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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "driver/touch_sensor.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* -------------------------------- General hardware & system default configuration -------------------------------- */
/* Since those are important hardware and algorithm parameters, user should not change them before knowing all details*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
{ \
.hardware = { \
.upper_voltage = TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, \
.voltage_attenuation = TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_0V5, \
.lower_voltage = TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, \
.suspend_channel_polarity = TOUCH_PAD_CONN_HIGHZ, \
.denoise_level = TOUCH_PAD_DENOISE_BIT4, \
.denoise_equivalent_cap = TOUCH_PAD_DENOISE_CAP_L0, \
.smooth_filter_mode = TOUCH_PAD_SMOOTH_IIR_2, \
.benchmark_filter_mode = TOUCH_PAD_FILTER_IIR_16, \
.sample_count = 500, \
.sleep_cycle = 0xf, \
.benchmark_debounce_count = 2, \
.benchmark_calibration_threshold = 2, \
.benchmark_jitter_step = 5 \
}, \
.software = { \
.waterproof_threshold_divider = 0.8, \
.processing_period = 10, \
.intr_message_size = 14, \
.event_message_size = 20 \
} \
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------- Event subscription ----------------------------------------------- */
#define TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_NONE BIT(0) //!< None event
#define TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_PRESS BIT(1) //!< On Press event
#define TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_RELEASE BIT(2) //!< On Release event
#define TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_LONGPRESS BIT(3) //!< On LongPress event
#define TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_CALCULATION BIT(4) //!< On Calculation event
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define TOUCH_WATERPROOF_GUARD_NOUSE (0) //!< Waterproof no use guard sensor
/* -------------------------------- Global hardware & software configuration struct --------------------------------- */
* @brief Touch element software configuration
typedef struct {
float waterproof_threshold_divider; //!< Waterproof guard channel threshold divider
uint8_t processing_period; //!< Processing period(ms)
uint8_t intr_message_size; //!< Interrupt message queue size
uint8_t event_message_size; //!< Event message queue size
} touch_elem_sw_config_t;
* @brief Touch element hardware configuration
typedef struct {
touch_high_volt_t upper_voltage; //!< Touch sensor channel upper charge voltage
touch_volt_atten_t voltage_attenuation; //!< Touch sensor channel upper charge voltage attenuation (Diff voltage is upper - attenuation - lower)
touch_low_volt_t lower_voltage; //!< Touch sensor channel lower charge voltage
touch_pad_conn_type_t suspend_channel_polarity; //!< Suspend channel polarity (High Impedance State or GND)
touch_pad_denoise_grade_t denoise_level; //!< Internal de-noise level
touch_pad_denoise_cap_t denoise_equivalent_cap; //!< Internal de-noise channel (Touch channel 0) equivalent capacitance
touch_smooth_mode_t smooth_filter_mode; //!< Smooth value filter mode (This only apply to touch_pad_filter_read_smooth())
touch_filter_mode_t benchmark_filter_mode; //!< Benchmark filter mode
uint16_t sample_count; //!< The count of sample in each measurement of touch sensor
uint16_t sleep_cycle; //!< The cycle (RTC slow clock) of sleep
uint8_t benchmark_debounce_count; //!< Benchmark debounce count
uint8_t benchmark_calibration_threshold; //!< Benchmark calibration threshold
uint8_t benchmark_jitter_step; //!< Benchmark jitter filter step (This only works at while benchmark filter mode is jitter filter)
} touch_elem_hw_config_t;
* @brief Touch element global configuration passed to touch_element_install
typedef struct {
touch_elem_hw_config_t hardware; //!< Hardware configuration
touch_elem_sw_config_t software; //!< Software configuration
} touch_elem_global_config_t;
* @brief Touch element waterproof configuration passed to touch_element_waterproof_install
typedef struct {
touch_pad_t guard_channel; //!< Waterproof Guard-Sensor channel number (index)
float guard_sensitivity; //!< Waterproof Guard-Sensor sensitivity
} touch_elem_waterproof_config_t;
* @brief Touch element sleep configuration passed to touch_element_enable_light_sleep or touch_element_enable_deep_sleep
typedef struct {
uint16_t sample_count; //!< scan times in every measurement, normally equal to the 'sample_count' field in 'touch_elem_hw_config_t'.
uint16_t sleep_cycle; //!< sleep_cycle decide the interval between two measurements, t_sleep = sleep_cycle / (RTC_SLOW_CLK frequency), normally equal to the 'sleep_cycle' field in 'touch_elem_hw_config_t'.
} touch_elem_sleep_config_t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
typedef void *touch_elem_handle_t; //!< Touch element handle type
typedef uint32_t touch_elem_event_t; //!< Touch element event type
* @brief Touch element handle type
typedef enum {
TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON, //!< Touch element button
TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_SLIDER, //!< Touch element slider
TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_MATRIX, //!< Touch element matrix button
} touch_elem_type_t;
* @brief Touch element event dispatch methods (event queue/callback)
typedef enum {
TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_EVENT, //!< Event queue dispatch
TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_CALLBACK, //!< Callback dispatch
} touch_elem_dispatch_t;
* @brief Touch element event message type from touch_element_message_receive()
typedef struct {
touch_elem_handle_t handle; //!< Touch element handle
touch_elem_type_t element_type; //!< Touch element type
void *arg; //!< User input argument
uint8_t child_msg[8]; //!< Encoded message
} touch_elem_message_t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @brief Touch element processing initialization
* @param[in] global_config Global initialization configuration structure
* @note To reinitialize the touch element object, call touch_element_uninstall() first
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Insufficient memory
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Touch element is already initialized
* - Others: Unknown touch driver layer or lower layer error
esp_err_t touch_element_install(const touch_elem_global_config_t *global_config);
* @brief Touch element processing start
* This function starts the touch element processing system
* @note This function must only be called after all the touch element instances finished creating
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully started to process
* - Others: Unknown touch driver layer or lower layer error
esp_err_t touch_element_start(void);
* @brief Touch element processing stop
* This function stops the touch element processing system
* @note This function must be called before changing the system (hardware, software) parameters
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully stopped to process
* - Others: Unknown touch driver layer or lower layer error
esp_err_t touch_element_stop(void);
* @brief Release resources allocated using touch_element_install
void touch_element_uninstall(void);
* @brief Get current event message of touch element instance
* This function will receive the touch element message (handle, event type, etc...)
* from te_event_give(). It will block until a touch element event or a timeout occurs.
* @param[out] element_message Touch element event message structure
* @param[in] ticks_to_wait Number of FreeRTOS ticks to block for waiting event
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully received touch element event
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Touch element library is not initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: element_message is null
* - ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: Timed out waiting for event
esp_err_t touch_element_message_receive(touch_elem_message_t *element_message, uint32_t ticks_to_wait);
* @brief Touch element waterproof initialization
* This function enables the hardware waterproof, then touch element system uses Shield-Sensor
* and Guard-Sensor to mitigate the influence of water-drop and water-stream.
* @param[in] waterproof_config Waterproof configuration
* @note If the waterproof function is used, Shield-Sensor can not be disabled and it will use channel 14 as
* it's internal channel. Hence, the user can not use channel 14 for another propose. And the Guard-Sensor
* is not necessary since it is optional.
* @note Shield-Sensor: It always uses channel 14 as the shield channel, so user must connect
* the channel 14 and Shield-Layer in PCB since it will generate a synchronous signal automatically
* @note Guard-Sensor: This function is optional. If used, the user must connect the guard channel and Guard-Ring
* in PCB. Any channels user wants to protect should be added into Guard-Ring in PCB.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Touch element library is not initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: waterproof_config is null or invalid Guard-Sensor channel
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Insufficient memory
esp_err_t touch_element_waterproof_install(const touch_elem_waterproof_config_t *waterproof_config);
* @brief Release resources allocated using touch_element_waterproof_install()
void touch_element_waterproof_uninstall(void);
* @brief Add a masked handle to protect while Guard-Sensor has been triggered
* This function will add an application handle (button, slider, etc...) as a masked handle. While Guard-Sensor
* has been triggered, waterproof function will start working and lock the application internal state. While the
* influence of water is reduced, the application will be unlock and reset into IDLE state.
* @param[in] element_handle Touch element instance handle
* @note The waterproof protection logic must follow the real circuit in PCB, it means that all of the channels
* inside the input handle must be inside the Guard-Ring in real circuit.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully added a masked handle
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Waterproof is not initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: element_handle is null
esp_err_t touch_element_waterproof_add(touch_elem_handle_t element_handle);
* @brief Remove a masked handle to protect
* This function will remove an application handle from masked handle table.
* @param[in] element_handle Touch element instance handle
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully removed a masked handle
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Waterproof is not initialized
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: element_handle is null
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: Failed to search element_handle from waterproof mask_handle list
esp_err_t touch_element_waterproof_remove(touch_elem_handle_t element_handle);
* @brief Touch element light sleep initialization
* @note It should be called after touch button element installed.
* Any of installed touch element can wake up from the light sleep
* @param[in] sleep_config Sleep configurations, set NULL to use default config
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully initialized touch sleep
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Touch element is not installed or touch sleep has been installed
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: inputed argument is NULL
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: no memory for touch sleep struct
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: inputed wakeup_elem_handle is not touch_button_handle_t type, currently only touch_button_handle_t supported
esp_err_t touch_element_enable_light_sleep(const touch_elem_sleep_config_t *sleep_config);
* @brief Release the resources that allocated by touch_element_enable_deep_sleep()
* This function will also disable the touch sensor to wake up the device
* @return
* - ESP_OK: uninstall success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: touch sleep has not been installed
esp_err_t touch_element_disable_light_sleep(void);
* @brief Touch element deep sleep initialization
* This function will enable the device wake-up from deep sleep or light sleep by touch sensor
* @note It should be called after touch button element installed.
* Only one touch button can be registered as the deep sleep wake-up button
* @param[in] wakeup_elem_handle Touch element instance handle for waking up the device, only support button element
* @param[in] sleep_config Sleep configurations, set NULL to use default config
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successfully initialized touch sleep
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Touch element is not installed or touch sleep has been installed
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: inputed argument is NULL
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: no memory for touch sleep struct
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: inputed wakeup_elem_handle is not touch_button_handle_t type, currently only touch_button_handle_t supported
esp_err_t touch_element_enable_deep_sleep(touch_elem_handle_t wakeup_elem_handle, const touch_elem_sleep_config_t *sleep_config);
* @brief Release the resources that allocated by touch_element_enable_deep_sleep()
* This function will also disable the touch sensor to wake up the device
* @return
* - ESP_OK: uninstall success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: touch sleep has not been installed
esp_err_t touch_element_disable_deep_sleep(void);
* @brief Touch element wake up calibrations
* This function will also disable the touch sensor to wake up the device
* @return
* - ESP_OK: uninstall success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: touch sleep has not been installed
esp_err_t touch_element_sleep_enable_wakeup_calibration(touch_elem_handle_t element_handle, bool en);
#ifdef __cplusplus