Add SHA1 digests for assets.

This commit is contained in:
Joris Vink 2016-12-22 19:44:35 +01:00
parent 583d75edcb
commit 194b575ebf

View File

@ -768,11 +768,13 @@ static void
cli_build_asset(char *fpath, struct dirent *dp)
struct stat st;
u_int8_t *d;
SHA_CTX sctx;
off_t off;
void *base;
int in, out;
int in, out, i, len;
u_int8_t *d, digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char *cpath, *ext, *opath, *p, *name;
char hash[(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2) + 1];
name = kore_strdup(dp->d_name);
@ -842,12 +844,26 @@ cli_build_asset(char *fpath, struct dirent *dp)
cli_file_writef(out, "0x00");
/* Calculate the SHA1 digest of the contents. */
(void)SHA1_Update(&sctx, base, st.st_size);
(void)SHA1_Final(digest, &sctx);
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(digest); i++) {
len = snprintf(hash + (i * 2), sizeof(hash) - (i * 2),
"%02x", digest[i]);
if (len == -1 || (size_t)len >= sizeof(hash))
cli_fatal("failed to convert SHA1 digest to hex");
/* Add the meta data. */
cli_file_writef(out, "};\n\n");
cli_file_writef(out, "u_int32_t asset_len_%s_%s = %" PRIu32 ";\n",
name, ext, (u_int32_t)st.st_size);
cli_file_writef(out, "time_t asset_mtime_%s_%s = %" PRI_TIME_T ";\n",
name, ext, st.st_mtime);
cli_file_writef(out, "const char *asset_sha1_%s_%s = \"%s\";\n",
name, ext, hash);
/* Write the file symbols into assets.h so they can be used. */
cli_write_asset(name, ext);