Joris Vink
Add a form of synchronization between what worker will be accepting
new connections and which ones will not be notified for it.
Fixes the thundering herd problem, and nicely spreads out load between
all the workers equally. A configuration option (workers_max_connections)
is available to tweak how many connections a worker will have before
giving up the accept lock.
Two ways are added to this commit for access locking:
- Locking via semaphores.
- Locking via GCC's builtin atomic methods.
The default is running with semaphores disabled (OpenBSD cannot do
sem_init() with pshared set to 1, which is required).
If you want to use semaphores add KORE_USE_SEMAPHORES to CFLAGS,
and -lpthread to LDFLAGS in the Makefile.
Other fixes:
- BSD: add a timeout to kevent().
- Merge kore_worker_wait together, linux knows waitpid() as well.
- Send the correct SIGQUIT signal to workers instead of SIGINT.
- Fix kore_time_ms().
- Log fatal worker messages in syslog.
- Refactor code even more.
- Do not free our own kore_worker structure.
2013-06-26 16:37:22 +02:00
Joris Vink
refactor code quite a bit.
2013-06-26 11:18:32 +02:00
Joris Vink
add SNI support, and change domain configuration a bit.
2013-06-24 11:32:45 +02:00
Joris Vink
Add access logging to Kore.
2013-06-24 09:36:40 +02:00
Joris Vink
Add BSD kqueue(2) support. Compile with make bsd (or make linux for linux)
2013-06-17 23:39:17 +02:00
Joris Vink
add kore_buf_appendb() which allows us to append a kore_buf to another one.
(releases the kore_buf that is being appended while at it).
2013-06-05 11:27:03 +02:00
Joris Vink
Introduce certfile and certkey in the configuration to specify where the certificate file and keys are located on a system.
Free unused vars in the main process after starting.
2013-06-05 09:47:08 +02:00
Joris Vink
configuration files are now passed using the -c option.
allow debug output when the -d flag is specified.
2013-06-05 08:55:07 +02:00
Joris Vink
use syslog() for informative messages from all parts of kore.
2013-06-04 23:24:47 +02:00
Joris Vink
write main process pid to /var/run/ (changable in configuration)
2013-06-04 16:53:30 +02:00
Joris Vink
rename kore_log to kore_debug, and allow one to turn it off.
2013-06-04 16:30:53 +02:00
Joris Vink
use sched_setaffinity() to set what CPU each worker process should run on.
2013-06-04 13:54:16 +02:00
Joris Vink
move from multithreads to single threaded worker processes.
2013-06-04 11:55:38 +02:00
Joris Vink
allow handlers to return KORE_RESULT_RETRY. This will tell the worker to reschedule the page request again at the end of its list. (Allows module creators to write truely nonblocking modules).
2013-05-31 00:40:06 +02:00
Joris Vink
allow onload to be given in the config file.
onload specifies what function in your module to call when the module has been loaded or reloaded.
2013-05-30 21:26:39 +02:00
Joris Vink
do not remove disconnected connections until we actually are ready to disconnect them.
2013-05-30 20:07:06 +02:00
Joris Vink
move to a worker based threading approach where we delegate http requests to workers in a round robin basis (later this should be swapped to find the laziest worker and assign the request to that instead).
2013-05-30 19:36:42 +02:00
Joris Vink
add chroot and runas directives so we can chroot and drop privilegs properly
2013-05-04 22:18:27 +02:00
Joris Vink
q->value should be set to NULL if a query parameter is present but no value was set for it.
introduce kore_buf_appendv() (much like readv()).
introduce kore_buf_appendf() (printf into buffers).
2013-05-04 19:09:07 +02:00
Joris Vink
switch dynamic handlers to regex based patterns, much easier.
2013-05-29 14:29:46 +02:00
Joris Vink
support for POST in both spdy and normal connections
2013-05-03 07:35:11 +02:00
Joris Vink
allow sending SIGHUP to kore, which will then reload its content module
2013-05-03 00:04:06 +02:00
Joris Vink
properly close a spdy stream once both sides have FLAG_FIN.
2013-05-02 17:30:06 +02:00
Joris Vink
move buf stuff back into kore.h, wont need it separately
2013-05-02 15:14:00 +02:00
Joris Vink
move buf stuff into its own header, so we can use it in spdy.h
2013-05-02 14:55:57 +02:00
Joris Vink
the net qeueuing functions don't need to return status codes, simplifies a lot of other code that revolves around those.
prepare for POST support
2013-05-02 14:47:02 +02:00
Joris Vink
from now on configuration files must specify a domain for the handlers that follow. This allows for easy subdomain configuration.
domain joris.local
static / serve_index
domain .joris.local
static / serve_another_index
2013-05-02 13:30:13 +02:00
Joris Vink
rework disconnecting clients and fix bug where spdy ocnnections could segfault after disconnecting
2013-05-02 09:10:35 +02:00
Joris Vink
add very basic support for HTTP/1.1.
2013-05-02 03:51:04 +02:00
Joris Vink
add flags to net_recv_queue() and net_send_queue(),.
NETBUF_CALL_CB_ALWAYS flag, calls the registered cb everytime data has
been received or sent.
2013-05-02 00:28:49 +02:00
Joris Vink
allow modules to add headers to the response before calling http_response()
by calling http_response_header_add().
fix wrong overflow check in spdy_stream_get_header().
html_inject now exports last modified timestamp for the files that are
compiled into the module in the format static_mtime_<type>_<name>.
modules can now look into the request headers using http_request_header_get().
2013-05-01 21:16:09 +02:00
Joris Vink
introduce kore_split_string() to properly split strings apart.
introduce kore_date_to_time() to conver http-date formatted strings to time_t.
2013-05-01 20:10:45 +02:00
Joris Vink
initial module support
2013-05-01 16:03:48 +02:00
Joris Vink
rework the way events trigger and the way we handle them. follow the manual for once, as edge trigger does not refire until we got an EAGAIN.
introduce net_send_flush() and net_recv_flush() for this purpose, we attempt to make as much headway as possible until we reach EAGAIN or until we can simply pickup again later.
should merge all the stuff in http_response() into a single send buffer, **out is in place in net_send_queue() for that purpose.
2013-05-01 13:43:47 +02:00
Joris Vink
SPDY works, we can serve content. Now for dynamic modules so we can
get stuff on the road.
TODO: add plain HTTP support if SPDY isnt working in the browser.
2013-05-01 12:23:21 +02:00
Joris Vink
lots of new stuff, including processing of http requests and an attempt
to build an initial spdy response (SYN frame + header block content).
2013-05-01 08:09:04 +02:00
Joris Vink
properly deflate/inflate of name/value blocks. and add ability
to get headers from them.
2013-05-01 00:35:33 +02:00
Joris Vink
add beginnings of zlib inflation, not really working. nap time.
2013-04-29 23:35:36 +02:00
Joris Vink
allow us to expand receive buffers automatically so we can keep chaining data into the same netbuf. This gives us the possibility to retain the ctrl_frame by the time we reach the proper cb for the actual frame message.
2013-04-28 23:42:13 +02:00
Joris Vink
begin with the ability to read control frames. something feels fishy with epoll() and its triggering of events. I probably got it wrong.
2013-04-28 19:11:44 +02:00
Joris Vink
read next protocol properly and remember it for later.
2013-04-21 20:35:47 +02:00
Joris Vink
Add initial SSL stuff + bare bones NPN advertisement. So far chrome connects and
shows our connection as SPDY/3, good start.
2013-04-21 20:21:46 +02:00
Joris Vink
first commit
2013-04-17 22:34:27 +02:00