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synced 2025-03-28 18:30:10 -04:00
We have built unit-test-app with different configs. Currently we use the config name as tags to match runners. It's not easy to add new configs (need to update tags to existed runners). Now we'll parse required test runner tags from `sdkconfig` file. For example, if config enables `CONFIG_SPIRAM_SUPPORT`, then it requires `psram` tag. This will make adding new configs easier. In this commit we change the one behavior of assign test: match keys of cases should be exactly the same with job tags. This fixes cases select jobs include their tags, and jobs requires those tags can't be assigned.
516 lines
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516 lines
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Test script for unit test case.
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
# if we want to run test case outside `tiny-test-fw` folder,
# we need to insert tiny-test-fw path into sys path
test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
import TinyFW
import IDF
import Utility
from DUT import ExpectTimeout
from IDF.IDFApp import UT
UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE = "Press ENTER to see the list of tests."
RESET_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(ets [\w]{3}\s+[\d]{1,2} [\d]{4} [\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}[^()]*\([\w].*?\))")
EXCEPTION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(Guru Meditation Error: Core\s+\d panic'ed \([\w].*?\))")
ABORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(abort\(\) was called at PC 0x[a-eA-E\d]{8} on core \d)")
FINISH_PATTERN = re.compile(r"1 Tests (\d) Failures (\d) Ignored")
def format_test_case_config(test_case_data):
convert the test case data to unified format.
We need to following info to run unit test cases:
1. unit test app config
2. test case name
3. test case reset info
the formatted case config is a dict, with ut app config as keys. The value is a list of test cases.
Each test case is a dict with "name" and "reset" as keys. For example::
case_config = {
"default": [{"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}, {...}],
"psram": [{"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}],
If config is not specified for test case, then
:param test_case_data: string, list, or a dictionary list
:return: formatted data
case_config = dict()
def parse_case(one_case_data):
""" parse and format one case """
def process_reset_list(reset_list):
# strip space and remove white space only items
_output = list()
for _r in reset_list:
_data = _r.strip(" ")
if _data:
return _output
_case = dict()
if isinstance(one_case_data, str):
_temp = one_case_data.split(" [reset=")
_case["name"] = _temp[0]
_case["reset"] = process_reset_list(_temp[1][0:-1].split(","))
except IndexError:
_case["reset"] = list()
elif isinstance(one_case_data, dict):
_case = one_case_data.copy()
assert "name" in _case
if "reset" not in _case:
_case["reset"] = list()
if isinstance(_case["reset"], str):
_case["reset"] = process_reset_list(_case["reset"].split(","))
raise TypeError("Not supported type during parsing unit test case")
if "config" not in _case:
_case["config"] = "default"
return _case
if not isinstance(test_case_data, list):
test_case_data = [test_case_data]
for case_data in test_case_data:
parsed_case = parse_case(case_data)
except KeyError:
case_config[parsed_case["config"]] = [parsed_case]
return case_config
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="unit_test",
execution_time=1, env_tag="UT_T1_1")
def run_unit_test_cases(env, extra_data):
extra_data can be three types of value
1. as string:
1. "case_name"
2. "case_name [reset=RESET_REASON]"
2. as dict:
1. with key like {"name": "Intr_alloc test, shared ints"}
2. with key like {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET", "config": "psram"}
3. as list of string or dict:
[case1, case2, case3, {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}, ...]
:param extra_data: the case name or case list or case dictionary
:return: None
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
# we don't want stop on failed case (unless some special scenarios we can't handle)
# this flag is used to log if any of the case failed during executing
# Before exit test function this flag is used to log if the case fails
failed_cases = []
for ut_config in case_config:
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
dut = env.get_dut("unit-test-app", app_path=ut_config)
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
# esptool ``run`` cmd takes quite long time.
# before reset finish, serial port is closed. therefore DUT could already bootup before serial port opened.
# this could cause checking bootup print failed.
# now we input cmd `-`, and check either bootup print or test history,
# to determine if DUT is ready to test.
dut.write("-", flush=False)
"0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored", timeout=STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
# run test case
dut.expect("Running " + one_case["name"] + "...")
exception_reset_list = []
# we want to set this flag in callbacks (inner functions)
# use list here so we can use append to set this flag
test_finish = list()
# expect callbacks
def one_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
def handle_exception_reset(data):
just append data to exception list.
exception list will be checked in ``handle_reset_finish``, once reset finished.
def handle_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
assert not exception_reset_list
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + one_case["name"], color="orange")
one_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
def handle_reset_finish(data):
""" reset happened and reboot finished """
assert exception_reset_list # reboot but no exception/reset logged. should never happen
result = False
if len(one_case["reset"]) == len(exception_reset_list):
for i, exception in enumerate(exception_reset_list):
if one_case["reset"][i] not in exception:
result = True
if not result:
Utility.console_log("""Reset Check Failed: \r\n\tExpected: {}\r\n\tGet: {}"""
.format(one_case["reset"], exception_reset_list),
while not test_finish:
dut.expect_any((RESET_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(EXCEPTION_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(ABORT_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(FINISH_PATTERN, handle_test_finish),
(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, handle_reset_finish),
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
# raise exception if any case fails
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
class Handler(threading.Thread):
WAIT_SIGNAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Waiting for signal: \[(.+)\]!')
SEND_SIGNAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Send signal: \[(.+)\]!')
FINISH_PATTERN = re.compile(r"1 Tests (\d) Failures (\d) Ignored")
def __init__(self, dut, sent_signal_list, lock, parent_case_name, child_case_index, timeout):
self.dut = dut
self.sent_signal_list = sent_signal_list
self.lock = lock
self.parent_case_name = parent_case_name
self.child_case_name = ""
self.child_case_index = child_case_index + 1
self.finish = False
self.result = False
self.fail_name = None
self.timeout = timeout
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="{} Handler".format(dut))
def run(self):
def get_child_case_name(data):
self.child_case_name = data[0]
def one_device_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
self.finish = True
self.result = result
if not result:
self.fail_name = self.child_case_name
def device_wait_action(data):
start_time = time.time()
expected_signal = data[0]
while 1:
if time.time() > start_time + self.timeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in device for function: %s"%self.child_case_name, color="orange")
with self.lock:
if expected_signal in self.sent_signal_list:
self.dut.write(" ")
def device_send_action(data):
with self.lock:
def handle_device_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + self.child_case_name, color="orange")
one_device_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
self.dut.write("-", flush=False)
self.dut.expect_any(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, "0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored")
self.dut.expect("Running " + self.parent_case_name + "...")
while not self.finish:
self.dut.expect_any((re.compile('\(' + str(self.child_case_index) + '\)\s"(\w+)"'), get_child_case_name),
(self.WAIT_SIGNAL_PATTERN, device_wait_action), # wait signal pattern
(self.SEND_SIGNAL_PATTERN, device_send_action), # send signal pattern
(self.FINISH_PATTERN, handle_device_test_finish), # test finish pattern
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
def get_case_info(one_case):
parent_case = one_case["name"]
child_case_num = one_case["child case num"]
return parent_case, child_case_num
def get_dut(duts, env, name, ut_config):
if name in duts:
dut = duts[name]
dut = env.get_dut(name, app_path=ut_config)
duts[name] = dut
return dut
def case_run(duts, ut_config, env, one_case, failed_cases):
lock = threading.RLock()
threads = []
send_signal_list = []
failed_device = []
result = True
parent_case, case_num = get_case_info(one_case)
for i in range(case_num):
dut = get_dut(duts, env, "dut%d" % i, ut_config)
threads.append(Handler(dut, send_signal_list, lock,
parent_case, i, one_case["timeout"]))
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
result = result and thread.result
if not thread.result:
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="master_slave_test_case", execution_time=1,
def run_multiple_devices_cases(env, extra_data):
extra_data can be two types of value
1. as dict:
{"name": "gpio master/slave test example",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"}
2. as list dict:
[{"name": "gpio master/slave test example1",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"},
{"name": "gpio master/slave test example2",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"}]
failed_cases = []
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
DUTS = {}
for ut_config in case_config:
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
case_run(DUTS, ut_config, env, one_case, failed_cases)
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="unit_test",
execution_time=1, env_tag="UT_T1_1")
def run_multiple_stage_cases(env, extra_data):
extra_data can be 2 types of value
1. as dict: Mandantory keys: "name" and "child case num", optional keys: "reset" and others
3. as list of string or dict:
[case1, case2, case3, {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "child case num": 2}, ...]
:param extra_data: the case name or case list or case dictionary
:return: None
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
# we don't want stop on failed case (unless some special scenarios we can't handle)
# this flag is used to log if any of the case failed during executing
# Before exit test function this flag is used to log if the case fails
failed_cases = []
for ut_config in case_config:
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
dut = env.get_dut("unit-test-app", app_path=ut_config)
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
dut.write("-", flush=False)
"0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored")
exception_reset_list = []
for test_stage in range(one_case["child case num"]):
# select multi stage test case name
dut.expect("Running " + one_case["name"] + "...")
# select test function for current stage
dut.write(str(test_stage + 1))
# we want to set this flag in callbacks (inner functions)
# use list here so we can use append to set this flag
stage_finish = list()
def last_stage():
return test_stage == one_case["child case num"] - 1
def check_reset():
if one_case["reset"]:
assert exception_reset_list # reboot but no exception/reset logged. should never happen
result = False
if len(one_case["reset"]) == len(exception_reset_list):
for i, exception in enumerate(exception_reset_list):
if one_case["reset"][i] not in exception:
result = True
if not result:
Utility.console_log("""Reset Check Failed: \r\n\tExpected: {}\r\n\tGet: {}"""
.format(one_case["reset"], exception_reset_list),
# we allow omit reset in multi stage cases
result = True
return result
# expect callbacks
def one_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
# handle test finish
result = result and check_reset()
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
def handle_exception_reset(data):
just append data to exception list.
exception list will be checked in ``handle_reset_finish``, once reset finished.
def handle_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + one_case["name"], color="orange")
# only passed in last stage will be regarded as real pass
if last_stage():
one_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
Utility.console_log("test finished before enter last stage", color="orange")
def handle_next_stage(data):
""" reboot finished. we goto next stage """
if last_stage():
# already last stage, should never goto next stage
Utility.console_log("didn't finish at last stage", color="orange")
while not stage_finish:
dut.expect_any((RESET_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(EXCEPTION_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(ABORT_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(FINISH_PATTERN, handle_test_finish),
(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, handle_next_stage),
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
if stage_finish[0] == "break":
# test breaks on current stage
# raise exception if any case fails
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_multiple_devices_cases(extra_data={"name": "gpio master/slave test example",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"})