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441 lines
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Executable File
441 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Based on cally.py (https://github.com/chaudron/cally/), Copyright 2018, Eelco Chaudron
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import fnmatch
import os
import re
from functools import partial
from typing import BinaryIO
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
import elftools
from elftools.elf import elffile
FUNCTION_REGEX = re.compile(
r'^;; Function (?P<mangle>.*)\s+\((?P<function>\S+)(,.*)?\).*$'
CALL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^.*\(call.*"(?P<target>.*)".*$')
SYMBOL_REF_REGEX = re.compile(r'^.*\(symbol_ref[^()]*\("(?P<target>.*)"\).*$')
class RtlFunction(object):
def __init__(self, name: str, rtl_filename: str, tu_filename: str) -> None:
self.name = name
self.rtl_filename = rtl_filename
self.tu_filename = tu_filename
self.refs: List[str] = list()
self.sym = None
class SectionAddressRange(object):
def __init__(self, name: str, addr: int, size: int) -> None:
self.name = name
self.low = addr
self.high = addr + size
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}: 0x{:08x} - 0x{:08x}'.format(self.name, self.low, self.high)
def contains_address(self, addr: int) -> bool:
return self.low <= addr < self.high
TARGET_SECTIONS: Dict[str, List[SectionAddressRange]] = {
'esp32': [
SectionAddressRange('.rom.text', 0x40000000, 0x70000),
SectionAddressRange('.rom.rodata', 0x3ff96000, 0x9018)
'esp32s2': [
SectionAddressRange('.rom.text', 0x40000000, 0x1bed0),
SectionAddressRange('.rom.rodata', 0x3ffac600, 0x392c)
'esp32s3': [
SectionAddressRange('.rom.text', 0x40000000, 0x568d0),
SectionAddressRange('.rom.rodata', 0x3ff071c0, 0x8e30)
class Symbol(object):
def __init__(self, name: str, addr: int, local: bool, filename: Optional[str], section: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.name = name
self.addr = addr
self.local = local
self.filename = filename
self.section = section
self.refers_to: List[Symbol] = list()
self.referred_from: List[Symbol] = list()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{} @0x{:08x} [{}]{} {}'.format(
self.section or 'unknown',
' (local)' if self.local else '',
class Reference(object):
def __init__(self, from_sym: Symbol, to_sym: Symbol) -> None:
self.from_sym = from_sym
self.to_sym = to_sym
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{} @0x{:08x} ({}) -> {} @0x{:08x} ({})'.format(
class IgnorePair():
A pair of symbol names which should be ignored when checking references.
def __init__(self, pair: str) -> None:
self.source, self.dest = pair.split('/')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid ignore pair: {pair}. Must be in the form "source/dest".')
class ElfInfo(object):
def __init__(self, elf_file: BinaryIO) -> None:
self.elf_file = elf_file
self.elf_obj = elffile.ELFFile(self.elf_file)
self.section_ranges = self._load_sections()
self.symbols = self._load_symbols()
def _load_symbols(self) -> List[Symbol]:
symbols = []
for s in self.elf_obj.iter_sections():
if not isinstance(s, elftools.elf.sections.SymbolTableSection):
filename = None
for sym in s.iter_symbols():
sym_type = sym.entry['st_info']['type']
if sym_type == 'STT_FILE':
filename = sym.name
if sym_type in ['STT_NOTYPE', 'STT_FUNC', 'STT_OBJECT']:
local = sym.entry['st_info']['bind'] == 'STB_LOCAL'
addr = sym.entry['st_value']
filename if local else None,
return symbols
def _load_sections(self) -> List[SectionAddressRange]:
result = []
for segment in self.elf_obj.iter_segments():
if segment['p_type'] == 'PT_LOAD':
for section in self.elf_obj.iter_sections():
if not segment.section_in_segment(section):
section.name, section['sh_addr'], section['sh_size']
target = os.environ.get('IDF_TARGET')
if target in TARGET_SECTIONS:
result += TARGET_SECTIONS[target]
return result
def symbols_by_name(self, name: str) -> List['Symbol']:
res = []
for sym in self.symbols:
if sym.name == name:
return res
def section_for_addr(self, sym_addr: int) -> Optional[str]:
for sar in self.section_ranges:
if sar.contains_address(sym_addr):
return sar.name
return None
def load_rtl_file(rtl_filename: str, tu_filename: str, functions: List[RtlFunction]) -> None:
last_function: Optional[RtlFunction] = None
for line in open(rtl_filename):
# Find function definition
match = re.match(FUNCTION_REGEX, line)
if match:
function_name = match.group('function')
last_function = RtlFunction(function_name, rtl_filename, tu_filename)
if last_function:
# Find direct calls and indirect references
match = re.match(regex, line)
if match:
target = match.group('target')
if target not in last_function.refs:
def rtl_filename_matches_sym_filename(rtl_filename: str, symbol_filename: str) -> bool:
# Symbol file names (from ELF debug info) are short source file names, without path: "cpu_start.c".
# RTL file names are paths relative to the build directory, e.g.:
# "build/esp-idf/esp_system/CMakeFiles/__idf_esp_system.dir/port/cpu_start.c.234r.expand"
# The check below may give a false positive if there are two files with the same name in
# different directories. This doesn't seem to happen in IDF now, but if it does happen,
# an assert in find_symbol_by_rtl_func should catch this.
# If this becomes and issue, consider also loading the .map file and using it to figure out
# which object file was used as the source of each symbol. Names of the object files and RTL files
# should be much easier to match.
return os.path.basename(rtl_filename).startswith(symbol_filename)
def filter_ignore_pairs(function: RtlFunction, ignore_pairs: List[IgnorePair]) -> None:
Given a function S0 and a list of ignore pairs (S, T),
remove all references to T for which S==S0.
for ignore_pair in ignore_pairs:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(function.name, ignore_pair.source):
for ref in function.refs:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref, ignore_pair.dest):
class SymbolNotFound(RuntimeError):
def find_symbol_by_name(name: str, elfinfo: ElfInfo, local_func_matcher: Callable[[Symbol], bool]) -> Optional[Symbol]:
Find an ELF symbol for the given name.
local_func_matcher is a callback function which checks is the candidate local symbol is suitable.
syms = elfinfo.symbols_by_name(name)
if not syms:
return None
if len(syms) == 1:
return syms[0]
# There are multiple symbols with a given name. Find the best fit.
local_candidate = None
global_candidate = None
for sym in syms:
if not sym.local:
assert not global_candidate # can't have two global symbols with the same name
global_candidate = sym
elif local_func_matcher(sym):
assert not local_candidate # can't have two symbols with the same name in a single file
local_candidate = sym
# If two symbols with the same name are defined, a global and a local one,
# prefer the local symbol as the reference target.
return local_candidate or global_candidate
def match_local_source_func(rtl_filename: str, sym: Symbol) -> bool:
Helper for match_rtl_funcs_to_symbols, checks if local symbol sym is a good candidate for the
reference source (caller), based on the RTL file name.
assert sym.filename # should be set for local functions
return rtl_filename_matches_sym_filename(rtl_filename, sym.filename)
def match_local_target_func(rtl_filename: str, sym_from: Symbol, sym: Symbol) -> bool:
Helper for match_rtl_funcs_to_symbols, checks if local symbol sym is a good candidate for the
reference target (callee or referenced data), based on RTL filename of the source symbol
and the source symbol itself.
assert sym.filename # should be set for local functions
if sym_from.local:
# local symbol referencing another local symbol
return sym_from.filename == sym.filename
# global symbol referencing a local symbol;
# source filename is not known, use RTL filename as a hint
return rtl_filename_matches_sym_filename(rtl_filename, sym.filename)
def match_rtl_funcs_to_symbols(rtl_functions: List[RtlFunction], elfinfo: ElfInfo) -> Tuple[List[Symbol], List[Reference]]:
symbols: List[Symbol] = []
refs: List[Reference] = []
# General idea:
# - iterate over RTL functions.
# - for each RTL function, find the corresponding symbol
# - iterate over the functions and variables referenced from this RTL function
# - find symbols corresponding to the references
# - record every pair (sym_from, sym_to) as a Reference object
for source_rtl_func in rtl_functions:
maybe_sym_from = find_symbol_by_name(source_rtl_func.name, elfinfo, partial(match_local_source_func, source_rtl_func.rtl_filename))
if maybe_sym_from is None:
# RTL references a symbol, but the symbol is not defined in the generated object file.
# This means that the symbol was likely removed (or not included) at link time.
# There is nothing we can do to check section placement in this case.
sym_from = maybe_sym_from
if sym_from not in symbols:
for target_rtl_func_name in source_rtl_func.refs:
if '*.LC' in target_rtl_func_name: # skip local labels
maybe_sym_to = find_symbol_by_name(target_rtl_func_name, elfinfo, partial(match_local_target_func, source_rtl_func.rtl_filename, sym_from))
if not maybe_sym_to:
# This may happen for a extern reference in the RTL file, if the reference was later removed
# by one of the optimization passes, and the external definition got garbage-collected.
# TODO: consider adding some sanity check that we are here not because of some bug in
# find_symbol_by_name?..
sym_to = maybe_sym_to
refs.append(Reference(sym_from, sym_to))
if sym_to not in symbols:
return symbols, refs
def get_symbols_and_refs(rtl_list: List[str], elf_file: BinaryIO, ignore_pairs: List[IgnorePair]) -> Tuple[List[Symbol], List[Reference]]:
elfinfo = ElfInfo(elf_file)
rtl_functions: List[RtlFunction] = []
for file_name in rtl_list:
load_rtl_file(file_name, file_name, rtl_functions)
for rtl_func in rtl_functions:
filter_ignore_pairs(rtl_func, ignore_pairs)
return match_rtl_funcs_to_symbols(rtl_functions, elfinfo)
def list_refs_from_to_sections(refs: List[Reference], from_sections: List[str], to_sections: List[str]) -> int:
found = 0
for ref in refs:
if (not from_sections or ref.from_sym.section in from_sections) and \
(not to_sections or ref.to_sym.section in to_sections):
found += 1
return found
def find_files_recursive(root_path: str, ext: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
for root, _, files in os.walk(root_path):
for basename in files:
if basename.endswith(ext):
filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
yield filename
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='File with the list of RTL files',
'--rtl-dirs', help='comma-separated list of directories where to look for RTL files, recursively'
help='Program ELF file',
action_sub = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action')
find_refs_parser = action_sub.add_parser(
help='List the references coming from a given list of source sections'
'to a given list of target sections.',
'--from-sections', help='comma-separated list of source sections'
'--to-sections', help='comma-separated list of target sections'
'--ignore-refs', help='Comma-separated list of symbol pairs to exclude from the references list.'
'The caller and the callee are separated by a slash. '
'Wildcards are supported. Example: my_lib_*/some_lib_in_flash_*.'
help='If set, exits with non-zero code when any references found',
help='Print the list of all references',
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.rtl_list:
with open(args.rtl_list, 'r') as rtl_list_file:
rtl_list = [line.strip() for line in rtl_list_file]
if not args.rtl_dirs:
raise RuntimeError('Either --rtl-list or --rtl-dirs must be specified')
rtl_dirs = args.rtl_dirs.split(',')
rtl_list = []
for dir in rtl_dirs:
rtl_list.extend(list(find_files_recursive(dir, '.expand')))
if not rtl_list:
raise RuntimeError('No RTL files specified')
if args.action == 'find-refs' and args.ignore_refs:
ignore_pairs = [IgnorePair(pair) for pair in args.ignore_refs.split(',')]
ignore_pairs = []
_, refs = get_symbols_and_refs(rtl_list, args.elf_file, ignore_pairs)
if args.action == 'find-refs':
from_sections = args.from_sections.split(',') if args.from_sections else []
to_sections = args.to_sections.split(',') if args.to_sections else []
found = list_refs_from_to_sections(
refs, from_sections, to_sections
if args.exit_code and found:
raise SystemExit(1)
elif args.action == 'all-refs':
for r in refs:
if __name__ == '__main__':