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synced 2025-03-12 02:29:10 -04:00
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// Copyright 2017-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef volatile struct {
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_clkcnt_n: 6; /*f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK / (reg_clkcnt_N + 1) when reg_clk_equ_sysclk is 0.*/
uint32_t lcd_clk_equ_sysclk: 1; /*1: f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK. 0: f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK / (reg_clkcnt_N + 1).*/
uint32_t lcd_ck_idle_edge: 1; /*1: LCD_PCLK line is high when idle 0: LCD_PCLK line is low when idle.*/
uint32_t lcd_ck_out_edge: 1; /*1: LCD_PCLK is high on the first half clock 0: LCD_PCLK is high on the second half clock*/
uint32_t lcd_clkm_div_num: 8; /*Integral LCD clock divider value*/
uint32_t lcd_clkm_div_b: 6; /*Fractional clock divider numerator value*/
uint32_t lcd_clkm_div_a: 6; /*Fractional clock divider denominator value*/
uint32_t lcd_clk_sel: 2; /*Select LCD module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: no clock.*/
uint32_t clk_en: 1; /*Set this bit to enable clk gate*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_clock;
union {
struct {
uint32_t cam_stop_en: 1; /*Camera stop enable signal 1: camera stops when DMA Rx FIFO is full. 0: Not stop.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync_filter_thres: 3; /*Filter threshold value for CAM_VSYNC signal.*/
uint32_t cam_update: 1; /*1: Update Camera registers will be cleared by hardware. 0 : Not care.*/
uint32_t cam_byte_order: 1; /*1: Change data bit order change CAM_DATA_in[7:0] to CAM_DATA_in[0:7] in one byte mode and bits[15:0] to bits[0:15] in two byte mode. 0: Not change.*/
uint32_t cam_bit_order: 1; /*1: invert data byte order only valid in 2 byte mode. 0: Not change.*/
uint32_t cam_line_int_en: 1; /*1: Enable to generate CAM_HS_INT. 0: Disable.*/
uint32_t cam_vs_eof_en: 1; /*1: CAM_VSYNC to generate in_suc_eof. 0: in_suc_eof is controlled by reg_cam_rec_data_cyclelen.*/
uint32_t cam_clkm_div_num: 8; /*Integral Camera clock divider value*/
uint32_t cam_clkm_div_b: 6; /*Fractional clock divider numerator value*/
uint32_t cam_clkm_div_a: 6; /*Fractional clock divider denominator value*/
uint32_t cam_clk_sel: 2; /*Select Camera module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: no clock.*/
uint32_t reserved31: 1; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} cam_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t cam_rec_data_bytelen: 14; /*Camera receive data byte length minus 1 to set DMA in_suc_eof_int.*/
uint32_t cam_line_int_num: 7; /*The line number minus 1 to generate cam_hs_int.*/
uint32_t cam_clk_inv: 1; /*1: Invert the input signal CAM_PCLK. 0: Not invert.*/
uint32_t reserved22: 1; /*Reserved*/
uint32_t cam_vsync_filter_en: 1; /*1: Enable CAM_VSYNC filter function. 0: bypass.*/
uint32_t cam_2byte_en: 1; /*1: The bit number of input data is 9~16. 0: The bit number of input data is 0~8.*/
uint32_t cam_de_inv: 1; /*CAM_DE invert enable signal valid in high level.*/
uint32_t cam_hsync_inv: 1; /*CAM_HSYNC invert enable signal valid in high level.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync_inv: 1; /*CAM_VSYNC invert enable signal valid in high level.*/
uint32_t cam_vh_de_mode_en: 1; /*1: Input control signals are CAM_DE CAM_HSYNC and CAM_VSYNC is 1. 0: Input control signals are CAM_DE and CAM_VSYNC*/
uint32_t cam_start: 1; /*Camera module start signal.*/
uint32_t cam_reset: 1; /*Camera module reset signal.*/
uint32_t cam_afifo_reset: 1; /*Camera AFIFO reset signal.*/
uint32_t val;
} cam_ctrl1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 21; /*reserved*/
uint32_t cam_conv_8bits_data_inv: 1; /*1:invert every two 8bits input data. 2. disabled.*/
uint32_t cam_conv_yuv2yuv_mode: 2; /*0: to yuv422. 1: to yuv420. 2: to yuv411. 3: disabled. To enable yuv2yuv mode trans_mode must be set to 1.*/
uint32_t cam_conv_yuv_mode: 2; /*0: yuv422. 1: yuv420. 2: yuv411. When in yuv2yuv mode yuv_mode decides the yuv mode of Data_in*/
uint32_t cam_conv_protocol_mode: 1; /*0:BT601. 1:BT709.*/
uint32_t cam_conv_data_out_mode: 1; /*LIMIT or FULL mode of Data out. 0: limit. 1: full*/
uint32_t cam_conv_data_in_mode: 1; /*LIMIT or FULL mode of Data in. 0: limit. 1: full*/
uint32_t cam_conv_mode_8bits_on: 1; /*0: 16bits mode. 1: 8bits mode.*/
uint32_t cam_conv_trans_mode: 1; /*0: YUV to RGB. 1: RGB to YUV.*/
uint32_t cam_conv_bypass: 1; /*0: Bypass converter. 1: Enable converter.*/
uint32_t val;
} cam_rgb_yuv;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 20; /*reserved*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_8bits_data_inv: 1; /*1:invert every two 8bits input data. 2. disabled.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_txtorx: 1; /*0: txtorx mode off. 1: txtorx mode on.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_yuv2yuv_mode: 2; /*0: to yuv422. 1: to yuv420. 2: to yuv411. 3: disabled. To enable yuv2yuv mode trans_mode must be set to 1.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_yuv_mode: 2; /*0: yuv422. 1: yuv420. 2: yuv411. When in yuv2yuv mode yuv_mode decides the yuv mode of Data_in*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_protocol_mode: 1; /*0:BT601. 1:BT709.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_data_out_mode: 1; /*LIMIT or FULL mode of Data out. 0: limit. 1: full*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_data_in_mode: 1; /*LIMIT or FULL mode of Data in. 0: limit. 1: full*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_mode_8bits_on: 1; /*0: 16bits mode. 1: 8bits mode.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_trans_mode: 1; /*0: YUV to RGB. 1: RGB to YUV.*/
uint32_t lcd_conv_bypass: 1; /*0: Bypass converter. 1: Enable converter.*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_rgb_yuv;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_dout_cyclelen: 13; /*The output data cycles minus 1 of LCD module.*/
uint32_t lcd_always_out_en: 1; /*LCD always output when LCD is in LCD_DOUT state unless reg_lcd_start is cleared or reg_lcd_reset is set.*/
uint32_t reserved14: 5; /*reserved*/
uint32_t lcd_8bits_order: 1; /*1: invert every two data byte valid in 1 byte mode. 0: Not change.*/
uint32_t lcd_update: 1; /*1: Update LCD registers will be cleared by hardware. 0 : Not care.*/
uint32_t lcd_bit_order: 1; /*1: Change data bit order change LCD_DATA_out[7:0] to LCD_DATA_out[0:7] in one byte mode and bits[15:0] to bits[0:15] in two byte mode. 0: Not change.*/
uint32_t lcd_byte_order: 1; /*1: invert data byte order only valid in 2 byte mode. 0: Not change.*/
uint32_t lcd_2byte_en: 1; /*1: The bit number of output LCD data is 0~15. 0: The bit number of output LCD data is 0~7.*/
uint32_t lcd_dout: 1; /*1: Be able to send data out in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable.*/
uint32_t lcd_dummy: 1; /*1: Enable DUMMY phase in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable.*/
uint32_t lcd_cmd: 1; /*1: Be able to send command in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable.*/
uint32_t lcd_start: 1; /*LCD start sending data enable signal valid in high level.*/
uint32_t lcd_reset: 1; /*The value of command.*/
uint32_t lcd_dummy_cyclelen: 2; /*The dummy cycle length minus 1.*/
uint32_t lcd_cmd_2_cycle_en: 1; /*The cycle length of command phase*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_user;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 1; /*reserved*/
uint32_t lcd_afifo_threshold_num: 5; /*The awfull threshold number of lcd_afifo.*/
uint32_t lcd_vfk_cyclelen: 6; /*The setup cycle length minus 1 in LCD non-RGB mode.*/
uint32_t lcd_vbk_cyclelen: 13; /*The vertical back blank region cycle length minus 1 in LCD RGB mode or the hold time cycle length in LCD non-RGB mode.*/
uint32_t lcd_next_frame_en: 1; /*1: Send the next frame data when the current frame is sent out. 0: LCD stops when the current frame is sent out.*/
uint32_t lcd_bk_en: 1; /*1: Enable blank region when LCD sends data out. 0: No blank region.*/
uint32_t lcd_afifo_reset: 1; /*LCD AFIFO reset signal.*/
uint32_t lcd_cd_data_set: 1; /*1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_DOUT state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge.*/
uint32_t lcd_cd_dummy_set: 1; /*1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_DUMMY state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge.*/
uint32_t lcd_cd_cmd_set: 1; /*1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_CMD state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge.*/
uint32_t lcd_cd_idle_edge: 1; /*The default value of LCD_CD.*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_misc;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_hb_front: 11; /*It is the horizontal blank front porch of a frame.*/
uint32_t lcd_va_height: 10; /*It is the vertical active height of a frame.*/
uint32_t lcd_vt_height: 10; /*It is the vertical total height of a frame.*/
uint32_t lcd_rgb_mode_en: 1; /*1: Enable reg mode input vsync*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vb_front: 8; /*It is the vertical blank front porch of a frame.*/
uint32_t lcd_ha_width: 12; /*It is the horizontal active width of a frame.*/
uint32_t lcd_ht_width: 12; /*It is the horizontal total width of a frame.*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_ctrl1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vsync_width: 7; /*It is the position of LCD_VSYNC active pulse in a line.*/
uint32_t lcd_vsync_idle_pol: 1; /*It is the idle value of LCD_VSYNC.*/
uint32_t lcd_de_idle_pol: 1; /*It is the idle value of LCD_DE.*/
uint32_t lcd_hs_blank_en: 1; /*1: The pulse of LCD_HSYNC is out in vertical blanking lines RGB mode. 0: LCD_HSYNC pulse is valid only in active region lines in RGB mode.*/
uint32_t reserved10: 6; /*reserved*/
uint32_t lcd_hsync_width: 7; /*It is the position of LCD_HSYNC active pulse in a line.*/
uint32_t lcd_hsync_idle_pol: 1; /*It is the idle value of LCD_HSYNC.*/
uint32_t lcd_hsync_position: 8; /*It is the position of LCD_HSYNC active pulse in a line.*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_ctrl2;
uint32_t lcd_cmd_val; /*The LCD write command value.*/
uint32_t reserved_2c;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_cd_mode: 2; /*The output LCD_CD is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t lcd_de_mode: 2; /*The output LCD_DE is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t lcd_hsync_mode: 2; /*The output LCD_HSYNC is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t lcd_vsync_mode: 2; /*The output LCD_VSYNC is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t reserved8: 24; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_dly_mode;
uint32_t reserved_34;
union {
struct {
uint32_t dout0_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout1_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout2_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout3_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout4_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout5_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout6_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout7_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout8_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout9_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout10_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout11_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout12_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout13_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout14_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t dout15_mode: 2; /*The output data bit $n is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK*/
uint32_t val;
} lcd_data_dout_mode;
uint32_t reserved_3c;
uint32_t reserved_40;
uint32_t reserved_44;
uint32_t reserved_48;
uint32_t reserved_4c;
uint32_t reserved_50;
uint32_t reserved_54;
uint32_t reserved_58;
uint32_t reserved_5c;
uint32_t reserved_60;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vsync: 1; /*The enable bit for LCD frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t lcd_trans_done: 1; /*The enable bit for lcd transfer end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync: 1; /*The enable bit for Camera frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_hs: 1; /*The enable bit for Camera line interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved4: 28; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lc_dma_int_ena;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vsync: 1; /*The raw bit for LCD frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t lcd_trans_done: 1; /*The raw bit for lcd transfer end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync: 1; /*The raw bit for Camera frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_hs: 1; /*The raw bit for Camera line interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved4: 28; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lc_dma_int_raw;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vsync: 1; /*The status bit for LCD frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t lcd_trans_done: 1; /*The status bit for lcd transfer end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync: 1; /*The status bit for Camera frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_hs: 1; /*The status bit for Camera transfer end interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved4: 28; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lc_dma_int_st;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lcd_vsync: 1; /*The clear bit for LCD frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t lcd_trans_done: 1; /*The clear bit for lcd transfer end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_vsync: 1; /*The clear bit for Camera frame end interrupt.*/
uint32_t cam_hs: 1; /*The clear bit for Camera line interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved4: 28; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lc_dma_int_clr;
uint32_t reserved_74;
uint32_t reserved_78;
uint32_t reserved_7c;
uint32_t reserved_80;
uint32_t reserved_84;
uint32_t reserved_88;
uint32_t reserved_8c;
uint32_t reserved_90;
uint32_t reserved_94;
uint32_t reserved_98;
uint32_t reserved_9c;
uint32_t reserved_a0;
uint32_t reserved_a4;
uint32_t reserved_a8;
uint32_t reserved_ac;
uint32_t reserved_b0;
uint32_t reserved_b4;
uint32_t reserved_b8;
uint32_t reserved_bc;
uint32_t reserved_c0;
uint32_t reserved_c4;
uint32_t reserved_c8;
uint32_t reserved_cc;
uint32_t reserved_d0;
uint32_t reserved_d4;
uint32_t reserved_d8;
uint32_t reserved_dc;
uint32_t reserved_e0;
uint32_t reserved_e4;
uint32_t reserved_e8;
uint32_t reserved_ec;
uint32_t reserved_f0;
uint32_t reserved_f4;
uint32_t reserved_f8;
union {
struct {
uint32_t lc_date: 28; /*LCD_CAM version control register*/
uint32_t reserved28: 4; /*reserved*/
uint32_t val;
} lc_date;
} lcd_cam_dev_t;
extern lcd_cam_dev_t LCD_CAM;
#ifdef __cplusplus