Update with more instructions

This commit is contained in:
Joris Vink 2014-07-03 22:40:12 +02:00
parent d4386195da
commit 5869f765b0

View File

@ -37,6 +37,47 @@ Releases
* [2014-03-01] Version 1.1 - https://kore.io/release/kore-1.1-stable.tgz
Building Kore
* libz
* openssl >= 1.0.1g
Requirements for background tasks:
* pthreads
Requirements for pgsql:
* libpq
Normal compilation and installation:
# git clone https://github.com/jorisvink/kore.git
# cd kore
# make
# make install
If you would like to build a specific flavor, you can enable
those by setting a shell environment variable before running **_make_**.
* TASKS=1 (compiles in task support)
* PGSQL=1 (compiles in pgsql support)
* DEBUG=1 (enables use of -d for debug)
* KORE_PEDANTIC_MALLOC=1 (zero all allocated memory)
Example libraries
You can find example libraries under **_contrib/examples/_**.
The examples should be compiled using the supplied **build.sh** scripts
and assume you have installed the header files using make install.
I apologize for unclear examples or documentation, I am working on
improving those. In the mean time feel free to jump in and help out!
Bugs, contributions and more