All worker processes will now call pledge(2) after dropping
privileges (even if -rn was specified).
By default Kore will use the following promises:
"stdio rpath inet error"
If your application requires more privileges, you can add more pledges
by setting them in your configuration using the 'pledge' directive:
pledge dns wpath
Don't let net_recv_flush() do things as long as the HTTP layer
owns the buffer. When we have sent a response kick the read end
back into gear ourselves by calling net_recv_flush().
This is calculated while the HTTP body is incoming over the wire, once
the body is fully received the digest will be available for the page
handlers to obtain.
You can obtain a hex string for this md via http_body_digest() or
dereferences the http_request and look at http_body_digest manually
for the bytes.
Calling this from your page handler will cause your current worker
to give up the acceptlock (if it holds it).
This is particularly useful if you are about to run code that may block
a bit longer then you are comfortable with. Calling this will cause
the acceptlock to shuffle to another free worker which in turn makes
sure your application can keep accepting requests.
This commit introduces the ability for the keymgr process
to reload the certificates/keys for domains when receiving
a SIGUSR1 signal.
The keymgr receives 2 new configuration options:
- keymgr_root_path
The root path where the keymgr will live.
If -n is not specified when the application starts the
keymgr process will chroot into here.
- keymgr_runas_user
The user the keymgr will drop privileges towards if
-r was not specified.
All certfile and certkey configuration options are now relative to the
keymgr_root_path configuration setting.
The keymgr process will now also load the certificate for the domain
(rather then the workers) and submit these to the worker processes so
they can be reloaded when required.
Worker processes will refuse connections until the TLS configuration
for a given domain is completed (aka: the workers receive the certificate
for that domain).
Other changes:
- client_certificates renamed to client_verify.
- the chroot configuration option is now called root.
- kore is a little more verbose if privsep options are missing.
- filemaps are now relative to the root configuration option.