mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 09:20:11 -04:00
There's two GDMA groups on ESP32P4, one is connected to AHB bus, and another one is connected AXI bus. We now have two seperate APIs for allocating DMA channels, depends on the bus type.
1048 lines
47 KiB
1048 lines
47 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
// The local log level must be defined before including esp_log.h
// Set the maximum log level for this source file
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
#include "soc/rmt_periph.h"
#include "soc/rtc.h"
#include "hal/rmt_ll.h"
#include "hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "driver/rmt_tx.h"
#include "rmt_private.h"
#include "esp_memory_utils.h"
static const char *TAG = "rmt";
struct rmt_sync_manager_t {
rmt_group_t *group; // which group the synchro belongs to
uint32_t channel_mask; // Mask of channels that are managed
size_t array_size; // Size of the `tx_channel_array`
rmt_channel_handle_t tx_channel_array[]; // Array of TX channels that are managed
static esp_err_t rmt_del_tx_channel(rmt_channel_handle_t channel);
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_modulate_carrier(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, const rmt_carrier_config_t *config);
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_enable(rmt_channel_handle_t channel);
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_disable(rmt_channel_handle_t channel);
static void rmt_tx_default_isr(void *args);
static bool rmt_dma_tx_eof_cb(gdma_channel_handle_t dma_chan, gdma_event_data_t *event_data, void *user_data);
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_init_dma_link(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_channel, const rmt_tx_channel_config_t *config)
rmt_symbol_word_t *dma_mem_base = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(rmt_symbol_word_t) * config->mem_block_symbols, RMT_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS | MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(dma_mem_base, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "no mem for tx DMA buffer");
tx_channel->base.dma_mem_base = dma_mem_base;
for (int i = 0; i < RMT_DMA_NODES_PING_PONG; i++) {
// each descriptor shares half of the DMA buffer
tx_channel->dma_nodes[i].buffer = dma_mem_base + tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols * i;
tx_channel->dma_nodes[i].dw0.size = tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols * sizeof(rmt_symbol_word_t);
// the ownership will be switched to DMA in `rmt_tx_do_transaction()`
tx_channel->dma_nodes[i].dw0.owner = DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU;
// each node can generate the DMA eof interrupt, and the driver will do a ping-pong trick in the eof callback
tx_channel->dma_nodes[i].dw0.suc_eof = 1;
gdma_channel_alloc_config_t dma_chan_config = {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(gdma_new_ahb_channel(&dma_chan_config, &tx_channel->base.dma_chan), TAG, "allocate TX DMA channel failed");
gdma_strategy_config_t gdma_strategy_conf = {
.auto_update_desc = true,
.owner_check = true,
gdma_apply_strategy(tx_channel->base.dma_chan, &gdma_strategy_conf);
gdma_tx_event_callbacks_t cbs = {
.on_trans_eof = rmt_dma_tx_eof_cb,
gdma_register_tx_event_callbacks(tx_channel->base.dma_chan, &cbs, tx_channel);
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_register_to_group(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_channel, const rmt_tx_channel_config_t *config)
size_t mem_block_num = 0;
// start to search for a free channel
// a channel can take up its neighbour's memory block, so the neighbour channel won't work, we should skip these "invaded" ones
int channel_scan_start = RMT_TX_CHANNEL_OFFSET_IN_GROUP;
if (config->flags.with_dma) {
// for DMA mode, the memory block number is always 1; for non-DMA mode, memory block number is configured by user
mem_block_num = 1;
// Only the last channel has the DMA capability
tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols = config->mem_block_symbols / 2;
} else {
// one channel can occupy multiple memory blocks
mem_block_num = config->mem_block_symbols / SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL;
if (mem_block_num * SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL < config->mem_block_symbols) {
tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols = mem_block_num * SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL / 2;
tx_channel->base.mem_block_num = mem_block_num;
// search free channel and then register to the group
// memory blocks used by one channel must be continuous
uint32_t channel_mask = (1 << mem_block_num) - 1;
rmt_group_t *group = NULL;
int channel_id = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < SOC_RMT_GROUPS; i++) {
group = rmt_acquire_group_handle(i);
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(group, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "no mem for group (%d)", i);
for (int j = channel_scan_start; j < channel_scan_end; j++) {
if (!(group->occupy_mask & (channel_mask << j))) {
group->occupy_mask |= (channel_mask << j);
// the channel ID should index from 0
group->tx_channels[channel_id] = tx_channel;
if (channel_id < 0) {
// didn't find a capable channel in the group, don't forget to release the group handle
} else {
tx_channel->base.channel_id = channel_id;
tx_channel->base.channel_mask = channel_mask;
tx_channel->base.group = group;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel_id >= 0, ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, TAG, "no free tx channels");
return ESP_OK;
static void rmt_tx_unregister_from_group(rmt_channel_t *channel, rmt_group_t *group)
group->tx_channels[channel->channel_id] = NULL;
group->occupy_mask &= ~(channel->channel_mask << (channel->channel_id + RMT_TX_CHANNEL_OFFSET_IN_GROUP));
// channel has a reference on group, release it now
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_create_trans_queue(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_channel, const rmt_tx_channel_config_t *config)
tx_channel->queue_size = config->trans_queue_depth;
// the queue only saves transaction description pointers
tx_channel->queues_storage = heap_caps_calloc(config->trans_queue_depth * RMT_TX_QUEUE_MAX, sizeof(rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *), RMT_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS);
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(tx_channel->queues_storage, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "no mem for queue storage");
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t **pp_trans_desc = (rmt_tx_trans_desc_t **)tx_channel->queues_storage;
for (int i = 0; i < RMT_TX_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
tx_channel->trans_queues[i] = xQueueCreateStatic(config->trans_queue_depth, sizeof(rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *),
(uint8_t *)pp_trans_desc, &tx_channel->trans_queue_structs[i]);
pp_trans_desc += config->trans_queue_depth;
// sanity check
// initialize the ready queue
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *p_trans_desc = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < config->trans_queue_depth; i++) {
p_trans_desc = &tx_channel->trans_desc_pool[i];
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueSend(tx_channel->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_READY], &p_trans_desc, 0) == pdTRUE,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "ready queue full");
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_destroy(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_channel)
if (tx_channel->base.intr) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_intr_free(tx_channel->base.intr), TAG, "delete interrupt service failed");
if (tx_channel->base.pm_lock) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_delete(tx_channel->base.pm_lock), TAG, "delete pm_lock failed");
if (tx_channel->base.dma_chan) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(gdma_del_channel(tx_channel->base.dma_chan), TAG, "delete dma channel failed");
for (int i = 0; i < RMT_TX_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
if (tx_channel->trans_queues[i]) {
if (tx_channel->queues_storage) {
if (tx_channel->base.dma_mem_base) {
if (tx_channel->base.group) {
// de-register channel from RMT group
rmt_tx_unregister_from_group(&tx_channel->base, tx_channel->base.group);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_new_tx_channel(const rmt_tx_channel_config_t *config, rmt_channel_handle_t *ret_chan)
esp_log_level_set(TAG, ESP_LOG_DEBUG);
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_channel = NULL;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(config && ret_chan && config->resolution_hz && config->trans_queue_depth, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(config->gpio_num), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid GPIO number");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE((config->mem_block_symbols & 0x01) == 0 && config->mem_block_symbols >= SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "mem_block_symbols must be even and at least %d", SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL);
// we only support 2 nodes ping-pong, if the configured memory block size needs more than two DMA descriptors, should treat it as invalid
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(config->mem_block_symbols <= RMT_DMA_DESC_BUF_MAX_SIZE * RMT_DMA_NODES_PING_PONG / sizeof(rmt_symbol_word_t),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "mem_block_symbols can't exceed %d",
RMT_DMA_DESC_BUF_MAX_SIZE * RMT_DMA_NODES_PING_PONG / sizeof(rmt_symbol_word_t));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(config->flags.with_dma == 0, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG, "DMA not supported");
// malloc channel memory
uint32_t mem_caps = RMT_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS;
if (config->flags.with_dma) {
// DMA descriptors must be placed in internal SRAM
tx_channel = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(rmt_tx_channel_t) + sizeof(rmt_tx_trans_desc_t) * config->trans_queue_depth, mem_caps);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(tx_channel, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for tx channel");
// create transaction queues
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(rmt_tx_create_trans_queue(tx_channel, config), err, TAG, "install trans queues failed");
// register the channel to group
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(rmt_tx_register_to_group(tx_channel, config), err, TAG, "register channel failed");
rmt_group_t *group = tx_channel->base.group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int channel_id = tx_channel->base.channel_id;
int group_id = group->group_id;
// select the clock source
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(rmt_select_periph_clock(&tx_channel->base, config->clk_src), err, TAG, "set group clock failed");
// reset channel, make sure the TX engine is not working, and events are cleared
rmt_hal_tx_channel_reset(&group->hal, channel_id);
// install interrupt service
// interrupt is mandatory to run basic RMT transactions, so it's not lazy installed in `rmt_tx_register_event_callbacks()`
int isr_flags = RMT_INTR_ALLOC_FLAG;
ret = esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus(rmt_periph_signals.groups[group_id].irq, isr_flags,
RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_MASK(channel_id), rmt_tx_default_isr, tx_channel, &tx_channel->base.intr);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "install tx interrupt failed");
// install DMA service
if (config->flags.with_dma) {
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(rmt_tx_init_dma_link(tx_channel, config), err, TAG, "install tx DMA failed");
// set channel clock resolution
uint32_t real_div = group->resolution_hz / config->resolution_hz;
rmt_ll_tx_set_channel_clock_div(hal->regs, channel_id, real_div);
// resolution lost due to division, calculate the real resolution
tx_channel->base.resolution_hz = group->resolution_hz / real_div;
if (tx_channel->base.resolution_hz != config->resolution_hz) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "channel resolution loss, real=%"PRIu32, tx_channel->base.resolution_hz);
rmt_ll_tx_set_mem_blocks(hal->regs, channel_id, tx_channel->base.mem_block_num);
// set limit threshold, after transmit ping_pong_symbols size, an interrupt event would be generated
rmt_ll_tx_set_limit(hal->regs, channel_id, tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols);
// disable carrier modulation by default, can reenable by `rmt_apply_carrier()`
rmt_ll_tx_enable_carrier_modulation(hal->regs, channel_id, false);
// idle level is determined by register value
rmt_ll_tx_fix_idle_level(hal->regs, channel_id, 0, true);
// always enable tx wrap, both DMA mode and ping-pong mode rely this feature
rmt_ll_tx_enable_wrap(hal->regs, channel_id, true);
// GPIO Matrix/MUX configuration
tx_channel->base.gpio_num = config->gpio_num;
gpio_config_t gpio_conf = {
.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE,
// also enable the input path if `io_loop_back` is on, this is useful for bi-directional buses
.mode = (config->flags.io_od_mode ? GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD : GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT) | (config->flags.io_loop_back ? GPIO_MODE_INPUT : 0),
.pull_down_en = false,
.pull_up_en = true,
.pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << config->gpio_num,
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(gpio_config(&gpio_conf), err, TAG, "config GPIO failed");
rmt_periph_signals.groups[group_id].channels[channel_id + RMT_TX_CHANNEL_OFFSET_IN_GROUP].tx_sig,
config->flags.invert_out, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[config->gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
tx_channel->base.direction = RMT_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_TX;
tx_channel->base.fsm = RMT_FSM_INIT;
tx_channel->base.hw_mem_base = &RMTMEM.channels[channel_id + RMT_TX_CHANNEL_OFFSET_IN_GROUP].symbols[0];
tx_channel->base.spinlock = (portMUX_TYPE)portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED;
// polymorphic methods
tx_channel->base.del = rmt_del_tx_channel;
tx_channel->base.set_carrier_action = rmt_tx_modulate_carrier;
tx_channel->base.enable = rmt_tx_enable;
tx_channel->base.disable = rmt_tx_disable;
// return general channel handle
*ret_chan = &tx_channel->base;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new tx channel(%d,%d) at %p, gpio=%d, res=%"PRIu32"Hz, hw_mem_base=%p, dma_mem_base=%p, ping_pong_size=%zu, queue_depth=%zu",
group_id, channel_id, tx_channel, config->gpio_num, tx_channel->base.resolution_hz,
tx_channel->base.hw_mem_base, tx_channel->base.dma_mem_base, tx_channel->ping_pong_symbols, tx_channel->queue_size);
return ESP_OK;
if (tx_channel) {
return ret;
static esp_err_t rmt_del_tx_channel(rmt_channel_handle_t channel)
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
int group_id = group->group_id;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del tx channel(%d,%d)", group_id, channel_id);
// recycle memory resource
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(rmt_tx_destroy(tx_chan), TAG, "destroy tx channel failed");
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_new_sync_manager(const rmt_sync_manager_config_t *config, rmt_sync_manager_handle_t *ret_synchro)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "sync manager not supported");
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
rmt_sync_manager_t *synchro = NULL;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(config && ret_synchro && config->tx_channel_array && config->array_size, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
synchro = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(rmt_sync_manager_t) + sizeof(rmt_channel_handle_t) * config->array_size, RMT_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(synchro, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for sync manager");
for (size_t i = 0; i < config->array_size; i++) {
synchro->tx_channel_array[i] = config->tx_channel_array[i];
synchro->array_size = config->array_size;
int group_id = config->tx_channel_array[0]->group->group_id;
// acquire group handle, increase reference count
rmt_group_t *group = rmt_acquire_group_handle(group_id);
// sanity check
synchro->group = group;
// calculate the mask of the channels to be managed
uint32_t channel_mask = 0;
rmt_channel_handle_t channel = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < config->array_size; i++) {
channel = config->tx_channel_array[i];
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(channel->direction == RMT_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_TX, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "sync manager supports TX channel only");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(channel->group == group, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "channels to be managed should locate in the same group");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(channel->fsm == RMT_FSM_ENABLE, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "channel should be started before creating sync manager");
channel_mask |= 1 << channel->channel_id;
synchro->channel_mask = channel_mask;
// search and register sync manager to group
bool new_synchro = false;
if (group->sync_manager == NULL) {
group->sync_manager = synchro;
new_synchro = true;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(new_synchro, ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, err, TAG, "no free sync manager in the group");
// enable sync manager
rmt_ll_tx_enable_sync(group->hal.regs, true);
rmt_ll_tx_sync_group_add_channels(group->hal.regs, channel_mask);
rmt_ll_tx_reset_channels_clock_div(group->hal.regs, channel_mask);
// ensure the reading cursor of each channel is pulled back to the starting line
for (size_t i = 0; i < config->array_size; i++) {
rmt_ll_tx_reset_pointer(group->hal.regs, config->tx_channel_array[i]->channel_id);
*ret_synchro = synchro;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new sync manager at %p, with channel mask:%02"PRIx32, synchro, synchro->channel_mask);
return ESP_OK;
if (synchro) {
if (synchro->group) {
return ret;
esp_err_t rmt_sync_reset(rmt_sync_manager_handle_t synchro)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "sync manager not supported");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(synchro, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
rmt_group_t *group = synchro->group;
rmt_ll_tx_reset_channels_clock_div(group->hal.regs, synchro->channel_mask);
for (size_t i = 0; i < synchro->array_size; i++) {
rmt_ll_tx_reset_pointer(group->hal.regs, synchro->tx_channel_array[i]->channel_id);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_del_sync_manager(rmt_sync_manager_handle_t synchro)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "sync manager not supported");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(synchro, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
rmt_group_t *group = synchro->group;
int group_id = group->group_id;
group->sync_manager = NULL;
// disable sync manager
rmt_ll_tx_enable_sync(group->hal.regs, false);
rmt_ll_tx_sync_group_remove_channels(group->hal.regs, synchro->channel_mask);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del sync manager in group(%d)", group_id);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_tx_register_event_callbacks(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, const rmt_tx_event_callbacks_t *cbs, void *user_data)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel && cbs, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel->direction == RMT_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_TX, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid channel direction");
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
if (cbs->on_trans_done) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_in_iram(cbs->on_trans_done), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "on_trans_done callback not in IRAM");
if (user_data) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_internal(user_data), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "user context not in internal RAM");
tx_chan->on_trans_done = cbs->on_trans_done;
tx_chan->user_data = user_data;
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_transmit(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, rmt_encoder_t *encoder, const void *payload, size_t payload_bytes, const rmt_transmit_config_t *config)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel && encoder && payload && payload_bytes && config, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel->direction == RMT_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_TX, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid channel direction");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel->fsm == RMT_FSM_ENABLE, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "channel not in enable state");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(config->loop_count <= 0, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "loop count is not supported");
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t = NULL;
// acquire one transaction description from ready_queue or done_queue
if (tx_chan->num_trans_inflight < tx_chan->queue_size) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_READY], &t, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE,
ESP_FAIL, TAG, "no transaction in the ready queue");
} else {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_COMPLETE], &t, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE,
ESP_FAIL, TAG, "recycle transaction from done queue failed");
// sanity check
// fill in the transaction descriptor
memset(t, 0, sizeof(rmt_tx_trans_desc_t));
t->encoder = encoder;
t->payload = payload;
t->payload_bytes = payload_bytes;
t->loop_count = config->loop_count;
t->remain_loop_count = t->loop_count;
t->flags.eot_level = config->flags.eot_level;
// send the transaction descriptor to queue
if (xQueueSend(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_PROGRESS], &t, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
} else {
// put the trans descriptor back to ready_queue
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueSend(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_READY], &t, 0) == pdTRUE,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "ready queue full");
// we don't know which "transmission complete" event will be triggered, but must be one of them: trans_done, loop_done
// when we run at here, the interrupt status bit for tx_done or loop_end should already up (ensured by `rmt_tx_enable()`)
// that's why we can go into ISR as soon as we enable the interrupt bit
// in the ISR, we will fetch the transactions from trans_queue and start it
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id) | RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id), true);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t rmt_tx_wait_all_done(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, int timeout_ms)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(channel, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
TickType_t wait_ticks = timeout_ms < 0 ? portMAX_DELAY : pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout_ms);
// recycle all transaction that are on the fly
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t = NULL;
size_t num_trans_inflight = tx_chan->num_trans_inflight;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_trans_inflight; i++) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_COMPLETE], &t, wait_ticks) == pdTRUE,
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, TAG, "flush timeout");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueSend(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_READY], &t, 0) == pdTRUE,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "ready queue full");
return ESP_OK;
static void IRAM_ATTR rmt_tx_mark_eof(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan)
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
rmt_symbol_word_t *mem_to = channel->dma_chan ? channel->dma_mem_base : channel->hw_mem_base;
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *cur_trans = tx_chan->cur_trans;
dma_descriptor_t *desc = NULL;
// a RMT word whose duration is zero means a "stop" pattern
mem_to[tx_chan->mem_off++] = (rmt_symbol_word_t) {
.duration0 = 0,
.level0 = cur_trans->flags.eot_level,
.duration1 = 0,
.level1 = cur_trans->flags.eot_level,
size_t off = 0;
if (channel->dma_chan) {
if (tx_chan->mem_off <= tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols) {
desc = &tx_chan->dma_nodes[0];
off = tx_chan->mem_off;
} else {
desc = &tx_chan->dma_nodes[1];
off = tx_chan->mem_off - tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols;
desc->dw0.length = off * sizeof(rmt_symbol_word_t);
// break down the DMA descriptor link
desc->next = NULL;
} else {
// This is the end of a sequence of encoding sessions, disable the threshold interrupt as no more data will be put into RMT memory block
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(group->hal.regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_THRES(channel_id), false);
static size_t IRAM_ATTR rmt_encode_check_result(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan, rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t)
rmt_encode_state_t encode_state = RMT_ENCODING_RESET;
rmt_encoder_handle_t encoder = t->encoder;
size_t encoded_symbols = encoder->encode(encoder, &tx_chan->base, t->payload, t->payload_bytes, &encode_state);
if (encode_state & RMT_ENCODING_COMPLETE) {
t->flags.encoding_done = true;
// inserting EOF symbol if there's extra space
if (!(encode_state & RMT_ENCODING_MEM_FULL)) {
encoded_symbols += 1;
// for loop transaction, the memory block should accommodate all encoded RMT symbols
if (t->loop_count != 0) {
if (unlikely(encoded_symbols > tx_chan->base.mem_block_num * SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL)) {
ESP_DRAM_LOGE(TAG, "encoding artifacts can't exceed hw memory block for loop transmission");
return encoded_symbols;
static void IRAM_ATTR rmt_tx_do_transaction(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan, rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t)
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
if (channel->dma_chan) {
// chain the descritpros into a ring, and will break it in `rmt_encode_eof()`
for (int i = 0; i < RMT_DMA_NODES_PING_PONG; i++) {
tx_chan->dma_nodes[i].next = &tx_chan->dma_nodes[i + 1];
tx_chan->dma_nodes[i].dw0.owner = DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU;
tx_chan->dma_nodes[1].next = &tx_chan->dma_nodes[0];
// set transaction specific parameters
rmt_ll_tx_reset_pointer(hal->regs, channel_id); // reset pointer for new transaction
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop(hal->regs, channel_id, t->loop_count != 0);
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop_autostop(hal->regs, channel_id, true);
rmt_ll_tx_reset_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id);
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id, t->loop_count > 0);
// transfer loops in batches
if (t->remain_loop_count > 0) {
uint32_t this_loop_count = MIN(t->remain_loop_count, RMT_LL_MAX_LOOP_COUNT_PER_BATCH);
rmt_ll_tx_set_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id, this_loop_count);
t->remain_loop_count -= this_loop_count;
// enable/disable specific interrupts
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id), t->loop_count > 0);
// in DMA mode, DMA eof event plays the similar functionality to this threshold interrupt, so only enable it for non-DMA mode
if (!channel->dma_chan) {
// don't enable threshold interrupt with loop mode on
// threshold interrupt will be disabled in `rmt_encode_eof()`
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_THRES(channel_id), t->loop_count == 0);
// Threshold interrupt will be generated by accident, clear it before starting new transmission
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_THRES(channel_id));
// don't generate trans done event for loop transmission
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id), t->loop_count == 0);
// at the beginning of a new transaction, encoding memory offset should start from zero.
// It will increase in the encode function e.g. `rmt_encode_copy()`
tx_chan->mem_off = 0;
// use the full memory block for the beginning encoding session
tx_chan->mem_end = tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols * 2;
// perform the encoding session, return the number of encoded symbols
t->transmitted_symbol_num = rmt_encode_check_result(tx_chan, t);
// we're going to perform ping-pong operation, so the next encoding end position is the middle
tx_chan->mem_end = tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols;
if (channel->dma_chan) {
gdma_start(channel->dma_chan, (intptr_t)tx_chan->dma_nodes);
// delay a while, wait for DMA data going to RMT memory block
// turn on the TX machine
rmt_ll_tx_fix_idle_level(hal->regs, channel_id, t->flags.eot_level, true);
rmt_ll_tx_start(hal->regs, channel_id);
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_enable(rmt_channel_handle_t channel)
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
// acquire power manager lock
if (channel->pm_lock) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_acquire(channel->pm_lock), TAG, "acquire pm_lock failed");
rmt_ll_tx_reset_pointer(hal->regs, channel_id);
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop(hal->regs, channel_id, false);
rmt_ll_tx_reset_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id);
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id, false);
// trigger a quick trans done event by sending a EOF symbol, no signal should appear on the GPIO
tx_chan->cur_trans = NULL;
channel->hw_mem_base[0].val = 0;
rmt_ll_tx_start(hal->regs, channel_id);
// wait the RMT interrupt line goes active, we won't go into the ISR handler until we enable the `RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE` interrupt
while (!(rmt_ll_tx_get_interrupt_status_raw(hal->regs, channel_id) & RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id))) {}
if (channel->dma_chan) {
// enable the DMA access mode
rmt_ll_tx_enable_dma(hal->regs, channel_id, true);
gdma_connect(channel->dma_chan, GDMA_MAKE_TRIGGER(GDMA_TRIG_PERIPH_RMT, 0));
channel->fsm = RMT_FSM_ENABLE;
// enable channel interrupt, dispatch transactions in ISR (in case there're transaction descriptors in the queue, then we should start them)
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id), true);
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_disable(rmt_channel_handle_t channel)
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = __containerof(channel, rmt_tx_channel_t, base);
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
rmt_ll_tx_enable_loop(hal->regs, channel->channel_id, false);
rmt_ll_tx_stop(hal->regs, channel->channel_id);
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_MASK(channel_id), false);
// we do a trick to stop the undergoing transmission
// stop interrupt, insert EOF marker to the RMT memory, polling the trans_done event
channel->hw_mem_base[0].val = 0;
while (!(rmt_ll_tx_get_interrupt_status_raw(hal->regs, channel_id) & RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id))) {}
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_MASK(channel_id));
if (channel->dma_chan) {
// disable DMA access mode
rmt_ll_tx_enable_dma(hal->regs, channel_id, false);
// recycle the interrupted transaction
if (tx_chan->cur_trans) {
xQueueSend(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_COMPLETE], &tx_chan->cur_trans, portMAX_DELAY);
// reset corresponding encoder
tx_chan->cur_trans = NULL;
// release power manager lock
if (channel->pm_lock) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_release(channel->pm_lock), TAG, "release pm_lock failed");
channel->fsm = RMT_FSM_INIT;
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t rmt_tx_modulate_carrier(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, const rmt_carrier_config_t *config)
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
int group_id = group->group_id;
int channel_id = channel->channel_id;
uint32_t real_frequency = 0;
if (config && config->frequency_hz) {
// carrier module works base on group clock
uint32_t total_ticks = group->resolution_hz / config->frequency_hz; // Note this division operation will lose precision
uint32_t high_ticks = total_ticks * config->duty_cycle;
uint32_t low_ticks = total_ticks - high_ticks;
rmt_ll_tx_set_carrier_level(hal->regs, channel_id, !config->flags.polarity_active_low);
rmt_ll_tx_set_carrier_high_low_ticks(hal->regs, channel_id, high_ticks, low_ticks);
rmt_ll_tx_enable_carrier_always_on(hal->regs, channel_id, config->flags.always_on);
// save real carrier frequency
real_frequency = group->resolution_hz / total_ticks;
// enable/disable carrier modulation
rmt_ll_tx_enable_carrier_modulation(hal->regs, channel_id, real_frequency > 0);
if (real_frequency > 0) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "enable carrier modulation for channel(%d,%d), freq=%"PRIu32"Hz", group_id, channel_id, real_frequency);
} else {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "disable carrier modulation for channel(%d,%d)", group_id, channel_id);
return ESP_OK;
static bool IRAM_ATTR rmt_isr_handle_tx_threshold(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan)
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
uint32_t channel_id = channel->channel_id;
// continue pingpong transmission
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t = tx_chan->cur_trans;
size_t encoded_symbols = t->transmitted_symbol_num;
// encoding finished, only need to send the EOF symbol
if (t->flags.encoding_done) {
encoded_symbols += 1;
} else {
encoded_symbols += rmt_encode_check_result(tx_chan, t);
t->transmitted_symbol_num = encoded_symbols;
tx_chan->mem_end = tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols * 3 - tx_chan->mem_end; // mem_end equals to either ping_pong_symbols or ping_pong_symbols*2
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_THRES(channel_id));
return false;
static bool IRAM_ATTR rmt_isr_handle_tx_done(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan)
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
uint32_t channel_id = channel->channel_id;
BaseType_t awoken = pdFALSE;
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *trans_desc = NULL;
bool need_yield = false;
// disable interrupt temporarily, re-enable it when there is transaction unhandled in the queue
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id), false);
trans_desc = tx_chan->cur_trans;
// process finished transaction
if (trans_desc) {
// don't care of the tx done event for any undergoing loop transaction
// mostly it's triggered when a loop transmission is undergoing and user calls `rmt_transmit()` where tx done interrupt is generated by accident
if (trans_desc->loop_count != 0) {
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id));
return need_yield;
if (tx_chan->on_trans_done) {
rmt_tx_done_event_data_t edata = {
.num_symbols = trans_desc->transmitted_symbol_num,
if (tx_chan->on_trans_done(channel, &edata, tx_chan->user_data)) {
need_yield = true;
// move transaction to done_queue
xQueueSendFromISR(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_COMPLETE], &trans_desc, &awoken);
if (awoken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
// fetch new transaction description from trans_queue
if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_PROGRESS], &trans_desc, &awoken) == pdTRUE) {
// sanity check
// update current transaction
tx_chan->cur_trans = trans_desc;
// only clear the trans done status when we're sure there still remains transaction to handle
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id));
// enable interrupt again, because the new transaction can trigger another trans done event
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id), trans_desc->loop_count == 0);
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id), trans_desc->loop_count > 0);
// begin a new transaction
rmt_tx_do_transaction(tx_chan, trans_desc);
} else { // No transactions left in the queue
// don't clear interrupt status, so when next time user push new transaction to the queue and call esp_intr_enable,
// we can go to this ISR handler again
tx_chan->cur_trans = NULL;
if (awoken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
return need_yield;
static bool IRAM_ATTR rmt_isr_handle_tx_loop_end(rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan)
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
uint32_t channel_id = channel->channel_id;
BaseType_t awoken = pdFALSE;
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *trans_desc = NULL;
bool need_yield = false;
trans_desc = tx_chan->cur_trans;
if (trans_desc) {
// This is a workaround for chips that don't support auto stop
// Although we stop the transaction immediately in ISR handler, it's still possible that some rmt symbols have sneaked out
rmt_ll_tx_stop(hal->regs, channel_id);
// continue unfinished loop transaction
if (trans_desc->remain_loop_count) {
uint32_t this_loop_count = MIN(trans_desc->remain_loop_count, RMT_LL_MAX_LOOP_COUNT_PER_BATCH);
trans_desc->remain_loop_count -= this_loop_count;
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id));
rmt_ll_tx_set_loop_count(hal->regs, channel_id, this_loop_count);
rmt_ll_tx_reset_pointer(hal->regs, channel_id);
// continue the loop transmission, don't need to fill the RMT symbols again, just restart the engine
rmt_ll_tx_start(hal->regs, channel_id);
return need_yield;
} else {
if (tx_chan->on_trans_done) {
rmt_tx_done_event_data_t edata = {
.num_symbols = trans_desc->transmitted_symbol_num,
if (tx_chan->on_trans_done(channel, &edata, tx_chan->user_data)) {
need_yield = true;
// move transaction to done_queue
xQueueSendFromISR(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_COMPLETE], &trans_desc, &awoken);
if (awoken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
// trans_done and loop_done should be considered as one "transmission complete"
// but sometimes the trans done event might also be triggered together with loop done event, by accident, so clear it first
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id));
// disable interrupt temporarily, re-enable it when there is transaction unhandled in the queue
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id), false);
// fetch new transaction description from trans_queue
if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(tx_chan->trans_queues[RMT_TX_QUEUE_PROGRESS], &trans_desc, &awoken) == pdTRUE) {
// sanity check
tx_chan->cur_trans = trans_desc;
// clear the loop end status when we're sure there still remains transaction to handle
rmt_ll_clear_interrupt_status(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id));
// enable interrupt again, because the new transaction can trigger new trans done event
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id), trans_desc->loop_count == 0);
rmt_ll_enable_interrupt(hal->regs, RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id), trans_desc->loop_count > 0);
// begin a new transaction
rmt_tx_do_transaction(tx_chan, trans_desc);
} else { // No transactions left in the queue
// don't clear interrupt status, so when next time user push new transaction to the queue and call esp_intr_enable,
// we can go into ISR handler again
tx_chan->cur_trans = NULL;
if (awoken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
return need_yield;
static void IRAM_ATTR rmt_tx_default_isr(void *args)
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = (rmt_tx_channel_t *)args;
rmt_channel_t *channel = &tx_chan->base;
rmt_group_t *group = channel->group;
rmt_hal_context_t *hal = &group->hal;
uint32_t channel_id = channel->channel_id;
bool need_yield = false;
uint32_t status = rmt_ll_tx_get_interrupt_status(hal->regs, channel_id);
// Tx threshold interrupt
if (status & RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_THRES(channel_id)) {
if (rmt_isr_handle_tx_threshold(tx_chan)) {
need_yield = true;
// Tx end interrupt
if (status & RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_DONE(channel_id)) {
if (rmt_isr_handle_tx_done(tx_chan)) {
need_yield = true;
// Tx loop end interrupt
if (status & RMT_LL_EVENT_TX_LOOP_END(channel_id)) {
if (rmt_isr_handle_tx_loop_end(tx_chan)) {
need_yield = true;
if (need_yield) {
static bool IRAM_ATTR rmt_dma_tx_eof_cb(gdma_channel_handle_t dma_chan, gdma_event_data_t *event_data, void *user_data)
rmt_tx_channel_t *tx_chan = (rmt_tx_channel_t *)user_data;
dma_descriptor_t *eof_desc = (dma_descriptor_t *)event_data->tx_eof_desc_addr;
// if the DMA descriptor link is still a ring (i.e. hasn't broken down by `rmt_tx_mark_eof()`), then we treat it as a valid ping-pong event
if (eof_desc->next && eof_desc->next->next) {
// continue pingpong transmission
rmt_tx_trans_desc_t *t = tx_chan->cur_trans;
size_t encoded_symbols = t->transmitted_symbol_num;
if (t->flags.encoding_done) {
encoded_symbols += 1;
} else {
encoded_symbols += rmt_encode_check_result(tx_chan, t);
t->transmitted_symbol_num = encoded_symbols;
tx_chan->mem_end = tx_chan->ping_pong_symbols * 3 - tx_chan->mem_end; // mem_end equals to either ping_pong_symbols or ping_pong_symbols*2
// tell DMA that we have a new descriptor attached
return false;