Adding the hooks keyword with a dictionary attached to specify
the relevant hooks will hook them for the given route.
domain.route("/", self.index, methods=["get"],
"on_free": self.request_free
These are the same hooks available via a normal Kore route configuration.
Routes are now configured in a context per route:
route /path {
handler handler_name
methods get post head
validate qs:get id v_id
All route related configurations are per-route, allowing multiple
routes for the same path (for different methods).
The param context is removed and merged into the route context now
so that you use the validate keyword to specify what needs validating.
Before kore needed to be built with NOTLS=1 to be able to do non TLS
connections. This has been like this for years.
It is time to allow non TLS listeners without having to rebuild Kore.
This commit changes your configuration format and will break existing
applications their config.
Configurations now get listener {} contexts:
listen default {
bind 8888
The above will create a listener on, port 8888 that will serve
TLS (still the default).
If you want to turn off TLS on that listener, specify "tls no" in that
Domains now need to be attached to a listener:
domain * {
attach default
For the Python API this kills kore.bind(), and kore.bind_unix(). They are
replaced with:
kore.listen("name", ip=None, port=None, path=None, tls=True).
When the pgsql layer was introduced it was tightly coupled with the
http layer in order to make async work fluently.
The time has come to split these up and follow the same method we
used for tasks, allowing either http requests to be tied to a pgsql
data structure or a simple callback function.
This also reworks the internal queueing of pgsql requests until
connections to the db are available again.
The following API functions were changes:
- kore_pgsql_query_init() -> kore_pgsql_setup()
no longer takes an http_request parameter.
- NEW kore_pgsql_init()
must be called before operating on an kore_pgsql structure.
- NEW kore_pgsql_bind_request()
binds an http_request to a kore_pgsql data structure.
- NEW kore_pgsql_bind_callback()
binds a callback to a kore_pgsql data structure.
With all of this you can now build kore with PGSQL=1 NOHTTP=1.
The pgsql/ example has been updated to reflect these changes and
new features.
Kore applications now get a build.conf which may contain different
build flavors. Each flavor can get its own cflags or ldflags.
This was in parts inspired by #106.
A new cli command has been added:
kore flavor
This command allows you to see all flavors and switch between them.
The kore build command now also takes a -v argument which if given
dumps the used CFLAGS and LDFLAGS out to stdout.
For existing applications the build.conf is automatically generated
next time you run kore build or kore run.
Also fixed a bug in the json_yajl example, sneaky change here.
Semantics for using pgsql API have changed quite heavily
with this commit. See the examples for more information.
Based on Github issue #95 by PauloMelo (
with several modifications by me.
At times it seems relevant that worker their modules should not
be reloaded when receiving a SIGHUP. Developers can now control
this by returning anything else but KORE_RESULT_OK from their
initialization methods.
The parent module will always be reloaded.
Add configuration setting tls_version to specify if you
either want TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.0 or both.
The configuration options ssl_cipher and ssl_dhparam
have changed name to tls_cipher and tls_dhparam. There is
no fallback so you might have to update your configs.
This function uses PQsendQueryParams() instead of the normal PQsendQuery()
allowing you to pass binary data in a cleaner fashion.
A basic call would look something like:
char *mydata = "Hello";
size_t mydata_len = strlen(mydata);
kore_pgsql_query_params(&pgsql, req,
mydata, mydata_len, KORE_PGSQL_FORMAT_TEXT);
kore_pgsql_query_params() is variadic, allowing you to pass any
count of parameters where each parameter has the following:
data pointer, data length, type of parameter.
I rather keep the old idioms instead of adding more complex things
on top of the async ones. Especially since the simple layer would
interfear with existing http state machines from your handler.
This simple query allows you to ditch rolling your own
state machine for handling async pgsql states and instead
asks you to provide 3 functions:
- init
- results
- done
You can see the different in complexity in the pgsql example,
which now contains a pgsql_simple.c holding the same asynchronous
query as in pgsql.c but using the simple pgsql api.
You can of course still roll your own in case you want more control.
Gone is the ugly KORE_PGSQL macro that hid an overly complex
state machine for the pgsql api.
Gone is the pgsql array that was attached to http_requests.
Gone are the callback hacks inside the pgsql api.
Instead, I strongly encourage people to use the new state machine
api Kore offers to properly deal with asynchronous queries.
The pgsql example in examples/pgsql has been updated to reflect
these changes.