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synced 2025-03-10 01:29:21 -04:00
1,Fix sniffer bug caused by mode switch 2,Reduce WiFi bin size 3,Add TX packets size check 4,Fix scan get rssi error 5,Add wifi stop check at WiFi deinit entry 6,Return fail when setting AP's channel is out of range 7,Fix the bug for setting channel when WiFi in NULL mode
Logging library =============== Overview -------- Log library has two ways of managing log verbosity: compile time, set via menuconfig; and runtime, using :cpp:func:`esp_log_level_set` function. The log levels are Error, Warning, Info, Debug, and Verbose (from lowest to highest level of verbosity). At compile time, filtering is done using :envvar:`CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL` option, set via menuconfig. All logging statements for levels higher than :envvar:`CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL` will be removed by the preprocessor. At run time, all logs below :envvar:`CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL` are enabled by default. :cpp:func:`esp_log_level_set` function may be used to reduce logging level per module. Modules are identified by their tags, which are human-readable ASCII zero-terminated strings. Note that :cpp:func:`esp_log_level_set` can not increase logging level beyound that set by :envvar:`CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL`. To increase log level for a specific file at compile time, `LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL` macro can be used (see below for details). How to use this library ----------------------- In each C file which uses logging functionality, define TAG variable like this: .. code-block:: c static const char* TAG = "MyModule"; then use one of logging macros to produce output, e.g: .. code-block:: c ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Baud rate error %.1f%%. Requested: %d baud, actual: %d baud", error * 100, baud_req, baud_real); Several macros are available for different verbosity levels: * ``ESP_LOGE`` - error (lowest) * ``ESP_LOGW`` - warning * ``ESP_LOGI`` - info * ``ESP_LOGD`` - debug * ``ESP_LOGV`` - verbose (highest) Additionally there is an ``_EARLY`` variant for each of these macros (e.g. :c:macro:`ESP_EARLY_LOGE`). These variants can run in startup code, before heap allocator and syscalls have been initialized. When compiling bootloader, normal ``ESP_LOGx`` macros fall back to the same implementation as ``ESP_EARLY_LOGx`` macros. So the only place where ``ESP_EARLY_LOGx`` have to be used explicitly is the early startup code, such as heap allocator initialization code. To override default verbosity level at file or component scope, define ``LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL`` macro. At file scope, define it before including ``esp_log.h``, e.g.: .. code-block:: c #define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_VERBOSE #include "esp_log.h" At component scope, define it in component makefile: .. code-block:: make CFLAGS += -D LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL=ESP_LOG_DEBUG To configure logging output per module at runtime, add calls to :cpp:func:`esp_log_level_set` function: .. code-block:: c esp_log_level_set("*", ESP_LOG_ERROR); // set all components to ERROR level esp_log_level_set("wifi", ESP_LOG_WARN); // enable WARN logs from WiFi stack esp_log_level_set("dhcpc", ESP_LOG_INFO); // enable INFO logs from DHCP client Logging to Host via JTAG ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default logging library uses vprintf-like function to write formatted output to dedicated UART. By calling a simple API, all log output may be routed to JTAG instead, making logging several times faster. For details please refer to section :ref:`app_trace-logging-to-host`.