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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Group: LP SPI CMD REG */
/** Type of spi_cmd register
* Command control register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:23;
/** reg_update : WT; bitpos: [23]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to synchronize SPI registers from APB clock domain into SPI module
* clock domain, which is only used in SPI master mode.
uint32_t reg_update:1;
/** reg_usr : R/W/SC; bitpos: [24]; default: 0;
* User define command enable. An operation will be triggered when the bit is set.
* The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. Can not be
* changed by CONF_buf.
uint32_t reg_usr:1;
uint32_t reserved_25:7;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_cmd_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI ADDR REG */
/** Type of spi_addr register
* Address value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_usr_addr_value : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* Address to slave. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_addr_value:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_addr_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI CTRL REG */
/** Type of spi_ctrl register
* SPI control register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:3;
/** reg_dummy_out : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* In the dummy phase the signal level of spi is output by the spi controller. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_dummy_out:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:14;
/** reg_q_pol : R/W; bitpos: [18]; default: 1;
* The bit is used to set MISO line polarity, 1: high 0, low. Can be configured in
* CONF state.
uint32_t reg_q_pol:1;
/** reg_d_pol : R/W; bitpos: [19]; default: 1;
* The bit is used to set MOSI line polarity, 1: high 0, low. Can be configured in
* CONF state.
uint32_t reg_d_pol:1;
uint32_t reserved_20:5;
/** reg_rd_bit_order : R/W; bitpos: [25]; default: 0;
* In read-data (MISO) phase 1: LSB first 0: MSB first. Can be configured in CONF
* state.
uint32_t reg_rd_bit_order:1;
/** reg_wr_bit_order : R/W; bitpos: [26]; default: 0;
* In command address write-data (MOSI) phases 1: LSB firs 0: MSB first. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_wr_bit_order:1;
uint32_t reserved_27:5;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_ctrl_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI CLOCK REG */
/** Type of spi_clock register
* SPI clock control register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_clkcnt_l : R/W; bitpos: [5:0]; default: 3;
* In the master mode it must be equal to spi_clkcnt_N. In the slave mode it must be
* 0. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clkcnt_l:6;
/** reg_clkcnt_h : R/W; bitpos: [11:6]; default: 1;
* In the master mode it must be floor((spi_clkcnt_N+1)/2-1). In the slave mode it
* must be 0. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clkcnt_h:6;
/** reg_clkcnt_n : R/W; bitpos: [17:12]; default: 3;
* In the master mode it is the divider of spi_clk. So spi_clk frequency is
* system/(spi_clkdiv_pre+1)/(spi_clkcnt_N+1). Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clkcnt_n:6;
/** reg_clkdiv_pre : R/W; bitpos: [21:18]; default: 0;
* In the master mode it is pre-divider of spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clkdiv_pre:4;
uint32_t reserved_22:9;
/** reg_clk_equ_sysclk : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 1;
* In the master mode 1: spi_clk is eqaul to system 0: spi_clk is divided from system
* clock. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clk_equ_sysclk:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_clock_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI USER REG */
/** Type of spi_user register
* SPI USER control register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_doutdin : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set the bit to enable full duplex communication. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_doutdin:1;
uint32_t reserved_1:4;
/** reg_tsck_i_edge : R/W; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* In the slave mode, this bit can be used to change the polarity of tsck. 0: tsck =
* spi_ck_i. 1:tsck = !spi_ck_i.
uint32_t reg_tsck_i_edge:1;
/** reg_cs_hold : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 1;
* spi cs keep low when spi is in done phase. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs_hold:1;
/** reg_cs_setup : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 1;
* spi cs is enable when spi is in prepare phase. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs_setup:1;
/** reg_rsck_i_edge : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* In the slave mode, this bit can be used to change the polarity of rsck. 0: rsck =
* !spi_ck_i. 1:rsck = spi_ck_i.
uint32_t reg_rsck_i_edge:1;
/** reg_ck_out_edge : R/W; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* the bit combined with spi_mosi_delay_mode bits to set mosi signal delay mode. Can
* be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_ck_out_edge:1;
uint32_t reserved_10:7;
/** reg_sio : R/W; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* Set the bit to enable 3-line half duplex communication mosi and miso signals share
* the same pin. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_sio:1;
uint32_t reserved_18:6;
/** reg_usr_miso_highpart : R/W; bitpos: [24]; default: 0;
* read-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable 0:
* disable. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_miso_highpart:1;
/** reg_usr_mosi_highpart : R/W; bitpos: [25]; default: 0;
* write-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable
* 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_mosi_highpart:1;
/** reg_usr_dummy_idle : R/W; bitpos: [26]; default: 0;
* spi clock is disable in dummy phase when the bit is enable. Can be configured in
* CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_dummy_idle:1;
/** reg_usr_mosi : R/W; bitpos: [27]; default: 0;
* This bit enable the write-data phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF
* state.
uint32_t reg_usr_mosi:1;
/** reg_usr_miso : R/W; bitpos: [28]; default: 0;
* This bit enable the read-data phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF
* state.
uint32_t reg_usr_miso:1;
/** reg_usr_dummy : R/W; bitpos: [29]; default: 0;
* This bit enable the dummy phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_dummy:1;
/** reg_usr_addr : R/W; bitpos: [30]; default: 0;
* This bit enable the address phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_addr:1;
/** reg_usr_command : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 1;
* This bit enable the command phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_command:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_user_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI USER1 REG */
/** Type of spi_user1 register
* SPI USER control register 1
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_usr_dummy_cyclelen : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 7;
* The length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase. The register value shall be
* (cycle_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_dummy_cyclelen:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:8;
/** reg_mst_wfull_err_end_en : R/W; bitpos: [16]; default: 1;
* 1: SPI transfer is ended when SPI RX AFIFO wfull error is valid in GP-SPI master
* FD/HD-mode. 0: SPI transfer is not ended when SPI RX AFIFO wfull error is valid in
* GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode.
uint32_t reg_mst_wfull_err_end_en:1;
/** reg_cs_setup_time : R/W; bitpos: [21:17]; default: 0;
* (cycles+1) of prepare phase by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_cs_setup
* bit. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs_setup_time:5;
/** reg_cs_hold_time : R/W; bitpos: [26:22]; default: 1;
* delay cycles of cs pin by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_cs_hold bit.
* Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs_hold_time:5;
/** reg_usr_addr_bitlen : R/W; bitpos: [31:27]; default: 23;
* The length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). Can
* be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_addr_bitlen:5;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_user1_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI USER2 REG */
/** Type of spi_user2 register
* SPI USER control register 2
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_usr_command_value : R/W; bitpos: [15:0]; default: 0;
* The value of command. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_command_value:16;
uint32_t reserved_16:11;
/** reg_mst_rempty_err_end_en : R/W; bitpos: [27]; default: 1;
* 1: SPI transfer is ended when SPI TX AFIFO read empty error is valid in GP-SPI
* master FD/HD-mode. 0: SPI transfer is not ended when SPI TX AFIFO read empty error
* is valid in GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode.
uint32_t reg_mst_rempty_err_end_en:1;
/** reg_usr_command_bitlen : R/W; bitpos: [31:28]; default: 7;
* The length in bits of command phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). Can
* be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_usr_command_bitlen:4;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_user2_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI MS DLEN REG */
/** Type of spi_ms_dlen register
* SPI data bit length control register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_ms_data_bitlen : R/W; bitpos: [17:0]; default: 0;
* The value of these bits is the configured SPI transmission data bit length in
* master mode DMA controlled transfer or CPU controlled transfer. The value is also
* the configured bit length in slave mode DMA RX controlled transfer. The register
* value shall be (bit_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_ms_data_bitlen:18;
uint32_t reserved_18:14;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_ms_dlen_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI MISC REG */
/** Type of spi_misc register
* SPI misc register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_cs0_dis : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* SPI CS$n pin enable, 1: disable CS$n, 0: spi_cs$n signal is from/to CS$n pin. Can
* be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs0_dis:1;
uint32_t reserved_1:5;
/** reg_ck_dis : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* 1: spi clk out disable, 0: spi clk out enable. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_ck_dis:1;
/** reg_master_cs_pol : R/W; bitpos: [9:7]; default: 0;
* In the master mode the bits are the polarity of spi cs line, the value is
* equivalent to spi_cs ^ spi_master_cs_pol. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_master_cs_pol:3;
uint32_t reserved_10:13;
/** reg_slave_cs_pol : R/W; bitpos: [23]; default: 0;
* spi slave input cs polarity select. 1: inv 0: not change. Can be configured in
* CONF state.
uint32_t reg_slave_cs_pol:1;
uint32_t reserved_24:5;
/** reg_ck_idle_edge : R/W; bitpos: [29]; default: 0;
* 1: spi clk line is high when idle 0: spi clk line is low when idle. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_ck_idle_edge:1;
/** reg_cs_keep_active : R/W; bitpos: [30]; default: 0;
* spi cs line keep low when the bit is set. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_cs_keep_active:1;
uint32_t reserved_31:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_misc_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DIN MODE REG */
/** Type of spi_din_mode register
* SPI input delay mode configuration
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_din0_mode : R/W; bitpos: [1:0]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed,
* 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input
* with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din0_mode:2;
/** reg_din1_mode : R/W; bitpos: [3:2]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed,
* 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input
* with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din1_mode:2;
/** reg_din2_mode : R/W; bitpos: [5:4]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed,
* 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input
* with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din2_mode:2;
/** reg_din3_mode : R/W; bitpos: [7:6]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed,
* 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input
* with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din3_mode:2;
uint32_t reserved_8:8;
/** reg_timing_hclk_active : R/W; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* 1:enable hclk in SPI input timing module. 0: disable it. Can be configured in CONF
* state.
uint32_t reg_timing_hclk_active:1;
uint32_t reserved_17:15;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_din_mode_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DIN NUM REG */
/** Type of spi_din_num register
* SPI input delay number configuration
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_din0_num : R/W; bitpos: [1:0]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1:
* delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din0_num:2;
/** reg_din1_num : R/W; bitpos: [3:2]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1:
* delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din1_num:2;
/** reg_din2_num : R/W; bitpos: [5:4]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1:
* delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din2_num:2;
/** reg_din3_num : R/W; bitpos: [7:6]; default: 0;
* the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1:
* delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_din3_num:2;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_din_num_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DOUT MODE REG */
/** Type of spi_dout_mode register
* SPI output delay mode configuration
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_dout0_mode : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The output signal $n is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed,
* 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_dout0_mode:1;
/** reg_dout1_mode : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The output signal $n is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed,
* 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_dout1_mode:1;
/** reg_dout2_mode : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* The output signal $n is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed,
* 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_dout2_mode:1;
/** reg_dout3_mode : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* The output signal $n is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed,
* 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_dout3_mode:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:28;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dout_mode_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DMA CONF REG */
/** Type of spi_dma_conf register
* SPI DMA control register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:29;
/** reg_rx_afifo_rst : WT; bitpos: [29]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to reset RX AFIFO, which is used to receive data in SPI master and
* slave mode transfer.
uint32_t reg_rx_afifo_rst:1;
/** reg_buf_afifo_rst : WT; bitpos: [30]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to reset BUF TX AFIFO, which is used send data out in SPI slave CPU
* controlled mode transfer and master mode transfer.
uint32_t reg_buf_afifo_rst:1;
uint32_t reserved_31:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_conf_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DMA INT ENA REG */
/** Type of spi_dma_int_ena register
* SPI DMA interrupt enable register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:10;
/** reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_ena:1;
/** reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_ena:1;
/** reg_trans_done_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_trans_done_int_ena:1;
uint32_t reserved_13:1;
/** reg_spi_wakeup_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_WAKEUP_INT interrupt
uint32_t reg_spi_wakeup_int_ena:1;
/** reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_ena:1;
/** reg_slv_cmd_err_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_cmd_err_int_ena:1;
/** reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_ena:1;
/** reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_ena:1;
/** reg_app2_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app2_int_ena:1;
/** reg_app1_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The enable bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app1_int_ena:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:11;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_int_ena_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DMA INT CLR REG */
/** Type of spi_dma_int_clr register
* SPI DMA interrupt clear register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:10;
/** reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_clr:1;
/** reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_clr:1;
/** reg_trans_done_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_trans_done_int_clr:1;
uint32_t reserved_13:1;
/** reg_spi_wakeup_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_WAKEUP_INT interrupt
uint32_t reg_spi_wakeup_int_clr:1;
/** reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_clr:1;
/** reg_slv_cmd_err_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_cmd_err_int_clr:1;
/** reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_clr:1;
/** reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_clr:1;
/** reg_app2_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app2_int_clr:1;
/** reg_app1_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The clear bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app1_int_clr:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:11;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_int_clr_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DMA INT RAW REG */
/** Type of spi_dma_int_raw register
* SPI DMA interrupt raw register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:10;
/** reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Rd_BUF
* transmission is ended. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_raw:1;
/** reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Wr_BUF
* transmission is ended. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_raw:1;
/** reg_trans_done_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI master mode transmission is
* ended. 0: others.
uint32_t reg_trans_done_int_raw:1;
uint32_t reserved_13:1;
/** reg_spi_wakeup_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_SPI_WAKEUP_INT interrupt. 1: There is a wake up signal when
* low power mode. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_spi_wakeup_int_raw:1;
/** reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: The accessing data address
* of the current SPI slave mode CPU controlled FD, Wr_BUF or Rd_BUF transmission is
* bigger than 63. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_raw:1;
/** reg_slv_cmd_err_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: The slave command value in the
* current SPI slave HD mode transmission is not supported. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_slv_cmd_err_int_raw:1;
/** reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: There is a RX AFIFO
* write-full error when SPI inputs data in master mode. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_raw:1;
/** reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: There is a TX BUF
* AFIFO read-empty error when SPI outputs data in master mode. 0: Others.
uint32_t reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_raw:1;
/** reg_app2_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. The value is only controlled by application.
uint32_t reg_app2_int_raw:1;
/** reg_app1_int_raw : R/WTC/SS; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The raw bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. The value is only controlled by application.
uint32_t reg_app1_int_raw:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:11;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_int_raw_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DMA INT ST REG */
/** Type of spi_dma_int_st register
* SPI DMA interrupt status register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:10;
/** reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_st : RO; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_rd_buf_done_int_st:1;
/** reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_st : RO; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_wr_buf_done_int_st:1;
/** reg_trans_done_int_st : RO; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_trans_done_int_st:1;
uint32_t reserved_13:1;
/** reg_spi_wakeup_int_st : RO; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* reserved
uint32_t reg_spi_wakeup_int_st:1;
/** reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_st : RO; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_buf_addr_err_int_st:1;
/** reg_slv_cmd_err_int_st : RO; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_slv_cmd_err_int_st:1;
/** reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_st : RO; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_st:1;
/** reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_st : RO; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_st:1;
/** reg_app2_int_st : RO; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app2_int_st:1;
/** reg_app1_int_st : RO; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The status bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt.
uint32_t reg_app1_int_st:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:11;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_int_st_reg_t;
/** Group: Interrupt registers */
/** Type of spi_dma_int_set register
* SPI interrupt software set register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:10;
/** spi_slv_rd_buf_done_int_set : WT; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_slv_rd_buf_done_int_set:1;
/** spi_slv_wr_buf_done_int_set : WT; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_slv_wr_buf_done_int_set:1;
/** spi_trans_done_int_set : WT; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_trans_done_int_set:1;
uint32_t reserved_13:2;
/** spi_slv_buf_addr_err_int_set : WT; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_slv_buf_addr_err_int_set:1;
/** spi_slv_cmd_err_int_set : WT; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_slv_cmd_err_int_set:1;
/** spi_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_set : WT; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_mst_rx_afifo_wfull_err_int_set:1;
/** spi_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_set : WT; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_mst_tx_afifo_rempty_err_int_set:1;
/** spi_app2_int_set : WT; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_app2_int_set:1;
/** spi_app1_int_set : WT; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The software set bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt.
uint32_t spi_app1_int_set:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:11;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_dma_int_set_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI SLEEP CONF0 REG */
/** Type of spi_sleep_conf0 register
* NA
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_slv_wk_char0 : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 10;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char0:8;
/** reg_slv_wk_char_num : R/W; bitpos: [10:8]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char_num:3;
/** reg_slv_wk_char_mask : R/W; bitpos: [15:11]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char_mask:5;
/** reg_slv_wk_mode_sel : R/W; bitpos: [16]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_mode_sel:1;
/** reg_sleep_en : R/W; bitpos: [17]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_sleep_en:1;
/** reg_sleep_dis_rxfifo_wr_en : R/W; bitpos: [18]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_sleep_dis_rxfifo_wr_en:1;
/** reg_sleep_wk_data_sel : R/W; bitpos: [19]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_sleep_wk_data_sel:1;
uint32_t reserved_20:12;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_sleep_conf0_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI SLEEP CONF1 REG */
/** Type of spi_sleep_conf1 register
* NA
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_slv_wk_char1 : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 11;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char1:8;
/** reg_slv_wk_char2 : R/W; bitpos: [15:8]; default: 12;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char2:8;
/** reg_slv_wk_char3 : R/W; bitpos: [23:16]; default: 13;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char3:8;
/** reg_slv_wk_char4 : R/W; bitpos: [31:24]; default: 14;
* NA
uint32_t reg_slv_wk_char4:8;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_sleep_conf1_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W0 REG */
/** Type of spi_w0 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer0
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf0 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf0:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w0_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W1 REG */
/** Type of spi_w1 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer1
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf1 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf1:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w1_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W2 REG */
/** Type of spi_w2 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer2
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf2 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf2:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w2_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W3 REG */
/** Type of spi_w3 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer3
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf3 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf3:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w3_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W4 REG */
/** Type of spi_w4 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer4
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf4 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf4:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w4_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W5 REG */
/** Type of spi_w5 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer5
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf5 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf5:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w5_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W6 REG */
/** Type of spi_w6 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer6
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf6 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf6:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w6_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W7 REG */
/** Type of spi_w7 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer7
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf7 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf7:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w7_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W8 REG */
/** Type of spi_w8 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer8
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf8 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf8:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w8_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W9 REG */
/** Type of spi_w9 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer9
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf9 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf9:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w9_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W10 REG */
/** Type of spi_w10 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer10
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf10 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf10:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w10_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W11 REG */
/** Type of spi_w11 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer11
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf11 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf11:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w11_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W12 REG */
/** Type of spi_w12 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer12
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf12 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf12:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w12_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W13 REG */
/** Type of spi_w13 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer13
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf13 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf13:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w13_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W14 REG */
/** Type of spi_w14 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer14
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf14 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf14:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w14_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI W15 REG */
/** Type of spi_w15 register
* SPI CPU-controlled buffer15
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_buf15 : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* data buffer
uint32_t reg_buf15:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_w15_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI SLAVE REG */
/** Type of spi_slave register
* SPI slave control register
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_clk_mode : R/W; bitpos: [1:0]; default: 0;
* SPI clock mode bits. 0: SPI clock is off when CS inactive 1: SPI clock is delayed
* one cycle after CS inactive 2: SPI clock is delayed two cycles after CS inactive 3:
* SPI clock is alwasy on. Can be configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_clk_mode:2;
/** reg_clk_mode_13 : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* {CPOL, CPHA},1: support spi clk mode 1 and 3, first edge output data B[0]/B[7]. 0:
* support spi clk mode 0 and 2, first edge output data B[1]/B[6].
uint32_t reg_clk_mode_13:1;
/** reg_rsck_data_out : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* It saves half a cycle when tsck is the same as rsck. 1: output data at rsck posedge
* 0: output data at tsck posedge
uint32_t reg_rsck_data_out:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:6;
/** reg_slv_rdbuf_bitlen_en : R/W; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-read-slave data length in
* CPU controlled mode(Rd_BUF). 0: others
uint32_t reg_slv_rdbuf_bitlen_en:1;
/** reg_slv_wrbuf_bitlen_en : R/W; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-write-to-slave data length
* in CPU controlled mode(Wr_BUF). 0: others
uint32_t reg_slv_wrbuf_bitlen_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_12:14;
/** reg_slave_mode : R/W; bitpos: [26]; default: 0;
* Set SPI work mode. 1: slave mode 0: master mode.
uint32_t reg_slave_mode:1;
/** reg_soft_reset : WT; bitpos: [27]; default: 0;
* Software reset enable, reset the spi clock line cs line and data lines. Can be
* configured in CONF state.
uint32_t reg_soft_reset:1;
uint32_t reserved_28:4;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_slave_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI SLAVE1 REG */
/** Type of spi_slave1 register
* SPI slave control register 1
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_slv_data_bitlen : R/W/SS; bitpos: [17:0]; default: 0;
* The transferred data bit length in SPI slave FD and HD mode.
uint32_t reg_slv_data_bitlen:18;
/** reg_slv_last_command : R/W/SS; bitpos: [25:18]; default: 0;
* In the slave mode it is the value of command.
uint32_t reg_slv_last_command:8;
/** reg_slv_last_addr : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31:26]; default: 0;
* In the slave mode it is the value of address.
uint32_t reg_slv_last_addr:6;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_slave1_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI CLK GATE REG */
/** Type of spi_clk_gate register
* SPI module clock and register clock control
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to enable clk gate
uint32_t reg_clk_en:1;
/** reg_mst_clk_active : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to power on the SPI module clock.
uint32_t reg_mst_clk_active:1;
/** reg_mst_clk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* This bit is used to select SPI module clock source in master mode. 1: PLL_CLK_80M.
* 0: XTAL CLK.
uint32_t reg_mst_clk_sel:1;
uint32_t reserved_3:29;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_clk_gate_reg_t;
/** Group: LP SPI DATE REG */
/** Type of spi_date register
* Version control
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_date : R/W; bitpos: [27:0]; default: 33591360;
* SPI register version.
uint32_t reg_date:28;
uint32_t reserved_28:4;
uint32_t val;
} lp_spi_date_reg_t;
/** Group: LP RND ECO CS REG */
/** Type of rnd_eco_cs register
* NA
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_rnd_eco_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_rnd_eco_en:1;
/** rnd_eco_result : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t rnd_eco_result:1;
uint32_t reserved_2:30;
uint32_t val;
} lp_rnd_eco_cs_reg_t;
/** Group: LP RND ECO LOW REG */
/** Type of rnd_eco_low register
* NA
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_rnd_eco_low : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* NA
uint32_t reg_rnd_eco_low:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_rnd_eco_low_reg_t;
/** Group: LP RND ECO HIGH REG */
/** Type of rnd_eco_high register
* NA
typedef union {
struct {
/** reg_rnd_eco_high : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 65535;
* NA
uint32_t reg_rnd_eco_high:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_rnd_eco_high_reg_t;
typedef struct {
volatile lp_spi_cmd_reg_t spi_cmd;
volatile lp_spi_addr_reg_t spi_addr;
volatile lp_spi_ctrl_reg_t spi_ctrl;
volatile lp_spi_clock_reg_t spi_clock;
volatile lp_spi_user_reg_t spi_user;
volatile lp_spi_user1_reg_t spi_user1;
volatile lp_spi_user2_reg_t spi_user2;
volatile lp_spi_ms_dlen_reg_t spi_ms_dlen;
volatile lp_spi_misc_reg_t spi_misc;
volatile lp_spi_din_mode_reg_t spi_din_mode;
volatile lp_spi_din_num_reg_t spi_din_num;
volatile lp_spi_dout_mode_reg_t spi_dout_mode;
volatile lp_spi_dma_conf_reg_t spi_dma_conf;
volatile lp_spi_dma_int_ena_reg_t spi_dma_int_ena;
volatile lp_spi_dma_int_clr_reg_t spi_dma_int_clr;
volatile lp_spi_dma_int_raw_reg_t spi_dma_int_raw;
volatile lp_spi_dma_int_st_reg_t spi_dma_int_st;
volatile lp_spi_sleep_conf0_reg_t spi_sleep_conf0;
volatile lp_spi_sleep_conf1_reg_t spi_sleep_conf1;
volatile lp_spi_dma_int_set_reg_t spi_dma_int_set;
uint32_t reserved_050[18];
volatile lp_spi_w0_reg_t spi_w0;
volatile lp_spi_w1_reg_t spi_w1;
volatile lp_spi_w2_reg_t spi_w2;
volatile lp_spi_w3_reg_t spi_w3;
volatile lp_spi_w4_reg_t spi_w4;
volatile lp_spi_w5_reg_t spi_w5;
volatile lp_spi_w6_reg_t spi_w6;
volatile lp_spi_w7_reg_t spi_w7;
volatile lp_spi_w8_reg_t spi_w8;
volatile lp_spi_w9_reg_t spi_w9;
volatile lp_spi_w10_reg_t spi_w10;
volatile lp_spi_w11_reg_t spi_w11;
volatile lp_spi_w12_reg_t spi_w12;
volatile lp_spi_w13_reg_t spi_w13;
volatile lp_spi_w14_reg_t spi_w14;
volatile lp_spi_w15_reg_t spi_w15;
uint32_t reserved_0d8[2];
volatile lp_spi_slave_reg_t spi_slave;
volatile lp_spi_slave1_reg_t spi_slave1;
volatile lp_spi_clk_gate_reg_t spi_clk_gate;
uint32_t reserved_0ec;
volatile lp_spi_date_reg_t spi_date;
volatile lp_rnd_eco_cs_reg_t rnd_eco_cs;
volatile lp_rnd_eco_low_reg_t rnd_eco_low;
volatile lp_rnd_eco_high_reg_t rnd_eco_high;
} lp_dev_t;
#ifndef __cplusplus
_Static_assert(sizeof(lp_dev_t) == 0x100, "Invalid size of lp_dev_t structure");
#ifdef __cplusplus