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synced 2025-03-18 13:39:11 -04:00
145 lines
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145 lines
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Tests for the spi_slave device driver
#include <string.h>
#include "unity.h"
#include "driver/spi_master.h"
#include "driver/spi_slave.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "test/test_common_spi.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
//This test should be removed once the timing test is merged.
#define MASTER_SEND {0x93, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf0, 0xaa, 0xcc, 0xff, 0xee, 0x55, 0x77, 0x88, 0x43}
#define SLAVE_SEND { 0xaa, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, 0x13, 0x57, 0x9b, 0xdf, 0x24, 0x68, 0xac, 0xe0 }
static inline void int_connect( uint32_t gpio, uint32_t sigo, uint32_t sigi )
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal( gpio, sigo, false, false );
esp_rom_gpio_connect_in_signal( gpio, sigi, false );
static void master_init_nodma( spi_device_handle_t* spi)
esp_err_t ret;
spi_bus_config_t buscfg={
spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg={
.clock_speed_hz=4*1000*1000, //currently only up to 4MHz for internel connect
.mode=0, //SPI mode 0
.spics_io_num=PIN_NUM_CS, //CS pin
.queue_size=7, //We want to be able to queue 7 transactions at a time
//Initialize the SPI bus
ret=spi_bus_initialize(TEST_SPI_HOST, &buscfg, 0);
//Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
ret=spi_bus_add_device(TEST_SPI_HOST, &devcfg, spi);
static void slave_init(void)
//Configuration for the SPI bus
spi_bus_config_t buscfg={
//Configuration for the SPI slave interface
spi_slave_interface_config_t slvcfg={
//Enable pull-ups on SPI lines so we don't detect rogue pulses when no master is connected.
gpio_set_pull_mode(PIN_NUM_MOSI, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY);
gpio_set_pull_mode(PIN_NUM_CLK, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY);
gpio_set_pull_mode(PIN_NUM_CS, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY);
//Initialize SPI slave interface
TEST_ESP_OK( spi_slave_initialize(TEST_SLAVE_HOST, &buscfg, &slvcfg, 2) );
TEST_CASE("test slave send unaligned","[spi]")
WORD_ALIGNED_ATTR uint8_t master_txbuf[320]=MASTER_SEND;
WORD_ALIGNED_ATTR uint8_t master_rxbuf[320];
WORD_ALIGNED_ATTR uint8_t slave_txbuf[320]=SLAVE_SEND;
WORD_ALIGNED_ATTR uint8_t slave_rxbuf[320];
spi_device_handle_t spi;
//initial master
master_init_nodma( &spi );
//initial slave
//do internal connection
int_connect( PIN_NUM_MOSI, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SPI_HOST].spid_out, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SLAVE_HOST].spiq_in );
int_connect( PIN_NUM_MISO, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SLAVE_HOST].spiq_out, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SPI_HOST].spid_in );
int_connect( PIN_NUM_CS, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SPI_HOST].spics_out[0], spi_periph_signal[TEST_SLAVE_HOST].spics_in );
int_connect( PIN_NUM_CLK, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SPI_HOST].spiclk_out, spi_periph_signal[TEST_SLAVE_HOST].spiclk_in );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {
//slave send
spi_slave_transaction_t slave_t;
spi_slave_transaction_t* out;
memset(&slave_t, 0, sizeof(spi_slave_transaction_t));
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_slave_queue_trans(TEST_SLAVE_HOST, &slave_t, portMAX_DELAY));
spi_transaction_t t = {};
t.length = 32*(i+1);
if ( t.length != 0 ) {
t.tx_buffer = master_txbuf+i;
t.rx_buffer = master_rxbuf+i;
spi_device_transmit( spi, (spi_transaction_t*)&t );
//wait for end
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_slave_get_trans_result(TEST_SLAVE_HOST, &out, portMAX_DELAY));
//show result
ESP_LOGI(SLAVE_TAG, "trans_len: %d", slave_t.trans_len);
ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX( "master tx", t.tx_buffer, t.length/8 );
ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX( "master rx", t.rx_buffer, t.length/8 );
ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX( "slave tx", slave_t.tx_buffer, (slave_t.trans_len+7)/8);
ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX( "slave rx", slave_t.rx_buffer, (slave_t.trans_len+7)/8);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY( t.tx_buffer, slave_t.rx_buffer, t.length/8 );
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8_ARRAY( slave_t.tx_buffer, t.rx_buffer, t.length/8 );
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( t.length, slave_t.trans_len );
memset( master_rxbuf, 0x66, sizeof(master_rxbuf));
memset( slave_rxbuf, 0x66, sizeof(slave_rxbuf));
TEST_ASSERT(spi_bus_remove_device(spi) == ESP_OK);
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "test passed.");
#endif // !CONFIG_SPIRAM