int http_argument_multiple_lookup(struct http_req *req,
struct http_arg *args);
void http_argument_multiple_free(struct http_arg *args);
These functions can be used to lookup arguments in a single call.
args points to an array of struct http_arg elements. Each of them
have the argument name set and its value set to NULL.
The array must have its last element name field set to NULL.
Upon return http_argument_multiple_lookup() gives the caller the
number of arguments that were successfully found. It makes their values
available under the value field in the struct http_arg array passed.
int v;
struct http_args args[4];
memset(args, 0, sizeof(args));
args[0].name = "email";
args[1].name = "password1";
args[2].name = "password2";
args[3].name = NULL;
v = http_argument_multiple_lookup(req, args);
if (v != 3) {
kore_debug("argument %s was not present", args[v].name);
} else {
for (v = 0; args[v].name != NULL; v++)
kore_debug("%s -> %s", args[v].name, args[v].value);
- Introduce own memory management system on top of malloc to keep track
of all our allocations and free's. Later we should introduce a pooling
mechanism for fixed size allocations (http_request comes to mind).
- Introduce ssl_cipher in configuration.
Memory usage is kind of high right now, but it seems its OpenSSL
doing it rather then Kore.
http_populate_arguments() before using http_argument_lookup() to lookup a given argument.
population uses the appropriate query string (from GET or POST) automatically.
by calling http_response_header_add().
fix wrong overflow check in spdy_stream_get_header().
html_inject now exports last modified timestamp for the files that are
compiled into the module in the format static_mtime_<type>_<name>.
modules can now look into the request headers using http_request_header_get().