit)
esp_err_t uart_get_stop_bits(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_stop_bits_t* stop_bits);
* @brief Set UART parity mode.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param parity_mode the enum of uart parity configuration
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t uart_set_parity(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_parity_t parity_mode);
* @brief Get the UART parity mode configuration.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param parity_mode Pointer to accept value of UART parity mode.
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success, result will be put in (*parity_mode)
esp_err_t uart_get_parity(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_parity_t* parity_mode);
* @brief Get the frequency of a clock source for the HP UART port
* @param sclk Clock source
* @param[out] out_freq_hz Output of frequency, in Hz
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: if the clock source is not supported
* - otherwise ESP_OK
esp_err_t uart_get_sclk_freq(uart_sclk_t sclk, uint32_t* out_freq_hz);
* @brief Set UART baud rate.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param baudrate UART baud rate.
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t uart_set_baudrate(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t baudrate);
* @brief Get the UART baud rate configuration.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param baudrate Pointer to accept value of UART baud rate
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success, result will be put in (*baudrate)
esp_err_t uart_get_baudrate(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t* baudrate);
* @brief Set UART line inverse mode
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param inverse_mask Choose the wires that need to be inverted. Using the ORred mask of `uart_signal_inv_t`
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_line_inverse(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t inverse_mask);
* @brief Set hardware flow control.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param flow_ctrl Hardware flow control mode
* @param rx_thresh Threshold of Hardware RX flow control (0 ~ UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num)).
* Only when UART_HW_FLOWCTRL_RTS is set, will the rx_thresh value be set.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_hw_flow_ctrl(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_hw_flowcontrol_t flow_ctrl, uint8_t rx_thresh);
* @brief Set software flow control.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1)
* @param enable switch on or off
* @param rx_thresh_xon low water mark
* @param rx_thresh_xoff high water mark
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_sw_flow_ctrl(uart_port_t uart_num, bool enable, uint8_t rx_thresh_xon, uint8_t rx_thresh_xoff);
* @brief Get the UART hardware flow control configuration.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param flow_ctrl Option for different flow control mode.
* @return
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success, result will be put in (*flow_ctrl)
esp_err_t uart_get_hw_flow_ctrl(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_hw_flowcontrol_t* flow_ctrl);
* @brief Clear UART interrupt status
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param clr_mask Bit mask of the interrupt status to be cleared.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_clear_intr_status(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t clr_mask);
* @brief Set UART interrupt enable
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param enable_mask Bit mask of the enable bits.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_enable_intr_mask(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t enable_mask);
* @brief Clear UART interrupt enable bits
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param disable_mask Bit mask of the disable bits.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_disable_intr_mask(uart_port_t uart_num, uint32_t disable_mask);
* @brief Enable UART RX interrupt (RX_FULL & RX_TIMEOUT INTERRUPT)
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_enable_rx_intr(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Disable UART RX interrupt (RX_FULL & RX_TIMEOUT INTERRUPT)
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_disable_rx_intr(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Disable UART TX interrupt (TX_FULL & TX_TIMEOUT INTERRUPT)
* @param uart_num UART port number
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_disable_tx_intr(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Enable UART TX interrupt (TX_FULL & TX_TIMEOUT INTERRUPT)
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param enable 1: enable; 0: disable
* @param thresh Threshold of TX interrupt, 0 ~ UART_HW_FIFO_LEN(uart_num)
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_enable_tx_intr(uart_port_t uart_num, int enable, int thresh);
* @brief Assign signals of a UART peripheral to GPIO pins
* @note If the GPIO number configured for a UART signal matches one of the
* IOMUX signals for that GPIO, the signal will be connected directly
* via the IOMUX. Otherwise the GPIO and signal will be connected via
* the GPIO Matrix. For example, if on an ESP32 the call
* `uart_set_pin(0, 1, 3, -1, -1)` is performed, as GPIO1 is UART0's
* default TX pin and GPIO3 is UART0's default RX pin, both will be
* connected to respectively U0TXD and U0RXD through the IOMUX, totally
* bypassing the GPIO matrix.
* The check is performed on a per-pin basis. Thus, it is possible to have
* RX pin binded to a GPIO through the GPIO matrix, whereas TX is binded
* to its GPIO through the IOMUX.
* @note Internal signal can be output to multiple GPIO pads.
* Only one GPIO pad can connect with input signal.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param tx_io_num UART TX pin GPIO number.
* @param rx_io_num UART RX pin GPIO number.
* @param rts_io_num UART RTS pin GPIO number.
* @param cts_io_num UART CTS pin GPIO number.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_pin(uart_port_t uart_num, int tx_io_num, int rx_io_num, int rts_io_num, int cts_io_num);
* @brief Manually set the UART RTS pin level.
* @note UART must be configured with hardware flow control disabled.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param level 1: RTS output low (active); 0: RTS output high (block)
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_rts(uart_port_t uart_num, int level);
* @brief Manually set the UART DTR pin level.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param level 1: DTR output low; 0: DTR output high
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_dtr(uart_port_t uart_num, int level);
* @brief Set UART idle interval after tx FIFO is empty
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param idle_num idle interval after tx FIFO is empty(unit: the time it takes to send one bit
* under current baudrate)
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_tx_idle_num(uart_port_t uart_num, uint16_t idle_num);
* @brief Set UART configuration parameters.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param uart_config UART parameter settings
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_param_config(uart_port_t uart_num, const uart_config_t *uart_config);
* @brief Configure UART interrupts.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param intr_conf UART interrupt settings
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_intr_config(uart_port_t uart_num, const uart_intr_config_t *intr_conf);
* @brief Wait until UART TX FIFO is empty.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param ticks_to_wait Timeout, count in RTOS ticks
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_wait_tx_done(uart_port_t uart_num, TickType_t ticks_to_wait);
* @brief Send data to the UART port from a given buffer and length.
* This function will not wait for enough space in TX FIFO. It will just fill the available TX FIFO and return when the FIFO is full.
* @note This function should only be used when UART TX buffer is not enabled.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param buffer data buffer address
* @param len data length to send
* @return
* - (-1) Parameter error
* - OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes pushed to the TX FIFO
int uart_tx_chars(uart_port_t uart_num, const char* buffer, uint32_t len);
* @brief Send data to the UART port from a given buffer and length,
* If the UART driver's parameter 'tx_buffer_size' is set to zero:
* This function will not return until all the data have been sent out, or at least pushed into TX FIFO.
* Otherwise, if the 'tx_buffer_size' > 0, this function will return after copying all the data to tx ring buffer,
* UART ISR will then move data from the ring buffer to TX FIFO gradually.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param src data buffer address
* @param size data length to send
* @return
* - (-1) Parameter error
* - OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes pushed to the TX FIFO
int uart_write_bytes(uart_port_t uart_num, const void* src, size_t size);
* @brief Send data to the UART port from a given buffer and length,
* If the UART driver's parameter 'tx_buffer_size' is set to zero:
* This function will not return until all the data and the break signal have been sent out.
* After all data is sent out, send a break signal.
* Otherwise, if the 'tx_buffer_size' > 0, this function will return after copying all the data to tx ring buffer,
* UART ISR will then move data from the ring buffer to TX FIFO gradually.
* After all data sent out, send a break signal.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param src data buffer address
* @param size data length to send
* @param brk_len break signal duration(unit: the time it takes to send one bit at current baudrate)
* @return
* - (-1) Parameter error
* - OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes pushed to the TX FIFO
int uart_write_bytes_with_break(uart_port_t uart_num, const void* src, size_t size, int brk_len);
* @brief UART read bytes from UART buffer
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param buf pointer to the buffer.
* @param length data length
* @param ticks_to_wait sTimeout, count in RTOS ticks
* @return
* - (-1) Error
* - OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes read from UART buffer
int uart_read_bytes(uart_port_t uart_num, void* buf, uint32_t length, TickType_t ticks_to_wait);
* @brief Alias of uart_flush_input.
* UART ring buffer flush. This will discard all data in the UART RX buffer.
* @note Instead of waiting the data sent out, this function will clear UART rx buffer.
* In order to send all the data in tx FIFO, we can use uart_wait_tx_done function.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_flush(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Clear input buffer, discard all the data is in the ring-buffer.
* @note In order to send all the data in tx FIFO, we can use uart_wait_tx_done function.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_flush_input(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief UART get RX ring buffer cached data length
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param size Pointer of size_t to accept cached data length
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_get_buffered_data_len(uart_port_t uart_num, size_t* size);
* @brief UART get TX ring buffer free space size
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param size Pointer of size_t to accept the free space size
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_get_tx_buffer_free_size(uart_port_t uart_num, size_t *size);
* @brief UART disable pattern detect function.
* Designed for applications like 'AT commands'.
* When the hardware detects a series of one same character, the interrupt will be triggered.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_disable_pattern_det_intr(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief UART enable pattern detect function.
* Designed for applications like 'AT commands'.
* When the hardware detect a series of one same character, the interrupt will be triggered.
* @param uart_num UART port number.
* @param pattern_chr character of the pattern.
* @param chr_num number of the character, 8bit value.
* @param chr_tout timeout of the interval between each pattern characters, 16bit value, unit is the baud-rate cycle you configured.
* When the duration is more than this value, it will not take this data as at_cmd char.
* @param post_idle idle time after the last pattern character, 16bit value, unit is the baud-rate cycle you configured.
* When the duration is less than this value, it will not take the previous data as the last at_cmd char
* @param pre_idle idle time before the first pattern character, 16bit value, unit is the baud-rate cycle you configured.
* When the duration is less than this value, it will not take this data as the first at_cmd char.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_enable_pattern_det_baud_intr(uart_port_t uart_num, char pattern_chr, uint8_t chr_num, int chr_tout, int post_idle, int pre_idle);
* @brief Return the nearest detected pattern position in buffer.
* The positions of the detected pattern are saved in a queue,
* this function will dequeue the first pattern position and move the pointer to next pattern position.
* @note If the RX buffer is full and flow control is not enabled,
* the detected pattern may not be found in the rx buffer due to overflow.
* The following APIs will modify the pattern position info:
* uart_flush_input, uart_read_bytes, uart_driver_delete, uart_pop_pattern_pos
* It is the application's responsibility to ensure atomic access to the pattern queue and the rx data buffer
* when using pattern detect feature.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - (-1) No pattern found for current index or parameter error
* - others the pattern position in rx buffer.
int uart_pattern_pop_pos(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Return the nearest detected pattern position in buffer.
* The positions of the detected pattern are saved in a queue,
* This function do nothing to the queue.
* @note If the RX buffer is full and flow control is not enabled,
* the detected pattern may not be found in the rx buffer due to overflow.
* The following APIs will modify the pattern position info:
* uart_flush_input, uart_read_bytes, uart_driver_delete, uart_pop_pattern_pos
* It is the application's responsibility to ensure atomic access to the pattern queue and the rx data buffer
* when using pattern detect feature.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @return
* - (-1) No pattern found for current index or parameter error
* - others the pattern position in rx buffer.
int uart_pattern_get_pos(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Allocate a new memory with the given length to save record the detected pattern position in rx buffer.
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param queue_length Max queue length for the detected pattern.
* If the queue length is not large enough, some pattern positions might be lost.
* Set this value to the maximum number of patterns that could be saved in data buffer at the same time.
* @return
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM No enough memory
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver not installed
* - ESP_FAIL Parameter error
* - ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t uart_pattern_queue_reset(uart_port_t uart_num, int queue_length);
* @brief UART set communication mode
* @note This function must be executed after uart_driver_install(), when the driver object is initialized.
* @param uart_num Uart number to configure, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param mode UART UART mode to set
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_set_mode(uart_port_t uart_num, uart_mode_t mode);
* @brief Set uart threshold value for RX fifo full
* @note If application is using higher baudrate and it is observed that bytes
* in hardware RX fifo are overwritten then this threshold can be reduced
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1)
* @param threshold Threshold value above which RX fifo full interrupt is generated
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver is not installed
esp_err_t uart_set_rx_full_threshold(uart_port_t uart_num, int threshold);
* @brief Set uart threshold values for TX fifo empty
* @param uart_num UART port number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1)
* @param threshold Threshold value below which TX fifo empty interrupt is generated
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver is not installed
esp_err_t uart_set_tx_empty_threshold(uart_port_t uart_num, int threshold);
* @brief UART set threshold timeout for TOUT feature
* @param uart_num Uart number to configure, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param tout_thresh This parameter defines timeout threshold in uart symbol periods. The maximum value of threshold is 126.
* tout_thresh = 1, defines TOUT interrupt timeout equal to transmission time of one symbol (~11 bit) on current baudrate.
* If the time is expired the UART_RXFIFO_TOUT_INT interrupt is triggered. If tout_thresh == 0,
* the TOUT feature is disabled.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver is not installed
esp_err_t uart_set_rx_timeout(uart_port_t uart_num, const uint8_t tout_thresh);
* @brief Returns collision detection flag for RS485 mode
* Function returns the collision detection flag into variable pointed by collision_flag.
* *collision_flag = true, if collision detected else it is equal to false.
* This function should be executed when actual transmission is completed (after uart_write_bytes()).
* @param uart_num Uart number to configure the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param collision_flag Pointer to variable of type bool to return collision flag.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t uart_get_collision_flag(uart_port_t uart_num, bool* collision_flag);
* @brief Set the number of RX pin signal edges for light sleep wakeup
* UART can be used to wake up the system from light sleep. This feature works
* by counting the number of positive edges on RX pin and comparing the count to
* the threshold. When the count exceeds the threshold, system is woken up from
* light sleep. This function allows setting the threshold value.
* Stop bit and parity bits (if enabled) also contribute to the number of edges.
* For example, letter 'a' with ASCII code 97 is encoded as 0100001101 on the wire
* (with 8n1 configuration), start and stop bits included. This sequence has 3
* positive edges (transitions from 0 to 1). Therefore, to wake up the system
* when 'a' is sent, set wakeup_threshold=3.
* The character that triggers wakeup is not received by UART (i.e. it can not
* be obtained from UART FIFO). Depending on the baud rate, a few characters
* after that will also not be received. Note that when the chip enters and exits
* light sleep mode, APB frequency will be changing. To ensure that UART has
* correct Baud rate all the time, it is necessary to select a source clock which has
* a fixed frequency and remains active during sleep. For the supported clock sources
* of the chips, please refer to `uart_sclk_t` or `soc_periph_uart_clk_src_legacy_t`
* @note in ESP32, the wakeup signal can only be input via IO_MUX (i.e.
* GPIO3 should be configured as function_1 to wake up UART0,
* GPIO9 should be configured as function_5 to wake up UART1), UART2
* does not support light sleep wakeup feature.
* @param uart_num UART number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param wakeup_threshold number of RX edges for light sleep wakeup, value is 3 .. 0x3ff.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if uart_num is incorrect or wakeup_threshold is
* outside of [3, 0x3ff] range.
esp_err_t uart_set_wakeup_threshold(uart_port_t uart_num, int wakeup_threshold);
* @brief Get the number of RX pin signal edges for light sleep wakeup.
* See description of uart_set_wakeup_threshold for the explanation of UART
* wakeup feature.
* @param uart_num UART number, the max port number is (UART_NUM_MAX -1).
* @param[out] out_wakeup_threshold output, set to the current value of wakeup
* threshold for the given UART.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if out_wakeup_threshold is NULL
esp_err_t uart_get_wakeup_threshold(uart_port_t uart_num, int* out_wakeup_threshold);
* @brief Wait until UART tx memory empty and the last char send ok (polling mode).
* @param uart_num UART number
* * @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
* - ESP_FAIL Driver not installed
esp_err_t uart_wait_tx_idle_polling(uart_port_t uart_num);
* @brief Configure TX signal loop back to RX module, just for the test usage.
* @param uart_num UART number
* @param loop_back_en Set ture to enable the loop back function, else set it false.
* * @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
* - ESP_FAIL Driver not installed
esp_err_t uart_set_loop_back(uart_port_t uart_num, bool loop_back_en);
* @brief Configure behavior of UART RX timeout interrupt.
* When always_rx_timeout is true, timeout interrupt is triggered even if FIFO is full.
* This function can cause extra timeout interrupts triggered only to send the timeout event.
* Call this function only if you want to ensure timeout interrupt will always happen after a byte stream.
* @param uart_num UART number
* @param always_rx_timeout_en Set to false enable the default behavior of timeout interrupt,
* set it to true to always trigger timeout interrupt.
void uart_set_always_rx_timeout(uart_port_t uart_num, bool always_rx_timeout_en);
#ifdef __cplusplus