Konstantin Kondrashov 3b9cb25fe1 esp32: Add firmware version to app
Added a new structure esp_app_desc_t. It has info about firmware:
version, secure_version, project_name, time/date build and IDF version.
Added the ability to add a custom structure with a description of the firmware.

The esp_app_desc_t is located in fixed place in start of ROM secotor. It is located after structures esp_image_header_t and esp_image_segment_header_t.

app_version is filed from PROJECT_VER variable (if set in custom make file) or PROJECT_PATH/version.txt or git repo (git describe).

Add API to get app_desc from partition.
2018-12-03 16:52:04 +08:00

43 lines
1.6 KiB

# Generate partition binary
.PHONY: blank_ota_data erase_otadata read_otadata
PARTTOOL_PY := $(PYTHON) $(IDF_PATH)/components/partition_table/
# Generate blank partition file
BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE = $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/ota_data_initial.bin
$(BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE): partition_table_get_info $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) | check_python_dependencies
$(shell if [ $(OTA_DATA_OFFSET) != "" ] && [ $(OTA_DATA_SIZE) != "" ]; then \
$(PARTTOOL_PY) --partition-type data --partition-subtype ota --partition-table-file $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) \
-q generate_blank_partition_file --output $(BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE); \
fi; )
$(eval BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE = $(shell if [ $(OTA_DATA_OFFSET) != "" ] && [ $(OTA_DATA_SIZE) != "" ]; then \
echo $(BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE); else echo " "; fi) )
blank_ota_data: $(BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE)
# If there is no otadata partition, both OTA_DATA_OFFSET and BLANK_OTA_DATA_FILE
# expand to empty values.
erase_otadata: $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) partition_table_get_info | check_python_dependencies
$(OTATOOL_PY) --partition-table-file $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) erase_otadata
read_otadata: $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) partition_table_get_info | check_python_dependencies
$(OTATOOL_PY) --partition-table-file $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN) read_otadata
erase_ota: erase_otadata
@echo "WARNING: erase_ota is deprecated. Use erase_otadata instead."
all: blank_ota_data
flash: blank_ota_data
TMP_DEFINES := $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/app_update/tmp_cppflags.txt
rm -f $(TMP_DEFINES)