Yulong ece6bd9b82 component/bt: Change the btc gattc callback function with the compile error.
1. Change all the gattc API && bta gattc layer.
2. Debug the code and change the btc_ble_gattc_get_db method.
3. Change the gatt read API interface.
4. Reconstruction the BTA_gattc_cache code.
5. Change back the bluedroid_get_status to marco.
6. Change the gattc docs format.
7. Change the docs format.
8. fix the read char value bug.
9. change the gattc_get_attr_count method.
10. Change back the bta_gattc write ccc code.
11. Change the gattc api docs format
12. Change the gattc API docs.
13. Change the prepare write descriptor method to avoid the exection.
14. modify gatt clinet demo with new API
15. Change the p_src_data->read.p_value to avoid exection.
16. Change the bugfix of gattc unreg for the notify.

    component/bt: Added the serch service res start_handle & end_handle to the result.

component/bt: Added the bta_gattc_cache_write when gatt discovery complete.

component/bt: Added the bta_gattc_cache_write declaration.

component/bt: Added the comments for esp_ble_gattc_cache_refresh API.

component/bt: Change the spelling errors & some comment error.

component/bt: fix bug of get gattc cache address list error.

1. Change the esp_bluedroid_get_status to macro;
2. added the malloc & free for the get_addr_list

component/bt: Added the addr_info->ass_addr == NULL Judgment to prevent crashes in the bta_gattc_co_cache_find_src_addr function.

component/bt: Fixed following gattc cache bugs

1. gattc can't refresh the gattc cache in the gatt discover state;
2. remove the nvs_get_blob in the cache address init function;
3. added the nvs_set_blob return value judgment in the cache address save function;
4. added the list_new when ass_address is NULL;
5. Change the ass_address list remove method to fix the ass address can't remove bug.
2018-04-19 12:05:13 +08:00

573 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /* BT_SUPPORT_NVM */
#include "bta_gattc_co.h"
#include "bta_gattc_ci.h"
// #include "btif_util.h"
#include "btm_int.h"
#include "nvs.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "allocator.h"
#if( defined BLE_INCLUDED ) && (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE)
#define GATT_CACHE_PREFIX "gatt_"
#define INVALID_ADDR_NUM 0xff
static FILE *sCacheFD = 0;
static void getFilename(char *buffer, BD_ADDR bda)
sprintf(buffer, "%s%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", GATT_CACHE_PREFIX
, bda[0], bda[1], bda[2], bda[3], bda[4], bda[5]);
static void cacheClose()
if (sCacheFD != 0) {
sCacheFD = 0;
static bool cacheOpen(BD_ADDR bda, bool to_save)
char fname[255] = {0};
getFilename(fname, bda);
sCacheFD = fopen(fname, to_save ? "w" : "r");
return (sCacheFD != 0);
static void cacheReset(BD_ADDR bda)
char fname[255] = {0};
getFilename(fname, bda);
static const char *cache_key = "gattc_cahe_key";
static const char *cache_addr = "cache_addr_tab";
nvs_handle nvs_fp;
typedef struct {
//save the service data in the list according to the address
nvs_handle cache_fp;
BOOLEAN is_open;
BD_ADDR addr;
coap_key_t hash_key;
list_t *ass_addr;
typedef struct {
//save the address list in the cache
nvs_handle addr_fp;
BOOLEAN is_open;
UINT8 num_addr;
cache_addr_info_t cache_addr[MAX_DEVICE_IN_CACHE];
cache_env_t cache_env;
static void getFilename(char *buffer, coap_key_t hash)
sprintf(buffer, "%s%02x%02x%02x%02x", GATT_CACHE_PREFIX,
hash[0], hash[1], hash[2], hash[3]);
static void cacheClose(BD_ADDR bda)
UINT8 index = 0;
if ((index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(bda)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
if (cache_env.cache_addr[index].is_open) {
cache_env.cache_addr[index].is_open = FALSE;
static bool cacheOpen(BD_ADDR bda, bool to_save, UINT8 *index)
char fname[255] = {0};
UINT8 *ass_addr = NULL;
esp_err_t status = ESP_FAIL;
coap_key_t hash_key = {0};
if (((*index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(bda)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) ||
((ass_addr = bta_gattc_co_cache_find_src_addr(bda, index)) != NULL)) {
if (cache_env.cache_addr[*index].is_open) {
return TRUE;
} else {
memcpy(hash_key, cache_env.cache_addr[*index].hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t));
getFilename(fname, hash_key);
if ((status = nvs_open(fname, NVS_READWRITE, &cache_env.cache_addr[*index].cache_fp)) == ESP_OK) {
// Set the open flag to TRUE when success to open the hash file.
cache_env.cache_addr[*index].is_open = TRUE;
return ((status == ESP_OK) ? true : false);
static void cacheReset(BD_ADDR bda)
char fname[255] = {0};
getFilename(fname, bda);
UINT8 index = 0;
if ((index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(bda)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
//clear the association address pending in the source address.
if (cache_env.cache_addr[index].is_open) {
cache_env.cache_addr[index].is_open = FALSE;
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
//delete the server_bda in the addr_info list.
for(UINT8 i = index; i < (num - 1); i++) {
memcpy(&cache_env.cache_addr[i], &cache_env.cache_addr[i+1], sizeof(cache_addr_info_t));
//reduced the number address counter also
#endif /* BT_SUPPORT_NVM */
** Function Declarations
** Function bta_gattc_co_cache_open
** Description This callout function is executed by GATTC when a GATT server
** cache is ready to be sent.
** Parameter server_bda: server bd address of this cache belongs to
** evt: call in event to be passed in when cache open is done.
** conn_id: connection ID of this cache operation attach to.
** to_save: open cache to save or to load.
** Returns void.
tBTA_GATT_STATUS bta_gattc_co_cache_open(BD_ADDR server_bda, BOOLEAN to_save, UINT8 *index)
/* open NV cache and send call in */
if (!cacheOpen(server_bda, to_save, index)) {
status = BTA_GATT_ERROR;
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s() - status=%d", __func__, status);
return status;
** Function bta_gattc_co_cache_load
** Description This callout function is executed by GATT when server cache
** is required to load.
** Parameter server_bda: server bd address of this cache belongs to
** evt: call in event to be passed in when cache save is done.
** num_attr: number of attribute to be save.
** attr_index: starting attribute index of the save operation.
** conn_id: connection ID of this cache operation attach to.
** Returns
tBTA_GATT_STATUS bta_gattc_co_cache_load(tBTA_GATTC_NV_ATTR *attr, UINT8 index)
UINT16 num_attr = 0;
size_t length = 0;
// Read the size of memory space required for blob
nvs_get_blob(cache_env.cache_addr[index].cache_fp, cache_key, NULL, &length);
// Read previously saved blob if available
esp_err_t err_code = nvs_get_blob(cache_env.cache_addr[index].cache_fp, cache_key, attr, &length);
num_attr = length / sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_NV_ATTR);
status = (err_code == ESP_OK && length != 0) ? BTA_GATT_OK : BTA_GATT_ERROR;
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s() - read=%d, status=%d, err_code = %d",
__func__, num_attr, status, err_code);
return status;
size_t bta_gattc_get_cache_attr_length(UINT8 index)
size_t length = 0;
if (index == INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
return 0;
// Read the size of memory space required for blob
nvs_get_blob(cache_env.cache_addr[index].cache_fp, cache_key, NULL, &length);
return length;
** Function bta_gattc_co_cache_save
** Description This callout function is executed by GATT when a server cache
** is available to save.
** Parameter server_bda: server bd address of this cache belongs to
** evt: call in event to be passed in when cache save is done.
** num_attr: number of attribute to be save.
** p_attr: pointer to the list of attributes to save.
** attr_index: starting attribute index of the save operation.
** conn_id: connection ID of this cache operation attach to.
** Returns
void bta_gattc_co_cache_save (BD_ADDR server_bda, UINT16 num_attr,
tBTA_GATTC_NV_ATTR *p_attr_list)
coap_key_t hash_key = {0};
//calculate the hash value of the attribute table which should be added to the nvs flash.
coap_hash_impl((unsigned char *)p_attr_list, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_NV_ATTR)*num_attr, hash_key);
//save the address list to the nvs flash
bta_gattc_co_cache_addr_save(server_bda, hash_key);
if (cacheOpen(server_bda, TRUE, &index)) {
esp_err_t err_code = nvs_set_blob(cache_env.cache_addr[index].cache_fp, cache_key,
p_attr_list, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_NV_ATTR)*num_attr);
status = (err_code == ESP_OK) ? BTA_GATT_OK : BTA_GATT_ERROR;
} else {
status = BTA_GATT_ERROR;
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s() wrote hash_key = %x%x%x%x, num_attr = %d, status = %d.", __func__, hash_key[0], hash_key[1], hash_key[2], hash_key[3], num_attr, status);
** Function bta_gattc_co_cache_close
** Description This callout function is executed by GATTC when a GATT server
** cache is written completely.
** Parameter server_bda: server bd address of this cache belongs to
** conn_id: connection ID of this cache operation attach to.
** Returns void.
void bta_gattc_co_cache_close(BD_ADDR server_bda, UINT16 conn_id)
//#endif /* BT_SUPPORT_NVM */
/* close NV when server cache is done saving or loading,
does not need to do anything for now on Insight */
** Function bta_gattc_co_cache_reset
** Description This callout function is executed by GATTC to reset cache in
** application
** Parameter server_bda: server bd address of this cache belongs to
** Returns void.
void bta_gattc_co_cache_reset(BD_ADDR server_bda)
void bta_gattc_co_cache_addr_init(void)
nvs_handle fp;
esp_err_t err_code;
UINT8 num_addr;
UINT8 *p_buf = osi_malloc(MAX_ADDR_LIST_CACHE_BUF);
size_t length = 0;
if ((err_code = nvs_open(cache_addr, NVS_READWRITE, &fp)) == ESP_OK) {
cache_env.addr_fp = fp;
// Read previously saved blob if available
if ((err_code = nvs_get_blob(fp, cache_key, p_buf, &length)) != ESP_OK) {
APPL_TRACE_ERROR("%s, Line = %d, nvs flash get blob data fail, err_code = %x", __func__, __LINE__, err_code);
num_addr = length / (sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t));
cache_env.num_addr = num_addr;
//read the address from nvs flash to cache address list.
for (UINT8 i = 0; i < num_addr; i++) {
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr, p_buf + i*(sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t)), sizeof(BD_ADDR));
p_buf + i*(sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t)) + sizeof(BD_ADDR), sizeof(coap_key_t));
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("cache_addr[%x] = %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", i, cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[0], cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[1], cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[2],
cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[3], cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[4], cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr[5]);
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("hash_key[%x] = %x%x%x%x", i, cache_env.cache_addr[i].hash_key[0], cache_env.cache_addr[i].hash_key[1],
cache_env.cache_addr[i].hash_key[2], cache_env.cache_addr[i].hash_key[3]);
bta_gattc_co_cache_new_ass_list(cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr, i);
} else {
APPL_TRACE_ERROR("%s, Line = %d, nvs flash open fail, err_code = %x", __func__, __LINE__, err_code);
BOOLEAN bta_gattc_co_addr_in_cache(BD_ADDR bda)
UINT8 addr_index = 0;
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[0];
for (addr_index = 0; addr_index < num; addr_index++) {
if (!memcmp(addr_info->addr, bda, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
UINT8 bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(BD_ADDR bda)
UINT8 addr_index = 0;
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[0];
for (addr_index = 0; addr_index < num; addr_index++, addr_info++) {
if (!memcmp(addr_info->addr, bda, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) {
return addr_index;
UINT8 bta_gattc_co_find_hash_in_cache(coap_key_t hash_key)
UINT8 index = 0;
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[0];
for (index = 0; index < num; index++) {
if (!memcmp(addr_info->hash_key, hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t))) {
return index;
UINT8 bta_gattc_co_get_addr_num(void)
return cache_env.num_addr;
void bta_gattc_co_get_addr_list(BD_ADDR *addr_list)
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
for (UINT8 i = 0; i < num; i++) {
memcpy(addr_list[i], cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
void bta_gattc_co_cache_addr_save(BD_ADDR bd_addr, coap_key_t hash_key)
esp_err_t err_code;
UINT8 num = ++cache_env.num_addr;
UINT8 index = 0;
UINT8 *p_buf = osi_malloc(MAX_ADDR_LIST_CACHE_BUF);
// check the address list has the same hash key or not
if (bta_gattc_co_find_hash_in_cache(hash_key) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s(), the hash key already in the cache list.", __func__);
if ((index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(bd_addr)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s(), the hash bd_addr already in the cache list, index = %x", __func__, index);
//if the bd_addr already in the address list, update the hash key in it.
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[index].addr, bd_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[index].hash_key, hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t));
} else {
//if the bd_addr didn't in the address list, added the bd_addr to the last of the address list.
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[num - 1].hash_key, hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t));
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[num - 1].addr, bd_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
} else {
APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s(), num = %d", __func__, num);
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[num - 1].addr, bd_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
memcpy(cache_env.cache_addr[num - 1].hash_key, hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t));
nvs_handle *fp = &cache_env.addr_fp;
UINT16 length = num*(sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t));
for (UINT8 i = 0; i < num; i++) {
//copy the address to the buffer.
memcpy(p_buf + i*(sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t)), cache_env.cache_addr[i].addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
//copy the hash key to the buffer.
memcpy(p_buf + i*(sizeof(BD_ADDR) + sizeof(coap_key_t)) + sizeof(BD_ADDR),
cache_env.cache_addr[i].hash_key, sizeof(coap_key_t));
if (cache_env.is_open) {
if ((err_code = nvs_set_blob(cache_env.addr_fp, cache_key, p_buf, length)) != ESP_OK) {
APPL_TRACE_WARNING("%s(), nvs set blob fail, err %d", __func__, err_code);
} else {
if ((err_code = nvs_open(cache_addr, NVS_READWRITE , fp)) == ESP_OK) {
cache_env.is_open = true;
if (( err_code = nvs_set_blob(cache_env.addr_fp, cache_key, p_buf, length)) != ESP_OK) {
APPL_TRACE_WARNING("%s(), nvs set blob fail, err %d", __func__, err_code);
} else {
APPL_TRACE_ERROR("%s, Line = %d, nvs flash open fail, err_code = %x", __func__, __LINE__, err_code);
//free the buffer after used.
BOOLEAN bta_gattc_co_cache_new_ass_list(BD_ADDR src_addr, UINT8 index)
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[index];
addr_info->ass_addr = list_new(osi_free_func);
return (addr_info->ass_addr != NULL ? TRUE : FALSE);
BOOLEAN bta_gattc_co_cache_append_ass_addr(BD_ADDR src_addr, BD_ADDR ass_addr)
UINT8 addr_index = 0;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info;
UINT8 *p_ass_buf = osi_malloc(sizeof(BD_ADDR));
memcpy(p_ass_buf, ass_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
if ((addr_index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(src_addr)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[addr_index];
if (addr_info->ass_addr == NULL) {
addr_info->ass_addr =list_new(NULL);
return list_append(addr_info->ass_addr, p_ass_buf);
return FALSE;
BOOLEAN bta_gattc_co_cache_remove_ass_addr(BD_ADDR src_addr, BD_ADDR ass_addr)
UINT8 addr_index = 0;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info;
if ((addr_index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(src_addr)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[addr_index];
if (addr_info->ass_addr != NULL) {
for (list_node_t *sn = list_begin(addr_info->ass_addr);
sn != list_end(addr_info->ass_addr); sn = list_next(sn)) {
void *addr = list_node(sn);
if (!memcmp(addr, ass_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) {
return list_remove(addr_info->ass_addr, addr);
//return list_remove(addr_info->ass_addr, ass_addr);
} else {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
UINT8* bta_gattc_co_cache_find_src_addr(BD_ADDR ass_addr, UINT8 *index)
UINT8 num = cache_env.num_addr;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[0];
UINT8 *addr_data;
//Check the ass_addr list is NULL or not
if (addr_info->ass_addr == NULL) {
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
for (const list_node_t *node = list_begin(addr_info->ass_addr); node != list_end(addr_info->ass_addr);
node = list_next(node)) {
addr_data = (UINT8 *)list_node(node);
if (!memcmp(addr_data, ass_addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR))) {
*index = i;
return (UINT8 *)addr_info->addr;
if (addr_info->ass_addr == NULL) {
return NULL;
return NULL;
BOOLEAN bta_gattc_co_cache_clear_ass_addr(BD_ADDR src_addr)
UINT8 addr_index = 0;
cache_addr_info_t *addr_info;
if ((addr_index = bta_gattc_co_find_addr_in_cache(src_addr)) != INVALID_ADDR_NUM) {
addr_info = &cache_env.cache_addr[addr_index];
if (addr_info->ass_addr != NULL) {
} else {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#endif /* #if( defined BLE_INCLUDED ) && (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) */
#endif /* #if( defined BTA_GATT_INCLUDED ) && (BTA_GATT_INCLUDED == TRUE) */