2020-10-28 07:21:29 +08:00

522 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2017-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
typedef volatile struct {
union {
struct {
uint32_t start_force: 1;
uint32_t start: 1;
uint32_t reserved2: 1;
uint32_t work_mode: 2; /*0: single mode 1: double mode 2: alternate mode*/
uint32_t sar_sel: 1; /*0: SAR1 1: SAR2 only work for single SAR mode*/
uint32_t sar_clk_gated: 1;
uint32_t sar_clk_div: 8; /*SAR clock divider*/
uint32_t sar1_patt_len: 4; /*0 ~ 15 means length 1 ~ 16*/
uint32_t sar2_patt_len: 4; /*0 ~ 15 means length 1 ~ 16*/
uint32_t sar1_patt_p_clear: 1; /*clear the pointer of pattern table for DIG ADC1 CTRL*/
uint32_t sar2_patt_p_clear: 1; /*clear the pointer of pattern table for DIG ADC2 CTRL*/
uint32_t data_sar_sel: 1; /*1: sar_sel will be coded by the MSB of the 16-bit output data in this case the resolution should not be larger than 11 bits.*/
uint32_t data_to_i2s: 1; /*1: I2S input data is from SAR ADC (for DMA) 0: I2S input data is from GPIO matrix*/
uint32_t xpd_sar_force: 2; /*force option to xpd sar blocks*/
uint32_t reserved29: 1;
uint32_t wait_arb_cycle: 2; /*wait arbit signal stable after sar_done*/
uint32_t val;
} ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t meas_num_limit: 1;
uint32_t max_meas_num: 8; /*max conversion number*/
uint32_t sar1_inv: 1; /*1: data to DIG ADC1 CTRL is inverted otherwise not*/
uint32_t sar2_inv: 1; /*1: data to DIG ADC2 CTRL is inverted otherwise not*/
uint32_t timer_sel: 1; /*1: select saradc timer 0: i2s_ws trigger*/
uint32_t timer_target: 12; /*to set saradc timer target*/
uint32_t timer_en: 1; /*to enable saradc timer trigger*/
uint32_t reserved25: 7;
uint32_t val;
} ctrl2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t filter_factor1: 3;
uint32_t filter_factor0: 3;
uint32_t val;
} filter_ctrl1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t xpd_wait: 8;
uint32_t rstb_wait: 8;
uint32_t standby_wait: 8;
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} fsm_wait;
uint32_t sar1_status; /**/
uint32_t sar2_status; /**/
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar1_patt_tab1: 24; /*item 0 ~ 3 for pattern table 1 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar1_patt_tab1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar1_patt_tab2: 24; /*Item 4 ~ 7 for pattern table 1 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar1_patt_tab2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar1_patt_tab3: 24; /*Item 8 ~ 11 for pattern table 1 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar1_patt_tab3;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar1_patt_tab4: 24; /*Item 12 ~ 15 for pattern table 1 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar1_patt_tab4;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar2_patt_tab1: 24; /*item 0 ~ 3 for pattern table 2 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar2_patt_tab1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar2_patt_tab2: 24; /*Item 4 ~ 7 for pattern table 2 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar2_patt_tab2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar2_patt_tab3: 24; /*Item 8 ~ 11 for pattern table 2 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar2_patt_tab3;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sar2_patt_tab4: 24; /*Item 12 ~ 15 for pattern table 2 (each item one byte)*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8;
uint32_t val;
} sar2_patt_tab4;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 2;
uint32_t adc_arb_apb_force: 1; /*adc2 arbiter force to enableapb controller*/
uint32_t adc_arb_rtc_force: 1; /*adc2 arbiter force to enable rtc controller*/
uint32_t adc_arb_wifi_force: 1; /*adc2 arbiter force to enable wifi controller*/
uint32_t adc_arb_grant_force: 1; /*adc2 arbiter force grant*/
uint32_t adc_arb_apb_priority: 2; /*Set adc2 arbiterapb priority*/
uint32_t adc_arb_rtc_priority: 2; /*Set adc2 arbiter rtc priority*/
uint32_t adc_arb_wifi_priority: 2; /*Set adc2 arbiter wifi priority*/
uint32_t adc_arb_fix_priority: 1; /*adc2 arbiter uses fixed priority*/
uint32_t reserved13: 19;
uint32_t val;
} apb_adc_arb_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 14;
uint32_t filter_channel1: 5;
uint32_t filter_channel0: 5; /*apb_adc1_filter_factor*/
uint32_t reserved24: 7;
uint32_t filter_reset: 1; /*enable apb_adc1_filter*/
uint32_t val;
} filter_ctrl0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t adc1_data: 17;
uint32_t reserved17: 15;
uint32_t val;
} apb_saradc1_data_status;
union {
struct {
uint32_t thres0_channel: 5;
uint32_t thres0_high: 13; /*saradc1's thres0 monitor thres*/
uint32_t thres0_low: 13; /*saradc1's thres0 monitor thres*/
uint32_t val;
} thres0_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t thres1_channel: 5;
uint32_t thres1_high: 13; /*saradc1's thres0 monitor thres*/
uint32_t thres1_low: 13; /*saradc1's thres0 monitor thres*/
uint32_t reserved31: 1;
uint32_t val;
} thres1_ctrl;
uint32_t reserved_4c;
uint32_t reserved_50;
uint32_t reserved_54;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 27;
uint32_t thres_all_en: 1;
uint32_t thres3_en: 1;
uint32_t thres2_en: 1;
uint32_t thres1_en: 1;
uint32_t thres0_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} thres_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t thres1_low: 1;
uint32_t thres0_low: 1;
uint32_t thres1_high: 1;
uint32_t thres0_high: 1;
uint32_t adc2_done: 1;
uint32_t adc1_done: 1;
uint32_t val;
} int_ena;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t thres1_low: 1;
uint32_t thres0_low: 1;
uint32_t thres1_high: 1;
uint32_t thres0_high: 1;
uint32_t adc2_done: 1;
uint32_t adc1_done: 1;
uint32_t val;
} int_raw;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t thres1_low: 1;
uint32_t thres0_low: 1;
uint32_t thres1_high: 1;
uint32_t thres0_high: 1;
uint32_t adc2_done: 1;
uint32_t adc1_done: 1;
uint32_t val;
} int_st;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t thres1_low: 1;
uint32_t thres0_low: 1;
uint32_t thres1_high: 1;
uint32_t thres0_high: 1;
uint32_t adc2_done: 1;
uint32_t adc1_done: 1;
uint32_t val;
} int_clr;
union {
struct {
uint32_t apb_adc_eof_num: 16; /*the dma_in_suc_eof gen when sample cnt = spi_eof_num*/
uint32_t reserved16: 14;
uint32_t apb_adc_reset_fsm: 1; /*reset_apb_adc_state*/
uint32_t apb_adc_trans: 1; /*enable apb_adc use spi_dma*/
uint32_t val;
} dma_conf;
union {
struct {
uint32_t clkm_div_num: 8; /*Integral I2S clock divider value*/
uint32_t clkm_div_b: 6; /*Fractional clock divider numerator value*/
uint32_t clkm_div_a: 6; /*Fractional clock divider denominator value*/
uint32_t clk_en: 1;
uint32_t clk_sel: 2; /*Set this bit to enable clk_apll*/
uint32_t reserved23: 9;
uint32_t val;
} apb_adc_clkm_conf;
union {
struct {
uint32_t dac_timer_target: 12; /*dac_timer target*/
uint32_t dac_timer_en: 1; /*enable read dac data*/
uint32_t apb_dac_alter_mode: 1; /*enable dac alter mode*/
uint32_t apb_dac_trans: 1; /*enable dma_dac*/
uint32_t dac_reset_fifo: 1;
uint32_t apb_dac_rst: 1;
uint32_t dac_clk_fo: 1;
uint32_t dac_clk_gate_en: 1;
uint32_t reserved19: 13;
uint32_t val;
} apb_dac_ctrl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t adc2_data: 17;
uint32_t reserved17: 15;
uint32_t val;
} apb_saradc2_data_status;
union {
struct {
uint32_t dac_clk_div: 8;
uint32_t reserved8: 24;
uint32_t val;
} apb_dac_clk_ctrl;
uint32_t reserved_80;
uint32_t reserved_84;
uint32_t reserved_88;
uint32_t reserved_8c;
uint32_t reserved_90;
uint32_t reserved_94;
uint32_t reserved_98;
uint32_t reserved_9c;
uint32_t reserved_a0;
uint32_t reserved_a4;
uint32_t reserved_a8;
uint32_t reserved_ac;
uint32_t reserved_b0;
uint32_t reserved_b4;
uint32_t reserved_b8;
uint32_t reserved_bc;
uint32_t reserved_c0;
uint32_t reserved_c4;
uint32_t reserved_c8;
uint32_t reserved_cc;
uint32_t reserved_d0;
uint32_t reserved_d4;
uint32_t reserved_d8;
uint32_t reserved_dc;
uint32_t reserved_e0;
uint32_t reserved_e4;
uint32_t reserved_e8;
uint32_t reserved_ec;
uint32_t reserved_f0;
uint32_t reserved_f4;
uint32_t reserved_f8;
uint32_t reserved_fc;
uint32_t reserved_100;
uint32_t reserved_104;
uint32_t reserved_108;
uint32_t reserved_10c;
uint32_t reserved_110;
uint32_t reserved_114;
uint32_t reserved_118;
uint32_t reserved_11c;
uint32_t reserved_120;
uint32_t reserved_124;
uint32_t reserved_128;
uint32_t reserved_12c;
uint32_t reserved_130;
uint32_t reserved_134;
uint32_t reserved_138;
uint32_t reserved_13c;
uint32_t reserved_140;
uint32_t reserved_144;
uint32_t reserved_148;
uint32_t reserved_14c;
uint32_t reserved_150;
uint32_t reserved_154;
uint32_t reserved_158;
uint32_t reserved_15c;
uint32_t reserved_160;
uint32_t reserved_164;
uint32_t reserved_168;
uint32_t reserved_16c;
uint32_t reserved_170;
uint32_t reserved_174;
uint32_t reserved_178;
uint32_t reserved_17c;
uint32_t reserved_180;
uint32_t reserved_184;
uint32_t reserved_188;
uint32_t reserved_18c;
uint32_t reserved_190;
uint32_t reserved_194;
uint32_t reserved_198;
uint32_t reserved_19c;
uint32_t reserved_1a0;
uint32_t reserved_1a4;
uint32_t reserved_1a8;
uint32_t reserved_1ac;
uint32_t reserved_1b0;
uint32_t reserved_1b4;
uint32_t reserved_1b8;
uint32_t reserved_1bc;
uint32_t reserved_1c0;
uint32_t reserved_1c4;
uint32_t reserved_1c8;
uint32_t reserved_1cc;
uint32_t reserved_1d0;
uint32_t reserved_1d4;
uint32_t reserved_1d8;
uint32_t reserved_1dc;
uint32_t reserved_1e0;
uint32_t reserved_1e4;
uint32_t reserved_1e8;
uint32_t reserved_1ec;
uint32_t reserved_1f0;
uint32_t reserved_1f4;
uint32_t reserved_1f8;
uint32_t reserved_1fc;
uint32_t reserved_200;
uint32_t reserved_204;
uint32_t reserved_208;
uint32_t reserved_20c;
uint32_t reserved_210;
uint32_t reserved_214;
uint32_t reserved_218;
uint32_t reserved_21c;
uint32_t reserved_220;
uint32_t reserved_224;
uint32_t reserved_228;
uint32_t reserved_22c;
uint32_t reserved_230;
uint32_t reserved_234;
uint32_t reserved_238;
uint32_t reserved_23c;
uint32_t reserved_240;
uint32_t reserved_244;
uint32_t reserved_248;
uint32_t reserved_24c;
uint32_t reserved_250;
uint32_t reserved_254;
uint32_t reserved_258;
uint32_t reserved_25c;
uint32_t reserved_260;
uint32_t reserved_264;
uint32_t reserved_268;
uint32_t reserved_26c;
uint32_t reserved_270;
uint32_t reserved_274;
uint32_t reserved_278;
uint32_t reserved_27c;
uint32_t reserved_280;
uint32_t reserved_284;
uint32_t reserved_288;
uint32_t reserved_28c;
uint32_t reserved_290;
uint32_t reserved_294;
uint32_t reserved_298;
uint32_t reserved_29c;
uint32_t reserved_2a0;
uint32_t reserved_2a4;
uint32_t reserved_2a8;
uint32_t reserved_2ac;
uint32_t reserved_2b0;
uint32_t reserved_2b4;
uint32_t reserved_2b8;
uint32_t reserved_2bc;
uint32_t reserved_2c0;
uint32_t reserved_2c4;
uint32_t reserved_2c8;
uint32_t reserved_2cc;
uint32_t reserved_2d0;
uint32_t reserved_2d4;
uint32_t reserved_2d8;
uint32_t reserved_2dc;
uint32_t reserved_2e0;
uint32_t reserved_2e4;
uint32_t reserved_2e8;
uint32_t reserved_2ec;
uint32_t reserved_2f0;
uint32_t reserved_2f4;
uint32_t reserved_2f8;
uint32_t reserved_2fc;
uint32_t reserved_300;
uint32_t reserved_304;
uint32_t reserved_308;
uint32_t reserved_30c;
uint32_t reserved_310;
uint32_t reserved_314;
uint32_t reserved_318;
uint32_t reserved_31c;
uint32_t reserved_320;
uint32_t reserved_324;
uint32_t reserved_328;
uint32_t reserved_32c;
uint32_t reserved_330;
uint32_t reserved_334;
uint32_t reserved_338;
uint32_t reserved_33c;
uint32_t reserved_340;
uint32_t reserved_344;
uint32_t reserved_348;
uint32_t reserved_34c;
uint32_t reserved_350;
uint32_t reserved_354;
uint32_t reserved_358;
uint32_t reserved_35c;
uint32_t reserved_360;
uint32_t reserved_364;
uint32_t reserved_368;
uint32_t reserved_36c;
uint32_t reserved_370;
uint32_t reserved_374;
uint32_t reserved_378;
uint32_t reserved_37c;
uint32_t reserved_380;
uint32_t reserved_384;
uint32_t reserved_388;
uint32_t reserved_38c;
uint32_t reserved_390;
uint32_t reserved_394;
uint32_t reserved_398;
uint32_t reserved_39c;
uint32_t reserved_3a0;
uint32_t reserved_3a4;
uint32_t reserved_3a8;
uint32_t reserved_3ac;
uint32_t reserved_3b0;
uint32_t reserved_3b4;
uint32_t reserved_3b8;
uint32_t reserved_3bc;
uint32_t reserved_3c0;
uint32_t reserved_3c4;
uint32_t reserved_3c8;
uint32_t reserved_3cc;
uint32_t reserved_3d0;
uint32_t reserved_3d4;
uint32_t reserved_3d8;
uint32_t reserved_3dc;
uint32_t reserved_3e0;
uint32_t reserved_3e4;
uint32_t reserved_3e8;
uint32_t reserved_3ec;
uint32_t reserved_3f0;
uint32_t reserved_3f4;
uint32_t reserved_3f8;
uint32_t apb_ctrl_date; /**/
} apb_saradc_dev_t;
extern apb_saradc_dev_t APB_SARADC;
#ifdef __cplusplus