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# Copyright 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import abc
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from entity import Entity
from pyparsing import (Combine, Forward, Group, Keyword, Literal, OneOrMore, Optional, Or, ParseFatalException,
Suppress, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, alphas, delimitedList, indentedBlock, nums,
originalTextFor, restOfLine)
from sdkconfig import SDKConfig
class FragmentFile():
Processes a fragment file and stores all parsed fragments. For
more information on how this class interacts with classes for the different fragment types,
see description of Fragment.
def __init__(self, fragment_file, sdkconfig):
fragment_file = open(fragment_file, 'r')
except TypeError:
path = os.path.realpath(fragment_file.name)
indent_stack = [1]
class parse_ctx:
fragment = None # current fragment
key = '' # current key
keys = list() # list of keys parsed
key_grammar = None # current key grammar
def reset():
parse_ctx.fragment_instance = None
parse_ctx.key = ''
parse_ctx.keys = list()
parse_ctx.key_grammar = None
def fragment_type_parse_action(toks):
parse_ctx.fragment = FRAGMENT_TYPES[toks[0]]() # create instance of the fragment
return None
def expand_conditionals(toks, stmts):
stmt = toks['value']
except KeyError:
conditions = toks['conditional']
for condition in conditions:
_toks = condition[1]
_cond = condition[0]
if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(_cond):
expand_conditionals(_toks, stmts)
except IndexError:
expand_conditionals(condition[0], stmts)
except KeyError:
for tok in toks:
expand_conditionals(tok, stmts)
def key_body_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
stmts = list()
expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
if parse_ctx.key_grammar.min and len(stmts) < parse_ctx.key_grammar.min:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at least %d values for key '%s'" %
(parse_ctx.key_grammar.min, parse_ctx.key))
if parse_ctx.key_grammar.max and len(stmts) > parse_ctx.key_grammar.max:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at most %d values for key '%s'" %
(parse_ctx.key_grammar.max, parse_ctx.key))
parse_ctx.fragment.set_key_value(parse_ctx.key, stmts)
except Exception as e:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to add key '%s'; %s" % (parse_ctx.key, str(e)))
return None
key = Word(alphanums + '_') + Suppress(':')
key_stmt = Forward()
condition_block = indentedBlock(key_stmt, indent_stack)
key_stmts = OneOrMore(condition_block)
key_body = Suppress(key) + key_stmts
condition = originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar()).setResultsName('condition')
if_condition = Group(Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
elif_condition = Group(Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
else_condition = Group(Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
conditional = (if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(elif_condition)) + Optional(else_condition)).setResultsName('conditional')
def key_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
key = toks[0]
if key in parse_ctx.keys:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "duplicate key '%s' value definition" % parse_ctx.key)
parse_ctx.key = key
parse_ctx.key_grammar = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()[key]
key_grammar = parse_ctx.key_grammar.grammar
except KeyError:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "key '%s' is not supported by fragment" % key)
except Exception as e:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to parse key '%s'; %s" % (key, str(e)))
key_stmt << (conditional | Group(key_grammar).setResultsName('value'))
return None
def name_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
parse_ctx.fragment.name = toks[0]
ftype = Word(alphas).setParseAction(fragment_type_parse_action)
fid = Suppress(':') + Word(alphanums + '_.').setResultsName('name')
header = Suppress('[') + ftype + fid + Suppress(']')
def fragment_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
key_grammars = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()
required_keys = set([k for (k,v) in key_grammars.items() if v.required])
present_keys = required_keys.intersection(set(parse_ctx.keys))
if present_keys != required_keys:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, 'required keys %s for fragment not found' %
list(required_keys - present_keys))
return parse_ctx.fragment
fragment_stmt = Forward()
fragment_block = indentedBlock(fragment_stmt, indent_stack)
fragment_if_condition = Group(Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_elif_condition = Group(Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_else_condition = Group(Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_conditional = (fragment_if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(fragment_elif_condition)) +
fragment = (header + OneOrMore(indentedBlock(key_body, indent_stack, False))).setResultsName('value')
fragment.ignore('#' + restOfLine)
deprecated_mapping = DeprecatedMapping.get_fragment_grammar(sdkconfig, fragment_file.name).setResultsName('value')
fragment_stmt << (Group(deprecated_mapping) | Group(fragment) | Group(fragment_conditional))
def fragment_stmt_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
stmts = list()
expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
return stmts
parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment_stmt)
self.fragments = parser.parseFile(fragment_file, parseAll=True)
for fragment in self.fragments:
fragment.path = path
class Fragment():
Base class for a fragment that can be parsed from a fragment file. All fragments
share the common grammar:
Supporting a new fragment type means deriving a concrete class which specifies
key-value pairs that the fragment supports and what to do with the parsed key-value pairs.
The new fragment must also be appended to FRAGMENT_TYPES, specifying the
keyword for the type and the derived class.
The key of the key-value pair is a simple keyword string. Other parameters
that describe the key-value pair is specified in Fragment.KeyValue:
1. grammar - pyparsing grammar to parse the value of key-value pair
2. min - the minimum number of value in the key entry, None means no minimum
3. max - the maximum number of value in the key entry, None means no maximum
4. required - if the key-value pair is required in the fragment
Setting min=max=1 means that the key has a single value.
FragmentFile provides conditional expression evaluation, enforcing
the parameters for Fragment.Keyvalue.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
KeyValue = namedtuple('KeyValue', 'grammar min max required')
IDENTIFIER = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
ENTITY = Word(alphanums + '.-_$')
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
def get_key_grammars(self):
class Sections(Fragment):
Fragment which contains list of input sections.
# Unless quoted, symbol names start with a letter, underscore, or point
# and may include any letters, underscores, digits, points, and hyphens.
GNU_LD_SYMBOLS = Word(alphas + '_.', alphanums + '._-')
entries_grammar = Combine(GNU_LD_SYMBOLS + Optional('+'))
grammars = {
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(entries_grammar.setResultsName('section'), 1, None, True)
Utility function that returns a list of sections given a sections fragment entry,
with the '+' notation and symbol concatenation handled automatically.
def get_section_data_from_entry(sections_entry, symbol=None):
if not symbol:
sections = list()
sections.append(sections_entry.replace('+', ''))
sections.append(sections_entry.replace('+', '.*'))
return sections
if sections_entry.endswith('+'):
section = sections_entry.replace('+', '.*')
expansion = section.replace('.*', '.' + symbol)
return (section, expansion)
return (sections_entry, None)
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'entries':
self.entries = set()
for result in parse_results:
def get_key_grammars(self):
return self.__class__.grammars
class Scheme(Fragment):
Fragment which defines where the input sections defined in a Sections fragment
is going to end up, the target. The targets are markers in a linker script template
(see LinkerScript in linker_script.py).
sections1 -> target1
grammars = {
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('sections') + Suppress('->') +
Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('target'), 1, None, True)
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'entries':
self.entries = set()
for result in parse_results:
self.entries.add((result['sections'], result['target']))
def get_key_grammars(self):
return self.__class__.grammars
class Mapping(Fragment):
Fragment which attaches a scheme to entities (see Entity in entity.py), specifying where the input
sections of the entity will end up.
archive: lib1.a
obj1:symbol1 (scheme1); section1 -> target1 KEEP SURROUND(sym1) ...
obj2 (scheme2)
Ultimately, an `entity (scheme)` entry generates an
input section description (see https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/ld/Input-Section.html)
in the output linker script. It is possible to attach 'flags' to the
`entity (scheme)` to generate different output commands or to
emit additional keywords in the generated input section description. The
input section description, as well as other output commands, is defined in
class Flag():
PRE_POST = (Optional(Suppress(',') + Suppress('pre').setParseAction(lambda: True).setResultsName('pre')) +
Optional(Suppress(',') + Suppress('post').setParseAction(lambda: True).setResultsName('post')))
class Surround(Flag):
def __init__(self, symbol):
self.symbol = symbol
self.pre = True
self.post = True
def get_grammar():
# SURROUND(symbol)
# '__symbol_start', '__symbol_end' is generated before and after
# the corresponding input section description, respectively.
grammar = (Keyword('SURROUND').suppress() +
Suppress('(') +
Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol') +
grammar.setParseAction(lambda tok: Mapping.Surround(tok.symbol))
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Surround) and
self.symbol == other.symbol)
class Align(Flag):
def __init__(self, alignment, pre=True, post=False):
self.alignment = alignment
self.pre = pre
self.post = post
def get_grammar():
# ALIGN(alignment, [, pre, post]).
# Generates alignment command before and/or after the corresponding
# input section description, depending whether pre, post or
# both are specified.
grammar = (Keyword('ALIGN').suppress() +
Suppress('(') +
Word(nums).setResultsName('alignment') +
Mapping.Flag.PRE_POST +
def on_parse(tok):
alignment = int(tok.alignment)
if tok.pre == '' and tok.post == '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment)
elif tok.pre != '' and tok.post == '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, tok.pre)
elif tok.pre == '' and tok.post != '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, False, tok.post)
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, tok.pre, tok.post)
return res
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Align) and
self.alignment == other.alignment and
self.pre == other.pre and
self.post == other.post)
class Keep(Flag):
def __init__(self):
def get_grammar():
# KEEP()
# Surrounds input section description with KEEP command.
grammar = Keyword('KEEP()').setParseAction(Mapping.Keep)
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Mapping.Keep)
class Sort(Flag):
class Type(Enum):
NAME = 0
def __init__(self, first, second=None):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def get_grammar():
# SORT([sort_by_first, sort_by_second])
# where sort_by_first, sort_by_second = {name, alignment, init_priority}
# depending on arguments. Nested sort follows linker script rules.
keywords = Keyword('name') | Keyword('alignment') | Keyword('init_priority')
grammar = (Keyword('SORT').suppress() + Suppress('(') +
keywords.setResultsName('first') +
Optional(Suppress(',') + keywords.setResultsName('second')) + Suppress(')'))
grammar.setParseAction(lambda tok: Mapping.Sort(tok.first, tok.second if tok.second != '' else None))
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Sort) and
self.first == other.first and
self.second == other.second)
def __init__(self):
self.entries = set()
# k = (obj, symbol, scheme)
# v = list((section, target), Mapping.Flag))
self.flags = dict()
self.deprecated = False
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'archive':
self.archive = parse_results[0]['archive']
elif key == 'entries':
for result in parse_results:
obj = None
symbol = None
scheme = None
obj = result['object']
symbol = result['symbol']
except KeyError:
scheme = result['scheme']
mapping = (obj, symbol, scheme)
parsed_flags = result['sections_target_flags']
except KeyError:
parsed_flags = []
if parsed_flags:
entry_flags = []
for pf in parsed_flags:
entry_flags.append((pf.sections, pf.target, list(pf.flags)))
existing_flags = self.flags[mapping]
except KeyError:
existing_flags = list()
self.flags[mapping] = existing_flags
def get_key_grammars(self):
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
# Flags can be specified for section->target in the scheme specified, ex:
# obj (scheme); section->target SURROUND(symbol), section2->target2 ALIGN(4)
obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('object')
symbol = Suppress(':') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol')
scheme = Suppress('(') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('scheme') + Suppress(')')
# The flags are specified for section->target in the scheme specified
sections_target = Scheme.grammars['entries'].grammar
flag = Or([f.get_grammar() for f in [Mapping.Keep, Mapping.Align, Mapping.Surround, Mapping.Sort]])
section_target_flags = Group(sections_target + Group(OneOrMore(flag)).setResultsName('flags'))
pattern1 = obj + symbol
pattern2 = obj
pattern3 = Literal(Entity.ALL).setResultsName('object')
entry = ((pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3) + scheme +
Optional(Suppress(';') + delimitedList(section_target_flags).setResultsName('sections_target_flags')))
grammars = {
'archive': Fragment.KeyValue(Or([Fragment.ENTITY, Word(Entity.ALL)]).setResultsName('archive'), 1, 1, True),
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(entry, 0, None, True)
return grammars
class DeprecatedMapping():
Mapping fragment with old grammar in versions older than ESP-IDF v4.0. Does not conform to
requirements of the Fragment class and thus is limited when it comes to conditional expression
# Name of the default condition entry
def get_fragment_grammar(sdkconfig, fragment_file):
# Match header [mapping]
header = Suppress('[') + Suppress('mapping') + Suppress(']')
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('object')
symbol = Suppress(':') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol')
scheme = Suppress('(') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('scheme') + Suppress(')')
pattern1 = Group(obj + symbol + scheme)
pattern2 = Group(obj + scheme)
pattern3 = Group(Literal(Entity.ALL).setResultsName('object') + scheme)
mapping_entry = pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3
# To simplify parsing, classify groups of condition-mapping entry into two types: normal and default
# A normal grouping is one with a non-default condition. The default grouping is one which contains the
# default condition
mapping_entries = Group(ZeroOrMore(mapping_entry)).setResultsName('mappings')
normal_condition = Suppress(':') + originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar())
default_condition = Optional(Suppress(':') + Literal(DeprecatedMapping.DEFAULT_CONDITION))
normal_group = Group(normal_condition.setResultsName('condition') + mapping_entries)
default_group = Group(default_condition + mapping_entries).setResultsName('default_group')
normal_groups = Group(ZeroOrMore(normal_group)).setResultsName('normal_groups')
# Any mapping fragment definition can have zero or more normal group and only one default group as a last entry.
archive = Suppress('archive') + Suppress(':') + Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('archive')
entries = Suppress('entries') + Suppress(':') + (normal_groups + default_group).setResultsName('entries')
mapping = Group(header + archive + entries)
mapping.ignore('#' + restOfLine)
def parsed_deprecated_mapping(pstr, loc, toks):
fragment = Mapping()
fragment.archive = toks[0].archive
fragment.name = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', fragment.archive)
fragment.deprecated = True
fragment.entries = set()
condition_true = False
for entries in toks[0].entries[0]:
condition = next(iter(entries.condition.asList())).strip()
condition_val = sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(condition)
if condition_val:
for entry in entries[1]:
fragment.entries.add((entry.object, None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol, entry.scheme))
condition_true = True
if not fragment.entries and not condition_true:
entries = toks[0].entries[1][1]
except IndexError:
entries = toks[0].entries[1][0]
for entry in entries:
fragment.entries.add((entry.object, None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol, entry.scheme))
if not fragment.entries:
fragment.entries.add(('*', None, 'default'))
dep_warning = str(ParseFatalException(pstr, loc,
'Warning: Deprecated old-style mapping fragment parsed in file %s.' % fragment_file))
return fragment
return mapping
'sections': Sections,
'scheme': Scheme,
'mapping': Mapping