/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Joris Vink * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kore.h" static struct { char *name; int value; } month_names[] = { { "Jan", 0 }, { "Feb", 1 }, { "Mar", 2 }, { "Apr", 3 }, { "May", 4 }, { "Jun", 5 }, { "Jul", 6 }, { "Aug", 7 }, { "Sep", 8 }, { "Oct", 9 }, { "Nov", 10 }, { "Dec", 11 }, { NULL, 0 }, }; static char b64table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; void kore_debug_internal(char *file, int line, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[2048]; va_start(args, fmt); (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); printf("[%d] %s:%d - %s\n", kore_pid, file, line, buf); } void kore_log_init(void) { #if defined(KORE_SINGLE_BINARY) extern const char *__progname; const char *name = __progname; #else const char *name = "kore"; #endif if (!foreground) openlog(name, LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); } void kore_log(int prio, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[2048], tmp[32]; va_start(args, fmt); (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (worker != NULL) { (void)snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "wrk %d", worker->id); #if !defined(KORE_NO_TLS) if (worker->id == KORE_WORKER_KEYMGR) (void)kore_strlcpy(tmp, "keymgr", sizeof(tmp)); #endif if (foreground) printf("[%s]: %s\n", tmp, buf); else syslog(prio, "[%s]: %s", tmp, buf); } else { if (foreground) printf("[parent]: %s\n", buf); else syslog(prio, "[parent]: %s", buf); } } size_t kore_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, const size_t len) { char *d = dst; const char *s = src; const char *end = dst + len - 1; if (len == 0) fatal("kore_strlcpy: len == 0"); while ((*d = *s) != '\0') { if (d == end) { *d = '\0'; break; } d++; s++; } while (*s != '\0') s++; return (s - src); } int kore_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, int *len, const char *fmt, ...) { int l; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); l = vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, args); va_end(args); if (l == -1 || (size_t)l >= size) return (KORE_RESULT_ERROR); if (len != NULL) *len = l; return (KORE_RESULT_OK); } long long kore_strtonum(const char *str, int base, long long min, long long max, int *err) { long long l; char *ep; if (min > max) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } errno = 0; l = strtoll(str, &ep, base); if (errno != 0 || str == ep || *ep != '\0') { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } if (l < min) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } if (l > max) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } *err = KORE_RESULT_OK; return (l); } u_int64_t kore_strtonum64(const char *str, int sign, int *err) { u_int64_t l; long long ll; char *ep; int check; l = 0; check = 1; ll = strtoll(str, &ep, 10); if ((errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE) && (ll == LLONG_MIN || ll == LLONG_MAX)) { if (sign) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } check = 0; } if (!sign) { l = strtoull(str, &ep, 10); if ((errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE) && l == ULONG_MAX) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } if (check && ll < 0) { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } } if (str == ep || *ep != '\0') { *err = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; return (0); } *err = KORE_RESULT_OK; return ((sign) ? (u_int64_t)ll : l); } int kore_split_string(char *input, char *delim, char **out, size_t ele) { int count; char **ap; if (ele == 0) return (0); count = 0; for (ap = out; ap < &out[ele - 1] && (*ap = strsep(&input, delim)) != NULL;) { if (**ap != '\0') { ap++; count++; } } *ap = NULL; return (count); } void kore_strip_chars(char *in, const char strip, char **out) { u_int32_t len; char *s, *p; len = strlen(in); *out = kore_malloc(len + 1); p = *out; for (s = in; s < (in + len); s++) { if (*s == strip) continue; *p++ = *s; } *p = '\0'; } time_t kore_date_to_time(char *http_date) { time_t t; int err, i; struct tm tm, *ltm; char *args[7], *tbuf[5], *sdup; time(&t); ltm = localtime(&t); sdup = kore_strdup(http_date); t = KORE_RESULT_ERROR; if (kore_split_string(sdup, " ", args, 7) != 6) { kore_debug("misformed http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_year = kore_strtonum(args[3], 10, 1900, 2068, &err) - 1900; if (err == KORE_RESULT_ERROR) { kore_debug("misformed year in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } for (i = 0; month_names[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp(month_names[i].name, args[2])) { tm.tm_mon = month_names[i].value; break; } } if (month_names[i].name == NULL) { kore_debug("misformed month in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } tm.tm_mday = kore_strtonum(args[1], 10, 1, 31, &err); if (err == KORE_RESULT_ERROR) { kore_debug("misformed mday in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } if (kore_split_string(args[4], ":", tbuf, 5) != 3) { kore_debug("misformed HH:MM:SS in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } tm.tm_hour = kore_strtonum(tbuf[0], 10, 0, 23, &err); if (err == KORE_RESULT_ERROR) { kore_debug("misformed hour in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } tm.tm_min = kore_strtonum(tbuf[1], 10, 0, 59, &err); if (err == KORE_RESULT_ERROR) { kore_debug("misformed minutes in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } tm.tm_sec = kore_strtonum(tbuf[2], 10, 0, 60, &err); if (err == KORE_RESULT_ERROR) { kore_debug("misformed seconds in http-date: '%s'", http_date); goto out; } tm.tm_isdst = ltm->tm_isdst; t = mktime(&tm) + ltm->tm_gmtoff; if (t == -1) { t = 0; kore_debug("mktime() on '%s' failed", http_date); } out: kore_free(sdup); return (t); } char * kore_time_to_date(time_t now) { struct tm *tm; static time_t last = 0; static char tbuf[32]; if (now != last) { last = now; tm = gmtime(&now); if (!strftime(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT", tm)) { kore_debug("strftime() gave us NULL (%ld)", now); return (NULL); } } return (tbuf); } u_int64_t kore_time_ms(void) { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) return (0); return (tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000)); } int kore_base64_encode(u_int8_t *data, size_t len, char **out) { u_int32_t b; struct kore_buf *res; size_t plen, idx; u_int8_t n, *pdata; int i, padding; if ((len % 3) != 0) { padding = 3 - (len % 3); plen = len + padding; if (plen < len) fatal("plen wrapped"); pdata = kore_malloc(plen); memcpy(pdata, data, len); memset(pdata + len, 0, padding); } else { plen = len; padding = 0; pdata = data; } res = kore_buf_create(plen); i = 2; b = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < plen; idx++) { b |= (pdata[idx] << (i * 8)); if (i-- == 0) { for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { n = (b >> (6 * i)) & 0x3f; if (n >= sizeof(b64table)) { kore_debug("unable to encode %d", n); kore_buf_free(res); return (KORE_RESULT_ERROR); } if (idx >= len && i < padding) break; kore_buf_append(res, &(b64table[n]), 1); } b = 0; i = 2; } } for (i = 0; i < padding; i++) kore_buf_append(res, (u_int8_t *)"=", 1); if (pdata != data) kore_free(pdata); pdata = kore_buf_release(res, &plen); if ((plen + 1) < plen) fatal("plen wrapped"); *out = kore_malloc(plen + 1); (void)kore_strlcpy(*out, (char *)pdata, plen + 1); kore_free(pdata); return (KORE_RESULT_OK); } int kore_base64_decode(char *in, u_int8_t **out, size_t *olen) { int i, c; struct kore_buf *res; u_int8_t d, n, o; u_int32_t b, len, idx; i = 4; b = 0; d = 0; c = 0; len = strlen(in); res = kore_buf_create(len); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { c = in[idx]; if (c == '=') break; for (o = 0; o < sizeof(b64table); o++) { if (b64table[o] == c) { d = o; break; } } if (o == sizeof(b64table)) { *out = NULL; kore_buf_free(res); return (KORE_RESULT_ERROR); } b |= (d & 0x3f) << ((i - 1) * 6); i--; if (i == 0) { for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) { n = (b >> (8 * i)); kore_buf_append(res, &n, 1); } b = 0; i = 4; } } if (c == '=') { if (i > 2) { *out = NULL; kore_buf_free(res); return (KORE_RESULT_ERROR); } o = i; for (i = 2; i >= o; i--) { n = (b >> (8 * i)); kore_buf_append(res, &n, 1); } } *out = kore_buf_release(res, olen); return (KORE_RESULT_OK); } void * kore_mem_find(void *src, size_t slen, void *needle, size_t len) { size_t pos; for (pos = 0; pos < slen; pos++) { if ( *((u_int8_t *)src + pos) != *(u_int8_t *)needle) continue; if ((slen - pos) < len) return (NULL); if (!memcmp((u_int8_t *)src + pos, needle, len)) return ((u_int8_t *)src + pos); } return (NULL); } char * kore_text_trim(char *string, size_t len) { char *end; if (len == 0) return (string); end = (string + len) - 1; while (isspace(*string) && string < end) string++; while (isspace(*end) && end > string) *(end)-- = '\0'; return (string); } char * kore_read_line(FILE *fp, char *in, size_t len) { char *p, *t; if (fgets(in, len, fp) == NULL) return (NULL); p = in; in[strcspn(in, "\n")] = '\0'; while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (p[0] == '#' || p[0] == '\0') { p[0] = '\0'; return (p); } for (t = p; *t != '\0'; t++) { if (*t == '\t') *t = ' '; } return (p); } void fatal(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[2048]; extern const char *__progname; va_start(args, fmt); (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (!foreground) kore_log(LOG_ERR, "%s", buf); #if !defined(KORE_NO_TLS) if (worker != NULL && worker->id == KORE_WORKER_KEYMGR) kore_keymgr_cleanup(); #endif printf("%s: %s\n", __progname, buf); exit(1); }